blob: 8bbff1122f3608652d1dc128199d3232397e6489 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
''' A module for parsing X events and manipulating X Button labels '''
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import constants
import trackpad_util
from common_util import simple_system, simple_system_output
# Declare X property names
X_PROP_SCROLL_BUTTONS = 'Scroll Buttons'
X_PROP_TAP_ENABLE = 'Tap Enable'
# Declare NOP as a instance containing NOP related constants
NOP = constants.NOP()
class Xinput(object):
''' Manipulation of xinput properties
An example usage for instantiating a trackpad xinput device:
xi = Xinput('t(?:ouch|rack)pad')
def __init__(self, device_re_str):
self.device_re_str = device_re_str
self.xinput_str = 'DISPLAY=:0 xinput %s'
# list command looks like
# DISPLAY=:0 xinput list
self.xinput_list_cmd = self.xinput_str % 'list'
self.dev_id = self.lookup_device_id()
# list-props command looks like
# DISPLAY=:0 xinput list-props 11
list_props_str = 'list-props %s' % self.dev_id
self.xinput_list_props_cmd = self.xinput_str % list_props_str
def device_exists(self):
''' Indicating whether the device exists or not. '''
return self.dev_id is not None
def lookup_device_id(self):
''' Look up device id with the specified device string
For example, a trackpad device looks like
SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
dev_patt_str = '%s\s*id=(\d+)\s*\[' % self.device_re_str
dev_patt = re.compile(dev_patt_str, re.I)
dev_list = simple_system_output(self.xinput_list_cmd)
if dev_list:
for line in dev_list.splitlines():
result =
if result is not None:
return None
def lookup_int_prop_id_and_value(self, prop_name):
''' Look up integer property id based on property name
For example, a property looks like
Scroll Buttons (271): 0
prop_re_str = '\s*%s\s*\((\d+)\):\s*(\d+)' % prop_name
prop_patt = re.compile(prop_re_str, re.I)
prop_list = simple_system_output(self.xinput_list_props_cmd)
if prop_list:
for line in prop_list.splitlines():
result =
if result:
return (, int(
return (None, None)
def set_int_prop_value(self, prop_id, prop_val):
''' Set integer property value
For example, to enable Scroll Buttons (id=271) at device 11
DISPLAY=:0 xinput set-prop 11 271 1
# set-prop command looks like
# DISPLAY=:0 xinput set-prop 11 271 1
set_int_prop_str = 'set-prop %s %s %d' % (self.dev_id, prop_id,
self.xinput_set_int_prop_cmd = self.xinput_str % set_int_prop_str
class XIntProp(Xinput):
''' A special class to manipulate xinput Int Property. '''
TRACKPAD_RE_STR = 't(?:ouch|rack)pad'
def __init__(self, prop_name):
''' Look up the id and value of the X int property ''' = prop_name
super(XIntProp, self).__init__(self.TRACKPAD_RE_STR)
# Look up the property only when the device exists
if self.device_exists():
prop_result = self.lookup_int_prop_id_and_value(prop_name)
self.prop_id, self.orig_prop_val = prop_result
self.prop_id = self.orig_prop_val = None
def exists(self):
''' Indicating whether the property exists or not. '''
return self.prop_id is not None
def set_prop(self):
''' Enable the int property if it is not enabled yet. '''
if self.orig_prop_val == 0:
self.set_int_prop_value(self.prop_id, 1)
def reset_prop(self):
''' Disable the int property if it was originally disabled. '''
if self.orig_prop_val == 0:
self.set_int_prop_value(self.prop_id, 0)
def set_x_input_prop(prop_name):
''' Enable the specified property if it is not enabled yet. '''
prop = XIntProp(prop_name)
if prop.exists():
prop.set_prop()' The property %s has been set.' % prop_name)
else:' The property %s does not exist.' % prop_name)
return prop
def reset_x_input_prop(prop):
''' Disable the specified property if it was originally disabled. '''
if prop.exists():
prop.reset_prop()' The property %s has been reset.' %
class XButton:
''' Manipulation of X Button labels and values '''
# Define some common X button values
Left = 1
Middle = 2
Right = 3
Wheel_Up = 4
Wheel_Down = 5
Wheel_Left = 6
Wheel_Right = 7
Mouse_Wheel_Up = 8
Mouse_Wheel_Down = 9
def __init__(self):
self.display_environ = trackpad_util.Display().get_environ()
self.xinput_list_cmd = ' '.join([self.display_environ, 'xinput --list'])
self.xinput_dev_cmd = ' '.join([self.display_environ,
'xinput --list --long %s'])
self.trackpad_dev_id = self._get_trackpad_dev_id()
self.button_labels = None
self.wheel_label_dict = {'up': self.get_label(XButton.Wheel_Up),
'down': self.get_label(XButton.Wheel_Down),
'left': self.get_label(XButton.Wheel_Left),
'right': self.get_label(XButton.Wheel_Right),}
def _get_trackpad_dev_id(self):
trackpad_dev_id = None
if os.system('which xinput') == 0:
input_dev_str = simple_system_output(self.xinput_list_cmd)
for dev_str in input_dev_str.splitlines():
res ='(t(ouch|rack)pad\s+id=)(\d+)', dev_str, re.I)
if res is not None:
trackpad_dev_id =
return trackpad_dev_id
def get_supported_buttons(self):
''' Get supported button labels from xinput
a device returned from 'xinput --list' looks like:
| SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
Button labels returned from 'xinput --list <device_id>' looks like:
Button labels: Button Left Button Middle Button Right Button Wheel Up
Button Wheel Down Button Horiz Wheel Left Button Horiz Wheel Right
Button 0 Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6
Button 7
if self.button_labels is not None:
return self.button_labels
'Button Left', 'Button Middle', 'Button Right',
'Button Wheel Up', 'Button Wheel Down',
'Button Horiz Wheel Left', 'Button Horiz Wheel Right',
'Button 0', 'Button 1', 'Button 2', 'Button 3',
'Button 4', 'Button 5', 'Button 6', 'Button 7')
if self.trackpad_dev_id is not None:
xinput_dev_cmd = self.xinput_dev_cmd % self.trackpad_dev_id
features = simple_system_output(xinput_dev_cmd)
button_labels_str = [line for line in features.splitlines()
if line.lstrip().startswith('Button labels:')]
strip_str = button_labels_str[0].lstrip().lstrip('Button labels:')
self.button_labels = tuple(['Button ' + b.strip() for b in
strip_str.split('Button') if b])
logging.warn('Cannot find trackpad device in xinput. '
'Using default Button Labels instead.')
self.button_labels = DEFAULT_BUTTON_LABELS'Button Labels (%d) in the trackpad: %s' %
(len(self.button_labels), self.button_labels))
return self.button_labels
def get_value(self, button_label):
''' Mapping an X button label to an X button value
For example, 'Button Left' returns 1
'Button Wheel Up' returns 4
'Button Wheel Down' returns 5
return self.button_labels.index(button_label) + 1
def get_label(self, button_value):
''' Mapping an X button value to an X button label
For example, 1 returns 'Button Left'
4 returns 'Button Wheel Up'
5 returns 'Button Wheel Down'
return self.button_labels[button_value - 1]
def get_index(self, button_label):
''' Mapping an X button label to its index in a button tuple
Generally, a button index is equal to its button value decreased by 1.
For example, 'Button Left' returns 0
'Button Wheel Up' returns 3
'Button Wheel Down' returns 4
return self.button_labels.index(button_label)
def init_button_struct(self, value):
''' Initialize a button dictionary to the given values. '''
return dict(map(lambda b: (self.get_value(b), value),
def init_button_struct_with_time(self, value, time):
''' Initialize a button dictionary with time to the given values. '''
return dict(map(lambda b: (self.get_value(b), [value, list(time)]),
def is_button_wheel(self, button_label):
''' Is this button a wheel button? '''
return button_label in ['Button Wheel Up',
'Button Wheel Down',
'Button Horiz Wheel Left',
'Button Horiz Wheel Right']
class XEvent:
''' A class for X event parsing '''
def __init__(self, xbutton):
self.xbutton = xbutton
# Declare the format to extract information from X event structures
self.raw_format_dict = {
'Motion_coord' : '{6}',
'Motion_time' : '{5}',
'Motion_tv' : '{7}',
'Button_coord' : '{6}',
'Button_button' : '{3}',
'Button_time' : '{5}',
'Button_tv' : '{7}',
self.motion_trace_before = trackpad_util.read_trackpad_test_conf(
'motion_trace_before', '.')
self.motion_trace_after = trackpad_util.read_trackpad_test_conf(
'motion_trace_after', '.')
self.LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE = trackpad_util.read_trackpad_test_conf(
def _extract_prop(self, event_name, line, prop_key):
''' Extract property from X events '''
if line is None:
logging.warn(' X event format may not be correct.')
return None
event_format_str = self.raw_format_dict[event_name]
prop_val = event_format_str.format(*line.strip().split()).strip(',')
except IndexError, err:
logging.warn(' %s in X event data.' % str(err))
return None
return (prop_key, prop_val)
def _calc_distance(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
''' A simple Manhattan distance '''
delta_x = abs(x1 - x0)
delta_y = abs(y1 - y0)
dist = round(math.sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y))
return [dist, [delta_x, delta_y]]
def parse_raw_string(self, xevent_str):
''' Parse X raw event string
The event information of a single X event may span across multiple
lines. This function extracts the important event information of
an event into a dictionary so that it is easier to process in
subsequent stages.
For example:
A MotionNotify event looks like:
MotionNotify event, serial 25, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
root 0xab, subw 0x0, time 925196, (750,395), root:(750,395),
state 0x0, is_hint 0, same_screen YES
A ButtonPress event looks like:
ButtonPress event, serial 25, synthetic NO, window 0xa00001,
root 0xab, subw 0x0, time 1098904, (770,422), root:(770,422),
state 0x0, button 1, same_screen YES
The property extracted for the MotionNotify event looks like:
['MotionNotify', {'coord': (150,200), 'time': ...]
The property extracted for the ButtonPress event looks like:
['ButtonPress', {'coord': (150,200), 'button': 5}, 'time': ...]
if not xevent_str:
logging.warn(' No X events were captured.')
return False
xevent_iter = iter(xevent_str)
self.xevent_data = []
while True:
line = next(xevent_iter, None)
if line is None:
line_words = line.split()
if not line_words:
event_name = line_words[0]
# Extract event information for important event types
if event_name == 'MotionNotify' or event_name == 'EnterNotify':
line1 = next(xevent_iter, None)
line2 = next(xevent_iter, None)
prop_coord = self._extract_prop('Motion_coord', line1, 'coord')
prop_time = self._extract_prop('Motion_time', line1, 'time')
if prop_coord is not None and prop_time is not None:
event_dict = dict([prop_coord, prop_time])
self.xevent_data.append([event_name, event_dict])
elif line.startswith('Button'):
line1 = next(xevent_iter, None)
line2 = next(xevent_iter, None)
prop_coord = self._extract_prop('Button_coord', line1, 'coord')
prop_time = self._extract_prop('Button_time', line1, 'time')
prop_button = self._extract_prop('Button_button', line2,
if (prop_coord is not None and prop_button is not None
and prop_time is not None):
event_dict = dict([prop_coord, prop_button, prop_time])
self.xevent_data.append([event_name, event_dict])
return True
def parse_button_and_motion(self):
''' Parse X button events and motion events
This method parses original X button events and motion events from
self.xevent_data, and saves the aggregated results in self.xevent_seq
The variable seg_move accumulates the motions of the contiguous events
segmented by some boundary events such as Button events and other
NOP events.
A NOP (no operation) event is a fake X event which is used to indicate
the occurrence of some important trackpad device events. It can be
use to compute the latency between a device event and a resultant X
event. It can also be used to partition X events into groups.
# Define some functions for seg_move
def _reset_seg_move():
''' Reset seg_move in x+y, x, and y to 0 '''
return [0, [0, 0]]
def _reset_time_interval(begin_time=None):
''' Reset time interval '''
return [begin_time, None]
def _reset_coord():
return [None, None]
def _add_seg_move(seg_move, move):
''' Accumulate seg_move in x+y, x, and y respectively '''
list_add = lambda list1, list2: map(sum, zip(list1, list2))
return [seg_move[0] + move[0], list_add(seg_move[1], move[1])]
def _is_finger_off(line):
''' Is finger off the trackpad? '''
ev_name, ev_dict = line
if isinstance(ev_dict, dict) and ev_dict.has_key('event'):
return ev_dict['event'] == 'Finger Off'
def _reset_motion_trace(self):
''' Reset motion_trace and its state '''
self.motion_trace_state = None
self.motion_trace = []
self.motion_trace_len = self.LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
def _extract_motion_trace_state(self, line):
''' Extract motion_trace_state which determines motion trace
length and buffer strategy.
For typical physical clicks:
Finger On
optional Motion events Use trace: motion_trace_before
Device Mouse Click Press
optional Motion events
optional Motion events
Device Mouse Click Release
optional Motion events
optional Motion events Use trace: motion_trace_after
optional Motion events Use trace: motion_trace_before
Device Mouse Click Press
optional Motion events
optional Motion events
Device Mouse Click Release
optional Motion events
optional Motion events Use trace: motion_trace_after
Finger Off
(1) state == 'Finger On':
Set trace length: LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
Note: its next state could be either 'Device Mouse Click Press'
or 'ButtonPress'.
motion_trace_state = state
(2) state == 'Device Mouse Click Press':
Set trace length: motion_trace_before
Motion report: Use only the motion_trace_before portion in
Reason: Users may move cursor around and, without finger
leaving trackpad, make a physical click. We do not want
to take into account the cursor movement during
finger tracking.
Set trace length: LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
motion_trace_state = state
(3) state == 'ButtonPress':
Motion report: Use all motion events in motion_trace
since it is in the middle of a physical click.
Note: its previoius state could be either 'Device Mouse Click
Press' or 'Finger On'
Set trace length: LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
motion_trace_state = state
(4) state == 'Device Mouse Click Release':
(No need to handle 'Device Mouse Click Release' explicitly)
(5) state == 'ButtonRelease':
Motion report: Use all motion events in motion_trace
since it is in the middle of a physical click.
Set trace length: motion_trace_after
Reason: After releasing the physical click, without finger
leaving trackpad, users may move cursor around. So we
only want to collect the motion events afterwards in
limited time.
Note: After motion_trace_after has been collected.
Append a motion report. And then turn to using
"Set trace length: LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE"
for next possible clicks or
motion_trace_state = state
(6) state == 'Finger Off':
if self.motion_trace_state == 'ButtonRelease':
Motion report: Use motion events in the motion_trace
for up to motion_trace_after elements.
Set trace length: LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
motion_trace_state = state
(7) event_name == 'Motion':
if (self.motion_trace_state == 'ButtonRelease' and
len(self.motion_trace) >= self.motion_trace_len - 1):
self.motion_trace_len = self.LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
self.motion_trace_state = 'ButtonRelease.TraceAfterDone'
Note: Next state could be either 'Device Mouse Click Press'
or 'Finger Off'
ev_name, ev_dict = line
state = None
if ev_name in ['ButtonPress', 'ButtonRelease', 'MotionNotify']:
state = ev_name
elif (ev_name == 'NOP' and
ev_dict['event'] in ['Finger On', 'Finger Off',
'Device Mouse Click Press']):
state = ev_dict['event']
return state
def _insert_motion_trace_entry(self, event_coord, event_time):
# Insert an entry into motion_trace
mtrace_dict = {'coord': event_coord, 'time': event_time}
if len(self.motion_trace) > self.motion_trace_len:
def _reduce_motion_trace(self, target_trace_len):
# Reduce motion_trace according to target_trace_len
trace_len = len(self.motion_trace)
if trace_len > target_trace_len:
begin_index = trace_len - target_trace_len
self.motion_trace = self.motion_trace[begin_index:]
def _add_motion_trace(self, event_coord, event_time, line):
''' Add the new coordinate into motion_trace.
If the trace lenght exceeds a predefined length, pop off the
oldest entry from the trace buffer.
Refer to _extract_motion_trace_state() for details about
the operations of motion_trace.
state = _extract_motion_trace_state(self, line)
# Determine motion trace length based on motion trace state
if state == 'Finger On':
self.motion_trace_len = self.LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
self.motion_trace_state = state
elif state == 'Device Mouse Click Press':
_reduce_motion_trace(self, self.motion_trace_before)
self.motion_trace_len = self.LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
self.motion_trace_state = state
elif state == 'ButtonPress':
_insert_motion_trace_entry(self, event_coord, event_time)
self.motion_trace_len = self.LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
self.motion_trace_state = state
elif state == 'ButtonRelease':
_insert_motion_trace_entry(self, event_coord, event_time)
self.motion_trace_len = self.motion_trace_after
self.motion_trace_state = state
elif state == 'Finger Off':
# if the state is not 'ButtonRelease.TraceAfterDone' yet
if self.motion_trace_state == 'ButtonRelease':
self.motion_trace_len = self.LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
self.motion_trace_state = state
elif state == 'MotionNotify':
_insert_motion_trace_entry(self, event_coord, event_time)
if (self.motion_trace_state == 'ButtonRelease' and
len(self.motion_trace) >= self.motion_trace_len - 1):
self.motion_trace_len = self.LONG_MOTIOIN_TRACE
self.motion_trace_state = 'ButtonRelease.TraceAfterDone'
def _append_event(event):
''' Append the event into xevent_seq '''
indent = ' ' * 14 + str(event))
def _append_motion(self):
''' Append Motion events to xevent_seq '''
if not self.motion_trace:
# Compute the accumulated movement and the time span
# in motion_trace buffer.
pre_xy = _reset_coord()
seg_move = _reset_seg_move()
seg_time_span = [None, None]
for m in self.motion_trace:
cur_xy = m['coord']
cur_time = m['time']
if pre_xy == [None, None]:
pre_xy = cur_xy
seg_time_span = [cur_time, cur_time]
move = self._calc_distance(*(pre_xy + cur_xy))
seg_move = _add_seg_move(seg_move, move)
pre_xy = cur_xy
seg_time_span[1] = cur_time
# Append the motion report data to xevent_seq
# The format of reported motion data looks like:
# ('Motion', motion_data, time_span)
# E.g.,
# ('Motion', (2.0, ('Motion_x', 2), ('Motion_y', 0)),
# [351613962, 351614138])
(move_xy, (move_x, move_y)) = seg_move
if move_x > 0 or move_y > 0:
move_val = (move_xy, ('Motion_x', move_x), ('Motion_y', move_y))
event = ('Motion', move_val, seg_time_span)
# Clear the motion_trace buffer and keep the last entry
last_entry = self.motion_trace.pop()
def _append_button(event_name, button_label, event_time):
''' Append non-wheel Buttons
Typically, they include Button Left, Button Middle, Button Right,
and other non-wheel buttons etc.
TODO(josephsih): creating a event class, with more formalized,
named members (name, details, time). Or, using a dict, ('name': ,
'details':, 'time':).
if not self.xbutton.is_button_wheel(button_label):
event = (event_name, button_label, event_time)
def _append_button_wheel(button_label, event_button, button_time):
''' Append Button Wheel count '''
if self.xbutton.is_button_wheel(button_label):
count = self.seg_count_buttons[event_button]
count = int(count) if count == int(count) else count
if count > 0:
event = (button_label, count, button_time)
def _append_NOP(event_name, event_description, event_time):
''' Append NOP event '''
if event_name == NOP.NOP:
event = (event_name, event_description, event_time)
self.count_buttons = self.xbutton.init_button_struct(0)
self.seg_count_buttons = self.xbutton.init_button_struct(0)
self.count_buttons_press = self.xbutton.init_button_struct(0)
self.count_buttons_release = self.xbutton.init_button_struct(0)
self.button_states = self.xbutton.init_button_struct('ButtonRelease')
pre_xy = _reset_coord()
button_label = pre_button_label = None
event_name = None
event_button = pre_event_button = None
self.xevent_seq = []
seg_move_time = _reset_time_interval()
button_time = _reset_time_interval()
self.sum_move = 0
indent = ' ' * 8 + 'X events detected:')
for line in self.xevent_data:
flag_finger_off = _is_finger_off(line)
event_name = line[0]
event_coord = _reset_coord()
event_time = None
if event_name != NOP.NOP:
event_dict = line[1]
if event_dict.has_key('coord'):
event_coord = list(eval(event_dict['coord']))
if event_dict.has_key('button'):
event_button = eval(event_dict['button'])
if event_dict.has_key('time'):
event_time = eval(event_dict['time'])
# _extract_motion_trace_state(self, line)
_add_motion_trace(self, event_coord, event_time, line)
if event_name == 'EnterNotify':
if pre_xy == [None, None]:
pre_xy = event_coord
seg_move_time[0] = event_time
self.seg_count_buttons = self.xbutton.init_button_struct(0)
if seg_move_time[0] is None:
seg_move_time = [event_time, event_time]
seg_move_time[1] = event_time
elif event_name == 'MotionNotify':
if pre_xy == [None, None]:
pre_xy = event_coord
cur_xy = event_coord
move = self._calc_distance(*(pre_xy + cur_xy))
pre_xy = cur_xy
self.sum_move += move[0]
if seg_move_time[0] is None:
seg_move_time = [event_time, event_time]
seg_move_time[1] = event_time
elif event_name.startswith('Button'):
seg_move_time = _reset_time_interval()
button_label = self.xbutton.get_label(event_button)
self.button_states[event_button] = event_name
if button_label == pre_button_label:
button_time[1] = event_time
# Append Button Wheel count when event button is changed
_append_button_wheel(pre_button_label, pre_event_button,
self.seg_count_buttons = self.xbutton.init_button_struct(0)
button_time = _reset_time_interval(begin_time=event_time)
# Append button events except button wheel events
_append_button(event_name, button_label, event_time)
# A ButtonRelease should precede ButtonPress
# A ButtonPress should precede ButtonRelease
if event_name == 'ButtonPress':
self.count_buttons_press[event_button] += 1
elif event_name == 'ButtonRelease':
self.count_buttons_release[event_button] += 1
self.count_buttons[event_button] += 0.5
self.seg_count_buttons[event_button] += 0.5
pre_button_label = button_label
pre_event_button = event_button
elif event_name == NOP.NOP:
_append_button_wheel(pre_button_label, pre_event_button,
pre_button_label = None
self.seg_count_buttons = self.xbutton.init_button_struct(0)
button_time = _reset_time_interval()
seg_move_time = _reset_time_interval()
_append_NOP(NOP.NOP, line[1]['event'], line[1]['time'])
if flag_finger_off:
pre_xy = _reset_coord()
# Append aggregated button wheel events and motion events
_append_button_wheel(button_label, event_button, button_time)
# Convert dictionary to tuple
self.button_states = tuple(self.button_states.values())
self.count_buttons = tuple(self.count_buttons.values())