blob: ad78f463eca6d057a06fca650e080c19aee6956a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# An example of how to set up an IPSec VPN from the Client (DUT),
# through the Router to to the Server.
{ "name" : "VPNIPsecGenesis",
# Create WiFi connection from Client to Router.
[ "create", { "type" : "hostap" } ],
[ "config", { "channel" : "2412", "mode" : "11b" } ],
[ "connect", { "security" : "none" } ],
# The text '@ipsecrets-ip@' is automtically replaced with the
# correct server IP for the current test configuration, and should
# not be replaced through this list of steps; in fact, any
# replacements will be automatically overridden.
# The text '@local-listen-ip@' is also replaced with the IP number
# of the interface connected to the WiFi router. The default is
# 'wifi_addr' (, and it should not be replaced this
# list of steps; in fact, any replacements will be automatically
# overridden. Configure and launch the VPN server. Automatically
# kills any previously running server.
[ "vpn_server_config", {
"kind" : "l2tpipsec",
"replacements" : { "@plutodebug@" : "all" }}],
# Launch the VPN Client.
[ "vpn_client_config", { "kind" : "l2tpipsec-psk",
"password" : "password", # ipsec.secrets
"chapuser" : "chapuser", # chap-secrets
"chapsecret" : "chapsecret" # chap-secrets
# Verify the client is connected to the server
[ "client_ping", { "ping_ip" : "", # IP in xl2tpd.conf.
"count" : "10" } ],
[ "vpn_client_kill" ], # Shut down the VPN Client.
[ "vpn_server_kill" ], # Shut down the VPN Server.
[ "disconnect" ], # Disconnect WiFi setup