blob: e4ba536d2206f4414606fbcfbf7d54c67b1b622a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A utility to program Chrome OS devices' firmware using servo.
This utility expects the DUT to be connected to a servo device. This allows us
to put the DUT into the required state and to actually program the DUT's
firmware using FTDI, USB and/or serial interfaces provided by servo.
Servo state is preserved across the programming process.
import os
class ProgrammerError(Exception):
"""Local exception class wrapper."""
class _BaseProgrammer(object):
"""Class implementing base programmer services.
Private attributes:
_servo: a servo object controlling the servo device
_servo_prog_state: a dictionary, where keys are servo attributes and
values are required state of these attributes during
programming process. Dependent on firmware/hardware type,
set by subclasses.
_servo_saved_state: a dictionary, where keys are servo attributes and
values are their state before programming process started.
Used to restore servo state after programming.
_program_command: a string, the shell command to run on the servo host
to actually program the firmware. Dependent on
firmware/hardware type, set by subclasses.
def __init__(self, servo):
"""Base constructor.
@param servo: a servo object controlling the servo device
self._servo = servo
self._servo_prog_state = {}
self._servo_saved_state = {}
self._program_command = ''
# These will fail if the utilities are not available, we want the
# failure happen before run_once() is invoked.
servo.system_on_servo('which openocd')
servo.system_on_servo('which flashrom')
def _set_servo_state(self):
"""Set servo for programming, while saving the current state."""
for key, value in self._servo_prog_state.iteritems():
self._servo_saved_state[key] = self._servo.get(key)
self._servo.set(key, value)
def _restore_servo_state(self):
"""Restore previously saved servo state."""
for key, value in self._servo_saved_state.iteritems():
self._servo.set(key, value)
def program(self):
"""Program the firmware as configured by a subclass."""
class FlashromProgrammer(_BaseProgrammer):
"""Class for programming AP flashrom."""
def __init__(self, servo):
"""Configure required servo state."""
super(FlashromProgrammer, self).__init__(servo)
self._servo_prog_state = {
'spi2_vref': 'pp3300',
'spi2_buf_en': 'on',
'spi2_buf_on_flex_en': 'on',
'spi_hold': 'off',
'cold_reset': 'on'
def prepare_programmer(self, path):
"""Prepare programmer for programming.
If necessary - copy the image to the servo host. Define the shell
command to use to program.
@param path: a string, name of the file containing the firmware image.
self._program_command = 'flashrom -p ft2232_spi:type=servo-v2 -w %s' % (
class LinkEcProgrammer(_BaseProgrammer):
"""Class for programming Link EC firmware.
Programming Link EC requires openocd debugger, which in turn expects
certain scripts/control files to be available. The location of the scripts
and control files is different for cases when the servo device is
controlled by local and remote hosts.
# TODO(vbendeb): clean the paths up once the Beaglebone directory
# structure/maintenance is formalized. (see for
# details).
OPENOCD_SCRIPTS_CHROOT_PATH = 'src/platform/ec/chip/lm4/openocd'
OPENOCD_SCRIPTS_SERVO_PATH = '/home/chromeos-test/ec/chip/lm4/openocd'
OPENOCD_CONFIG_SCRIPT = 'servo_v2_slower.cfg'
init; reset halt; flash write_image erase %s 0; reset; shutdown;"""
def __init__(self, servo):
"""Configure required servo state."""
super(LinkEcProgrammer, self).__init__(servo)
self._servo_prog_state = {
'jtag_buf_on_flex_en': 'on',
'jtag_buf_en': 'on'
def prepare_programmer(self, path):
"""Prepare programmer for programming.
If necessary - copy the image to the servo host. Define the shell
command to use to program.
@param path: a string, name of the file containing the EC firmware
if self._servo.is_localhost():
scripts_path = os.path.join(
scripts_path = self.OPENOCD_SCRIPTS_SERVO_PATH
self._program_command = 'openocd -s %s -f %s -c "%s"' % (
scripts_path, self.OPENOCD_CONFIG_SCRIPT,
(self.OPENOCD_WRITE_COMMAND % path).strip())
def program_ec(board, servo, image):
"""Program EC firmware on the DUT.
@param board: a string, the DUT board type
@param servo: a servo object controlling the servo device
@param image: a string, name of the file containing the new firmware image
if board in ('link',):
prog = LinkEcProgrammer(servo)
raise ProgrammerError('unsupported board %s' % board)
def program_bootprom(board, servo, image):
"""Program AP firmware on the DUT.
@param board: a string, the DUT board type (not yet used)
@param servo: a servo object controlling the servo device
@param image: a string, name of the file containing the new firmware image
prog = FlashromProgrammer(servo)