blob: ef647326928ade2faac3b765a898ba8ce87af8cf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import django.http
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
import gviz_api
import simplejson
from autotest_lib.frontend.croschart import models
class ChartException(Exception):
def CommonPlotChart(boards, netbook, from_build, to_build,
test_name, test_key, width, height, interval=None):
tpl_gviz_id = '%s-%s' % (test_name, test_key)
tpl_gviz_title = test_name
tpl_perf_key = test_key
tpl_width = width
tpl_height = height
gviz_data, tpl_job_tags = models.GetChartData(boards, netbook,
from_build, to_build,
test_name, test_key, interval)
if not gviz_data:
raise ChartException
# Use gviz_api to create efficient data tables.
data_table = gviz_api.DataTable({
'build': ('string', 'Build'),
tpl_perf_key: ('number', tpl_perf_key)})
tpl_gviz_js = data_table.ToJSon(['build', tpl_perf_key])
tpl_colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'black']
return render_to_response('plot_chart.html', locals())
return render_to_response('plot_unavailable.html', locals())
# Responds to restful request.
def PlotChartFromBuilds(request, boards, netbook, from_build, to_build,
test_name, test_key, width, height):
return CommonPlotChart(boards, netbook, from_build, to_build,
test_name, test_key, width, height)
def PlotChartInterval(
request, boards, netbook, test_name, test_key, width, height):
from_build = to_build = None
interval = '2 WEEK'
return CommonPlotChart(boards, netbook, from_build, to_build,
test_name, test_key, width, height, interval)
def CommonFrameCharts(tpl_boards, tpl_netbook, tpl_width, tpl_height):
tpl_charts = simplejson.load(open(
return render_to_response('charts.html', locals())
def FrameChartsBoardNetbook(request, boards, netbook, width, height):
return CommonFrameCharts(boards, netbook, width, height)
def FrameChartsTestsKeys(request, boards, netbook, from_build, to_build,
test_key_names, width, height):
tpl_width = width
tpl_height = height
tpl_boards = boards
tpl_netbook = netbook
tpl_from_build = from_build
tpl_to_build = to_build
tpl_charts = [c.split(',') for c in test_key_names.split('&')]
return render_to_response('charts.html', locals())