blob: 85e79d0431b941c6d966124b5ebfdac4208ca579 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common email routines."""
import base64
import commands
import getpass
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import shutil
import dash_util
from build_info import BuildInfo
from dash_view import AutotestDashView
# String resources.
from dash_strings import AUTOTEST_USER
from dash_strings import EMAIL_BUILDS_TO_CHECK
from dash_strings import EMAIL_DIR
from dash_strings import EMAIL_URL_BASE
from dash_strings import LOCAL_TMP_DIR
from dash_strings import PERFORMANCE_DIR
from dash_strings import WGET_CMD
class EmailNotifier(object):
"""Base class to send emails based on some condition."""
def __init__(self, base_dir, netbook, board_type, use_sheriffs,
extra_emails, email_prefix, email_type):
self._dash_view = AutotestDashView()
self._netbook = netbook
self._board_type = board_type
self._use_sheriffs = use_sheriffs
self._extra_emails = extra_emails
self._email_prefix = email_prefix
self._build_info = BuildInfo()
self._base_dir = base_dir
self._cache_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, LOCAL_TMP_DIR, netbook, board_type)
self._email_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, EMAIL_DIR, email_type, board_type)
self._performance_dir = os.path.join(
base_dir, netbook, board_type, PERFORMANCE_DIR)
def GetEmailDir(self):
return self._email_dir
def GetPerformanceDir(self):
return self._performance_dir
def GetBuilds(self, category, build_count=EMAIL_BUILDS_TO_CHECK):
return self._dash_view.GetBuilds(
self._netbook, self._board_type, category)[:build_count]
def GetTestNamesInBuild(self, category, build):
return self._dash_view.GetTestNamesInBuild(
self._netbook, self._board_type, category, build)
def GetTestDetails(self, category, test_name, build):
return self._dash_view.GetTestDetails(
self._netbook, self._board_type, category, test_name,
def GetTestErrorLog(self, log_url):
diag = dash_util.DebugTiming()
command = '%s %s' % (WGET_CMD, log_url)
error_log = commands.getoutput(command)
del diag
return error_log
def GetEmailFilename(self, category, build):
return '%s/%s_%s_%s' % (
self._cache_dir, self._email_prefix, category, build)
def PruneEmailFiles(self, category):
file_prefix = '%s_%s_' % (self._email_prefix, category)
for f in os.listdir(self._cache_dir):
if f.find(file_prefix) == 0:'Pruning %s from %s.', f, self._cache_dir)
os.remove('%s/%s' % (self._cache_dir, f))
def Checked(self, category, build):
return os.path.exists(self.GetEmailFilename(category, build))
def SetChecked(self, category, build):
dash_util.SaveHTML(self.GetEmailFilename(category, build), '')
def FindCurrentSheriffs(self):
# sheriff.js normally returns a comma separated list of sheriffs,
# but it may return the following on a weekend:
# document.write('None (channel is sheriff)')
sheriff_from_js = (
'%s '
' 2>/dev/null | sed "s/.*\'\\(.*\\)\'.*/\\1/"' % WGET_CMD)
out = commands.getoutput(sheriff_from_js)
if out[:4] == 'None':
return None
return [name.strip() for name in out.split(',') if name.strip()]
def SendEmail(self, subject, body):
"""Utility sendmail function.
URL to email.
email_to = []
email_cc = []
me = getpass.getuser()
if self._use_sheriffs:
sheriffs = self.FindCurrentSheriffs()
# Sometimes no sheriffs assigned.
if sheriffs:
if self._extra_emails:
# For debugging email.
to = []
for user in email_to:
if user.find('@') > -1:
to.append('' % user)
to = ';'.join(to)
email_cc = ';'.join(email_cc)
# Base64 will encode 32 bytes (size of sha256 hash) as 44. Determined by
# f(n) = (n + 2 - ((n + 2) % 3)) / 3 * 4. Which means each byte in output
# represents approximately 32/44 bytes of input. Taking 5 bytes of the
# base64 output provides a little over 29bits of information.
# Theory says we'll have a 50% chance of a collision when we have sqrt(N)
# items (see: the birthday problem). Those numbers work out to be:
# 4 bytes = sqrt(64^4) = 4,096 items
# 5 bytes = sqrt(64^5) = 32,768 items
# 6 bytes = sqrt(64^6) = 262,144 items
# Testing these numbers shows:
# 4 bytes took O(1,000) before a collision was found.
# 5 bytes took O(10,000) ...
# 6 bytes took O(100,000) ...
# With any good hash function, changing a single bit in the input will
# affect every bit in the output equally. As such, and since we're only
# using the hash for short-names, it's okay to trim it to our liking.
hashed_sent_copy = os.path.join(
self._email_dir, '%s.html' % base64.urlsafe_b64encode(
# Generate and insert the email_url into the message body if requested. Use
# __email_url__ and replace since % won't handle the Django escaping.
email_url = EMAIL_URL_BASE + hashed_sent_copy.replace(
self._base_dir, '', 1).lstrip('/')
body = body.replace('__email_url__', email_url)
"Sending email to: '%s' cc: '%s' with subject: '%s'.",
to, email_cc, subject)
sent_copy = os.path.join(
self._email_dir, '%s.html' % subject.replace(' ', '_'))
f = open(sent_copy, 'w')
return_code = f.close()
if return_code is not None:
logging.warning('File (%s) write exit status: %s', sent_copy, return_code)
shutil.copyfile(sent_copy, hashed_sent_copy)
p = os.popen('/usr/sbin/sendmail -t', 'w')
p.write('To: %s\n' % to)
if email_cc:
p.write('Cc: %s\n' % email_cc)
p.write('Subject: %s\n' % subject)
p.write('Content-Type: text/html')
p.write('\n') # blank line separating headers from body
return_code = p.close()
if return_code is not None:
logging.error('Sendmail exit status %s', return_code)
return email_url
def CheckItems(self, items):
# Implemented by derived class.
# Sets state in the class.
def GenerateEmail(self):
# Implemented by derived class.
# Uses state set by CheckItems.