[autotest] Separate portions of dut_status.py into status_history.py

This is mere refactoring to separate out the helper classes in
dut_status.py into a new module, so that they can be reused.

TEST=Run dut_status.py, see it work

Change-Id: Ibd9a1f12f0f99bf110d576df3e0b8e06253eaec7
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/262066
Tested-by: Richard Barnette <jrbarnette@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Mungyung Ryu <mkryu@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Richard Barnette <jrbarnette@chromium.org>
diff --git a/site_utils/dut_status.py b/site_utils/dut_status.py
index c587b02..084717b 100755
--- a/site_utils/dut_status.py
+++ b/site_utils/dut_status.py
@@ -98,42 +98,29 @@
 import argparse
 import sys
 import time
 import common
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils
 from autotest_lib.server import frontend
-from autotest_lib.site_utils.suite_scheduler import constants
+from autotest_lib.site_utils import status_history
-# Values used to describe the diagnosis of a DUT.  These values are
-# used to indicate both DUT status after a job or task, and also
-# diagnosis of whether the DUT was working at the end of a given
-# time interval.
-# _NO_STATUS:  Used when there are no events recorded in a given
-#     time interval.
-# _UNKNOWN:  For an individual event, indicates that the DUT status
-#     is unchanged from the previous event.  For a time interval,
-#     indicates that the DUT's status can't be determined from the
-#     DUT's history.
-# _WORKING:  Indicates that the DUT was working normally after the
-#     event, or at the end of the time interval.
-# _BROKEN:  Indicates that the DUT needed manual repair after the
-#     event, or at the end of the time interval.
-_BROKEN = 3
+# The fully qualified name makes for lines that are too long, so
+# shorten it locally.
+HostJobHistory = status_history.HostJobHistory
-# List of string values to display for the diagnosis values above,
-# indexed by those values.
-_DIAGNOSIS_IDS = ['??', '--', 'OK', 'NO']
+#     Dictionary to map the known diagnosis codes to string values.
+    status_history.UNUSED: '??',
+    status_history.UNKNOWN: '--',
+    status_history.WORKING: 'OK',
+    status_history.BROKEN: 'NO'
 # Default time interval for the --duration option when a value isn't
@@ -141,345 +128,6 @@
-def _parse_time(time_string):
-    return int(time_utils.to_epoch_time(time_string))
-class JobEvent(object):
-    """Information about an event in host history.
-    This remembers the relevant data from a single event in host
-    history.  An event is any change in DUT state caused by a job
-    or special task.  The data captured are the start and end times
-    of the event, the URL of logs to the job or task causing the
-    event, and a diagnosis of whether the DUT was working or failed
-    afterwards.
-    This class is an adapter around the database model objects
-    describing jobs and special tasks.  This is an abstract
-    superclass, with concrete subclasses for `HostQueueEntry` and
-    `SpecialTask` objects.
-    @property start_time  Time the job or task began execution.
-    @property end_time    Time the job or task finished execution.
-    @property job_url     URL to the logs for the event's job.
-    @property diagnosis   Working status of the DUT after the event.
-    """
-    get_config_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
-    _LOG_URL_PATTERN = get_config_value('CROS', 'log_url_pattern')
-    @classmethod
-    def get_log_url(cls, afe_hostname, logdir):
-        """Return a URL to job results.
-        The URL is constructed from a base URL determined by the
-        global config, plus the relative path of the job's log
-        directory.
-        @param afe_hostname Hostname for autotest frontend
-        @param logdir Relative path of the results log directory.
-        @return A URL to the requested results log.
-        """
-        return cls._LOG_URL_PATTERN % (afe_hostname, logdir)
-    def __init__(self, start_time, end_time):
-        self.start_time = _parse_time(start_time)
-        if end_time:
-            self.end_time = _parse_time(end_time)
-        else:
-            self.end_time = None
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        """Compare two jobs by their start time.
-        This is a standard Python `__cmp__` method to allow sorting
-        `JobEvent` objects by their times.
-        @param other The `JobEvent` object to compare to `self`.
-        """
-        return self.start_time - other.start_time
-    @property
-    def job_url(self):
-        """Return the URL for this event's job logs."""
-        raise NotImplemented()
-    @property
-    def diagnosis(self):
-        """Return the status of the DUT after this event.
-        The diagnosis is interpreted as follows:
-          _UNKNOWN - The DUT status was the same before and after
-              the event.
-          _WORKING - The DUT appeared to be working after the event.
-          _BROKEN - The DUT likely required manual intervention
-              after the event.
-        @return A valid diagnosis value.
-        """
-        raise NotImplemented()
-class SpecialTaskEvent(JobEvent):
-    """`JobEvent` adapter for special tasks.
-    This class wraps the standard `JobEvent` interface around a row
-    in the `afe_special_tasks` table.
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def get_tasks(cls, afe, host_id, start_time, end_time):
-        """Return special tasks for a host in a given time range.
-        Return a list of `SpecialTaskEvent` objects representing all
-        special tasks that ran on the given host in the given time
-        range.  The list is ordered as it was returned by the query
-        (i.e. unordered).
-        @param afe         Autotest frontend
-        @param host_id     Database host id of the desired host.
-        @param start_time  Start time of the range of interest.
-        @param end_time    End time of the range of interest.
-        @return A list of `SpecialTaskEvent` objects.
-        """
-        filter_start = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(start_time)
-        filter_end = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(end_time)
-        tasks = afe.get_special_tasks(
-                host_id=host_id,
-                time_started__gte=filter_start,
-                time_started__lte=filter_end,
-                is_complete=1)
-        return [cls(afe.server, t) for t in tasks]
-    def __init__(self, afe_hostname, afetask):
-        self._afe_hostname = afe_hostname
-        self._afetask = afetask
-        super(SpecialTaskEvent, self).__init__(
-                afetask.time_started, afetask.time_finished)
-    @property
-    def job_url(self):
-        logdir = ('hosts/%s/%s-%s' %
-                  (self._afetask.host.hostname, self._afetask.id,
-                   self._afetask.task.lower()))
-        return SpecialTaskEvent.get_log_url(self._afe_hostname, logdir)
-    @property
-    def diagnosis(self):
-        if self._afetask.success:
-            return _WORKING
-        elif self._afetask.task == 'Repair':
-            return _BROKEN
-        else:
-            return _UNKNOWN
-class TestJobEvent(JobEvent):
-    """`JobEvent` adapter for regular test jobs.
-    This class wraps the standard `JobEvent` interface around a row
-    in the `afe_host_queue_entries` table.
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def get_hqes(cls, afe, host_id, start_time, end_time):
-        """Return HQEs for a host in a given time range.
-        Return a list of `TestJobEvent` objects representing all the
-        HQEs of all the jobs that ran on the given host in the given
-        time range.  The list is ordered as it was returned by the
-        query (i.e. unordered).
-        @param afe         Autotest frontend
-        @param host_id     Database host id of the desired host.
-        @param start_time  Start time of the range of interest.
-        @param end_time    End time of the range of interest.
-        @return A list of `TestJobEvent` objects.
-        """
-        filter_start = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(start_time)
-        filter_end = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(end_time)
-        hqelist = afe.get_host_queue_entries(
-                host_id=host_id,
-                start_time=filter_start,
-                end_time=filter_end,
-                complete=1)
-        return [cls(afe.server, hqe) for hqe in hqelist]
-    def __init__(self, afe_hostname, hqe):
-        self._afe_hostname = afe_hostname
-        self._hqe = hqe
-        super(TestJobEvent, self).__init__(
-                hqe.started_on, hqe.finished_on)
-    @property
-    def job_url(self):
-        logdir = '%s-%s' % (self._hqe.job.id, self._hqe.job.owner)
-        return TestJobEvent.get_log_url(self._afe_hostname, logdir)
-    @property
-    def diagnosis(self):
-        if self._hqe.finished_on is not None:
-            return _WORKING
-        else:
-            return _UNKNOWN
-class HostJobHistory(object):
-    """Class to query and remember DUT execution history.
-    This class is responsible for querying the database to determine
-    the history of a single DUT in a time interval of interest, and
-    for remembering the query results for reporting.
-    @property hostname    Host name of the DUT.
-    @property start_time  Start of the requested time interval.
-    @property end_time    End of the requested time interval.
-    @property host        Database host object for the DUT.
-    @property history     A list of jobs and special tasks that
-                          ran on the DUT in the requested time
-                          interval, ordered in reverse, from latest
-                          to earliest.
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def get_host_history(cls, afe, hostname, start_time, end_time):
-        """Create a HostJobHistory instance for a single host.
-        Simple factory method to construct host history from a
-        hostname.  Simply looks up the host in the AFE database, and
-        passes it to the class constructor.
-        @param afe         Autotest frontend
-        @param hostname    Name of the host.
-        @param start_time  Start time for the history's time
-                           interval.
-        @param end_time    End time for the history's time interval.
-        @return A new HostJobHistory instance.
-        """
-        afehost = afe.get_hosts(hostname=hostname)[0]
-        return cls(afe, afehost, start_time, end_time)
-    @classmethod
-    def get_multiple_histories(cls, afe, start_time, end_time,
-                               board=None, pool=None):
-        """Create HostJobHistory instances for a set of hosts.
-        The set of hosts can be specified as "all hosts of a given
-        board type", "all hosts in a given pool", or "all hosts
-        of a given board and pool".
-        @param afe         Autotest frontend
-        @param start_time  Start time for the history's time
-                           interval.
-        @param end_time    End time for the history's time interval.
-        @param board       All hosts must have this board type; if
-                           `None`, all boards are allowed.
-        @param pool        All hosts must be in this pool; if
-                           `None`, all pools are allowed.
-        @return A list of new HostJobHistory instances.
-        """
-        # If `board` or `pool` are both `None`, we could search the
-        # entire database, which is more expensive than we want.
-        # Our caller currently won't (can't) do this, but assert to
-        # be safe.
-        assert board is not None or pool is not None
-        labels = []
-        if board is not None:
-            labels.append(constants.Labels.BOARD_PREFIX + board)
-        if pool is not None:
-            labels.append(constants.Labels.POOL_PREFIX + pool)
-        kwargs = {'multiple_labels': labels}
-        hosts = afe.get_hosts(**kwargs)
-        return [cls(afe, h, start_time, end_time) for h in hosts]
-    def __init__(self, afe, afehost, start_time, end_time):
-        self._afe = afe
-        self.hostname = afehost.hostname
-        self.start_time = start_time
-        self.end_time = end_time
-        self._host = afehost
-        # Don't spend time filling in the history until it's needed.
-        self._history = None
-    def __iter__(self):
-        self._get_history()
-        return self._history.__iter__()
-    def _get_history(self):
-        if self._history is not None:
-            return
-        newtasks = SpecialTaskEvent.get_tasks(
-                self._afe, self._host.id, self.start_time, self.end_time)
-        newhqes = TestJobEvent.get_hqes(
-                self._afe, self._host.id, self.start_time, self.end_time)
-        newhistory = newtasks + newhqes
-        newhistory.sort(reverse=True)
-        self._history = newhistory
-    def last_diagnosis(self):
-        """Return the diagnosis of whether the DUT is working.
-        This searches the DUT's job history from most to least
-        recent, looking for jobs that indicate whether the DUT
-        was working.  Return a tuple of `(diagnosis, job)`.
-        The `diagnosis` entry in the tuple is one of these values:
-          * _NO_STATUS - The job history is empty.
-          * _UNKNOWN - All jobs in the history returned _UNKNOWN
-              status.
-          * _WORKING - The DUT is working.
-          * _BROKEN - The DUT likely requires manual intervention.
-        The `job` entry in the tuple is the job that led to the
-        diagnosis.  The job will be `None` if the diagnosis is
-        `_NO_STATUS` or `_UNKNOWN`.
-        @return A tuple with the DUT's diagnosis and the job that
-                determined it.
-        """
-        self._get_history()
-        if not self._history:
-            return _NO_STATUS, None
-        for job in self:
-            status = job.diagnosis
-            if status != _UNKNOWN:
-                return job.diagnosis, job
-        return _UNKNOWN, None
 def _include_status(status, arguments):
     """Determine whether the given status should be filtered.
@@ -495,7 +143,7 @@
             printing hosts with the status, or `False` otherwise.
-    if status == _WORKING:
+    if status == status_history.WORKING:
         return arguments.working
         return arguments.broken
@@ -728,10 +376,10 @@
             epilog='You can specify one or two of --since, --until, '
                    'and --duration, but not all three.\n'
                    'The date/time format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".')
-    parser.add_argument('-s', '--since', type=_parse_time,
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--since', type=status_history.parse_time,
                         help='starting time for history display')
-    parser.add_argument('-u', '--until', type=_parse_time,
+    parser.add_argument('-u', '--until', type=status_history.parse_time,
                         help='ending time for history display'
                              ' (default: now)')
diff --git a/site_utils/status_history.py b/site_utils/status_history.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4134139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site_utils/status_history.py
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import common
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils
+from autotest_lib.site_utils.suite_scheduler import constants
+# Values used to describe the diagnosis of a DUT.  These values are
+# used to indicate both DUT status after a job or task, and also
+# diagnosis of whether the DUT was working at the end of a given
+# time interval.
+# UNUSED:  Used when there are no events recorded in a given
+#     time interval.
+# UNKNOWN:  For an individual event, indicates that the DUT status
+#     is unchanged from the previous event.  For a time interval,
+#     indicates that the DUT's status can't be determined from the
+#     DUT's history.
+# WORKING:  Indicates that the DUT was working normally after the
+#     event, or at the end of the time interval.
+# BROKEN:  Indicates that the DUT needed manual repair after the
+#     event, or at the end of the time interval.
+def parse_time(time_string):
+    """Parse time according to a canonical form.
+    The "canonical" form is the form in which date/time
+    values are stored in the database.
+    @param time_string Time to be parsed.
+    """
+    return int(time_utils.to_epoch_time(time_string))
+class _JobEvent(object):
+    """Information about an event in host history.
+    This remembers the relevant data from a single event in host
+    history.  An event is any change in DUT state caused by a job
+    or special task.  The data captured are the start and end times
+    of the event, the URL of logs to the job or task causing the
+    event, and a diagnosis of whether the DUT was working or failed
+    afterwards.
+    This class is an adapter around the database model objects
+    describing jobs and special tasks.  This is an abstract
+    superclass, with concrete subclasses for `HostQueueEntry` and
+    `SpecialTask` objects.
+    @property start_time  Time the job or task began execution.
+    @property end_time    Time the job or task finished execution.
+    @property job_url     URL to the logs for the event's job.
+    @property diagnosis   Working status of the DUT after the event.
+    """
+    get_config_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
+    _LOG_URL_PATTERN = get_config_value('CROS', 'log_url_pattern')
+    @classmethod
+    def get_log_url(cls, afe_hostname, logdir):
+        """Return a URL to job results.
+        The URL is constructed from a base URL determined by the
+        global config, plus the relative path of the job's log
+        directory.
+        @param afe_hostname Hostname for autotest frontend
+        @param logdir Relative path of the results log directory.
+        @return A URL to the requested results log.
+        """
+        return cls._LOG_URL_PATTERN % (afe_hostname, logdir)
+    def __init__(self, start_time, end_time):
+        self.start_time = parse_time(start_time)
+        if end_time:
+            self.end_time = parse_time(end_time)
+        else:
+            self.end_time = None
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        """Compare two jobs by their start time.
+        This is a standard Python `__cmp__` method to allow sorting
+        `_JobEvent` objects by their times.
+        @param other The `_JobEvent` object to compare to `self`.
+        """
+        return self.start_time - other.start_time
+    @property
+    def job_url(self):
+        """Return the URL for this event's job logs."""
+        raise NotImplemented()
+    @property
+    def diagnosis(self):
+        """Return the status of the DUT after this event.
+        The diagnosis is interpreted as follows:
+          UNKNOWN - The DUT status was the same before and after
+              the event.
+          WORKING - The DUT appeared to be working after the event.
+          BROKEN - The DUT likely required manual intervention
+              after the event.
+        @return A valid diagnosis value.
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented()
+class _SpecialTaskEvent(_JobEvent):
+    """`_JobEvent` adapter for special tasks.
+    This class wraps the standard `_JobEvent` interface around a row
+    in the `afe_special_tasks` table.
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def get_tasks(cls, afe, host_id, start_time, end_time):
+        """Return special tasks for a host in a given time range.
+        Return a list of `_SpecialTaskEvent` objects representing all
+        special tasks that ran on the given host in the given time
+        range.  The list is ordered as it was returned by the query
+        (i.e. unordered).
+        @param afe         Autotest frontend
+        @param host_id     Database host id of the desired host.
+        @param start_time  Start time of the range of interest.
+        @param end_time    End time of the range of interest.
+        @return A list of `_SpecialTaskEvent` objects.
+        """
+        filter_start = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(start_time)
+        filter_end = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(end_time)
+        tasks = afe.get_special_tasks(
+                host_id=host_id,
+                time_started__gte=filter_start,
+                time_started__lte=filter_end,
+                is_complete=1)
+        return [cls(afe.server, t) for t in tasks]
+    def __init__(self, afe_hostname, afetask):
+        self._afe_hostname = afe_hostname
+        self._afetask = afetask
+        super(_SpecialTaskEvent, self).__init__(
+                afetask.time_started, afetask.time_finished)
+    @property
+    def job_url(self):
+        logdir = ('hosts/%s/%s-%s' %
+                  (self._afetask.host.hostname, self._afetask.id,
+                   self._afetask.task.lower()))
+        return _SpecialTaskEvent.get_log_url(self._afe_hostname, logdir)
+    @property
+    def diagnosis(self):
+        if self._afetask.success:
+            return WORKING
+        elif self._afetask.task == 'Repair':
+            return BROKEN
+        else:
+            return UNKNOWN
+class _TestJobEvent(_JobEvent):
+    """`_JobEvent` adapter for regular test jobs.
+    This class wraps the standard `_JobEvent` interface around a row
+    in the `afe_host_queue_entries` table.
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def get_hqes(cls, afe, host_id, start_time, end_time):
+        """Return HQEs for a host in a given time range.
+        Return a list of `_TestJobEvent` objects representing all the
+        HQEs of all the jobs that ran on the given host in the given
+        time range.  The list is ordered as it was returned by the
+        query (i.e. unordered).
+        @param afe         Autotest frontend
+        @param host_id     Database host id of the desired host.
+        @param start_time  Start time of the range of interest.
+        @param end_time    End time of the range of interest.
+        @return A list of `_TestJobEvent` objects.
+        """
+        filter_start = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(start_time)
+        filter_end = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(end_time)
+        hqelist = afe.get_host_queue_entries(
+                host_id=host_id,
+                start_time=filter_start,
+                end_time=filter_end,
+                complete=1)
+        return [cls(afe.server, hqe) for hqe in hqelist]
+    def __init__(self, afe_hostname, hqe):
+        self._afe_hostname = afe_hostname
+        self._hqe = hqe
+        super(_TestJobEvent, self).__init__(
+                hqe.started_on, hqe.finished_on)
+    @property
+    def job_url(self):
+        logdir = '%s-%s' % (self._hqe.job.id, self._hqe.job.owner)
+        return _TestJobEvent.get_log_url(self._afe_hostname, logdir)
+    @property
+    def diagnosis(self):
+        if self._hqe.finished_on is not None:
+            return WORKING
+        else:
+            return UNKNOWN
+class HostJobHistory(object):
+    """Class to query and remember DUT execution history.
+    This class is responsible for querying the database to determine
+    the history of a single DUT in a time interval of interest, and
+    for remembering the query results for reporting.
+    @property hostname    Host name of the DUT.
+    @property start_time  Start of the requested time interval.
+    @property end_time    End of the requested time interval.
+    @property host        Database host object for the DUT.
+    @property history     A list of jobs and special tasks that
+                          ran on the DUT in the requested time
+                          interval, ordered in reverse, from latest
+                          to earliest.
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def get_host_history(cls, afe, hostname, start_time, end_time):
+        """Create a HostJobHistory instance for a single host.
+        Simple factory method to construct host history from a
+        hostname.  Simply looks up the host in the AFE database, and
+        passes it to the class constructor.
+        @param afe         Autotest frontend
+        @param hostname    Name of the host.
+        @param start_time  Start time for the history's time
+                           interval.
+        @param end_time    End time for the history's time interval.
+        @return A new HostJobHistory instance.
+        """
+        afehost = afe.get_hosts(hostname=hostname)[0]
+        return cls(afe, afehost, start_time, end_time)
+    @classmethod
+    def get_multiple_histories(cls, afe, start_time, end_time,
+                               board=None, pool=None):
+        """Create HostJobHistory instances for a set of hosts.
+        The set of hosts can be specified as "all hosts of a given
+        board type", "all hosts in a given pool", or "all hosts
+        of a given board and pool".
+        @param afe         Autotest frontend
+        @param start_time  Start time for the history's time
+                           interval.
+        @param end_time    End time for the history's time interval.
+        @param board       All hosts must have this board type; if
+                           `None`, all boards are allowed.
+        @param pool        All hosts must be in this pool; if
+                           `None`, all pools are allowed.
+        @return A list of new HostJobHistory instances.
+        """
+        # If `board` or `pool` are both `None`, we could search the
+        # entire database, which is more expensive than we want.
+        # Our caller currently won't (can't) do this, but assert to
+        # be safe.
+        assert board is not None or pool is not None
+        labels = []
+        if board is not None:
+            labels.append(constants.Labels.BOARD_PREFIX + board)
+        if pool is not None:
+            labels.append(constants.Labels.POOL_PREFIX + pool)
+        kwargs = {'multiple_labels': labels}
+        hosts = afe.get_hosts(**kwargs)
+        return [cls(afe, h, start_time, end_time) for h in hosts]
+    def __init__(self, afe, afehost, start_time, end_time):
+        self._afe = afe
+        self.hostname = afehost.hostname
+        self.start_time = start_time
+        self.end_time = end_time
+        self._host = afehost
+        # Don't spend time filling in the history until it's needed.
+        self._history = None
+    def __iter__(self):
+        self._get_history()
+        return self._history.__iter__()
+    def _get_history(self):
+        if self._history is not None:
+            return
+        newtasks = _SpecialTaskEvent.get_tasks(
+                self._afe, self._host.id, self.start_time, self.end_time)
+        newhqes = _TestJobEvent.get_hqes(
+                self._afe, self._host.id, self.start_time, self.end_time)
+        newhistory = newtasks + newhqes
+        newhistory.sort(reverse=True)
+        self._history = newhistory
+    def last_diagnosis(self):
+        """Return the diagnosis of whether the DUT is working.
+        This searches the DUT's job history from most to least
+        recent, looking for jobs that indicate whether the DUT
+        was working.  Return a tuple of `(diagnosis, job)`.
+        The `diagnosis` entry in the tuple is one of these values:
+          * UNUSED - The job history is empty.
+          * UNKNOWN - All jobs in the history returned _UNKNOWN
+              status.
+          * WORKING - The DUT is working.
+          * BROKEN - The DUT likely requires manual intervention.
+        The `job` entry in the tuple is the job that led to the
+        diagnosis.  The job will be `None` if the diagnosis is
+        `UNUSED` or `UNKNOWN`.
+        @return A tuple with the DUT's diagnosis and the job that
+                determined it.
+        """
+        self._get_history()
+        if not self._history:
+            return UNUSED, None
+        for job in self:
+            status = job.diagnosis
+            if status != UNKNOWN:
+                return job.diagnosis, job
+        return UNKNOWN, None