blob: 6de0db4f7b13be26160e51e332fd61ecefbbe252 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Try 802.1x authentication. The supplicant must be restarted between
# trials because it is "sticky" with regards to various parameters
# related to certificate authentication. A thread is currently afoot
# in the hostap mailing list about this, but for the time being we will
# do supplicant restarts to test.
{ "name":"Check1x_TTLS",
"steps":[ # Channel [any]
[ "create", { "type": "hostap" } ],
[ "install_files", { "system": "router",
{ "/tmp/hostapd_ca_cert" :
"""* TTLS
"testuser-chapv2" MSCHAPV2 "password" [2]
"testuser-md5" MD5 "password" [2]
"testuser-tchapv2" TTLS-MSCHAPV2 "password" [2]
"testuser-tchap" TTLS-MSCHAP "password" [2]
"testuser-tpap" TTLS-PAP "password" [2]""" } } ],
[ "config", { "channel": "2412",
"mode": "11g",
"wpa": "1",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-EAP",
"eap_server": "1",
"ieee8021x": "1",
"ca_cert": "/tmp/hostapd_ca_cert",
"server_cert": "/tmp/hostapd_server_cert",
"private_key": "/tmp/hostapd_private_key",
"eap_user_file": "/tmp/hostapd_eap_user_file"} ],
[ "install_files", { "system": "client",
{ "/tmp/ca-cert.pem" :
"/tmp/ca-cert-other.pem" :
site_eap_certs.ca_cert_2} } ],
[ "connect", { "security": "802_1x",
"psk": "EAP.Identity:testuser-chapv2"
":EAP.CACert:/tmp/ca-cert.pem"} ],
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10" } ],
[ "disconnect" ],
# Try MD5 inner auth
[ "restart_supplicant" ],
[ "config", { "ssid_suffix": "t1" } ],
[ "connect", { "security": "802_1x",
"psk": "EAP.Identity:testuser-md5"
":EAP.CACert:/tmp/ca-cert.pem"} ],
[ "client_ping", { "count": "10" } ],
[ "disconnect" ],
# Try authenticating using the wrong client password
[ "restart_supplicant" ],
[ "config", { "ssid_suffix": "t2" } ],
[ "!connect", { "security": "802_1x",
"psk": "EAP.Identity:testuser-chapv2"
":EAP.Password:wrongpassword"} ],
# Try authenticating to an AP with an expired server cert.
[ "restart_supplicant" ],
[ "config", { "ssid_suffix": "t3",
"ca_cert": "/tmp/hostapd_ca_cert",
"server_cert": "/tmp/hostapd_expired_server_cert",
"private_key": "/tmp/hostapd_expired_private_key"} ],
[ "!connect", { "security":"802_1x",
"psk": "EAP.Identity:testuser-chapv2"
"TLS: Certificate verification failed, error 10 "
"\(certificate has expired\)" ],
# Try authenticating with the right client password but wrong CA
[ "restart_supplicant" ],
[ "config", { "ssid_suffix": "t4",
"server_cert": "/tmp/hostapd_server_cert",
"private_key": "/tmp/hostapd_private_key"} ],
[ "!connect", { "security": "802_1x",
"psk": "EAP.Identity:testuser-chapv2"
":EAP.CACert:/tmp/ca-cert-other.pem"} ],
# Create a template for the rest of our attempts at EAP-TTLS types
+ reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(list, zip(
[ [ "restart_supplicant" ] ] * 3,
list([ "config", { "ssid_suffix": "t" + suffix } ]
for suffix in map(str, range(4,7))),
list([ "connect", { "security":"802_1x",
"psk" : "EAP.Identity:" + user +
":EAP.Password:" + password +
":EAP.CACert:/tmp/ca-cert.pem" +
":EAP.InnerEAP:" + auth } ]
for user, password, auth in [
# This is the list of authentication attempts to perform
("testuser-tchapv2", "password", "auth=MSCHAPV2" ),
("testuser-tchap", "password", "auth=MSCHAP"),
("testuser-tpap", "password", "auth=PAP")
[ [ "client_ping", { "count":"10" } ] ] * 3,
[ [ "disconnect" ] ] * 3
))) +
[ [ "destroy" ] ],