Add automated ASLR test

BUG=none ... security_ASLR passes on x86-alex/r21

Change-Id: Id348ac2b4e34aa68240105e2f3aefccaa782b700
Tested-by: Matt Omori <>
Reviewed-by: Jim Hebert <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Omori <>
Commit-Ready: Matt Omori <>
diff --git a/client/site_tests/security_ASLR/control b/client/site_tests/security_ASLR/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33efc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/site_tests/security_ASLR/control
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+AUTHOR = "The Chromium OS Authors"
+DOC = ("This test verifies that ASLR is working in important processes by"
+    "checking their memory mappings before and after restarting them.")
+NAME = "security_ASLR"
+PURPOSE = "To ensure ASLR is enabled for chrome, htpdate, and debugd"
+CRITERIA = (" Fail if a process can't restart or has address range starts"
+    "for any executable stack, or heap memory map to the same location"
+    "after restarting")
+SUITE = "security"
+TEST_CLASS = "security"
+TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional"
+TEST_TYPE = "client"
diff --git a/client/site_tests/security_ASLR/ b/client/site_tests/security_ASLR/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ef1204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/site_tests/security_ASLR/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+"""A test verifying Address Space Layout Randomization
+Uses system calls to get important pids and then gets information about
+the pids in /proc/<pid/maps.  Restarts the tested processes and reads
+information about them again.  If ASLR is enabled, memory mappings should
+class security_ASLR(test.test):
+    """Runs ASLR tests
+    See top document comments for more information.
+    Attributes:
+        version: Current version of the test.
+        _INITCTL_RESTART_TIMEOUT: Time in seconds that we wait for initctl
+        restart to finish.
+        _INITCTL_POLL_INTERVAL: Time in seconds between checks on initctl
+        status when restarting.
+    """
+    version = 1
+    def get_processes_to_test(self):
+        """Gets processes to test for main function
+        Called by run_once to get processes for this program to test.  This
+        has to be a method because it constructs process objects.
+        Returns:
+            A list of process objects to be tested (see below for
+            definition of process class.
+        """
+        return [
+            self.process('chrome', 'ui', 'session_manager'),
+            self.process('htpdate', 'htpdate'),
+            self.process('debugd', 'debugd')]
+    class process:
+        """Holds information about a process.
+        Stores information about a process and how to restart it.
+        Attributes:
+            __name: String name of process.
+            __initctl_name: String name initctl uses to query process.
+            Defaults to None.
+            __parent: String name of process's parent.  Defaults to None.
+        """
+        def __init__(self, name, initctl_name = None, parent = None):
+            self.__name = name
+            self.__initctl_name = initctl_name
+            self.__parent = parent
+        def get_name(self):
+            return self.__name
+        def get_initctl_name(self):
+            return self.__initctl_name
+        def get_parent(self):
+            return self.__parent
+    class mapping:
+        """Holds information about a process's address mapping.
+        Stores information about one memory mapping for a process.
+        Attributes:
+            __name: String name of process/memory occupying the location.
+            __start: String containing memory address range start.
+        """
+        def __init__(self, name, start):
+            self.__start = start
+            self.__name = name
+        def set_start(self, new_value):
+            self.__start = new_value
+        def get_start(self):
+            return self.__start
+    def get_pid_of(self, process):
+        """Gets pid of process
+        Used for retrieving pids of processes such as init or processes
+        that may have multiple instances that need to be distinguished by
+        a parent pid.
+        Args:
+            process: process object that we want a pid for.
+        """
+        name = process.get_name()
+        parent = process.get_parent()
+        if parent is None:
+            command = 'ps -C %s -o pid --no-header' % name
+            ps_results = utils.system_output(command).strip()
+            return ps_results
+        parent_process = self.process(parent)
+        ppid = self.get_pid_of(parent_process).strip()
+        get_pid_command = ('ps -C %s -o pid,ppid | grep " %s$"'
+            ' | awk \'{print $1}\'') % (name, ppid)
+        ps_results = utils.system_output(get_pid_command).strip()
+        return ps_results
+    def test_randomization(self, process):
+        """Tests ASLR of a single process.
+        This is the main test function for the program.  It creates two data
+        structures out of useful information from /proc/<pid>/maps before
+        and after restarting the process and then compares address starting
+        locations of all executable, stack, and heap memory.
+        Args:
+            pid: a string containing the pid to be tested.
+        Raises:
+            error.TestFail if any addresses are the same after restarting.
+        """
+        name = process.get_name()
+        parent = process.get_parent()
+        pid1 = self.get_pid_of(process)
+        attempt1 =
+        self.restart(process)
+        pid2 = self.get_pid_of(process)
+        attempt2 =
+        for key, value in attempt1.iteritems():
+            match_found = (attempt2.has_key(key) and
+                attempt1[key].get_start() == attempt2[key].get_start())
+            if match_found:
+                raise error.TestFail(
+                    'In %s, address for %s had deterministic value: %s'
+                    % (name, key, str(attempt1[key].get_start())))
+        # No addresses match, test was successful.
+        pass
+    def restart(self, process):
+        """Restarts a process given information about it.
+        Uses a system call to initctl to restart a process and verifies
+        that it restarted by pollinig its pid until it changes (signifying
+        successful restart).
+        Args:
+            process: process object containing information about process
+            to restart. See above for process class definition.
+        Raises:
+            error.TestFail if the process isn't restarted with
+            a new pid by _INITCTL_RESTART_TIMEOUT seconds.
+        """
+        name = process.get_name()
+        initctl_name = process.get_initctl_name()
+        status_command = 'initctl status %s' % initctl_name
+        initial_status = utils.system_output(status_command)
+        logging.debug('Initial status: %s' % initial_status)
+        utils.system('initctl restart %s' % initctl_name)
+        utils.poll_for_condition(
+            lambda: self.has_restarted(process, status_command,
+                initial_status),
+            exception = error.TestFail(
+                'initctl failed to restart process for %s' % name),
+            timeout = self._INITCTL_RESTART_TIMEOUT,
+            sleep_interval = self._INITCTL_POLL_INTERVAL)
+    def has_restarted(self, process, status_command, initial_status):
+        """Tells if initctl service is starting and has changed pid.
+        Uses initctl to view the status of a given initctl_name to check
+        that it is running and has a status different from initial_status
+        (meaning it has a new pid).
+        Args:
+            process: Process object to be restarted.  See above for process
+            class definition.
+            status_command: String containing the syscall that
+            queries the current status.
+            initial_status: String containing original output from initctl
+            status called.  This is what we compare to for detection of
+            change.
+        Returns:
+            A boolean which is true if the process is running and has a
+            status which is different from initial_status.
+        """
+        name = process.get_name()
+        initctl_name = process.get_initctl_name()
+        current_status = utils.system_output(status_command)
+        logging.debug(initial_status)
+        logging.debug(current_status)
+        regex = r'%s start/running' % initctl_name
+        is_running = re.match(regex, current_status)
+        is_new_pid = initial_status != current_status
+        try:
+            utils.system('ps -C %s' % name)
+        except:
+            return False
+        logging.debug('Restart done: %r' % (is_running and is_new_pid))
+        return (is_running and is_new_pid)
+    def map(self, pid):
+        """Creates data structure from table in /proc/<pid>/maps.
+        Gets all data from /proc/<pid>/maps, parses each entry, and saves
+        entries corresponding to executable, stack, or heap memory into
+        a dictionary.
+        Args:
+            pid: a string containing the pid to be tested.
+        Returns:
+            A dict mapping names to mapping objects (see above for mapping
+            definition).
+        """
+        memory_map = dict()
+        maps_file = open("/proc/%s/maps" % pid)
+        for maps_line in maps_file:
+            result = self.parse_result(maps_line)
+            if result is None:
+                continue
+            name = result['name']
+            start = result['start']
+            perms = result['perms']
+            is_memory = name == '[heap]' or name == '[stack]'
+            is_useful ='x', perms) is not None or is_memory
+            if not is_useful:
+                continue
+            if not name in memory_map:
+                memory_map[name] = self.mapping(name, start)
+            elif memory_map[name].get_start() < start:
+                memory_map[name].set_start(start)
+        return memory_map
+    def parse_result(self, result):
+        """Builds dictionary from columns of a line of /proc/<pid>/maps
+        Uses regular expressions to determine column separations.  Puts
+        column data into a dict mapping column names to their string values.
+        Args:
+            result: one line of /proc/<pid>/maps as a string, for any <pid>.
+        Returns:
+            None if the regular expression wasn't matched.  Otherwise:
+            A dict of string column names mapped to their string values.
+            For example:
+        {'start': '9e981700000', 'end': '9e981800000', 'perms': 'rwxp',
+            'something': '00000000', 'major': '00', 'minor': '00', 'inode':
+            '00'}
+        """
+        # Build regex to parse one line of proc maps table.
+        memory = '(?P<start>\w+)-(?P<end>\w+)'
+        perms = '(?P<perms>(r|-)(w|-)(x|-)(s|p))'
+        something = '(?P<something>\w+)'
+        devices = '(?P<major>\w+):(?P<minor>\w+)'
+        inode = '(?P<inode>[0-9]+)'
+        name = '(?P<name>([a-zA-Z0-9/]+|\[heap\]|\[stack\]))'
+        regex = r'%s +%s +%s +%s +%s +%s' % (memory, perms, something,
+            devices, inode, name)
+        found_match = re.match(regex, result)
+        if found_match is None:
+            return None
+        parsed_result = found_match.groupdict()
+        return parsed_result
+    def run_once(self, seconds = 1):
+        """Main function.
+        Called when test is run.  Gets processes to test and calls test on
+        them.
+        """
+        processes = self.get_processes_to_test()
+        for current_process in processes:
+            self.test_randomization(current_process)