blob: 0d4a0fc34bc4db4ce0fdf39e6b4dbabd858741df [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
This module implements the classes for control message headers, control
messages and bidirectional process to pack and unpack request/response message
This module contains the following classes: |MBIMData|, |MBIMHeader|,
|MBIMFragmentHeader|, |MBIMMessageBase|, |MBIMMessage|, |MBIMOpenMessage|,
|MBIMCloseMessage|, |MBIMCommandMessage|, |MBIMErrorMessage|, |MBIMOpenDone|,
|MBIMCloseDone|, |MBIMCommandDone|.
[1] Universal Serial Bus Communications Class Subclass Specification for
Mobile Broadband Interface Model
import array
import struct
import sys
import uuid
import common
from autotest_lib.client.cros.cellular.mbim_compliance import mbim_errors
# The following type values are defined for the MBIM control messages sent from
# the host to the device.
MBIM_OPEN_MSG = 0x00000001
MBIM_CLOSE_MSG = 0x00000002
MBIM_COMMAND_MSG = 0x00000003
MBIM_HOST_ERROR_MSG = 0x00000004
# The following type values are defined for the MBIM control messages sent from
# the device to the host.
MBIM_OPEN_DONE = 0x80000001
MBIM_CLOSE_DONE = 0x80000002
MBIM_COMMAND_DONE = 0x80000003
# The following type values are defined for the MBIM status codes.
# The following command codes are defined for the MBIM command identifiers.
MBIM_CID_PIN = 0x00000004
# The following command types are defined for the MBIM command message.
# The following UUID values are defined for the device service identifiers.
UUID_BASIC_CONNECT = uuid.UUID('a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df')
class MBIMData(object):
The base class for the data being used in control messages.
Its derived classes should define |_FIELDS|, a set of tuples in
(<field format>, <field name>) form, and |_DEFAULTS|, a dictionary to
map field names to their default values. |_FIELDS| and |_DEFAULTS| are used
to pack/unpack to/from packets which are sequences of bytes. Some derived
class may define extra fields, such as |_COMMAND_INFORMATION| in
|MBIMCommandMessage| and |MBIMCommandone|.
There are three classes derived from |MBIMData|, |MBIMHeader|,
|MBIMFragmentHeader| and |MBIMMessageBase|. Both |MBIMHeader| and
|MBIMFragment| define fields which will be used in the headers for control
messages. |MBIMMessageBase| is the base case for all control messages.
def get_fields(cls, get_all=False):
@returns The set of the fields defined in |_FIELDS| of a derived class.
return cls._FIELDS
def unpack(cls, packet):
Unpack the packet into a map with the formats specified in |fields|. The
map contains pairs <field_name>: <value>.
@param packet: The byte array to be unpacked.
@returns The contents for the packet in a dictionary, where the pairs
are in <field_name>: <value> form.
field_formats, field_names = zip(*cls.get_fields(get_all=True))
format_string = '<' + ''.join(field_formats)
length_of_fields = struct.calcsize(format_string)
if len(packet) < length_of_fields:
'The length of the packet should be at least %d for %s, '
'got %d.' % (length_of_fields, cls.__name__, len(packet)))
contents = {}
for index, value in enumerate(struct.unpack(format_string,
contents[field_names[index]] = value
return contents
class MBIMHeader(MBIMData):
""" The header class for MBIM control messages."""
_FIELDS = (('I', 'message_type'),
('I', 'message_length'),
('I', 'transaction_id'))
class MBIMFragmentHeader(MBIMData):
""" The fragment header class for MBIM control messages."""
_FIELDS = (('I', 'total_fragments'),
('I', 'current_fragment'))
class MBIMMessageBase(MBIMData):
This class is the base class for all MBIM control messages.
This class provides functions including packet production and packets
parsing. The instantiation of its derived classes depends on |_FIELDS| and
|_DEFAULTS| defined in the derived classes, where the |MBIMCommandMessage|
has extra fields defined as |_COMMAND_INFORMATION|.
|_FIELDS| defines the essential fields including message type, message
length, transaction ID, and some message-specific fields.
|_COMMAND_INFORMATION| defines the information about device service ID, CID,
command type and length of the information buffer.
|_DEFAULTS| specifies the default values for some fields. Note that
message type is required for every derived class of |MBIMMessageBase|, and
for |MBIMCommandMessage|, total fragment, current fragment, and information
buffer length are required.
_transaction_id = 0x00000000
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@param kwargs: The keyword arguments for all the fields to be set in the
message body.
keys = kwargs.keys()
defaults = self._DEFAULTS
self.all_field_formats, self.all_field_names = (
unknown_keys = set(keys) - set(self.all_field_names)
if unknown_keys:
'Unknown field(s) %s found in arguments for %s.' % (
unknown_keys, self.__class__.__name__))
# Some fields will be computed in the process of |generate_packet|, so
# these fields are not required in |kwargs|. Packets creation will fail
# if there is no value in |kwargs| and |defaults| for any of the
# required fields. The optional/required fields depends on the type of
# the message created.
if self.__class__ in [MBIMOpenDone, MBIMCloseDone, MBIMCommandDone]:
optional_fields = set()
optional_fields = set(['transaction_id', 'message_length'])
required_fields = (set(self.all_field_names) - optional_fields)
for name in required_fields:
# Set the field value to the value given in |kwargs| if the value
# is provided, default value otherwise. If default value is not
# provided as well, an error will be raised.
value = kwargs.get(name, defaults.get(name))
if value is None:
'Field %s is required to create a %s.' % (
name, self.__class__.__name__))
setattr(self, name, value)
def _get_transaction_id(self):
Returns incrementing transaction ids on successive calls.
@returns The tracsaction id for control message delivery.
if MBIMMessageBase._transaction_id > (sys.maxint - 2):
MBIMMessageBase._transaction_id = 0x00000000
MBIMMessageBase._transaction_id += 1
return MBIMMessageBase._transaction_id
def generate_packets(self):
Generate a list of packets based on the given message type. Different
types of messages require different fields. For example, a MBIM_OPEN_MSG
will need message_type and max_control_transfer to contruct the message.
@returns A list of packets to be sent, and each packet is in binary
array form.
# TODO(mcchou): Handle the fragmentation for MBIM_COMMAND_MSG while
# information buffer is not NULL.
cls = self.__class__
packets = []
self.transaction_id = self._get_transaction_id()
if cls in [MBIMOpenMessage, MBIMCloseMessage, MBIMHostErrorMessage,
format_string = '<' + ''.join(self.all_field_formats)
self.message_length = struct.calcsize(format_string)
packets.append(self.pack(format_string, self.all_field_names))
return packets
def pack(self, format_string, field_names):
Pack a list of fields based on their formats.
@param format_string: The concatenated formats for the fields given in
@param field_names: The name of the fields to be packed.
@returns The packet in binary array form.
field_values = [getattr(self, name) for name in field_names]
return array.array('B', struct.pack(format_string, *field_values))
def get_fields(cls, get_all=False):
Retrieve the fields based on the type of the control message. For
|MBIMOpenMessage|, |MBIMCloseMessage| and |MBIMErrorMessage|, there is
no |_COMMAND_INFORMATION|, so this method returns fields in |_FIELDS|
even if |get_all|=True. As for |MBIMCommandMessage|, this method returns
fields in both |_FIELDS| and |_COMMAND_INFORMATION| if |get_all|=True,
|_FIELDS| otherwise.
@param get_all: The flag to determine whether |_COMMAND_INTFORMATION|
should be returned or not.
@returns The set of the fields in tuple(field format, field name) form.
all_fields = cls._FIELDS
if cls in [MBIMCommandMessage, MBIMCommandDone] and get_all:
all_fields += cls._COMMAND_INFORMATION
return all_fields
def parse_packets(cls, packets):
Parse a sequence of packets into the corresponding response message.
Each packet is a byte array, and the response message can be one of
the following type: |MBIMOpenDone|, |MBIMCloseDone| and
|MBIMCommandDone|. For |MBIMOpenDone| and |MBIMCloseDone|, the expected
number of packets is 1. As for |MBIMCommandDone|, the number of packets
should be at least 1, since the response message from the device may be
fragmented into several packetes.
@param packets: The list of the response packets which are in byte
array form.
@returns The object of the response message. A response message can be
one of the following type: |MBIMOpenDone|, |MBIMCloseDone| and
if cls not in [MBIMOpenDone, MBIMCloseDone, MBIMCommandDone]:
# Parse the first packet.
response_contents = cls.unpack(packets[0])
response_message = cls(**response_contents)
field_formats, _ = zip(*cls.get_fields(get_all=True))
length_of_all_fields = struct.calcsize('<' + ''.join(field_formats))
if cls is MBIMCommandDone and len(packets) > 1:
# Unpack the continuation packets of type |MBIM_COMMAND_DONE|.
info_buffer = array.array('B')
field_formats, field_names = zip(*cls.get_fields())
format_string = '<' + ''.join(field_formats)
length_of_headers = struct.calcsize(format_string)
for packet in packets[1:]:
if len(packet) < length_of_headers:
'The length of the continuation packet(s) for %s '
'should be at least %d.' % (
cls.__name__, length_of_headers))
setattr(response_message, 'information_buffer', info_buffer)
return response_message
class MBIMOpenMessage(MBIMMessageBase):
""" The class for MBIM_OPEN_MSG. """
_FIELDS = MBIMHeader.get_fields() + (('I', 'max_control_transfer'),)
_DEFAULTS = {'message_type': MBIM_OPEN_MSG}
class MBIMCloseMessage(MBIMMessageBase):
""" The class for MBIM_CLOSE_MSG. """
_FIELDS = MBIMHeader.get_fields()
_DEFAULTS = {'message_type': MBIM_CLOSE_MSG}
class MBIMCommandMessage(MBIMMessageBase):
""" The class for MBIM_COMMAND_MSG. """
_FIELDS = MBIMHeader.get_fields() + MBIMFragmentHeader.get_fields()
_COMMAND_INFORMATION = (('16s', 'device_service_id'),
('I', 'cid'),
('I', 'command_type'),
('I', 'information_buffer_length'))
_DEFAULTS = {'message_type': MBIM_COMMAND_MSG,
'total_fragments': 0x00000001,
'current_fragment': 0x00000000,
'information_buffer_length': 0}
class MBIMHostErrorMessage(MBIMMessageBase):
""" The class for MBIM_ERROR_MSG. """
_FIELDS = MBIMHeader.get_fields() + (('I', 'error_status_code'),)
_DEFAULTS = {'message_type': MBIM_HOST_ERROR_MSG}
class MBIMOpenDone(MBIMMessageBase):
""" The class for MBIM_OPEN_DONE. """
_FIELDS = MBIMHeader.get_fields() + (('I', 'status_codes'),)
_DEFAULTS = {'message_type': MBIM_OPEN_DONE}
class MBIMCloseDone(MBIMMessageBase):
""" The class for MBIM_CLOSE_DONE. """
_FIELDS = MBIMHeader.get_fields() + (('I', 'status_codes'),)
_DEFAULTS = {'message_type': MBIM_CLOSE_DONE}
class MBIMCommandDone(MBIMMessageBase):
""" The class for MBIM_COMMAND_DONE. """
_FIELDS = MBIMHeader.get_fields() + MBIMFragmentHeader.get_fields()
_COMMAND_INFORMATION = (('16s', 'device_service_id'),
('I', 'cid'),
('I', 'status_codes'),
('I', 'information_buffer_length'))
_DEFAULTS = {'message_type': MBIM_COMMAND_DONE}
def parse_response_packets(packets):
Parse the response packets based on the response message type.
@param packets: The list of packets to be parsed. Each packet is in byte
array form.
@returns The object of the response message. A response message can be
one of the following type: |MBIMOpenDone|, |MBIMCloseDone| and
# TODO(mcchou): Handle the fragmented MBIM_COMMAND_DONE response and come up
# with a generic parser.
if not packets:
'Expected at least 1 packet to parse, got 0.')
# Parse the packet header to get the response message type.
header_contents = MBIMHeader.unpack(packets[0])
# Parse |packets| based on the response message type.
PARSER_MAP = {MBIM_OPEN_DONE: MBIMOpenDone.parse_packets,
MBIM_CLOSE_DONE: MBIMCloseDone.parse_packets,
MBIM_COMMAND_DONE: MBIMCommandDone.parse_packets}
message_type = header_contents['message_type']
parser = PARSER_MAP.get(message_type)
if parser is None:
response_message = parser(packets)
return response_message