blob: 3db2b6fecffd43d86901edee387ba342d9959a0d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, time
from import bp_http_client, method_logger
class BpImageComparer(object):
Encapsulates the BioPic image comparison strategy.
def __init__(self, project_name, contact_email, wait_time_btwn_comparisons):
Initializes the underlying bp client.
@param project_name: string, name of test run project to view results.
@param contact_email: string, email to receive test results on failure.
@param wait_time_btwn_comparisons: int, time in seconds to wait between
two consecutive pair of calls to
upload reference and test images.
If we upload without a break, biopic
server could get overwhelmed and
throw an exception.
self.bp_client = bp_http_client.BiopicClient(project_name)
self.test_run = self.bp_client.CreateTestRun(contact_email)
self.wait_time_btwn_comparisons = wait_time_btwn_comparisons
def __enter__(self):
Enables BpImageComparer to be used with the 'with' construct.
Using this class with the 'with' construct guarantees EndTestRun will
be called.
@returns this current object.
return self
def id(self):
Returns the id of the testrun.
return self.test_run['testrun_id']
def compare(self, golden_image_paths, test_run_image_paths):
Compares a test image with a known reference image.
Uses http_client interface to communicate with biopic service.
@param golden_image_paths: path, complete path to golden image.
@param test_run_image_paths: path, complete path to test image.
@raises whatever biopic http interface raises.
@returns a list of dictionaries containing test results.
if type(golden_image_paths) is not list:
golden_image_paths = [golden_image_paths]
if type(test_run_image_paths) is not list:
test_run_image_paths = [test_run_image_paths]
upload_results = []
for gimage, timage in zip(golden_image_paths, test_run_image_paths):
self.bp_client.UploadGoldenImage(, gimage)
res = self.bp_client.UploadRunImage(, timage)
logging.debug("*** Biopic Upload Results:\n")
return upload_results
def complete(self):
Completes the test run.
Biopic service requires its users to end the test run when finished.
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
Ends the test run. Meant to be used with the 'with' construct.