blob: c3966d945539c1e38d74cbf498c5631931e885b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import firmware_hash
import glob
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
from autotest_lib.client.bin import factory
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import flashrom_util
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import gbb_util
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import site_fmap
from autotest_lib.client.cros import vblock
class hardware_Components(test.test):
version = 2
# We divide all component IDs (cids) into 5 categories:
# - enumable: able to get the results by running specific commands;
# - PCI: PCI devices;
# - USB: USB devices;
# - probable: returns existed or not by given some pre-defined choices;
# - not test: only data, don't test them.
_enumerable_cids = [
_pci_cids = [
_usb_cids = [
_probable_cids = [
_not_test_cids = [
_to_be_tested_cids_groups = [
_not_present = 'Not Present'
def get_all_enumerable_components(self):
results = {}
for cid in self._enumerable_cids:
components = self.force_get_property('get_' + cid)
if not isinstance(components, list):
components = [ components ]
results[cid] = components
return results
def get_all_pci_components(self):
cmd = 'lspci -n | cut -f3 -d" "'
return utils.system_output(cmd).split()
def get_all_usb_components(self):
cmd = 'lsusb | cut -f6 -d" "'
return utils.system_output(cmd).split()
def check_enumerable_component(self, cid, exact_values, approved_values):
if '*' in approved_values:
for value in exact_values:
if value not in approved_values:
if cid in self._failures:
self._failures[cid] = [ value ]
def check_pci_usb_component(self, cid, system_values, approved_values):
if '*' in approved_values:
self._system[cid] = [ '*' ]
for value in approved_values:
if value in system_values:
self._system[cid] = [ value ]
self._failures[cid] = [ 'No match' ]
def check_probable_component(self, cid, approved_values):
if '*' in approved_values:
self._system[cid] = [ '*' ]
for value in approved_values:
present = getattr(self, 'probe_' + cid)(value)
if present:
self._system[cid] = [ value ]
self._failures[cid] = [ 'No match' ]
def get_data_display_geometry(self):
# Get edid from driver. TODO(nsanders): this is driver specific.
# TODO(waihong): read-edid is also x86 only.
cmd = 'find /sys/devices/ -name edid | grep LVDS'
edid_file = utils.system_output(cmd)
cmd = ('cat ' + edid_file + ' | parse-edid | grep "Mode " | '
'sed \'s/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\\1/\'')
data = utils.system_output(cmd).split()
if not data:
data = [ '' ]
return data
def get_hash_ec_firmware(self):
Returns a hash of Embedded Controller firmware parts,
to confirm we have proper updated version of EC firmware.
return firmware_hash.get_ec_hash(exception_type=error.TestError)
def get_hash_ro_firmware(self):
Returns a hash of Read Only (BIOS) firmware parts,
to confirm we have proper keys / boot code / recovery image installed.
return firmware_hash.get_bios_ro_hash(exception_type=error.TestError)
def get_part_id_audio_codec(self):
cmd = 'grep -R Codec: /proc/asound/* | head -n 1 | sed s/.\*Codec://'
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def get_part_id_cpu(self):
cmd = 'grep -m 1 \'model name\' /proc/cpuinfo | sed s/.\*://'
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def get_part_id_display_panel(self):
cmd = 'find /sys/devices/ -name edid | grep LVDS'
edid_file = utils.system_output(cmd)
cmd = ('cat ' + edid_file + ' | parse-edid | grep ModelName | '
'sed \'s/^.*ModelName "\(.*\)"$/\\1/\'')
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def get_part_id_embedded_controller(self):
# example output:
# Found Nuvoton WPCE775x (id=0x05, rev=0x02) at 0x2e
parts = []
res = utils.system_output('superiotool', ignore_status=True).split('\n')
for line in res:
match ='Found (.*) at', line)
if match:
part_id = ", ".join(parts)
return part_id
def get_part_id_ethernet(self):
Returns a colon delimited string where the first section
is the vendor id and the second section is the device id.
# Ethernet is optional so mark it as not present. A human
# operator needs to decide if this is acceptable or not.
vendor_file = '/sys/class/net/eth0/device/vendor'
part_file = '/sys/class/net/eth0/device/device'
if os.path.exists(part_file) and os.path.exists(vendor_file):
vendor_id = utils.read_one_line(vendor_file).replace('0x', '')
part_id = utils.read_one_line(part_file).replace('0x', '')
return "%s:%s" % (vendor_id, part_id)
return self._not_present
def get_part_id_dram(self):
grep_cmd = 'grep i2c_dev /proc/modules'
i2c_loaded = (utils.system(grep_cmd, ignore_status=True) == 0)
if not i2c_loaded:
utils.system('modprobe i2c_dev')
cmd = ('mosys -l memory spd print geometry | '
'grep size_mb | cut -f2 -d"|"')
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
if not i2c_loaded:
utils.system('modprobe -r i2c_dev')
if part_id != '':
return part_id
return self._not_present
def get_part_id_flash_chip(self):
# example output:
# Found chip "Winbond W25x16" (2048 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfe
parts = []
lines = utils.system_output('flashrom -V -p internal:bus=spi',
for line in lines:
match ='Found chip "(.*)" .* at physical address ',
if match:
part_id = ", ".join(parts)
return part_id
def get_part_id_ec_flash_chip(self):
# example output:
# Found chip "Winbond W25x10" (128 KB, SPI) at physical address ...
parts = []
lines = utils.system_output('flashrom -V -p internal:bus=lpc',
# Undo BBS register after call.
utils.system('flashrom -p internal:bus=spi', ignore_status=True)
for line in lines:
match ='Found chip "(.*)" .* at physical address ',
if match:
part_id = ", ".join(parts)
return part_id
def get_part_id_hwqual(self):
hwid_file = '/sys/devices/platform/chromeos_acpi/HWID'
if os.path.exists(hwid_file):
part_id = utils.read_one_line(hwid_file)
return part_id
return self._not_present
def get_part_id_keyboard(self):
# VPD value "initial_locale"="en-US" should be listed.
cmd = 'vpd -i RO_VPD -l | grep \"keyboard_layout\" | cut -f4 -d\'"\' '
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
if part_id != '':
return part_id
return self._not_present
def get_part_id_storage(self):
cmd = ('cd $(find /sys/devices -name sda)/../..; '
'cat vendor model | tr "\n" " " | sed "s/ \+/ /g"')
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def get_part_id_tpm(self):
Returns Manufacturer_info : Chip_Version
cmd = 'tpm_version'
tpm_output = utils.system_output(cmd)
tpm_lines = tpm_output.splitlines()
tpm_dict = {}
for tpm_line in tpm_lines:
[key, colon, value] = tpm_line.partition(':')
tpm_dict[key.strip()] = value.strip()
part_id = ''
key1, key2 = 'Manufacturer Info', 'Chip Version'
if key1 in tpm_dict and key2 in tpm_dict:
part_id = tpm_dict[key1] + ':' + tpm_dict[key2]
return part_id
def get_part_id_wireless(self):
Returns a colon delimited string where the first section
is the vendor id and the second section is the device id.
part_id = utils.read_one_line('/sys/class/net/wlan0/device/device')
vendor_id = utils.read_one_line('/sys/class/net/wlan0/device/vendor')
return "%s:%s" % (vendor_id.replace('0x',''), part_id.replace('0x',''))
def get_closed_vendor_id_touchpad(self, vendor_name):
Using closed-source method to derive the vendor information
given the vendor name.
part_id = ''
if vendor_name.lower() == 'synaptics':
detect_program = '/opt/Synaptics/bin/syndetect'
model_string_str = 'Model String'
firmware_id_str = 'Firmware ID'
if os.path.exists(detect_program):
data = utils.system_output(detect_program, ignore_status=True)
properties = dict(map(str.strip, line.split('=', 1))
for line in data.splitlines() if '=' in line)
model = properties.get(model_string_str, 'UnknownModel')
firmware_id = properties.get(firmware_id_str, 'UnknownFWID')
# The pattern " on xxx Port" may vary by the detection approach,
# so we need to strip it.
model = re.sub(' on [^ ]* [Pp]ort$', '', model)
# Format: Model #FirmwareId
part_id = '%s #%s' % (model, firmware_id)
return part_id
def get_vendor_id_touchpad(self):
# First, try to use closed-source method to probe touch pad
part_id = self.get_closed_vendor_id_touchpad('Synaptics')
if part_id != '':
return part_id
# If the closed-source method above fails to find vendor infomation,
# try an open-source method.
cmd_grep = 'grep -i Touchpad /proc/bus/input/devices | sed s/.\*=//'
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd_grep).strip('"')
return part_id
def get_vendor_id_webcam(self):
cmd = 'cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/name'
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def get_version_rw_firmware(self):
Returns the version of Read-Write (writable) firmware from VBOOT
section. If A/B has different version, that means this system
needs a reboot + firmwar update so return value is a "error report"
in the form "A=x, B=y".
versions = [None, None]
section_names = ['VBOOTA', 'VBOOTB']
flashrom = flashrom_util.flashrom_util()
if not flashrom.select_bios_flashrom():
raise error.TestError('Cannot select BIOS flashrom')
base_img = flashrom.read_whole()
flashrom_size = len(base_img)
# we can trust base image for layout, since it's only RW.
layout = flashrom.detect_chromeos_bios_layout(flashrom_size, base_img)
if not layout:
raise error.TestError('Cannot detect ChromeOS flashrom layout')
for index, name in enumerate(section_names):
data = flashrom.get_section(base_img, layout, name)
block = vblock.unpack_verification_block(data)
ver = block['VbFirmwarePreambleHeader']['firmware_version']
versions[index] = ver
# we embed error reports in return value.
assert len(versions) == 2
if versions[0] != versions[1]:
return 'A=%d, B=%d' % (versions[0], versions[1])
return '%d' % (versions[0])
def get_version_3g_firmware(self):
vendor_cmd = ('modem status | '
'sed -n -e "/Manufacturer/s/.*Manufacturer: //p"')
vendor = utils.system_output(vendor_cmd)
modem_cmd = ('modem status | sed -n -e "/Modem/s/.*Modem: //p"')
modem = utils.system_output(modem_cmd)
if vendor == 'Samsung' and modem == 'GT-Y3300X':
cmd = ("modem status | grep Version: -A 2 | tail -1 | "
"awk '{print $1}'")
version = utils.system_output(cmd)
elif vendor == 'Qualcomm Incorporated':
cmd = ("modem status | awk '/Version: / {print $2}'")
version = utils.system_output(cmd)
version = 'Unknown'
return version
def probe_key_recovery(self, part_id):
current_key = self._gbb.get_recoverykey()
target_key = utils.read_file(part_id)
return current_key.startswith(target_key)
def probe_key_root(self, part_id):
current_key = self._gbb.get_rootkey()
target_key = utils.read_file(part_id)
return current_key.startswith(target_key)
def probe_part_id_cardreader(self, part_id):
# A cardreader is always power off until a card inserted. So checking
# it using log messages instead of lsusb can limit operator-attended.
# But note that it does not guarantee the cardreader presented during
# the time of the test.
[vendor_id, product_id] = part_id.split(':')
found_pattern = ('New USB device found, idVendor=%s, idProduct=%s' %
(vendor_id, product_id))
cmd = 'grep -qs "%s" /var/log/messages*' % found_pattern
return utils.system(cmd, ignore_status=True) == 0
def probe_part_id_chrontel(self, part_id):
if part_id == self._not_present:
return True
if part_id == 'ch7036':
grep_cmd = 'grep i2c_dev /proc/modules'
i2c_loaded = (utils.system(grep_cmd, ignore_status=True) == 0)
if not i2c_loaded:
utils.system('modprobe i2c_dev')
probe_cmd = 'ch7036_monitor -p'
present = (utils.system(probe_cmd, ignore_status=True) == 0)
if not i2c_loaded:
utils.system('modprobe -r i2c_dev')
return present
return False
def force_get_property(self, property_name):
""" Returns property value or empty string on error. """
return getattr(self, property_name)()
except error.TestError as e:
logging.error("Test error in getting property %s", property_name,
return ''
logging.error("Exception getting property %s", property_name,
return ''
def pformat(self, obj):
return "\n" + self._pp.pformat(obj) + "\n"
def update_ignored_cids(self, ignored_cids):
for cid in ignored_cids:
for group in self._to_be_tested_cids_groups:
if cid in group:
raise error.TestError('The ignored cid %s is not defined' % cid)
def read_approved_from_file(self, filename):
approved = eval(utils.read_file(filename))
for group in self._to_be_tested_cids_groups + [ self._not_test_cids ]:
for cid in group:
if cid not in approved:
# If we don't have any listing for this type
# of part in HWID, it's not required.
factory.log('Bypassing unlisted cid %s' % cid)
approved[cid] = '*'
return approved
def select_correct_dbs(self, approved_dbs):
id_hwqual = None
id_hwqual = factory.get_shared_data('part_id_hwqual')
except Exception, e:
# hardware_Components may run without factory environment
factory.log('Failed getting shared data, ignored: %s' % repr(e))
if id_hwqual:
# If HwQual ID is already specified, find the list with same ID.
id_hwqual = id_hwqual.replace(' ', '_')
approved_dbs = 'data_*/components_%s' % id_hwqual
sample_approved_dbs = 'approved_components.default'
if (not glob.glob(approved_dbs)) and glob.glob(sample_approved_dbs):
# Fallback to the default (sample) version
approved_dbs = sample_approved_dbs
factory.log('Using default (sample) approved component list: %s'
% sample_approved_dbs)
# approved_dbs supports shell-like filename expansion.
existing_dbs = glob.glob(approved_dbs)
if not existing_dbs:
raise error.TestError('Unable to find approved db: %s' %
return existing_dbs
def initialize(self):
self._gbb = gbb_util.GBBUtility()
self._pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
def run_once(self, approved_dbs='approved_components', ignored_cids=[]):
enumerable_system = self.get_all_enumerable_components()
pci_system = self.get_all_pci_components()
usb_system = self.get_all_usb_components()
only_cardreader_failed = False
all_failures = 'The following components are not matched.\n'
correct_dbs = self.select_correct_dbs(approved_dbs)
for db in correct_dbs:
self._system = enumerable_system
self._failures = {}
approved = self.read_approved_from_file(db)
factory.log('Approved DB: %s' % self.pformat(approved))
for cid in self._enumerable_cids:
cid, enumerable_system[cid], approved[cid])
for cid in self._pci_cids:
self.check_pci_usb_component(cid, pci_system, approved[cid])
for cid in self._usb_cids:
self.check_pci_usb_component(cid, usb_system, approved[cid])
for cid in self._probable_cids:
self.check_probable_component(cid, approved[cid])
factory.log('System: %s' % self.pformat(self._system))
outdb = 'system_%s' % os.path.basename(db).replace('approved_', '')
outdb = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, outdb)
utils.open_write_close(outdb, self.pformat(self._system))
if self._failures:
if self._failures.keys() == ['part_id_cardreader']:
only_cardreader_failed = True
all_failures += 'For DB %s:' % db
all_failures += self.pformat(self._failures)
# If one of DBs is matched, record some data in shared_data.
cids_need_to_be_record = ['part_id_hwqual']
for cid in cids_need_to_be_record:
factory.set_shared_data(cid, approved[cid][0])
except Exception, e:
# hardware_Components may run without factory environment
factory.log('Failed setting shared data, ignored: %s' %
if only_cardreader_failed:
all_failures = ('You may forget to insert an SD card.\n' +
raise error.TestFail(all_failures)