blob: 223305d3fe018ad0ca690a224a521783f3128839 [file] [log] [blame]
A class and functions used for running and controlling child processes.
@copyright: 2008-2009 Red Hat Inc.
import os, sys, pty, select, termios, fcntl
# The following helper functions are shared by the server and the client.
def _lock(filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
open(filename, "w").close()
fd =, os.O_RDWR)
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
return fd
def _unlock(fd):
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def _locked(filename):
fd =, os.O_RDWR)
return False
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
return True
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
return False
def _wait(filename):
fd = _lock(filename)
def _get_filenames(base_dir, id):
return [os.path.join(base_dir, s + id) for s in
"shell-pid-", "status-", "output-", "inpipe-",
"lock-server-running-", "lock-client-starting-"]
def _get_reader_filename(base_dir, id, reader):
return os.path.join(base_dir, "outpipe-%s-%s" % (reader, id))
# The following is the server part of the module.
if __name__ == "__main__":
id = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
echo = sys.stdin.readline().strip() == "True"
readers = sys.stdin.readline().strip().split(",")
command = sys.stdin.readline().strip() + " && echo %s > /dev/null" % id
# Define filenames to be used for communication
base_dir = "/tmp/kvm_spawn"
lock_client_starting_filename) = _get_filenames(base_dir, id)
# Populate the reader filenames list
reader_filenames = [_get_reader_filename(base_dir, id, reader)
for reader in readers]
# Set $TERM = dumb
os.putenv("TERM", "dumb")
(shell_pid, shell_fd) = pty.fork()
if shell_pid == 0:
# Child process: run the command in a subshell
os.execv("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", "-c", command])
# Parent process
lock_server_running = _lock(lock_server_running_filename)
# Set terminal echo on/off and disable pre- and post-processing
attr = termios.tcgetattr(shell_fd)
attr[0] &= ~termios.INLCR
attr[0] &= ~termios.ICRNL
attr[0] &= ~termios.IGNCR
attr[1] &= ~termios.OPOST
if echo:
attr[3] |= termios.ECHO
attr[3] &= ~termios.ECHO
termios.tcsetattr(shell_fd, termios.TCSANOW, attr)
# Open output file
output_file = open(output_filename, "w")
# Open input pipe
inpipe_fd =, os.O_RDWR)
# Open output pipes (readers)
reader_fds = []
for filename in reader_filenames:
reader_fds.append(, os.O_RDWR))
# Write shell PID to file
file = open(shell_pid_filename, "w")
# Print something to stdout so the client can start working
print "Server %s ready" % id
# Initialize buffers
buffers = ["" for reader in readers]
# Read from child and write to files/pipes
while True:
check_termination = False
# Make a list of reader pipes whose buffers are not empty
fds = [fd for (i, fd) in enumerate(reader_fds) if buffers[i]]
# Wait until there's something to do
r, w, x =[shell_fd, inpipe_fd], fds, [], 0.5)
# If a reader pipe is ready for writing --
for (i, fd) in enumerate(reader_fds):
if fd in w:
bytes_written = os.write(fd, buffers[i])
buffers[i] = buffers[i][bytes_written:]
# If there's data to read from the child process --
if shell_fd in r:
data =, 16384)
except OSError:
data = ""
if not data:
check_termination = True
# Remove carriage returns from the data -- they often cause
# trouble and are normally not needed
data = data.replace("\r", "")
for i in range(len(readers)):
buffers[i] += data
# If raised an exception or there was nothing to read --
if check_termination or shell_fd not in r:
pid, status = os.waitpid(shell_pid, os.WNOHANG)
if pid:
status = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
# If there's data to read from the client --
if inpipe_fd in r:
data =, 1024)
os.write(shell_fd, data)
# Write the exit status to a file
file = open(status_filename, "w")
# Wait for the client to finish initializing
# Delete FIFOs
for filename in reader_filenames + [inpipe_filename]:
except OSError:
# Close all files and pipes
for fd in reader_fds:
# The following is the client part of the module.
import subprocess, time, signal, re, threading, logging
import virt_utils
class ExpectError(Exception):
def __init__(self, patterns, output):
Exception.__init__(self, patterns, output)
self.patterns = patterns
self.output = output
def _pattern_str(self):
if len(self.patterns) == 1:
return "pattern %r" % self.patterns[0]
return "patterns %r" % self.patterns
def __str__(self):
return ("Unknown error occurred while looking for %s (output: %r)" %
(self._pattern_str(), self.output))
class ExpectTimeoutError(ExpectError):
def __str__(self):
return ("Timeout expired while looking for %s (output: %r)" %
(self._pattern_str(), self.output))
class ExpectProcessTerminatedError(ExpectError):
def __init__(self, patterns, status, output):
ExpectError.__init__(self, patterns, output)
self.status = status
def __str__(self):
return ("Process terminated while looking for %s "
"(status: %s, output: %r)" % (self._pattern_str(),
self.status, self.output))
class ShellError(Exception):
def __init__(self, cmd, output):
Exception.__init__(self, cmd, output)
self.cmd = cmd
self.output = output
def __str__(self):
return ("Could not execute shell command %r (output: %r)" %
(self.cmd, self.output))
class ShellTimeoutError(ShellError):
def __str__(self):
return ("Timeout expired while waiting for shell command to "
"complete: %r (output: %r)" % (self.cmd, self.output))
class ShellProcessTerminatedError(ShellError):
# Raised when the shell process itself (e.g. ssh, netcat, telnet)
# terminates unexpectedly
def __init__(self, cmd, status, output):
ShellError.__init__(self, cmd, output)
self.status = status
def __str__(self):
return ("Shell process terminated while waiting for command to "
"complete: %r (status: %s, output: %r)" %
(self.cmd, self.status, self.output))
class ShellCmdError(ShellError):
# Raised when a command executed in a shell terminates with a nonzero
# exit code (status)
def __init__(self, cmd, status, output):
ShellError.__init__(self, cmd, output)
self.status = status
def __str__(self):
return ("Shell command failed: %r (status: %s, output: %r)" %
(self.cmd, self.status, self.output))
class ShellStatusError(ShellError):
# Raised when the command's exit status cannot be obtained
def __str__(self):
return ("Could not get exit status of command: %r (output: %r)" %
(self.cmd, self.output))
def run_bg(command, termination_func=None, output_func=None, output_prefix="",
Run command as a subprocess. Call output_func with each line of output
from the subprocess (prefixed by output_prefix). Call termination_func
when the subprocess terminates. Return when timeout expires or when the
subprocess exits -- whichever occurs first.
@brief: Run a subprocess in the background and collect its output and
exit status.
@param command: The shell command to execute
@param termination_func: A function to call when the process terminates
(should take an integer exit status parameter)
@param output_func: A function to call with each line of output from
the subprocess (should take a string parameter)
@param output_prefix: A string to pre-pend to each line of the output,
before passing it to stdout_func
@param timeout: Time duration (in seconds) to wait for the subprocess to
terminate before returning
@return: A Tail object.
process = Tail(command=command,
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < end_time and process.is_alive():
return process
def run_fg(command, output_func=None, output_prefix="", timeout=1.0):
Run command as a subprocess. Call output_func with each line of output
from the subprocess (prefixed by prefix). Return when timeout expires or
when the subprocess exits -- whichever occurs first. If timeout expires
and the subprocess is still running, kill it before returning.
@brief: Run a subprocess in the foreground and collect its output and
exit status.
@param command: The shell command to execute
@param output_func: A function to call with each line of output from
the subprocess (should take a string parameter)
@param output_prefix: A string to pre-pend to each line of the output,
before passing it to stdout_func
@param timeout: Time duration (in seconds) to wait for the subprocess to
terminate before killing it and returning
@return: A 2-tuple containing the exit status of the process and its
STDOUT/STDERR output. If timeout expires before the process
terminates, the returned status is None.
process = run_bg(command, None, output_func, output_prefix, timeout)
output = process.get_output()
if process.is_alive():
status = None
status = process.get_status()
return (status, output)
class Spawn:
This class is used for spawning and controlling a child process.
A new instance of this class can either run a new server (a small Python
program that reads output from the child process and reports it to the
client and to a text file) or attach to an already running server.
When a server is started it runs the child process.
The server writes output from the child's STDOUT and STDERR to a text file.
The text file can be accessed at any time using get_output().
In addition, the server opens as many pipes as requested by the client and
writes the output to them.
The pipes are requested and accessed by classes derived from Spawn.
These pipes are referred to as "readers".
The server also receives input from the client and sends it to the child
An instance of this class can be pickled. Every derived class is
responsible for restoring its own state by properly defining
The first named pipe is used by _tail(), a function that runs in the
background and reports new output from the child as it is produced.
The second named pipe is used by a set of functions that read and parse
output as requested by the user in an interactive manner, similar to
When unpickled it automatically
resumes _tail() if needed.
def __init__(self, command=None, id=None, auto_close=False, echo=False,
Initialize the class and run command as a child process.
@param command: Command to run, or None if accessing an already running
@param id: ID of an already running server, if accessing a running
server, or None if starting a new one.
@param auto_close: If True, close() the instance automatically when its
reference count drops to zero (default False).
@param echo: Boolean indicating whether echo should be initially
enabled for the pseudo terminal running the subprocess. This
parameter has an effect only when starting a new server.
@param linesep: Line separator to be appended to strings sent to the
child process by sendline().
""" = id or virt_utils.generate_random_string(8)
# Define filenames for communication with server
base_dir = "/tmp/kvm_spawn"
self.lock_client_starting_filename) = _get_filenames(base_dir,
# Remember some attributes
self.auto_close = auto_close
self.echo = echo
self.linesep = linesep
# Make sure the 'readers' and 'close_hooks' attributes exist
if not hasattr(self, "readers"):
self.readers = []
if not hasattr(self, "close_hooks"):
self.close_hooks = []
# Define the reader filenames
self.reader_filenames = dict(
(reader, _get_reader_filename(base_dir,, reader))
for reader in self.readers)
# Let the server know a client intends to open some pipes;
# if the executed command terminates quickly, the server will wait for
# the client to release the lock before exiting
lock_client_starting = _lock(self.lock_client_starting_filename)
# Start the server (which runs the command)
if command:
sub = subprocess.Popen("%s %s" % (sys.executable, __file__),
# Send parameters to the server
sub.stdin.write("%s\n" %
sub.stdin.write("%s\n" % echo)
sub.stdin.write("%s\n" % ",".join(self.readers))
sub.stdin.write("%s\n" % command)
# Wait for the server to complete its initialization
while not "Server %s ready" % in sub.stdout.readline():
# Open the reading pipes
self.reader_fds = {}
for reader, filename in self.reader_filenames.items():
self.reader_fds[reader] =, os.O_RDONLY)
# Allow the server to continue
# The following two functions are defined to make sure the state is set
# exclusively by the constructor call as specified in __getinitargs__().
def __getstate__(self):
def __setstate__(self, state):
def __getinitargs__(self):
# Save some information when pickling -- will be passed to the
# constructor upon unpickling
return (None,, self.auto_close, self.echo, self.linesep)
def __del__(self):
if self.auto_close:
def _add_reader(self, reader):
Add a reader whose file descriptor can be obtained with _get_fd().
Should be called before __init__(). Intended for use by derived
@param reader: The name of the reader.
if not hasattr(self, "readers"):
self.readers = []
def _add_close_hook(self, hook):
Add a close hook function to be called when close() is called.
The function will be called after the process terminates but before
final cleanup. Intended for use by derived classes.
@param hook: The hook function.
if not hasattr(self, "close_hooks"):
self.close_hooks = []
def _get_fd(self, reader):
Return an open file descriptor corresponding to the specified reader
pipe. If no such reader exists, or the pipe could not be opened,
return None. Intended for use by derived classes.
@param reader: The name of the reader.
return self.reader_fds.get(reader)
def get_id(self):
Return the instance's id attribute, which may be used to access the
process in the future.
def get_pid(self):
Return the PID of the process.
Note: this may be the PID of the shell process running the user given
file = open(self.shell_pid_filename, "r")
pid = int(
return pid
return None
def get_status(self):
Wait for the process to exit and return its exit status, or None
if the exit status is not available.
file = open(self.status_filename, "r")
status = int(
return status
return None
def get_output(self):
Return the STDOUT and STDERR output of the process so far.
file = open(self.output_filename, "r")
output =
return output
return ""
def is_alive(self):
Return True if the process is running.
return _locked(self.lock_server_running_filename)
def close(self, sig=signal.SIGKILL):
Kill the child process if it's alive and remove temporary files.
@param sig: The signal to send the process when attempting to kill it.
# Kill it if it's alive
if self.is_alive():
virt_utils.kill_process_tree(self.get_pid(), sig)
# Wait for the server to exit
# Call all cleanup routines
for hook in self.close_hooks:
# Close reader file descriptors
for fd in self.reader_fds.values():
self.reader_fds = {}
# Remove all used files
for filename in (_get_filenames("/tmp/kvm_spawn", +
except OSError:
def set_linesep(self, linesep):
Sets the line separator string (usually "\\n").
@param linesep: Line separator string.
self.linesep = linesep
def send(self, str=""):
Send a string to the child process.
@param str: String to send to the child process.
fd =, os.O_RDWR)
os.write(fd, str)
def sendline(self, str=""):
Send a string followed by a line separator to the child process.
@param str: String to send to the child process.
self.send(str + self.linesep)
_thread_kill_requested = False
def kill_tail_threads():
Kill all Tail threads.
After calling this function no new threads should be started.
global _thread_kill_requested
_thread_kill_requested = True
for t in threading.enumerate():
if hasattr(t, "name") and"tail_thread"):
_thread_kill_requested = False
class Tail(Spawn):
This class runs a child process in the background and sends its output in
real time, line-by-line, to a callback function.
See Spawn's docstring.
This class uses a single pipe reader to read data in real time from the
child process and report it to a given callback function.
When the child process exits, its exit status is reported to an additional
callback function.
When this class is unpickled, it automatically resumes reporting output.
def __init__(self, command=None, id=None, auto_close=False, echo=False,
linesep="\n", termination_func=None, termination_params=(),
output_func=None, output_params=(), output_prefix=""):
Initialize the class and run command as a child process.
@param command: Command to run, or None if accessing an already running
@param id: ID of an already running server, if accessing a running
server, or None if starting a new one.
@param auto_close: If True, close() the instance automatically when its
reference count drops to zero (default False).
@param echo: Boolean indicating whether echo should be initially
enabled for the pseudo terminal running the subprocess. This
parameter has an effect only when starting a new server.
@param linesep: Line separator to be appended to strings sent to the
child process by sendline().
@param termination_func: Function to call when the process exits. The
function must accept a single exit status parameter.
@param termination_params: Parameters to send to termination_func
before the exit status.
@param output_func: Function to call whenever a line of output is
available from the STDOUT or STDERR streams of the process.
The function must accept a single string parameter. The string
does not include the final newline.
@param output_params: Parameters to send to output_func before the
output line.
@param output_prefix: String to prepend to lines sent to output_func.
# Add a reader and a close hook
# Init the superclass
Spawn.__init__(self, command, id, auto_close, echo, linesep)
# Remember some attributes
self.termination_func = termination_func
self.termination_params = termination_params
self.output_func = output_func
self.output_params = output_params
self.output_prefix = output_prefix
# Start the thread in the background
self.tail_thread = None
if termination_func or output_func:
def __getinitargs__(self):
return Spawn.__getinitargs__(self) + (self.termination_func,
def set_termination_func(self, termination_func):
Set the termination_func attribute. See __init__() for details.
@param termination_func: Function to call when the process terminates.
Must take a single parameter -- the exit status.
self.termination_func = termination_func
if termination_func and not self.tail_thread:
def set_termination_params(self, termination_params):
Set the termination_params attribute. See __init__() for details.
@param termination_params: Parameters to send to termination_func
before the exit status.
self.termination_params = termination_params
def set_output_func(self, output_func):
Set the output_func attribute. See __init__() for details.
@param output_func: Function to call for each line of STDOUT/STDERR
output from the process. Must take a single string parameter.
self.output_func = output_func
if output_func and not self.tail_thread:
def set_output_params(self, output_params):
Set the output_params attribute. See __init__() for details.
@param output_params: Parameters to send to output_func before the
output line.
self.output_params = output_params
def set_output_prefix(self, output_prefix):
Set the output_prefix attribute. See __init__() for details.
@param output_prefix: String to pre-pend to each line sent to
output_func (see set_output_callback()).
self.output_prefix = output_prefix
def _tail(self):
def print_line(text):
# Pre-pend prefix and remove trailing whitespace
text = self.output_prefix + text.rstrip()
# Pass text to output_func
params = self.output_params + (text,)
except TypeError:
fd = self._get_fd("tail")
buffer = ""
while True:
global _thread_kill_requested
if _thread_kill_requested:
# See if there's any data to read from the pipe
r, w, x =[fd], [], [], 0.05)
if fd in r:
# Some data is available; read it
new_data =, 1024)
if not new_data:
buffer += new_data
# Send the output to output_func line by line
# (except for the last line)
if self.output_func:
lines = buffer.split("\n")
for line in lines[:-1]:
# Leave only the last line
last_newline_index = buffer.rfind("\n")
buffer = buffer[last_newline_index+1:]
# No output is available right now; flush the buffer
if buffer:
buffer = ""
# The process terminated; print any remaining output
if buffer:
# Get the exit status, print it and send it to termination_func
status = self.get_status()
if status is None:
print_line("(Process terminated with status %s)" % status)
params = self.termination_params + (status,)
except TypeError:
self.tail_thread = None
def _start_thread(self):
self.tail_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._tail,
name="tail_thread_%s" %
def _join_thread(self):
# Wait for the tail thread to exit
# (it's done this way because self.tail_thread may become None at any
# time)
t = self.tail_thread
if t:
class Expect(Tail):
This class runs a child process in the background and provides expect-like
It also provides all of Tail's functionality.
def __init__(self, command=None, id=None, auto_close=True, echo=False,
linesep="\n", termination_func=None, termination_params=(),
output_func=None, output_params=(), output_prefix=""):
Initialize the class and run command as a child process.
@param command: Command to run, or None if accessing an already running
@param id: ID of an already running server, if accessing a running
server, or None if starting a new one.
@param auto_close: If True, close() the instance automatically when its
reference count drops to zero (default False).
@param echo: Boolean indicating whether echo should be initially
enabled for the pseudo terminal running the subprocess. This
parameter has an effect only when starting a new server.
@param linesep: Line separator to be appended to strings sent to the
child process by sendline().
@param termination_func: Function to call when the process exits. The
function must accept a single exit status parameter.
@param termination_params: Parameters to send to termination_func
before the exit status.
@param output_func: Function to call whenever a line of output is
available from the STDOUT or STDERR streams of the process.
The function must accept a single string parameter. The string
does not include the final newline.
@param output_params: Parameters to send to output_func before the
output line.
@param output_prefix: String to prepend to lines sent to output_func.
# Add a reader
# Init the superclass
Tail.__init__(self, command, id, auto_close, echo, linesep,
termination_func, termination_params,
output_func, output_params, output_prefix)
def __getinitargs__(self):
return Tail.__getinitargs__(self)
def read_nonblocking(self, timeout=None):
Read from child until there is nothing to read for timeout seconds.
@param timeout: Time (seconds) to wait before we give up reading from
the child process, or None to use the default value.
if timeout is None:
timeout = 0.1
fd = self._get_fd("expect")
data = ""
while True:
r, w, x =[fd], [], [], timeout)
return data
if fd in r:
new_data =, 1024)
if not new_data:
return data
data += new_data
return data
def match_patterns(self, str, patterns):
Match str against a list of patterns.
Return the index of the first pattern that matches a substring of str.
None and empty strings in patterns are ignored.
If no match is found, return None.
@param patterns: List of strings (regular expression patterns).
for i in range(len(patterns)):
if not patterns[i]:
if[i], str):
return i
def read_until_output_matches(self, patterns, filter=lambda x: x,
timeout=60, internal_timeout=None,
Read using read_nonblocking until a match is found using match_patterns,
or until timeout expires. Before attempting to search for a match, the
data is filtered using the filter function provided.
@brief: Read from child using read_nonblocking until a pattern
@param patterns: List of strings (regular expression patterns)
@param filter: Function to apply to the data read from the child before
attempting to match it against the patterns (should take and
return a string)
@param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait until a match is
@param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking
@param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read
(should take a string parameter)
@return: Tuple containing the match index and the data read so far
@raise ExpectTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires
@raise ExpectProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the child process
terminates while waiting for output
@raise ExpectError: Raised if an unknown error occurs
fd = self._get_fd("expect")
o = ""
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while True:
r, w, x =[fd], [], [],
max(0, end_time - time.time()))
except (select.error, TypeError):
if not r:
raise ExpectTimeoutError(patterns, o)
# Read data from child
data = self.read_nonblocking(internal_timeout)
if not data:
# Print it if necessary
if print_func:
for line in data.splitlines():
# Look for patterns
o += data
match = self.match_patterns(filter(o), patterns)
if match is not None:
return match, o
# Check if the child has terminated
if virt_utils.wait_for(lambda: not self.is_alive(), 5, 0, 0.1):
raise ExpectProcessTerminatedError(patterns, self.get_status(), o)
# This shouldn't happen
raise ExpectError(patterns, o)
def read_until_last_word_matches(self, patterns, timeout=60,
internal_timeout=None, print_func=None):
Read using read_nonblocking until the last word of the output matches
one of the patterns (using match_patterns), or until timeout expires.
@param patterns: A list of strings (regular expression patterns)
@param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait until a match is
@param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking
@param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read
(should take a string parameter)
@return: A tuple containing the match index and the data read so far
@raise ExpectTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires
@raise ExpectProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the child process
terminates while waiting for output
@raise ExpectError: Raised if an unknown error occurs
def get_last_word(str):
if str:
return str.split()[-1]
return ""
return self.read_until_output_matches(patterns, get_last_word,
timeout, internal_timeout,
def read_until_last_line_matches(self, patterns, timeout=60,
internal_timeout=None, print_func=None):
Read using read_nonblocking until the last non-empty line of the output
matches one of the patterns (using match_patterns), or until timeout
expires. Return a tuple containing the match index (or None if no match
was found) and the data read so far.
@brief: Read using read_nonblocking until the last non-empty line
matches a pattern.
@param patterns: A list of strings (regular expression patterns)
@param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait until a match is
@param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking
@param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read
(should take a string parameter)
@return: A tuple containing the match index and the data read so far
@raise ExpectTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires
@raise ExpectProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the child process
terminates while waiting for output
@raise ExpectError: Raised if an unknown error occurs
def get_last_nonempty_line(str):
nonempty_lines = [l for l in str.splitlines() if l.strip()]
if nonempty_lines:
return nonempty_lines[-1]
return ""
return self.read_until_output_matches(patterns, get_last_nonempty_line,
timeout, internal_timeout,
class ShellSession(Expect):
This class runs a child process in the background. It it suited for
processes that provide an interactive shell, such as SSH and Telnet.
It provides all services of Expect and Tail. In addition, it
provides command running services, and a utility function to test the
process for responsiveness.
def __init__(self, command=None, id=None, auto_close=True, echo=False,
linesep="\n", termination_func=None, termination_params=(),
output_func=None, output_params=(), output_prefix="",
prompt=r"[\#\$]\s*$", status_test_command="echo $?"):
Initialize the class and run command as a child process.
@param command: Command to run, or None if accessing an already running
@param id: ID of an already running server, if accessing a running
server, or None if starting a new one.
@param auto_close: If True, close() the instance automatically when its
reference count drops to zero (default True).
@param echo: Boolean indicating whether echo should be initially
enabled for the pseudo terminal running the subprocess. This
parameter has an effect only when starting a new server.
@param linesep: Line separator to be appended to strings sent to the
child process by sendline().
@param termination_func: Function to call when the process exits. The
function must accept a single exit status parameter.
@param termination_params: Parameters to send to termination_func
before the exit status.
@param output_func: Function to call whenever a line of output is
available from the STDOUT or STDERR streams of the process.
The function must accept a single string parameter. The string
does not include the final newline.
@param output_params: Parameters to send to output_func before the
output line.
@param output_prefix: String to prepend to lines sent to output_func.
@param prompt: Regular expression describing the shell's prompt line.
@param status_test_command: Command to be used for getting the last
exit status of commands run inside the shell (used by
cmd_status_output() and friends).
# Init the superclass
Expect.__init__(self, command, id, auto_close, echo, linesep,
termination_func, termination_params,
output_func, output_params, output_prefix)
# Remember some attributes
self.prompt = prompt
self.status_test_command = status_test_command
def __getinitargs__(self):
return Expect.__getinitargs__(self) + (self.prompt,
def set_prompt(self, prompt):
Set the prompt attribute for later use by read_up_to_prompt.
@param: String that describes the prompt contents.
self.prompt = prompt
def set_status_test_command(self, status_test_command):
Set the command to be sent in order to get the last exit status.
@param status_test_command: Command that will be sent to get the last
exit status.
self.status_test_command = status_test_command
def is_responsive(self, timeout=5.0):
Return True if the process responds to STDIN/terminal input.
Send a newline to the child process (e.g. SSH or Telnet) and read some
output using read_nonblocking().
If all is OK, some output should be available (e.g. the shell prompt).
In that case return True. Otherwise return False.
@param timeout: Time duration to wait before the process is considered
# Read all output that's waiting to be read, to make sure the output
# we read next is in response to the newline sent
# Send a newline
# Wait up to timeout seconds for some output from the child
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < end_time:
if self.read_nonblocking(timeout=0).strip():
return True
# No output -- report unresponsive
return False
def read_up_to_prompt(self, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None,
Read using read_nonblocking until the last non-empty line of the output
matches the prompt regular expression set by set_prompt, or until
timeout expires.
@brief: Read using read_nonblocking until the last non-empty line
matches the prompt.
@param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait until a match is
@param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking
@param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being
read (should take a string parameter)
@return: The data read so far
@raise ExpectTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires
@raise ExpectProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the shell process
terminates while waiting for output
@raise ExpectError: Raised if an unknown error occurs
m, o = self.read_until_last_line_matches([self.prompt], timeout,
internal_timeout, print_func)
return o
def cmd_output(self, cmd, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None,
Send a command and return its output.
@param cmd: Command to send (must not contain newline characters)
@param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait for the prompt to
@param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking
@param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read
(should take a string parameter)
@return: The output of cmd
@raise ShellTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires
@raise ShellProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the shell process
terminates while waiting for output
@raise ShellError: Raised if an unknown error occurs
def remove_command_echo(str, cmd):
if str and str.splitlines()[0] == cmd:
str = "".join(str.splitlines(True)[1:])
return str
def remove_last_nonempty_line(str):
return "".join(str.rstrip().splitlines(True)[:-1])
logging.debug("Sending command: %s" % cmd)
o = self.read_up_to_prompt(timeout, internal_timeout, print_func)
except ExpectError, e:
o = remove_command_echo(e.output, cmd)
if isinstance(e, ExpectTimeoutError):
raise ShellTimeoutError(cmd, o)
elif isinstance(e, ExpectProcessTerminatedError):
raise ShellProcessTerminatedError(cmd, e.status, o)
raise ShellError(cmd, o)
# Remove the echoed command and the final shell prompt
return remove_last_nonempty_line(remove_command_echo(o, cmd))
def cmd_status_output(self, cmd, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None,
Send a command and return its exit status and output.
@param cmd: Command to send (must not contain newline characters)
@param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait for the prompt to
@param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking
@param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read
(should take a string parameter)
@return: A tuple (status, output) where status is the exit status and
output is the output of cmd
@raise ShellTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires
@raise ShellProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the shell process
terminates while waiting for output
@raise ShellStatusError: Raised if the exit status cannot be obtained
@raise ShellError: Raised if an unknown error occurs
o = self.cmd_output(cmd, timeout, internal_timeout, print_func)
# Send the 'echo $?' (or equivalent) command to get the exit status
s = self.cmd_output(self.status_test_command, 10, internal_timeout)
except ShellError:
raise ShellStatusError(cmd, o)
# Get the first line consisting of digits only
digit_lines = [l for l in s.splitlines() if l.strip().isdigit()]
if digit_lines:
return int(digit_lines[0].strip()), o
raise ShellStatusError(cmd, o)
def cmd_status(self, cmd, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None,
Send a command and return its exit status.
@param cmd: Command to send (must not contain newline characters)
@param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait for the prompt to
@param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking
@param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read
(should take a string parameter)
@return: The exit status of cmd
@raise ShellTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires
@raise ShellProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the shell process
terminates while waiting for output
@raise ShellStatusError: Raised if the exit status cannot be obtained
@raise ShellError: Raised if an unknown error occurs
s, o = self.cmd_status_output(cmd, timeout, internal_timeout,
return s
def cmd(self, cmd, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None, print_func=None):
Send a command and return its output. If the command's exit status is
nonzero, raise an exception.
@param cmd: Command to send (must not contain newline characters)
@param timeout: The duration (in seconds) to wait for the prompt to
@param internal_timeout: The timeout to pass to read_nonblocking
@param print_func: A function to be used to print the data being read
(should take a string parameter)
@return: The output of cmd
@raise ShellTimeoutError: Raised if timeout expires
@raise ShellProcessTerminatedError: Raised if the shell process
terminates while waiting for output
@raise ShellError: Raised if the exit status cannot be obtained or if
an unknown error occurs
@raise ShellStatusError: Raised if the exit status cannot be obtained
@raise ShellError: Raised if an unknown error occurs
@raise ShellCmdError: Raised if the exit status is nonzero
s, o = self.cmd_status_output(cmd, timeout, internal_timeout,
if s != 0:
raise ShellCmdError(cmd, s, o)
return o
def get_command_output(self, cmd, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None,
Alias for cmd_output() for backward compatibility.
return self.cmd_output(cmd, timeout, internal_timeout, print_func)
def get_command_status_output(self, cmd, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None,
Alias for cmd_status_output() for backward compatibility.
return self.cmd_status_output(cmd, timeout, internal_timeout,
def get_command_status(self, cmd, timeout=60, internal_timeout=None,
Alias for cmd_status() for backward compatibility.
return self.cmd_status(cmd, timeout, internal_timeout, print_func)