blob: e504dffa30c262572c31c4443eb89e8f2c15c828 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# An example of how to set up a VPN from the Client (DUT), through the
# Router to to the Server.
{ "name":"VPNGenesis",
### Create WiFi connection from Client to Router.
[ "create", { "type":"hostap" } ],
[ "config", { "channel":"2412", "mode":"11b" } ],
[ "connect", { "security":"none" } ],
### Create Client & Server VPN configurations.
### o Install certficiates files on Server, and Client.
### o Create VPN configuration on the Server.
[ "install_files", { "system" : "server",
"files" :
{ "/tmp/vpn-ca.crt":
[ "install_files", { "system" : "client",
"files" :
{ "/tmp/vpn-ca.crt":
### Configure and launch the VPN server.
### Automatically kills any previously running server.
### There are two vpn_server_config() uses to ensure that the
### internal configuration is persistent across invocations.
[ "vpn_server_config", { "kind" : "openvpn",
"config" :
{ "port":"1194",
"keepalive":"10 120",
# Having two vpn_server_config invocations back-to-back results in
# a failure with 'pkill' right after an rspro boot. There seems
# to be some significant latency when starting openvpn the first
# time, so slow the system down a tad to avoid spurious errors.
[ "sleep", { "time": "1" } ],
[ "vpn_server_config", { "kind" : "openvpn",
"config" : { "comp-lzo":"" }
### Launch the VPN Client.
[ "vpn_client_load_tunnel" ],
[ "vpn_client_config", { "kind":"openvpn",
"client-key":"/tmp/vpn-client.key" },
### Verify the client is connected to the server
[ "client_ping", { "ping_ip":"",
"count":"10" } ],
### Ensure the VPN also works with the client-side default of
### '--remote-cert-tls server'.
[ "vpn_client_config", { "kind":"openvpn",
"client-key":"/tmp/vpn-client.key" },
### Verify the client is connected to the server
[ "client_ping", { "ping_ip":"",
"count":"10" } ],
[ "vpn_server_kill" ], # Shut down the VPN Server.
[ "vpn_client_kill" ], # Shut down the VPN Client.
[ "disconnect" ], # Disconnect WiFi setup