blob: 4bc47e54d0537583fb65c39850cf7a472da8a25d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module for discovering Chrome OS test images and payloads."""
import re
import subprocess
# A string indicating a zip-file boundary within a URI path. This string must
# end with a '/', in order for standard basename code to work correctly for
# zip-encapsulated paths.
class TestImageError(BaseException):
def gs_ls(uri_pattern):
"""Returns a list of URIs that match a given pattern.
@param uri_pattern: a GS URI pattern, may contain wildcards
@return A list of URIs matching the given pattern.
gs_cmd = ['gsutil', 'ls', uri_pattern]
output = subprocess.Popen(gs_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
return [path.rstrip() for path in output if path]
def find_payload_uri(board, release, branch, delta=False,
"""Finds test payloads corresponding to a given board/release.
@param board: the platform name (string)
@param release: the release version (string), without milestone and
attempt/build counters
@param branch: the release's branch name
@param delta: if true, seek delta payloads to the given release
@param single: if true, expect a single match and return it, otherwise
@return A (possibly empty) list of URIs, or a single (possibly None) URI if
|single| is True.
@raise TestImageError if an error has occurred.
# TODO(garnold) adjustment to -he variant board names; should be removed
# once we switch to using artifacts from gs://chromeos-images/
# (see chromium-os:38222)
board = re.sub('-he$', '_he', board)
payload_uri_list = gs_ls(
'gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s-release/%s-%s/%s' %
(board, branch, release,
('chromeos_*_%s-%s*_%s_delta_dev.bin' %
(branch, release, board))
if delta
else ('chromeos_%s-%s*_%s_full_dev.bin' %
(branch, release, board))))
if single:
payload_uri_list_len = len(payload_uri_list)
if payload_uri_list_len == 0:
return None
elif payload_uri_list_len != 1:
raise TestImageError('unexpected number of results (%d instead '
'of 1)' % payload_uri_list_len)
return payload_uri_list[0]
return payload_uri_list
def find_image_uri(board, release, branch):
"""Returns a URI to a test image.
@param board: the platform name (string)
@param release: the release version (string), without milestone and
attempt/build counters
@param branch: the release's branch name
@return A URI to the desired image if found, None otherwise. It will most
likely be a file inside an image archive (, in which case
we'll be using ZIPFILE_BOUNDARY ('//') to denote a zip-encapsulated
file, for example:
@raise TestImageError if an error has occurred.
# TODO(garnold) adjustment to -he variant board names; should be removed
# once we switch to using artifacts from gs://chromeos-images/
# (see chromium-os:38222)
board = re.sub('-he$', '_he', board)
image_archive_uri_list = gs_ls(
'gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s-release/%s-%s/' %
(board, branch, release))
image_archive_uri_list_len = len(image_archive_uri_list)
if image_archive_uri_list_len == 0:
return None
elif image_archive_uri_list_len != 1:
raise TestImageError('unexpected number of results (%d > 1)' %
return (image_archive_uri_list[0] + ZIPFILE_BOUNDARY +