| # Minimum OS version that supports server side packaging. Older builds may |
| # not have server side package built or with Autotest code change to support |
| # server-side packaging. |
| # This build is older than the one used in global config (6986). This allows |
| # moblab can still test builds in R43 branch with server-side packaging, except |
| # that with it can't run paygen_au_canary and moblab_RunSuite suites. |
| enable_ssp_container: True |
| min_version_support_ssp: 6919 |
| |
| auto_start_servod: True |
| |
| # Name of the base container. |
| container_base_name: moblab_base_06 |
| |
| # Exports tko job information to file. |
| export_tko_job_to_file: True |
| |
| # Do not reduce the log size makes it hard to debug. |
| enable_result_throttling: False |
| |
| minimum_tick_sec: 5 |
| inline_host_acquisition: False |
| exit_on_failed_ssp_setup: True |
| |
| wmatrix_url: /wmatrix |
| stainless_url: |
| |
| [CROS] |
| # Crash servers are not accessable externally. |
| crash_server: |
| # CTS result server is only available for internal google testing. |
| cts_results_server: |
| # In moblab, this paramater is empty and uses the image bucket by default. |
| results_storage_server: |
| stable_cros_version: R67-10575.55.0 |
| |
| # The pubsub topic the gs_offloader notification is sent to. |
| cloud_notification_topic: projects/chromeos-partner-moblab/topics/moblab-notification |
| |
| # All moblab DUT's are in dev mode, so skip the repair check. |
| dev_mode_allowed: True |
| |
| # Reduce upload bandwidth for partner by switching on tar and compress results. |
| gs_offloader_limit_file_count: True |
| |
| # Heartbeat rate to the cloud. |
| heartbeat_rate_seconds: 0 |