blob: 7c4b9b4e634746a78632cdd976fd307f74631e16 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/python -u
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module creates the version information of this firmware test suite.
This module is expected to be executed from the chroot of a host so that
it could extract the git repo information to create the version information.
The version file contains a pair of a date-time string and a hash like
version: 2014-01-23.16:18:24 1feddb865cf3f9c158d8cca17a6e68c71b500571
where the hash is the git hash of the latest patch that satisfies
both conditions:
(1) it could be found in cros/master remote branch on the host, and
(2) it modifies firmware_TouchMTB test,
and the date-time string is the commit time of the above latest patch in the
format of yyyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss.
If the there are any commits on the current local branch on top of the
above latest patch that have modified this test, the version information
will be shown like
version: revised since 2014-01-23.16:18:24 1feddb865cf3f9c158d8cca17a6e68c71b500
We use "revised since ..." to indicate that some modifications have been made
since the above latest patch.
import os
import re
import sys
import common
from common_util import simple_system_output
VERSION_FILENAME = '/tmp/.version'
TOT_BR = 'cros/master'
def _run_git_cmd(cmd):
"""Run git command.
When a server test is invoked, the present working directory may look
like "/tmp/run_remote_tests.xxxx/..." To be able to run git commands
against the autotest repo, it is required to pushd to autotest project
new_cmd = ('pushd %s > /dev/null; %s; popd > /dev/null' %
(common.client_dir, cmd))
return simple_system_output(new_cmd)
def _get_common_ancestor(branch_a, branch_b):
"""Get the nearest common ancestor of the given branches."""
return _run_git_cmd('git merge-base %s %s' % (branch_a, branch_b))
def _get_first_commit_matching_pattern(commit, pattern):
"""Get the first commit previous to this commit that matches the pattern."""
cmd = 'git log {} --grep="{}" --pretty=format:"%H" -1'
return _run_git_cmd(cmd.format(commit, pattern))
def _get_git_commit(branch):
return _run_git_cmd('git rev-parse %s' % branch)
def _get_date_time(commit):
"""Get the commit date time in ISO 8601 format."""
cmd = 'git log {} --pretty=format:"%ci" -1'
ts = _run_git_cmd(cmd.format(commit))
date, time, _ = ts.split()
return '%s.%s' % (date, time)
def create_version_file(version_filename):
file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.modules[__name__].__file__))
result ='site_tests\/(.*?)\/', file_path)
if result is None:
print 'Failed to find the test name.'
test_name =
common_ancestor = _get_common_ancestor(LOCAL_BR, TOT_BR)
latest_test_commit = _get_first_commit_matching_pattern(common_ancestor,
date_time_str = _get_date_time(latest_test_commit)
local_commit = _get_git_commit(LOCAL_BR)
if local_commit == latest_test_commit:
version_template = 'version: %s %s '
version_template = 'version: revised since %s %s '
version_info = version_template % (date_time_str, latest_test_commit)
with open(version_filename, 'w') as version_file:
if __name__ == '__main__':
version_filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else VERSION_FILENAME