blob: b6cc26fc0a2ae75cafa475477430773e0dc06246 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, os, platform, time
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class TimeoutError(error.TestError):
"""Error raised when we time out when waiting on a condition."""
def poll_for_condition(
condition, exception=None, timeout=10, sleep_interval=0.1, desc=None):
"""Poll until a condition becomes true.
condition: function taking no args and returning bool
exception: exception to throw if condition doesn't become true
timeout: maximum number of seconds to wait
sleep_interval: time to sleep between polls
desc: description of default TimeoutError used if 'exception' is None
'exception' arg if supplied; site_utils.TimeoutError otherwise
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if condition():
if time.time() + sleep_interval - start_time > timeout:
if exception:
raise exception
if desc:
desc = 'Timed out waiting for condition: %s' % desc
desc = 'Timed out waiting for unnamed condition'
raise TimeoutError, desc
def save_vm_state(checkpoint):
"""Saves the current state of the virtual machine.
This function is a NOOP if the test is not running under a virtual machine
with the USB serial port redirected.
checkpoint - Name used to identify this state
# The QEMU monitor has been redirected to the guest serial port located at
# /dev/ttyUSB0. To save the state of the VM, we just send the 'savevm'
# command to the serial port.
proc = platform.processor()
if 'QEMU' in proc and os.path.exists('/dev/ttyUSB0'):'Saving VM state "%s"' % checkpoint)
serial = open('/dev/ttyUSB0', 'w')
serial.write("savevm %s\r\n" % checkpoint)'Done saving VM state "%s"' % checkpoint)
def check_raw_dmesg(dmesg, message_level, whitelist):
"""Checks dmesg for unexpected warnings.
This function parses dmesg for message with message_level <= message_level
which do not appear in the whitelist.
dmesg - string containing raw dmesg buffer
message_level - minimum message priority to check
whitelist - messages to ignore
List of unexpected warnings
unexpected = []
for line in dmesg.splitlines():
if int(line[1]) <= message_level:
if not 'used greatest stack depth' in line:
stripped_line = line.split('] ', 1)[1]
if not stripped_line in whitelist:
return unexpected