blob: ebbf7fbd8fed0f8d6d9e44bed1d66de59d5a5425 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import base64
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import xmlrpc_server
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_socket
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_sdp_socket
from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants
class BluetoothTesterXmlRpcDelegate(xmlrpc_server.XmlRpcDelegate):
"""Exposes Tester methods called remotely during Bluetooth autotests.
All instance methods of this object without a preceding '_' are exposed via
an XML-RPC server. This is not a stateless handler object, which means that
if you store state inside the delegate, that state will remain around for
future calls.
bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_POWERED |
bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_PAIRABLE |
bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_SSP |
bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_BREDR |
'computer': BR_EDR_LE_PROFILE,
'computer': 0x000104,
'computer': ('ChromeOS Bluetooth Tester', 'Tester'),
def __init__(self):
super(BluetoothTesterXmlRpcDelegate, self).__init__()
# Open the Bluetooth Control socket to the kernel which provides us
# the needed raw management access to the Bluetooth Host Subsystem.
self._control = bluetooth_socket.BluetoothControlSocket()
# Open the Bluetooth SDP socket to the kernel which provides us the
# needed interface to use SDP commands.
self._sdp = bluetooth_sdp_socket.BluetoothSDPSocket()
# This is almost a constant, but it might not be forever.
self.index = 0
def setup(self, profile):
"""Set up the tester with the given profile.
@param profile: Profile to use for this test, valid values are:
computer - a standard computer profile
@return True on success, False otherwise.
if not (self._setup_profile_settings(profile) and
self._setup_profile_class(profile) and
return False'Tester setup with profile: %s', profile)
return True
def _setup_profile_settings(self, profile):
"""Set up the controller with settings from the given profile.
@param profile: profile to use, see setup().
@return True on success, False otherwise.
profile_settings = self.PROFILE_SETTINGS[profile]
# Make sure all of the settings are supported by the controller.
( address, bluetooth_version, manufacturer_id,
supported_settings, current_settings, class_of_device,
name, short_name ) = self._control.read_info(self.index)
if profile_settings & supported_settings != profile_settings:
logging.warning('Controller does not support requested settings')
return False
# Send the individual commands to set up the adapter. There is no
# command to set the BR/EDR flag, that's something that's either on
# or off in the chip. We do, of course, want to check for it later.
if not self._control.set_powered(
profile_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_POWERED):
logging.warning('Failed to set powered setting')
return False
if (self._control.set_connectable(
profile_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_CONNECTABLE)
is None):
logging.warning('Failed to set connectable setting')
return False
if (self._control.set_fast_connectable(
profile_settings &
is None):
logging.warning('Failed to set fast connectable setting')
return False
if (self._control.set_pairable(
profile_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_PAIRABLE)
is None):
logging.warning('Failed to set pairable setting')
return False
if (self._control.set_link_security(
profile_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_LINK_SECURITY)
is None):
logging.warning('Failed to set link security setting')
return False
if (self._control.set_ssp(
profile_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_SSP)
is None):
logging.warning('Failed to set SSP setting')
return False
if (self._control.set_hs(
profile_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_HS)
is None):
logging.warning('Failed to set High Speed setting')
return False
if (self._control.set_le(
profile_settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_LE)
is None):
logging.warning('Failed to set Low Energy setting')
return False
# Fetch the settings again and make sure they're all set correctly,
# including the BR/EDR flag.
( address, bluetooth_version, manufacturer_id,
supported_settings, current_settings, class_of_device,
name, short_name ) = self._control.read_info(self.index)
if profile_settings != current_settings:
logging.warning('Controller settings did not match those set: '
'%x != %x', current_settings, profile_settings)
return False
return True
def _setup_profile_class(self, profile):
"""Set up the controller with device class from the given profile.
@param profile: profile to use, see setup().
@return True on success, False otherwise.
profile_class = self.PROFILE_CLASS[profile]
# Split our the major and minor class; it's listed as a kernel bug that
# we supply these to the kernel without shifting the bits over to take
# out the CoD format field, so this might have to change one day.
major_class = (profile_class & 0x00ff00) >> 8
minor_class = profile_class & 0x0000ff
class_of_device = self._control.set_device_class(
self.index, major_class, minor_class)
if class_of_device is None:
logging.warning('Failed to set device class')
return False
# Verify that the device class was set correctly, including the Service
# Class fields; warn about those separately since the fix is probably
# "reboot the tester".
if class_of_device != profile_class:
if class_of_device & 0x00ffff == profile_class & 0x00ffff:
logging.warning('Class of device matched that set, but '
'Service Class field did not: %x != %x '
'Reboot Tester? ',
class_of_device, profile_class)
logging.warning('Class of device did not match that set: '
'%x != %x', class_of_device, profile_class)
return False
return True
def _setup_profile_names(self, profile):
"""Set up the controller with names from the given profile.
@param profile: profile to use, see setup().
@return True on success, False otherwise.
(name, short_name) = self.PROFILE_NAMES[profile]
names = self._control.set_local_name(self.index, name, short_name)
if names is None:
logging.warning('Failed to set local name')
return False
# Verify they matched what we set, and were not mangled or truncated.
(set_name, set_short_name) = names
if set_name != name:
logging.warning('Local name did not match that set: "%s" != "%s"',
set_name, name)
return False
elif set_short_name != short_name:
logging.warning('Short name did not match that set: "%s" != "%s"',
set_short_name, short_name)
return False
return True
def set_discoverable(self, discoverable, timeout=0):
"""Set the discoverable state of the controller.
@param discoverable: Whether controller should be discoverable.
@param timeout: Timeout in seconds before disabling discovery again,
ignored when discoverable is False, must not be zero when
discoverable is True.
@return True on success, False otherwise.
settings = self._control.set_discoverable(self.index,
discoverable, timeout)
return settings & bluetooth_socket.MGMT_SETTING_DISCOVERABLE
def read_info(self):
"""Read the adapter information from the Kernel.
@return the information as a JSON-encoded tuple of:
( address, bluetooth_version, manufacturer_id,
supported_settings, current_settings, class_of_device,
name, short_name )
return json.dumps(self._control.read_info(self.index))
def discover_devices(self, br_edr=True, le_public=True, le_random=True):
"""Discover remote devices.
Activates device discovery and collects the set of devices found,
returning them as a list.
@param br_edr: Whether to detect BR/EDR devices.
@param le_public: Whether to detect LE Public Address devices.
@param le_random: Whether to detect LE Random Address devices.
@return List of devices found as JSON-encoded tuples with the format
(address, address_type, rssi, flags, base64-encoded eirdata),
or False if discovery could not be started.
address_type = 0
if br_edr:
address_type |= 0x1
if le_public:
address_type |= 0x2
if le_random:
address_type |= 0x4
set_type = self._control.start_discovery(self.index, address_type)
if set_type != address_type:
logging.warning('Discovery address type did not match that set: '
'%x != %x', set_type, address_type)
return False
devices = self._control.get_discovered_devices(self.index)
return json.dumps([
(address, address_type, rssi, flags,
for address, address_type, rssi, flags, eirdata in devices
def connect(self, address):
"""Connect to device with the given address
@param address: Bluetooth address.
return True
def service_search_request(self, uuids, max_rec_cnt):
"""Send a Service Search Request
@param uuids: List of UUIDs (in 32-bit format) to look for.
@param max_rec_cnt: Maximum count of returned service records.
@return list of found services' service record handles
return self._sdp.service_search_request(uuids, max_rec_cnt)
if __name__ == '__main__':
handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = '/dev/log')
formatter = logging.Formatter(
'bluetooth_tester_xmlrpc_server: [%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
logging.debug('bluetooth_tester_xmlrpc_server main...')
server = xmlrpc_server.XmlRpcServer(