blob: aac900712bd2825587b89b92bb608a94e5f69174 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import urlparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import dev_server
from autotest_lib.client.cros.update_engine import dlc_util
from autotest_lib.client.cros.update_engine import update_engine_event as uee
from autotest_lib.client.cros.update_engine import update_engine_util
from autotest_lib.server import autotest
from autotest_lib.server import test
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import tools
from chromite.lib import auto_updater
from chromite.lib import auto_updater_transfer
from chromite.lib import remote_access
from chromite.lib import retry_util
class UpdateEngineTest(test.test, update_engine_util.UpdateEngineUtil):
"""Base class for all autoupdate_ server tests.
Contains useful functions shared between tests like staging payloads
on devservers, verifying hostlogs, and launching client tests.
version = 1
# Timeout periods, given in seconds.
# The names of the two hostlog files we will be verifying.
_DEVSERVER_HOSTLOG_ROOTFS = 'devserver_hostlog_rootfs'
_DEVSERVER_HOSTLOG_REBOOT = 'devserver_hostlog_reboot'
# Name of the logfile generated by
_NEBRASKA_LOG = 'nebraska.log'
# Version we tell the DUT it is on before update.
_CELLULAR_BUCKET = 'gs://chromeos-throw-away-bucket/CrOSPayloads/Cellular/'
_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
def initialize(self, host=None, hosts=None):
Sets default variables for the test.
@param host: The DUT we will be running on.
@param hosts: If we are running a test with multiple DUTs (eg P2P)
we will use hosts instead of host.
self._current_timestamp = None
self._host = host
# Some AU tests use multiple DUTs
self._hosts = hosts
# Define functions used in update_engine_util.
self._run = if self._host else None
self._get_file = self._host.get_file if self._host else None
# Utilities for DLC management
self._dlc_util = dlc_util.DLCUtil(self._run)
def cleanup(self):
"""Clean up update_engine autotests."""
if self._host:
self._host.get_file(self._UPDATE_ENGINE_LOG, self.resultsdir)
def _get_expected_events_for_rootfs_update(self, source_release):
Creates a list of expected events fired during a rootfs update.
There are 4 events fired during a rootfs update. We will create these
in the correct order.
@param source_release: The source build version.
return [
def _get_expected_event_for_post_reboot_check(self, source_release,
Creates the expected event fired during post-reboot update check.
@param source_release: The source build version.
@param target_release: The target build version.
return [
timeout = self._POST_REBOOT_TIMEOUT)
def _verify_event_with_timeout(self, expected_event, actual_event):
Verify an expected event occurred before its timeout.
@param expected_event: an expected event.
@param actual_event: an actual event from the hostlog.
@return None if event complies, an error string otherwise.
"""'Expecting %s within %s seconds', expected_event,
if not actual_event:
return ('No entry found for %s event.' % uee.get_event_type
(expected_event._expected_attrs['event_type']))'Consumed new event: %s', actual_event)
# If this is the first event, set it as the current time
if self._current_timestamp is None:
self._current_timestamp = datetime.strptime(
actual_event['timestamp'], self._TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
# Get the time stamp for the current event and convert to datetime
timestamp = actual_event['timestamp']
event_timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp,
# If the event happened before the timeout
difference = event_timestamp - self._current_timestamp
if difference < timedelta(seconds=expected_event._timeout):'Event took %s seconds to fire during the '
'update', difference.seconds)
self._current_timestamp = event_timestamp
mismatched_attrs = expected_event.equals(actual_event)
if mismatched_attrs is None:
return None
return self._error_incorrect_event(
expected_event, actual_event, mismatched_attrs)
return self._timeout_error_message(expected_event,
def _error_incorrect_event(self, expected, actual, mismatched_attrs):
Error message for when an event is not what we expect.
@param expected: The expected event that did not match the hostlog.
@param actual: The actual event with the mismatched arg(s).
@param mismatched_attrs: A list of mismatched attributes.
et = uee.get_event_type(expected._expected_attrs['event_type'])
return ('Event %s had mismatched attributes: %s. We expected %s, but '
'got %s.' % (et, mismatched_attrs, expected, actual))
def _timeout_error_message(self, expected, time_taken):
Error message for when an event takes too long to fire.
@param expected: The expected event that timed out.
@param time_taken: How long it actually took.
et = uee.get_event_type(expected._expected_attrs['event_type'])
return ('Event %s should take less than %ds. It took %ds.'
% (et, expected._timeout, time_taken))
def _stage_payload_by_uri(self, payload_uri, properties_file=True):
"""Stage a payload based on its GS URI.
This infers the build's label, filename and GS archive from the
provided GS URI.
@param payload_uri: The full GS URI of the payload.
@param properties_file: If true, it will stage the update payload
properties file too.
@return URL of the staged payload (and properties file) on the server.
@raise error.TestError if there's a problem with staging.
archive_url, _, filename = payload_uri.rpartition('/')
build_name = urlparse.urlsplit(archive_url).path.strip('/')
filenames = [filename]
if properties_file:
filenames.append(filename + '.json')
return (self._autotest_devserver.get_staged_file_url(f, build_name)
for f in filenames)
except dev_server.DevServerException, e:
raise error.TestError('Failed to stage payload: %s' % e)
def _get_devserver_for_test(self, test_conf):
"""Find a devserver to use.
We use the payload URI as the hash for ImageServer.resolve. The chosen
devserver needs to respect the location of the host if
'prefer_local_devserver' is set to True or 'restricted_subnets' is set.
@param test_conf: a dictionary of test settings.
autotest_devserver = dev_server.ImageServer.resolve(
test_conf['target_payload_uri'], self._host.hostname)
devserver_hostname = urlparse.urlparse(
autotest_devserver.url()).hostname'Devserver chosen for this run: %s', devserver_hostname)
return autotest_devserver
def _get_payload_url(self, build=None, full_payload=True, is_dlc=False):
Gets the GStorage URL of the full or delta payload for this build, for
either platform or DLC payloads.
@param build: build string e.g eve-release/R85-13265.0.0.
@param full_payload: True for full payload. False for delta.
@param is_dlc: True to get the payload URL for dummy-dlc.
@returns the payload URL.
if build is None:
if self._job_repo_url is None:
self._job_repo_url = self._get_job_repo_url()
ds_url, build = tools.get_devserver_build_from_package_url(
self._autotest_devserver = dev_server.ImageServer(ds_url)
gs = dev_server._get_image_storage_server()
# Example payload names (AU):
# chromeos_R85-13265.0.0_eve_full_dev.bin
# chromeos_R85-13265.0.0_R85-13265.0.0_eve_delta_dev.bin
# Example payload names (DLC):
# dlc_dummy-dlc_package_R85-13265.0.0_eve_full_dev.bin
# dlc_dummy-dlc_package_R85-13265.0.0_R85-13265.0.0_eve_delta_dev.bin
if is_dlc:
payload_prefix = 'dlc_*%s*_%s_*' % (build.rpartition('/')[2], '%s')
payload_prefix = 'chromeos_%s*_%s_*' % (build.rpartition('/')[2],
regex = payload_prefix % ('full' if full_payload else 'delta')
payload_url_regex = gs + build + '/' + regex
logging.debug('Trying to find payloads at %s', payload_url_regex)
payloads = utils.gs_ls(payload_url_regex)
if not payloads:
raise error.TestFail('Could not find payload for %s', build)
logging.debug('Payloads found: %s', payloads)
return payloads[0]
def _get_stateful_uri(build_uri):
"""Returns a complete GS URI of a stateful update given a build path."""
return '/'.join([build_uri.rstrip('/'), 'stateful.tgz'])
def _get_job_repo_url(self, job_repo_url=None):
"""Gets the job_repo_url argument supplied to the test by the lab."""
if job_repo_url is not None:
return job_repo_url
if self._hosts is not None:
self._host = self._hosts[0]
if self._host is None:
raise error.TestFail('No host specified by AU test.')
info = self._host.host_info_store.get()
return info.attributes.get(self._host.job_repo_url_attribute, '')
def _stage_payloads(self, payload_uri, archive_uri):
Stages payloads on the devserver.
@param payload_uri: URI for a GS payload to stage.
@param archive_uri: URI for GS folder containing payloads. This is used
to find the related stateful payload.
@returns URI of staged payload, URI of staged stateful.
if not payload_uri:
return None, None
staged_uri, _ = self._stage_payload_by_uri(payload_uri)'Staged %s at %s.', payload_uri, staged_uri)
# Figure out where to get the matching stateful payload.
if archive_uri:
stateful_uri = self._get_stateful_uri(archive_uri)
stateful_uri = self._payload_to_stateful_uri(payload_uri)
staged_stateful = self._stage_payload_by_uri(stateful_uri,
properties_file=False)'Staged stateful from %s at %s.', stateful_uri,
return staged_uri, staged_stateful
def _payload_to_stateful_uri(self, payload_uri):
"""Given a payload GS URI, returns the corresponding stateful URI."""
build_uri = payload_uri.rpartition('/payloads/')[0]
return self._get_stateful_uri(build_uri)
def _copy_payload_to_public_bucket(self, payload_url):
Copy payload and make link public.
@param payload_url: Payload URL on Google Storage.
@returns The payload URL that is now publicly accessible.
payload_filename = payload_url.rpartition('/')[2]['gsutil', 'cp', '%s*' % payload_url, self._CELLULAR_BUCKET])
new_gs_url = self._CELLULAR_BUCKET + payload_filename['gsutil', 'acl', 'ch', '-u', 'AllUsers:R',
'%s*' % new_gs_url])
return new_gs_url.replace('gs://', '')
def _suspend_then_resume(self):
"""Suspends and resumes the host DUT."""
except error.AutoservSuspendError:
logging.exception('Suspend did not last the entire time.')
def _run_client_test_and_check_result(self, test_name, **kwargs):
Kicks of a client autotest and checks that it didn't fail.
@param test_name: client test name
@param **kwargs: key-value arguments to pass to the test.
client_at = autotest.Autotest(self._host)
client_at.run_test(test_name, **kwargs)
client_at._check_client_test_result(self._host, test_name)
# TODO(ahassani): Move this to chromite so it can be used by endtoend tests
# too so we don't have to rely on request_log API on nebraska.
def _extract_request_logs(self, update_engine_log):
Extracts request logs from an update_engine log.
@param update_engine_log: The update_engine log as a string.
@returns a list object representing the request logs.
# Looking for all request XML strings in the log.
pattern = re.compile(r'<request.*?</request>', re.DOTALL)
requests = pattern.findall(update_engine_log)
# We are looking for patterns like this:
# [0324/] Request:
timestamp_pattern = re.compile(r'\[([0-9]+)/([0-9]+).*?\] Request:')
timestamps = [
# Just use the current year since the logs don't have the year
# value. Let's all hope tests don't start to fail on new year's
# eve LOL.
int(ts[0][0:2]), # Month
int(ts[0][2:4]), # Day
int(ts[1][0:2]), # Hours
int(ts[1][2:4]), # Minutes
int(ts[1][4:6])) # Seconds
for ts in timestamp_pattern.findall(update_engine_log)
if len(requests) != len(timestamps):
raise error.TestFail('Failed to properly parse the update_engine '
'log file.')
result = []
for timestamp, request in zip(timestamps, requests):
root = ElementTree.fromstring(request)
app = root.find('app')
event = app.find('event')
'version': app.attrib.get('version'),
'event_type': (int(event.attrib.get('eventtype'))
if event is not None else None),
'event_result': (int(event.attrib.get('eventresult'))
if event is not None else None),
'timestamp': timestamp.strftime(self._TIMESTAMP_FORMAT),
previous_version = (event.attrib.get('previousversion')
if event is not None else None)
if previous_version:
result[-1]['previous_version'] = previous_version'Extracted Request log: %s', result)
return result
def _create_hostlog_files(self):
"""Create the two hostlog files for the update.
To ensure the update was successful we need to compare the update
events against expected update events. There is a hostlog for the
rootfs update and for the post reboot update check.
# Each time we reboot in the middle of an update we ping omaha again
# for each update event. So parse the list backwards to get the final
# events.
rootfs_hostlog = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'hostlog_rootfs')
with open(rootfs_hostlog, 'w') as fp:
# There are four expected hostlog events during update.
self._get_update_engine_log(1))[-4:], fp)
reboot_hostlog = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'hostlog_reboot')
with open(reboot_hostlog, 'w') as fp:
# There is one expected hostlog events after reboot.
self._get_update_engine_log(0))[:1], fp)
return rootfs_hostlog, reboot_hostlog
def _set_active_p2p_host(self, host):
Choose which p2p host device to run commands on.
For P2P tests with multiple DUTs we need to be able to choose which
host within self._hosts we want to issue commands on.
@param host: The host to run commands on.
self._set_util_functions(, host.get_file)
def _set_update_over_cellular_setting(self, update_over_cellular=True):
Toggles the update_over_cellular setting in update_engine.
@param update_over_cellular: True to enable, False to disable.
answer = 'yes' if update_over_cellular else 'no'
'--update_over_cellular=%s' % answer]
retry_util.RetryException(error.AutoservRunError, 2, self._run, cmd)
def _copy_generated_nebraska_logs(self, logs_dir, identifier):
"""Copies nebraska logs from logs_dir into job results directory.
The nebraska process on the device generates logs (with the names:
devserver_hostlog_rootfs, devserver_hostlog_reboot, nebraska.log)
and stores those logs in a /tmp directory. The update engine generates
update_engine.log during the auto-update which is also stored in the
same /tmp directory. This method copies these logfiles from the /tmp
directory into the job results directory.
@param logs_dir: Directory containing paths to the log files generated
by the nebraska process.
@param identifier: A string that is appended to the logfile when it is
saved so that multiple files with the same name can
be differentiated.
partial_filename = '%s_%s_%s' % ('%s', self._host.hostname, identifier)
src_files = [
for src_fname in src_files:
source = os.path.join(logs_dir, src_fname)
dest = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, partial_filename % src_fname)
logging.debug('Copying logs from %s to %s', source, dest)
shutil.copyfile(source, dest)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Could not copy logs from %s into %s due to '
'exception: %s', source, dest, e)
def _get_update_parameters_from_uri(payload_uri):
"""Extract vars needed to update with a Google Storage payload URI.
The two values we need are:
(1) A build_name string e.g dev-channel/samus/9583.0.0
(2) A filename of the exact payload file to use for the update. This
payload needs to have already been staged on the devserver.
@param payload_uri: Google Storage URI to extract values from
# gs://chromeos-releases/dev-channel/samus/9334.0.0/payloads/blah.bin
# build_name = dev-channel/samus/9334.0.0
# payload_file = payloads/blah.bin
build_name = payload_uri[:payload_uri.index('payloads/')]
build_name = urlparse.urlsplit(build_name).path.strip('/')
payload_file = payload_uri[payload_uri.index('payloads/'):]
logging.debug('Extracted build_name: %s, payload_file: %s from %s.',
build_name, payload_file, payload_uri)
return build_name, payload_file
def verify_update_events(self, source_release, hostlog_filename,
"""Compares a hostlog file against a set of expected events.
In this class we build a list of expected events (list of
UpdateEngineEvent objects), and compare that against a "hostlog"
returned from update_engine from the update. This hostlog is a json
list of events fired during the update.
@param source_release: The source build version.
@param hostlog_filename: The path to a hotlog returned from nebraska.
@param target_release: The target build version.
if target_release is not None:
expected_events = self._get_expected_event_for_post_reboot_check(
source_release, target_release)
expected_events = self._get_expected_events_for_rootfs_update(
source_release)'Checking update against hostlog file: %s',
with open(hostlog_filename, 'r') as fp:
hostlog_events = json.load(fp)
except Exception as e:
raise error.TestFail('Error reading the hostlog file: %s' % e)
for expected, actual in itertools.izip_longest(expected_events,
err_msg = self._verify_event_with_timeout(expected, actual)
if err_msg is not None:
raise error.TestFail(('Hostlog verification failed: %s ' %
def get_update_url_for_test(self, job_repo_url=None, full_payload=True):
Returns a devserver update URL for tests that cannot use a Nebraska
instance on the DUT for updating.
This expects the test to set self._host or self._hosts.
@param job_repo_url: string url containing the current build.
@param full_payload: bool whether we want a full payload.
@returns a valid devserver update URL.
self._job_repo_url = self._get_job_repo_url(job_repo_url)
if not self._job_repo_url:
raise error.TestFail('There was no job_repo_url so we cannot get '
'a payload to use.')
ds_url, build = tools.get_devserver_build_from_package_url(
# The lab devserver assigned to this test.
lab_devserver = dev_server.ImageServer(ds_url)
# Stage payloads on the lab devserver.
self._autotest_devserver = lab_devserver
artifact = 'full_payload' if full_payload else 'delta_payload'
self._autotest_devserver.stage_artifacts(build, [artifact])
# Use the same lab devserver to also handle the update.
url = self._autotest_devserver.get_update_url(build)
# Delta payloads get staged into the 'au_nton' directory of the
# build itself. So we need to append this at the end of the update
# URL to get the delta payload.
if not full_payload:
url += '/au_nton''Update URL: %s', url)
return url
def get_payload_url_on_public_bucket(self, job_repo_url=None,
full_payload=True, is_dlc=False):
Get the google storage url of the payload in a public bucket.
We will be copying the payload to a public google storage bucket
(similar location to updates via autest command).
@param job_repo_url: string url containing the current build.
@param full_payload: True for full, False for delta.
@param is_dlc: True to get the payload URL for dummy-dlc.
self._job_repo_url = self._get_job_repo_url(job_repo_url)
payload_url = self._get_payload_url(full_payload=full_payload,
url = self._copy_payload_to_public_bucket(payload_url)'Public update URL: %s', url)
return url
def get_payload_for_nebraska(self, job_repo_url=None, full_payload=True,
public_bucket=False, is_dlc=False):
Gets a platform or DLC payload URL to be used with a nebraska instance
on the DUT.
@param job_repo_url: string url containing the current build.
@param full_payload: bool whether we want a full payload.
@param public_bucket: True to return a payload on a public bucket.
@param is_dlc: True to get the payload URL for dummy-dlc.
@returns string URL of a payload staged on a lab devserver.
if public_bucket:
return self.get_payload_url_on_public_bucket(
job_repo_url, full_payload=full_payload, is_dlc=is_dlc)
self._job_repo_url = self._get_job_repo_url(job_repo_url)
payload = self._get_payload_url(full_payload=full_payload,
payload_url, _ = self._stage_payload_by_uri(payload)'Payload URL for Nebraska: %s', payload_url)
return payload_url
def update_device(self, payload_uri, clobber_stateful=False, tag='source'):
Updates the device.
Used by autoupdate_EndToEndTest and autoupdate_StatefulCompatibility,
which use auto_updater to perform updates.
@param payload_uri: The payload with which the device should be updated.
@param clobber_stateful: Boolean that determines whether the stateful
of the device should be force updated. By
default, set to False
@param tag: An identifier string added to each log filename.
@raise error.TestFail if anything goes wrong with the update.
cros_preserved_path = ('/mnt/stateful_partition/unencrypted/'
build_name, payload_filename = self._get_update_parameters_from_uri(
payload_uri)'Installing %s on the DUT', payload_uri)
with remote_access.ChromiumOSDeviceHandler(
self._host.hostname, base_dir=cros_preserved_path) as device:
updater = auto_updater.ChromiumOSUpdater(
device, build_name, build_name,
except Exception as e:
logging.exception('ERROR: Failed to update device.')
raise error.TestFail(str(e))
updater.request_logs_dir, identifier=tag)