Revert "Start monitoring temperature during tests."

This reverts commit 3b4712cc3f0a77cfa7851fb73fb03fcb0c4e6318.


Change-Id: Ic00ca69a285cf38c041a26a0380f38c9a715f466
Reviewed-by: Ilja Friedel <>
Commit-Queue: Ilja Friedel <>
Tested-by: Ilja Friedel <>
diff --git a/client/bin/ b/client/bin/
index d734e90..9f0a9f2 100644
--- a/client/bin/
+++ b/client/bin/
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
         cpu_usage_end = get_cpu_usage()
         fraction_active_time = \
                 compute_active_cpu_time(cpu_usage_start, cpu_usage_end)
-'After waiting %.1fs CPU utilization is %.3f.',
+'After waiting %.1fs CPU utilization is %f.',
                      time_passed, fraction_active_time)
         if time_passed > timeout:
             logging.warning('CPU did not become idle.')
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
                 return True
             return False
-'Wait for idle CPU took %.1fs (utilization = %.3f).',
+'Wait for idle CPU took %fs (utilization = %f).',
                               time_passed, fraction_active_time)
     return True
@@ -498,319 +498,14 @@
-def wait_for_cool_machine():
-    # TODO(ihf): Implement this. The concept of a cool machine is very
-    # architecture specific. We either need a good heuristic or a table of
-    # board specific temperatures.
-    time.sleep(1.0)
+def wait_for_cool_cpu():
+    # TODO(ihf): Implement this.
     return True
-# System paths for machine performance state.
-_CPUINFO = '/proc/cpuinfo'
-_CPUINFO_MAX_FREQ_FMT = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq'
-_CPUINFO_MIN_FREQ_FMT = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq'
-_KERNEL_MAX = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/kernel_max'
-_LSB_RELEASE = '/etc/lsb-release'
-_MEMINFO = '/proc/meminfo'
-_SCALING_GOVERNOR_FMT = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_governor'
-_TEMP_CRIT_FMT = '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp%d_crit'
-_TEMP_INPUT_FMT = '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp%d_input'
-# Same temperatures for daisy_spring.
-_TEMP_CRIT_VIRT = '/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_crit'
-_TEMP_INPUT_VIRT = '/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input'
-_TEMP_SENSOR_RE = 'Reading temperature...([0-9]*)'
+def wait_for_cool_idle_perf_machine():
+    # Wait for 60 seconds for the CPU usage to fall under 10%.
+    if not wait_for_idle_cpu(60, 0.1):
+        return False
+    return wait_for_cool_cpu()
-def _get_line_from_file(path, line):
-    """
-    line can be an integer or
-    line can be a string that matches the beginning of the line
-    """
-    f = open(path)
-    if (isinstance(line, int)):
-        l = f.readline()
-        for _ in range(0, line):
-            l = f.readline()
-        return l
-    else:
-        for l in f:
-            if l.startswith(line):
-                return l
-    return None
-def _get_match_from_file(path, line, prefix, postfix):
-    """
-    Matches line in path and returns string between first prefix and postfix.
-    """
-    match = _get_line_from_file(path, line)
-    # Strip everything from front of line including prefix.
-    if prefix:
-        match = re.split(prefix, match)[1]
-    # Strip everything from back of string including first occurence of postfix.
-    if postfix:
-        match = re.split(postfix, match)[0]
-    return match
-def _get_float_from_file(path, line, prefix, postfix):
-    match = _get_match_from_file(path, line, prefix, postfix)
-    return float(match)
-def _get_int_from_file(path, line, prefix, postfix):
-    match = _get_match_from_file(path, line, prefix, postfix)
-    return int(match)
-def _get_hex_from_file(path, line, prefix, postfix):
-    match = _get_match_from_file(path, line, prefix, postfix)
-    return int(match, 16)
-def get_temperature_critical():
-    """
-    Returns temperature at which we will see some throttling in the system.
-    """
-    min_temperature = 1000.0
-    cpus = _get_number_cpus()
-    for cpu in range(1, cpus + 1):
-        path = _TEMP_CRIT_FMT % cpu
-        #TODO(ihf): Figure out a more consistent way to obtain temperatures.
-        if 'spring' in get_board():
-            path = _TEMP_CRIT_VIRT
-        temperature = _get_float_from_file(path, 0, None, None) * 0.001
-        min_temperature = min(temperature, min_temperature)
-    # Sanity check for real world values.
-    assert ((min_temperature > 60.0) and
-            (min_temperature < 150.0)), 'Unreasonable temperature.'
-    return min_temperature
-def get_temperature_input_max():
-    """
-    Returns the maximum currently observed temperature.
-    """
-    max_temperature = -1000.0
-    cpus = _get_number_cpus()
-    for cpu in range(1, cpus + 1):
-        path = _TEMP_INPUT_FMT % cpu
-        #TODO(ihf): Figure out a more consistent way to obtain temperatures.
-        if 'spring' in get_board():
-            path = _TEMP_INPUT_VIRT
-        temperature = _get_float_from_file(path, 0, None, None) * 0.001
-        max_temperature = max(temperature, max_temperature)
-    # Sanity check for real world values.
-    assert ((max_temperature > 10.0) and
-            (max_temperature < 150.0)), 'Unreasonable temperature.'
-    return max_temperature
-def get_ec_temperatures():
-    """
-    Uses ectool to return a list of all sensor temperatures in Celsius.
-    """
-    temperatures = []
-    # TODO(ihf): On my spring ectool temps all returns 200K for all sensors.
-    if 'spring' in get_board():
-        return temperatures
-    try:
-        full_cmd = 'ectool temps all'
-        lines = utils.system_output(full_cmd).splitlines()
-        for line in lines:
-            temperature = int(line.split(': ')[1]) - 273
-            temperatures.append(temperature)
-    except Exception:
-        logging.warn('Unable to read temperature sensors using ectool.')
-    for temperature in temperatures:
-        # Sanity check for real world values.
-        assert ((temperature > 10.0) and
-                (temperature < 150.0)), 'Unreasonable temperature.'
-    return temperatures
-def get_cpu_cache_size():
-    """
-    Returns the last level CPU cache size in kBytes.
-    """
-    cache_size = _get_int_from_file(_CPUINFO, 'cache size', ': ', ' KB')
-    # Sanity check.
-    assert cache_size >= 64, 'Unreasonably small cache.'
-    return cache_size
-def get_cpu_model_frequency():
-    """
-    Returns the model frequency from the CPU model name on Intel only. This
-    might be redundant with get_cpu_max_frequency. Unit is Hz.
-    """
-    frequency = _get_float_from_file(_CPUINFO, 'model name', ' @ ', 'GHz')
-    return 1.e9 * frequency
-def get_cpu_max_frequency():
-    """
-    Returns the largest of the max CPU core frequencies. The unit is Hz.
-    """
-    max_frequency = -1
-    cpus = _get_number_cpus()
-    for cpu in range(1, cpus + 1):
-        path = _CPUINFO_MAX_FREQ_FMT % (cpu + 1)
-        # Convert from kHz to Hz.
-        frequency = 1000 * _get_float_from_file(path, 0, None, None)
-        max_frequency = max(frequency, max_frequency)
-    # Sanity check.
-    assert max_frequency > 1e8, 'Unreasonably low CPU frequency.'
-    return max_frequency
-def get_cpu_min_frequency():
-    """
-    Returns the smallest of the minimum CPU core frequencies.
-    """
-    min_frequency = 1e20
-    cpus = _get_number_cpus()
-    for cpu in range(1, cpus + 1):
-        path = _CPUINFO_MIN_FREQ_FMT % cpu
-        frequency = _get_float_from_file(path, 0, None, None)
-        min_frequency = min(frequency, min_frequency)
-    # Sanity check.
-    assert min_frequency > 1e8, 'Unreasonably low CPU frequency.'
-    return min_frequency
-def get_cpu_model():
-    """
-    Returns the CPU model.
-    Only works on Intel.
-    """
-    cpu_model = _get_int_from_file(_CPUINFO, 'model\t', ': ', None)
-    return cpu_model
-def get_cpu_family():
-    """
-    Returns the CPU family.
-    Only works on Intel.
-    """
-    cpu_family = _get_int_from_file(_CPUINFO, 'cpu family\t', ': ', None)
-    return cpu_family
-def get_board():
-    """
-    Get the ChromeOS release board name from /etc/lsb-release.
-    """
-    f = open('/etc/lsb-release')
-    try:
-        return'BOARD=(.*)',
-    finally:
-        f.close()
-def get_board_with_frequency_and_memory():
-    """
-    Returns a board name modified with CPU frequency and memory size to
-    differentiate between different board variants. For instance
-    link -> link_1.8GHz_4GB.
-    """
-    board_name = get_board()
-    # Rounded to nearest GB and GHz.
-    memory = int(round(get_mem_total()/1024.0))
-    # Convert frequency to GHz with 1 digit accuracy after the decimal point.
-    frequency = int(round(get_cpu_max_frequency() * 1e-8)) * 0.1
-    board = "%s_%1.1fGHz_%dGB" % (board_name, frequency, memory)
-    return board
-def get_mem_total():
-    """
-    Returns the total memory available in the system in MBytes.
-    """
-    mem_total = _get_float_from_file(_MEMINFO, 'MemTotal:', 'MemTotal:', ' kB')
-    # Sanity check, all Chromebooks have at least 1GB of memory.
-    assert mem_total > 1024*1024, 'Unreasonable amount of memory.'
-    return mem_total / 1024
-def get_mem_free():
-    """
-    Returns the currently free memory in the system in MBytes.
-    """
-    mem_free = _get_float_from_file(_MEMINFO, 'MemFree:', 'MemFree:', ' kB')
-    return mem_free / 1024
-def get_kernel_max():
-    """
-    Returns content of kernel_max.
-    """
-    kernel_max = _get_int_from_file(_KERNEL_MAX, 0, None, None)
-    # Sanity check.
-    assert ((kernel_max > 0) and (kernel_max < 257)), 'Unreasonable kernel_max.'
-    return kernel_max
-def _get_number_cpus():
-    """
-    Returns the number of CPUs available.
-    """
-    # TODO(ihf): apparently get_kernel_max() + 1 is not right here due to
-    #            hyperthreading. We only need this right now to get sensible
-    #            temperature and frequency baselines. But to make the functions
-    #            more useful this needs to be fixed.
-    return 1
-def set_high_performance_mode():
-    """
-    Sets the kernel governor mode to the highest setting.
-    Returns previous governor state.
-    """
-    original_governors = get_scaling_governor_states()
-    set_scaling_governors('performance')
-    return original_governors
-def set_scaling_governors(value):
-    """
-    Sets all scaling governor to string value.
-    Sample values: 'performance', 'interactive', 'ondemand', 'powersave'.
-    """
-    paths = _get_scaling_governor_paths()
-    for path in paths:
-        cmd = 'sudo echo %s > %s' % (value, path)
-'Writing scaling governor mode \'%s\' -> %s', value, path)
-        utils.system(cmd)
-def _get_scaling_governor_paths():
-    """
-    Returns a list of paths to the governors.
-    """
-    cmd = 'ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor'
-    paths = utils.system_output(cmd).splitlines()
-    return paths
-def get_scaling_governor_states():
-    """
-    Returns a list of (performance governor path, current state) tuples.
-    """
-    paths = _get_scaling_governor_paths()
-    path_value_list = []
-    for path in paths:
-        value = _get_line_from_file(path, 0)
-        path_value_list.append((path, value))
-    return path_value_list
-def restore_scaling_governor_states(path_value_list):
-    """
-    Restores governor states. Inverse operation to get_scaling_governor_states.
-    """
-    for (path, value) in path_value_list:
-        cmd = 'sudo echo %s > %s' % (value, path)
-        utils.system(cmd)
diff --git a/client/common_lib/ b/client/common_lib/
index 7d0cda1..c6b87e2 100644
--- a/client/common_lib/
+++ b/client/common_lib/
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@
         if nuke_subprocess(bg_job.sp) is None:
             # If process could not be SIGKILL'd, log kernel stack.
-            logging.warn(read_file('/proc/' + + '/stack'))
+            logging.warn(utils.read_file('/proc/' + + '/stack'))
         bg_job.result.exit_status = bg_job.sp.poll()
         bg_job.result.duration = time.time() - start_time
@@ -1470,6 +1470,12 @@
     return get_arch()
+def get_board():
+    """
+    Get the board name from /etc/lsb-release.
+    """
+    return'BOARD=(.*)', read_file('/etc/lsb-release')).group(1)
 def get_num_logical_cpus_per_socket(run_function=run):
diff --git a/client/cros/ b/client/cros/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b15d90..0000000
--- a/client/cros/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging, threading, time
-from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
-from autotest_lib.client.cros import service_stopper
-# List of thermal throttling services that should be disabled.
-# - temp_metrics for link.
-# - thermal for daisy, snow, pit etc.
-# TODO(ihf): cpu_quiet on nyan isn't a service. We still need to disable it
-#            on nyan. See
-_THERMAL_SERVICES = ['temp_metrics', 'thermal']
-class PerfControl(object):
-    """
-    Provides methods for setting the performance mode of a device.
-    In particular it verifies the machine is idle and cold and tries to set
-    it into a consistent, high performance state during initialization.
-    Furthermore it monitors the state of the machine (in particular
-    temperature) and verifies that nothing bad happened along the way.
-    Example usage:
-    with PerfControl() as pc:
-        if not pc.verify_is_valid():
-            raise error.TestError(pc.get_error_reason())
-        # Do all performance testing.
-        ...
-        if not pc.verify_is_valid():
-            raise error.TestError(pc.get_error_reason())
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        # Keep a copy of the current state for cleanup.
-        self._temperature_init = self._get_current_temperature_max()
-        self._temperature_critical = utils.get_temperature_critical()
-        self._original_governors = utils.set_high_performance_mode()
-        self._error_reason = None
-        if not utils.wait_for_idle_cpu(60.0, 0.1):
-            self._error_reason = 'Could not get idle CPU.'
-            return
-        if not utils.wait_for_cool_machine():
-            self._error_reason = 'Could not get cold machine.'
-            return
-        self._temperature_cold = self._get_current_temperature_max()
-        self._temperature_max = self._temperature_cold
-        threading.Thread(target=self._monitor_performance_state).start()
-        # Should be last just in case we had a runaway process.
-        self._service_stopper = None
-        self._stop_thermal_throttling()
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, _type, value, traceback):
-        # First thing restart thermal management.
-        self._restore_thermal_throttling()
-        utils.restore_scaling_governor_states(self._original_governors)
-    def get_error_reason(self):
-        """
-        Returns an error reason string if we encountered problems to pass
-        on to harness/wmatrix.
-        """
-        return self._error_reason
-    def verify_is_valid(self):
-        """
-        For now we declare performance results as valid if
-        - we did not have an error before.
-        - the monitoring thread never saw temperatures too close to critical.
-        TODO(ihf): search log files for thermal throttling messages like in
-                   src/build/android/pylib/perf/
-        """
-        if self._error_reason:
-            return False
-        temperature_bad = (1.0/3.0 * self._temperature_cold +
-                           2.0/3.0 * self._temperature_critical)
-"Max observed temperature = %.1f'C (bad limit = %.1f'C)",
-                     self._temperature_max, temperature_bad)
-        if (self._temperature_max > temperature_bad):
-            _error_reason = 'Machine got hot during testing.'
-            return False
-        return True
-    def _monitor_performance_state(self):
-        """
-        Checks machine temperature once per second.
-        TODO(ihf): make this more intelligent with regards to governor,
-                   CPU, GPU and maybe zram as needed.
-        """
-        while True:
-            time.sleep(1)
-            current_temperature = self._get_current_temperature_max()
-            self._temperature_max = max(self._temperature_max,
-                                        current_temperature)
-            # TODO(ihf): Remove this spew once PerfControl is stable.
-  'PerfControl CPU temperature = %.1f',
-                          current_temperature)
-    def _get_current_temperature_max(self):
-        """
-        Returns the highest reported board temperature (all sensors) in Celsius.
-        """
-        temperature = utils.get_temperature_input_max()
-        ec_temperatures = utils.get_ec_temperatures()
-        if ec_temperatures:
-            temperature = max(max(ec_temperatures), temperature)
-        return temperature
-    def _stop_thermal_throttling(self):
-        """
-        If exist on the platform/machine it stops the different thermal
-        throttling scripts from running.
-        Warning: this risks abnormal behavior if machine runs in high load.
-        """
-        self._service_stopper = service_stopper.ServiceStopper(
-                                                    _THERMAL_SERVICES)
-    def _restore_thermal_throttling(self):
-        """
-        Restores the original thermal throttling state.
-        """
-        self._service_stopper.restore_services()
diff --git a/client/deps/glbench/src/ b/client/deps/glbench/src/
index ad6e74f..b3ac876 100644
--- a/client/deps/glbench/src/
+++ b/client/deps/glbench/src/
@@ -34,25 +34,19 @@
 // Target minimum iteration duration of 1s. This means the final/longest
 // iteration is between 1s and 2s and the machine is active for 2s to 4s.
-// Notice as of March 2014 the BVT suite has a hard limit per job of 20 minutes.
 // Benchmark some draw commands, by running it many times. We want to measure
 // the marginal cost, so we try more and more iterations until we reach the
 // minimum specified iteration time.
 double Bench(TestBase* test) {
-  // Try to wait a bit to let machine cool down for next test. We allow for a
-  // bit of hysteresis as it might take too long to do a perfect job, which is
-  // probably not required. But these parameters could be tuned.
-  double initial_temperature = GetInitialMachineTemperature();
-  double temperature = 0;
-  // Try to cool to initial + 5'C but don't wait longer than 30s.
-  double wait = WaitForCoolMachine(initial_temperature + 5.0, 30.0,
-                                   &temperature);
-  printf("Bench: Cooled down to %.1f'C (initial=%.1f'C) after waiting %.1fs.\n",
-         temperature, initial_temperature, wait);
-  if (temperature > initial_temperature + 10.0)
-    printf("Warning: Machine did not cool down enough for next test!");
+  // Conservatively let machine cool down. Our goal is to sleep at least three
+  // times as much (on average) as being active to dissipate heat.
+  // TODO(ihf): Investigate if it is necessary to idle even more in the future.
+  // In particular cooling down until reaching a temperature threshold.
+  const int cool_time = static_cast<int>((10*MIN_ITERATION_DURATION_US)/1.e6);
+  // TODO(ihf): Remove this sleep if we have better ways to handle burst/power.
+  sleep(cool_time);
   // Do two iterations because initial timings can vary wildly.
   TimeTest(test, 2);
@@ -127,11 +121,10 @@
     if (length > 45)
       printf("# Warning: adjust string formatting to length = %d\n",
-    // Results are marked using a leading '@RESULT: ' to allow parsing.
     if (value == 0.0)
-      printf("@RESULT:  %-45s=          0   []\n", testname);
+       printf("%-45s=          0   []\n", testname);
-      printf("@RESULT: %-45s= %10.2f   [%s]\n", testname,
+      printf("%-45s= %10.2f   [%s]\n", testname,
              coefficient * (inverse ? 1.0 / value : value),
   } else {
diff --git a/client/deps/glbench/src/ b/client/deps/glbench/src/
index ce1c9e9..fff468f 100644
--- a/client/deps/glbench/src/
+++ b/client/deps/glbench/src/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 FilePath *g_base_path = new FilePath();
-double g_initial_temperature = GetMachineTemperature();
 // Sets the base path for MmapFile to `dirname($argv0)`/$relative.
 void SetBasePathFromArgv0(const char* argv0, const char* relative) {
@@ -57,92 +56,6 @@
   return mmap_ptr;
-bool read_int_from_file(FilePath filename, int *value) {
-  FILE *fd = fopen(filename.value().c_str(), "r");
-  if (!fd) {
-    printf("Error: could not open file for reading. (%s)\n",
-            filename.value().c_str());
-    return false;
-  }
-  int count = fscanf(fd, "%d", value);
-  if (count != 1) {
-    printf("Error: could not read integer from file. (%s)\n",
-                filename.value().c_str());
-    if(count != 1)
-      return false;
-  }
-  fclose(fd);
-  return true;
-// Returns temperature at which CPU gets throttled.
-// TODO(ihf): update this based on the outcome of
-double get_temperature_critical() {
-  FilePath filename = FilePath("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_crit");
-  int temperature_mCelsius = 0;
-  if (!read_int_from_file(filename, &temperature_mCelsius)) {
-    // spring is special :-(.
-    filename = FilePath("/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_crit");
-    if (!read_int_from_file(filename, &temperature_mCelsius))
-      return -1000.0;
-  }
-  double temperature_Celsius = 0.001 * temperature_mCelsius;
-  // Simple sanity check for reasonable critical temperatures.
-  assert(temperature_Celsius >= 60.0);
-  assert(temperature_Celsius <= 150.0);
-  return temperature_Celsius;
-// Returns currently measured temperature.
-// TODO(ihf): update this based on the outcome of
-double get_temperature_input() {
-  FilePath filename = FilePath("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input");
-  int temperature_mCelsius = 0;
-  if (!read_int_from_file(filename, &temperature_mCelsius)) {
-    // spring is special :-(.
-    filename = FilePath("/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input");
-    if (!read_int_from_file(filename, &temperature_mCelsius))
-      return -1000.0;
-  }
-  double temperature_Celsius = 0.001 * temperature_mCelsius;
-  // Simple sanity check for reasonable temperatures.
-  assert(temperature_Celsius >= 10.0);
-  assert(temperature_Celsius <= 150.0);
-  return temperature_Celsius;
-const double GetInitialMachineTemperature() {
-  return g_initial_temperature;
-// TODO(ihf): update this based on the outcome of
-// In particular we should probably just have a system script that we can call
-// and read the output from.
-double GetMachineTemperature() {
-  double max_temperature = get_temperature_input();
-  return max_temperature;
-// Waits up to timeout seconds to reach cold_temperature in Celsius.
-double WaitForCoolMachine(double cold_temperature, double timeout,
-                          double *temperature) {
-  // Integer times are in micro-seconds.
-  uint64_t time_start = GetUTime();
-  uint64_t time_now = time_start;
-  uint64_t time_end = time_now + 1e6 * timeout;
-  *temperature = GetMachineTemperature();
-  while (time_now < time_end) {
-    if (*temperature < cold_temperature)
-      break;
-    sleep(1.0);
-    time_now = GetUTime();
-    *temperature = GetMachineTemperature();
-  }
-  double wait_time = 1.0e-6 * (time_now - time_start);
-  assert(wait_time >= 0);
-  assert(wait_time < timeout + 5.0);
-  return wait_time;
 namespace glbench {
diff --git a/client/deps/glbench/src/utils.h b/client/deps/glbench/src/utils.h
index 17e6c4c..13afe17 100644
--- a/client/deps/glbench/src/utils.h
+++ b/client/deps/glbench/src/utils.h
@@ -17,16 +17,6 @@
 void *MmapFile(const char *name, size_t *length);
 const FilePath& GetBasePath();
-// Returns temperature of system before testing started. It is used as a
-// reference for keeping the machine cool.
-const double GetInitialMachineTemperature();
-// For thermal monitoring of system.
-double GetMachineTemperature();
-// Wait for machine to cool with temperature in Celsius and timeout in seconds.
-// Returns the time spent waiting and sets the last observed temperature.
-double WaitForCoolMachine(double cold_temperature, double timeout,
-                          double *temperature);
 namespace glbench {
 GLuint SetupTexture(GLsizei size_log2);
diff --git a/client/site_tests/graphics_GLBench/ b/client/site_tests/graphics_GLBench/
index fdad7b1..7a06c92 100644
--- a/client/site_tests/graphics_GLBench/
+++ b/client/site_tests/graphics_GLBench/
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 # found in the LICENSE file.
-import httplib
 import logging
 import os
+import time
 import pprint
 import urllib2
+import httplib
 from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-from autotest_lib.client.cros import perf
 from autotest_lib.client.cros import service_stopper
 # to run this test manually on a test target
@@ -127,13 +127,22 @@
   def report_temperature(self, keyname):
-    temperature = utils.get_temperature_input_max()
+    try:
+      f = open('/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input')
+      temperature = float(f.readline()) * 0.001
+    except Exception:
+      temperature = - 1000.0'%s = %f degree Celsius', keyname, temperature)
     self.output_perf_value(description=keyname, value=temperature,
                            units='Celsius', higher_is_better=False)
-  def report_temperature_critical(self, keyname):
-    temperature = utils.get_temperature_critical()
+  def report_temperature_critical(self):
+    keyname = 'temperature_critical'
+    try:
+      f = open('/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_crit')
+      temperature = float(f.readline()) * 0.001
+    except Exception:
+      temperature = - 1000.0'%s = %f degree Celsius', keyname, temperature)
     self.output_perf_value(description=keyname, value=temperature,
                            units='Celsius', higher_is_better=False)
@@ -154,7 +163,6 @@
     raise error.TestFail('Unknown test unit in ' + testname)
   def run_once(self, options='', raise_error_on_checksum=True):
     dep = 'glbench'
     dep_dir = os.path.join(self.autodir, 'deps', dep)
     self.job.install_pkg(dep, 'dep', dep_dir)
@@ -181,22 +189,20 @@
     kill_cmd = '. /sbin/killers; term_process "^X$"'
     cmd = 'X :1 vt1 & sleep 1; chvt 1 && DISPLAY=:1 %s; %s' % (cmd, kill_cmd)
-    self.report_temperature_critical('temperature_critical')
+    if not utils.wait_for_cool_idle_perf_machine():
+      raise error.TestFail('Could not get cool/idle machine for test.')
+    # TODO(ihf): Remove this sleep once this test is guaranteed to run on a
+    # cold machine.
+    self.report_temperature_critical()
-    summary = None
-    # Wrap the test run inside of a PerfControl instance to make machine
-    # behavior more consistent.
-    with perf.PerfControl() as pc:
-      if not pc.verify_is_valid():
-        raise error.TestError(pc.get_error_reason())
-      self.report_temperature('temperature_2_before_test')
+'Sleeping machine for one minute to physically cool down.')
+    time.sleep(60)
+    self.report_temperature('temperature_2_before_test')
-      # Run the test. If it gets the CPU too hot pc should notice.
-      summary = utils.system_output(cmd, retain_output=True)
-      if not pc.verify_is_valid():
-        raise error.TestError(pc.get_error_reason())
+    summary = utils.system_output(cmd, retain_output=True)
-    # Write a copy of stdout to help debug failures.
+    # write a copy of stdout to help debug failures
     results_path = os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'summary.txt')
     f = open(results_path, 'w+')
     f.write('# ---------------------------------------------------\n')
@@ -236,14 +242,15 @@
     keyvals = {}
     failed_tests = {}
     for line in results:
-      if not line.strip().startswith('@RESULT: '):
+      if line.strip().startswith('#'):
-      keyval, remainder = line[9:].split('[')
+      keyval, remainder = line.split('[')
       key, val = keyval.split('=')
       testname = key.strip()
       testrating = float(val)
       imagefile = remainder.split(']')[0]
       unit, higher = self.get_unit_from_test(testname)
+'%s %s %d', testname, unit, higher)
       self.output_perf_value(description=testname, value=testrating,
                              units=unit, higher_is_better=higher)
diff --git a/client/site_tests/graphics_GLMark2/ b/client/site_tests/graphics_GLMark2/
index fabb895..959c6c8 100644
--- a/client/site_tests/graphics_GLMark2/
+++ b/client/site_tests/graphics_GLMark2/
@@ -79,12 +79,8 @@
             from cros.factory.test import ui
-        # TODO(ihf): Switch this test to use perf.PerfControl like
-        #            graphics_GLBench once it is stable.
-        if not utils.wait_for_idle_cpu(60.0, 0.1):
-            raise error.TestFail('Could not get idle CPU.')
-        if not utils.wait_for_cool_machine():
-            raise error.TestFail('Could not get cold machine.')
+        if not utils.wait_for_cool_idle_perf_machine():
+            raise error.TestFail('Could not get cool/idle machine for test.')
         result =