blob: 29eb3806b748e299d92cdc66377b4e453a292265 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
AUTHOR = "scunningham"
NAME = "policy_EditBookmarksEnabled"
SUITE = "regression"
TEST_CLASS = "enterprise"
TEST_TYPE = "client"
DOC = """
Verify effect of EditBookmarksEnabled policy on client behavior & appearance.
From chroot of your Chromium OS client, run the test remotely using test_that:
$ test_that -b <board> <IPAddress> policy_EditBookmarksEnabled [arguments]
where <board> is the board name (e.g., wolf), and <IP> is the IP Address of
the device (e.g.,
When no arguments are given, all test cases defined in the test are run using
the fake AutoTest DM Server for policy download, and production GAIA for user
Use the mode=single argument to run a single test case, and the case argument
to specify the test case to run. E.g.:
--args='mode=single case=True'
--args='mode=single case=False'
--args='mode=single case=NotSet'
On your Chrome OS device, run the test locally from the command line:
$ /usr/local/autotest/bin/autotest /usr/local/autotest/tests/
policy_EditBookmarksEnabled/control [arguments]
When no arguments are given, all test cases defined in the test are run using
the fake AutoTest DM Server for policy download, and production GAIA for user
Use the mode=single argument to run a single test case, and the case argument
to specify the test case to run, the same as when run using test_that remotely.
Use the env argument to select the environment parameters to be used during
the test. The env argument determines which GAIA login server and DMServer will
be used by the Chrome OS device to authenticate user sign-ins and to download
policies. Note that your tests cannot give policy json to set up the DMServer
in production (prod), staging (cr-dev, cr-auto), or test (dm-test).
Valid values for env are:
prod: production - DMServer and GAIA in production
cr-dev: staging - DMServer (cros-dev) and GAIA in staging
cr-auto: staging - DMServer (cros-auto) and GAIA in staging
dm-test: test - Python server on and
GAIA in production
dm-fake (default): AutoTest - fake AutoTest DMServer and GAIA in production.
When you select an environment other than the default 'dm-fake' AutoTest,
you must provide the user credentials. E.g.:
--args='env=cr-auto password=test1234'
When you select an environment other than dm-fake, and you specify a single
test case to run, you may optionally specify the policy value that the test
case expects to be shown on the chrome://policy page. This is uncommon usage,
but is provided to support situations where the same test case method may be
used in multiple tests, but with different policy values pre-set by the user
on the external DM Server.
When using env=dm-test, you must specify the dms_name for your instance of the
chromium-dm-test service. E.g.:
--args='env=dm-test dms_name=xot-dmst username=...'
job.run_test("policy_EditBookmarksEnabled", args=args)