blob: cb5d358ea5c788352cfc6017c7c837ab5fe8633b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
__author__ = ''
import collections
import itertools
import logging
import operator
import re
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils, test
GeneralUsage = collections.namedtuple('GeneralUsage', 'total used free')
ProcessUsage = collections.namedtuple('ProcessUsage', 'pid user virtual '
'resident shared command') # command does NOT have arguments
def parse_mem(s):
"""Extracts a number out of a string such as 467m, 123k, 999g.
@param s: a string to parse
@return a float that s represents
multipliers = {'k': 1024, 'm': 1024**2, 'g': 1024**3}
multiplier = multipliers.get(s[-1], 1)
if multiplier != 1:
s = s[:-1]
return float(s) * multiplier
def parse_general_usage(line):
"""Extracts general memory usage from a line from top.
@param line: string a general memory consumption line from top
@return a GeneralUsage tuple
items =
r'\s+(\d+) total,\s+(\d+) used,\s+(\d+) free', line).groups()
return GeneralUsage(*[float(x) for x in items])
def parse_process_usage(line, headers):
"""Extracts memory usage numbers from a process line from top.
@param line: string a process line from `top`
@param headers: array of strings naming each field in the line
@return a ProcessUsage tuple
interested_fields = {
'pid': ('pid', int),
'user': ('user', str),
'virt': ('virtual', parse_mem),
'res': ('resident', parse_mem),
'shr': ('shared', parse_mem),
'command': ('command', str),
fields = line.split()
current_interest_idx = 0
record = {}
for i, field in enumerate(fields):
if headers[i] not in interested_fields:
key, extractor = interested_fields[headers[i]]
record[key] = extractor(field)
return ProcessUsage(**record)
def parse_processes(lines):
"""Extracts information about processes from `top`.
@param lines: a list of lines from top, the header must be the first
entry in this list
@return a list of ProcessUsage
headers = [x.lower() for x in lines[0].split()]
processes = []
for line in lines[1:]:
process_usage = parse_process_usage(line, headers)
if process_usage.command.startswith('autotest'):
logging.debug('Process usage: %r', process_usage)
return processes
def report_top_processes(processes, n=10):
"""Returns a dictionary of top n processes.
For example:
'top_1': 4000,
'top_2': 3000,
'top_3': 2500,
@param processes: a list of ProcessUsage
@param n: maximum number of processes to return
@return dictionary whose key correlate to the ranking, and values are
amount of resident memory
get_resident = operator.attrgetter('resident')
top_users = sorted(processes, key=get_resident, reverse=True)'Top 10 memory users:')
perf_values = {}
for i, process in enumerate(top_users[:n]):'%r', process)
perf_values['top_%d' % (i + 1)] = process.resident
return perf_values
def group_by_command(processes):
"""Returns resident memory of processes with the same command.
For example:
'process_shill': 20971520,
'process_sshd': 4792,
@param processes: a list of ProcessUsage
@return dictionary whose keys correlate to the command line, and values
the sum of resident memory used by all processes with the same
get_command = operator.attrgetter('command')
sorted_by_command = sorted(processes, key=get_command)
grouped_by_command = itertools.groupby(sorted_by_command,
top_by_command = []
for command, grouped_processes in grouped_by_command:
resident=sum(p.resident for p in grouped_processes)
top_by_command.append((resident, command))
top_by_command.sort(reverse=True)'Top processes by sum of memory consumption:')
perf_values = {}
for resident, command in top_by_command:
command = command.replace(':', '_').replace('/', '_')'Command: %s, Resident: %f', command, resident)
perf_values['process_%s' % command] = resident
return perf_values
def group_by_service(processes):
"""Returns a collection of startup services and their memory usage.
For example:
'service_chapsd': 6568,
'service_cras': 3788,
'service_ui': 329284024
@param processes: a list of ProcessUsage
@returns dictionary whose keys correlate to the service name, and
values are sum of resident memory used by that service
processes = dict((, p.resident) for p in processes)
top_by_service = []
initctl = utils.system_output('initctl list')
logging.debug('Service list:\n%s', initctl)
for line in initctl.split('\n'):
if 'process' not in line:
fields = line.split()
service, main_process = fields[0], int(fields[3])
resident = 0
pstree = utils.system_output('pstree -p %d' % main_process)
logging.debug('Service %s:\n%s', service, pstree)
for pid in re.findall(r'\((\d+)\)', pstree, re.MULTILINE):
pid = int(pid)
logging.debug('Summing process %d', pid)
resident += processes.get(pid, 0)
top_by_service.append((resident, service))
top_by_service.sort(reverse=True)'Top services:')
perf_values = {}
for resident, service in top_by_service:'Service: %s, Resident: %f', service, resident)
perf_values['service_%s' % service] = resident
return perf_values
class platform_MemoryMonitor(test.test):
"""Monitor memory usage trend."""
version = 1
def run_once(self):
cmd = 'top -b -n 1'
output = utils.system_output(cmd)
logging.debug('Output from top:\n%s', output)
lines = output.split('\n')
# Ignore the first 3 lines, they're not relevant in this test.
lines = lines[3:]
mem_general = parse_general_usage(lines[0])'Total, used, and free memory (in KiB): %r, %r, %r',
swap_general = parse_general_usage(lines[1])'Total, used, and free swap (in KiB): %r, %r, %r',
perf_values = {
'mem_total': * 1024,
'mem_used': mem_general.used * 1024,
'mem_free': * 1024,
'swap_total': * 1024,
'swap_used': swap_general.used * 1024,
'swap_free': * 1024,
# Ignore general mem, swap and a blank line.
lines = lines[3:]
processes = parse_processes(lines)
for key, val in perf_values.items():
graph_name = key.split('_')[0]
self.output_perf_value(key, val, units="bytes",
higher_is_better=False, graph=graph_name)