blob: b0d0721ef8d78e2847673968638009aa0c7bc6f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import commands, logging, random, re, time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import rtc, sys_power
START_SUSPEND_MESSAGES = [ 'Freezing user space' ]
END_SUSPEND_MESSAGES = [ 'Back to C!', 'Resume caused by' ]
END_RESUME_MESSAGES = [ 'Restarting tasks' ]
class power_Resume(test.test):
version = 1
preserve_srcdir = True
def _get_last_msg(self, msg):
cmd = "grep -a '%s' /var/log/messages | tail -n 1" % msg
# The order in which processes are un-frozen is indeterminate
# and therfore this test may get resumed before the system has gotten
# a chance to finalize writes to logfile. Sleep a bit to take care of
# this race.
count = 0
data = commands.getoutput(cmd)
while len(data) == 0 and count < 5:
count +=1
data = commands.getoutput(cmd)
if count == 5:
raise error.TestError("Failed to find log message: " + msg)
return data
def _get_last_msg_time(self, msg):
data = self._get_last_msg(msg)
match =' \[\s*([0-9.]+)\] ', data)
if match is None:
raise error.TestError('Failed to find timestamp for log message: '
+ msg)
msg_time = float(
logging.debug("Last message '%s' time = %f" % (msg, msg_time))
return msg_time
def _get_last_msg_time_multiple(self, msgs):
time = -1
for msg in msgs:
time = self._get_last_msg_time(msg)
except error.TestError as e:"%s, trying next message" % str(e))
return time
def _get_start_suspend_time(self):
time = self._get_last_msg_time_multiple(START_SUSPEND_MESSAGES)
if time == -1:
raise error.TestError("Could not find start suspend time message.")
return time
def _get_end_cpu_resume_time(self):
return self._get_last_msg_time('CPU[0-9]\+ is up')
def _get_end_suspend_time(self):
time = self._get_last_msg_time_multiple(END_SUSPEND_MESSAGES)
if time == -1:
raise error.TestError("Could not find end suspend time message.")
return time
def _get_end_resume_time(self):
time = self._get_last_msg_time_multiple(END_RESUME_MESSAGES)
if time == -1:
raise error.TestError("Could not find end resume time message.")
return time
def _get_device_resume_time(self):
data = self._get_last_msg("PM: resume of devices complete after")
match ='PM: resume of devices complete after ([0-9.]+)',
if match is None:
raise error.TestError('Failed to find device resume time on line: '
+ data)
# convert from msec to sec
return float( / 1000
def _get_hwclock_seconds(self):
Read the hwclock resume time saved off by powerd_resume
count = 0
while count < 5:
hwclock_output = utils.read_file('/tmp/hwclock-on-resume')
logging.debug('hwclock_output: ' + hwclock_output)
match =
r'= ([0-9]+) seconds since .+ (-?[0-9.]+) seconds$',
hwclock_output, re.DOTALL)
if match:
seconds = int( + float(
logging.debug('hwclock seconds = %f' % seconds)
return seconds
# /tmp/hwclock-on-resume file doesn't contain valid data. Retry
count += 1
raise ValueError('Unable to read the hardware clock -- ' +
def run_once(self):
# Some idle time before initiating suspend-to-ram
idle_time = random.randint(1, 10)
# Safe enough number, can tweek if necessary
time_to_sleep = 10
# Set the alarm
alarm_time = rtc.get_seconds() + time_to_sleep
logging.debug('alarm_time = %d', alarm_time)
# Suspend the system to RAM
# Get suspend and resume times from /var/log/messages
start_suspend_time = self._get_start_suspend_time()
end_suspend_time = self._get_end_suspend_time()
end_resume_time = self._get_end_resume_time()
end_cpu_resume_time = self._get_end_cpu_resume_time()
kernel_device_resume_time = self._get_device_resume_time()
# Calculate the suspend/resume times
total_resume_time = self._get_hwclock_seconds() - alarm_time
suspend_time = end_suspend_time - start_suspend_time
kernel_resume_time = end_resume_time - end_suspend_time
kernel_cpu_resume_time = end_cpu_resume_time - end_suspend_time
firmware_resume_time = total_resume_time - kernel_resume_time
# Prepare the results
results = {}
results['seconds_system_suspend'] = suspend_time
results['seconds_system_resume'] = total_resume_time
results['seconds_system_resume_firmware'] = firmware_resume_time
results['seconds_system_resume_kernel'] = kernel_resume_time
results['seconds_system_resume_kernel_cpu'] = kernel_cpu_resume_time
results['seconds_system_resume_kernel_dev'] = kernel_device_resume_time