blob: 059a9e886c730b22ffa3da55777d6f442d57df70 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import datetime
import logging
import re
import utils
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class platform_BootPerf(test.test):
version = 1
def __parse_uptime(self, filename):
vals = []
data = file(filename).read()
vals = re.split(r' +', data.strip())
except IOError:
raise error.TestFail('Test is unable to read uptime file "%s"' %
return float(vals[0])
def __parse_disk_login_prompt_ready(self, results):
filename = '/tmp/disk-login-prompt-ready'
vals = []
data = file(filename).read()
vals = re.split(r' +', data.strip())
except IOError:
raise error.TestFail('Test is unable to read "%s"' % filename)
results['sectors_read_kernel_to_login'] = float(vals[2])
# Find both firmware time (on x86 only) and reboot/shutdown time
# if the last boot was a reboot.
def __parse_syslog(self, results, last_boot_was_reboot):
file_handle = None
logfile = '/var/log/messages'
file_handle = open(logfile, 'r')
raise error.TestFail('Test is unable to read "%s"' % logfile)
mhz = 0
ticks = 0
startups_found = 0
last_shutdown_time = None
kernel_start_time = None
seconds_firmware_boot = 0
datetime_re = r'(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[A-Z]' + \
last_shutdown_re = re.compile(
datetime_re + r'.*(klog|tty2) main process.*killed by TERM')
startup_re = re.compile(datetime_re + r'.*000\] Linux version \d')
mhz_re = re.compile(r'Detected (\d+\.\d+) MHz processor.')
initial_tsc_re = re.compile('Initial TSC value: (\d+)')
for line in file_handle.readlines():
match = startup_re.match(line)
if match is not None:
mhz = 0
ticks = 0
datetime_args = tuple([int(x) for x in match.groups()[:7]])
kernel_start_time = datetime.datetime(*datetime_args)
startups_found += 1
match = last_shutdown_re.match(line)
if match is not None:
datetime_args = tuple([int(x) for x in match.groups()[:7]])
last_shutdown_time = datetime.datetime(*datetime_args)
match =
if match is not None:
mhz = float(
match =
if match is not None:
ticks = int('Found initial TSC: %d' % ticks)
if mhz > 0 and startups_found > 0 and ticks > 0:
seconds_firmware_boot = float(ticks) / mhz / 1000000
results['seconds_firmware_boot'] = seconds_firmware_boot
if (last_shutdown_time != None and last_boot_was_reboot and
kernel_start_time != None):'Kernel start time: %s, last shutdown time: %s' %
(kernel_start_time, last_shutdown_time))
delta = kernel_start_time - last_shutdown_time
# There is no guarantee that we will have gotten a shutdown
# log message/time. It's possible to not get any kill messages
# logged to syslog before rsyslogd itself is killed. If
# that occurs, this reboot time will be completely wrong.
reboot_time = (float(delta.days) * 86400.0 +
float(delta.seconds) +
float(delta.microseconds) /
results['seconds_reboot_time'] = reboot_time
results['seconds_shutdown_time'] = \
reboot_time - seconds_firmware_boot
results['reboots_in_syslog'] = startups_found
results['mhz_primary_cpu'] = mhz
def run_once(self, last_boot_was_reboot=False):
# Parse key metric files and generate key/value pairs
results = {}
uptime_files = [
('seconds_kernel_to_startup', '/tmp/uptime-pre-startup'),
('seconds_kernel_to_startup_done', '/tmp/uptime-post-startup'),
('seconds_kernel_to_login', '/tmp/uptime-login-prompt-ready')]
for resultname, filename in uptime_files:
results[resultname] = self.__parse_uptime(filename)
self.__parse_syslog(results, last_boot_was_reboot)
if ('seconds_firmware_boot' in results and
'seconds_kernel_to_login' in results):
results['seconds_power_on_to_login'] = \
results['seconds_firmware_boot'] + \