blob: 147a89df9db64456ea50d1570b037cd4efdb6053 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""XML RPC server for display testing."""
import argparse
import code
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import time
import xmlrpclib
import common # pylint: disable=W0611
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome, xmlrpc_server
from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants, httpd, sys_power
from Xlib import display, ext, X
EXT_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'display_test_extension')
class DisplayTestingXmlRpcDelegate(xmlrpc_server.XmlRpcDelegate):
"""XML RPC delegate for display testing."""
def __init__(self, chrome):
self._chrome = chrome
self._browser = chrome.browser
self._http_server = None
def get_display_info(self):
"""Gets the display info from Chrome.system.display API.
@return A dict of display info.
extension = self._chrome.get_extension(EXT_PATH)
if not extension:
raise RuntimeError('Graphics test extension not found')
extension.ExecuteJavaScript('window.__display_info = null;')
"chrome.system.display.getInfo(function(info) {"
"window.__display_info = info;})")
utils.wait_for_value(lambda: (
extension.EvaluateJavaScript("window.__display_info") != None),
return extension.EvaluateJavaScript("window.__display_info")
def get_resolution(self, output):
"""Gets the resolution of the specified output.
@param output: The output name as a string.
@return The resolution of output as a tuple (width, height,
fb_offset_x, fb_offset_y) of ints.
regexp = re.compile(
match = regexp.findall(utils.call_xrandr())
for m in match:
if m[0] == output:
return (int(m[1]), int(m[2]), int(m[3]), int(m[4]))
return (0, 0, 0, 0)
def take_tab_screenshot(self, url_pattern, output_suffix):
"""Takes a screenshot of the tab specified by the given url pattern.
The captured screenshot is saved to:
@param url_pattern: A string of url pattern used to search for tabs.
@param output_suffix: A suffix appended to the file name of captured
PNG image.
if not url_pattern:
# If no URL pattern is provided, defaults to capture all the tabs
# that show PNG images.
url_pattern = '.png'
tabs = self._browser.tabs
screenshots = []
for i in xrange(0, len(tabs)):
if url_pattern in tabs[i].url:
screenshots.append((tabs[i].url, tabs[i].Screenshot(timeout=5)))
output_file = ('/tmp/screenshot_%s_%%s.png' % output_suffix)
for url, screenshot in screenshots:
image_filename = os.path.splitext(url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])[0]
screenshot.WriteFile(output_file % image_filename)
return True
def toggle_mirrored(self):
"""Toggles mirrored.
Emulates L_Ctrl + Maximize in X server to toggle mirrored.
xdisplay = display.Display()
root_window = xdisplay.screen().root
ext.xtest.fake_input(root_window, X.KeyPress, L_CTRL_KEYCODE)
ext.xtest.fake_input(root_window, X.KeyPress, MAXIMIZE_KEYCODE)
ext.xtest.fake_input(root_window, X.KeyRelease, MAXIMIZE_KEYCODE)
ext.xtest.fake_input(root_window, X.KeyRelease, L_CTRL_KEYCODE)
return True
def set_mirrored(self, is_mirrored):
"""Sets mirrored mode.
@param is_mirrored: True or False to indicate mirrored state.
def _is_mirrored_enabled():
return bool(self.get_display_info()[0]['mirroringSourceId'])
retries = 3
while _is_mirrored_enabled() != is_mirrored and retries > 0:
retries -= 1
return _is_mirrored_enabled() == is_mirrored
def suspend_resume(self, suspend_time=10):
"""Suspends the DUT for a given time in second.
@param suspend_time: Suspend time in second.
return True
def suspend_resume_bg(self, suspend_time=10):
"""Suspends the DUT for a given time in second in the background.
@param suspend_time: Suspend time in second.
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.suspend_resume,
return True
def get_ext_connector_name(self):
"""Gets the name of the external output connector.
@return The external output connector name as a string.
xrandr_output = utils.get_xrandr_output_state()
for output in xrandr_output.iterkeys():
if (output.startswith('HDMI') or
output.startswith('DP') or
return output
return False
def wait_output_connected(self, output):
"""Wait for output to connect.
@param output: The output name as a string.
@return: True if output is connected; False otherwise.
def _is_connected(output):
xrandr_output = utils.get_xrandr_output_state()
if output not in xrandr_output:
return False
return xrandr_output[output]
return utils.wait_for_value(lambda: _is_connected(output),
def start_httpd(self, port, root_path):
"""Starts the local HTTP server to serve the calibration images.
@param port: A number of port.
@param root_path: A path of the document root.
self._http_server = httpd.HTTPListener(port, root_path)
return True
def stop_httpd(self):
"""Stops the local HTTP server."""
if self._http_server:
self._http_server = None
return True
def load_url(self, url):
"""Loads the given url in a new tab.
@param url: The url to load as a string.
tab = self._browser.tabs.New()
return True
def close_tab(self, index=-1):
"""Closes the tab of the given index.
@param index: The tab index to close. Defaults to the last tab.
return True
def reconnect_output(self, output):
"""Reconnects output.
@param output: The output name as a string.
utils.set_xrandr_output(output, False)
utils.set_xrandr_output(output, True)
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', required=False,
help=('create a debug console with a ServerProxy "s" '
'connecting to the XML RPC sever at localhost'))
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug:
s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:%d' %
logging.debug('display_xmlrpc_server main...')
os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':0.0'
os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = '/home/chronos/.Xauthority'
extra_browser_args = ['--enable-gpu-benchmarking']
with chrome.Chrome(extension_paths=[EXT_PATH],
extra_browser_args=extra_browser_args) as cr:
server = xmlrpc_server.XmlRpcServer(