blob: e6df1540e786dd8d4fe6a5452d3e6280f97e5e3e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import time
import dbus
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import rtc, sys_power
# Special import to define the location of the flimflam library.
from autotest_lib.client.cros import flimflam_test_path
import flimflam
class network_3GSuspendResume(test.test):
version = 1
okerrors = [
# Setting of device power can sometimes result with InProgress error
# if it is in the process of already doing so.
scenarios = [
# This function returns True when cellular service is available. Otherwise,
# if the timeout period has been hit, it returns false.
def cellular_service_available(self, timeout=60):
flim = flimflam.FlimFlam(dbus.SystemBus())
service = flim.FindCellularService(timeout)
if service:'Cellular service is available')
return True'Cellular service is not available')
return False
def get_powered(self, device):
properties = device.GetProperties()
logging.debug(properties)'Power state of cellular device is %s ',
['off', 'on'][properties['Powered']])
return properties['Powered']
def set_powered(self, device, state):
device.SetProperty('Powered', dbus.Boolean(state))
except dbus.exceptions.DBusException, e:
if e._dbus_error_name not in network_3GSuspendResume.okerrors:
raise e
return self.get_powered(device) == state
def suspend_resume(self, duration=10):
alarm_time = rtc.get_seconds() + duration'Suspending machine for: %d\n' % duration)
# Race condition hack alert: Before we added this sleep, this
# test was very sensitive to the relative timing of the test
# and modem resumption. There is a window where flimflam has
# not yet learned that the old modem has gone away (it doesn't
# find this out until seconds after we resume) and the test is
# running. If the test finds and attempts to use the old
# modem, those operations will fail. There's no good
# hardware-independent way to see the modem go away and come
# back, so instead we sleep
# __get_cellular_device is a hack wrapper around the FindCellularDevice
# that verifies that GetProperties can be called before proceeding.
# There appears to be an issue after suspend/resume where GetProperties
# returns with UnknownMethod called until some time later.
def __get_cellular_device(self, timeout=30):
start_time = time.time()
flim = flimflam.FlimFlam(dbus.SystemBus())
device = flim.FindCellularDevice(timeout)
properties = None
timeout = start_time + timeout
while properties is None and time.time() < timeout:
properties = device.GetProperties()
properties = None
return device
# The suspend_3g_enabled test suspends, then resumes the machine while
# 3g is enabled.
def scenario_suspend_3g_enabled(self):
device = self.__get_cellular_device()
self.set_powered(device, 1)
if not self.cellular_service_available():
raise error.TestError('Unable to find cellular service')
# The suspend_3g_disabled test suspends, then resumes the machine while
# 3g is disabled.
def scenario_suspend_3g_disabled(self):
device = self.__get_cellular_device()
self.set_powered(device, 0)
# This verifies that the device is in the same state before and after
# the device is suspended/resumed.
device = self.__get_cellular_device()
if self.get_powered(device) != 0:
raise error.TestError('Device is not in same state it was prior'
'to Suspend/Resume')
# Turn on the device to make sure we can bring it back up.
self.set_powered(device, 1)
# The suspend_3g_disabled_twice subroutine is here because
# of bug 9405. The test will suspend/resume the device twice
# while 3g is disabled. We will then verify that 3g can be enabled
# thereafter.
def scenario_suspend_3g_disabled_twice(self):
device = self.__get_cellular_device()
self.set_powered(device, 0)
for _ in [0, 1]:
# This verifies that the device is in the same state before
# and after the device is suspended/resumed.
device = self.__get_cellular_device()
if self.get_powered(device) != 0:
raise error.TestError('Device is not in same state it was prior'
'to Suspend/Resume')
# Turn on the device to make sure we can bring it back up.
self.set_powered(device, 1)
# This is the wrapper around the running of each scenario with
# initialization steps and final checks.
def run_scenario(self, function_name):
device = self.__get_cellular_device()
# Initialize all tests with the power off.
self.set_powered(device, 0)
function = getattr(self, function_name)'Running scenario %s' % function_name)
# By the end of each test, the cellular device should be up.
# Here we verify that the power state of the device is up, and
# that the cellular service can be found.
device = self.__get_cellular_device()
if not self.get_powered(device) == 1:
raise error.TestFail('Failed to execute scenario '
'%s' % function_name)'Scenario complete: %s' % function_name)
if not self.cellular_service_available():
raise error.TestFail('Cellular service is not available at end '
'of %s' % function_name)
def run_once(self):
for t in network_3GSuspendResume.scenarios: