blob: a30c5410fa33dfe38dd016ee9244cbdce649b27d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, os
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class kernel_ConfigVerify(test.test):
version = 1
# Sanity checks; should be present in builds as builtins.
# Security; adds stack buffer overflow protections.
# Security; enables the SECCOMP application API.
# Security; blocks direct physical memory access.
# Security; provides some protections against SYN flooding.
# Sanity checks; should be present in builds as modules.
# Sanity checks.
'M386', # Never going to optimize to this CPU.
'CHARLIE_THE_UNICORN', # Config not in real kernel config var list.
# Dangerous; disables brk ASLR.
# Dangerous; disables VDSO ASLR.
# Dangerous; allows direct kernel memory writing.
# Dangerous; allows replacement of running kernel.
# Dangerous; allows replacement of running kernel.
def _passed(self, msg):'ok: %s' % (msg))
def _failed(self, msg):
logging.error('FAIL: %s' % (msg))
def _fatal(self, msg):
logging.error('FATAL: %s' % (msg))
raise error.TestError(msg)
def _config_required(self, name, wanted):
value = self._config.get(name, None)
if value == wanted:
self._passed('"%s" was "%s" in kernel config' % (name, value))
self._failed('"%s" was "%s" (wanted "%s") in kernel config' %
(name, value, wanted))
def has_value(self, name, value):
self._config_required('CONFIG_%s' % (name), value)
def has_builtin(self, name):
self.has_value(name, 'y')
def has_module(self, name):
self.has_value(name, 'm')
def is_missing(self, name):
self.has_value(name, None)
def load_configs(self, filename):
# Make sure the given file actually exists.
if not os.path.exists(filename):
self._fatal('%s is missing' % (filename))
# Import kernel config variables into a dictionary for each searching.
config = dict()
for item in open(filename).readlines():
item = item.strip()
if not '=' in item:
key, value = item.split('=', 1)
config[key] = value
# Make sure we actually loaded something sensible.
if len(config) == 0:
self._fatal('%s has no CONFIG variables' % (filename))
return config
def run_once(self):
# Empty failure list means test passes.
self._failures = []
# Cache the architecture to avoid redundant execs to "uname".
self._arch = utils.get_arch()
# Locate and load the list of kernel config variables.
self._config = self.load_configs('/boot/config-%s' %
utils.system_output('uname -r'))
# Run the static checks.
map(self.has_builtin, self.IS_BUILTIN)
map(self.has_module, self.IS_MODULE)
map(self.is_missing, self.IS_MISSING)
# Run the dynamic checks.
# Security; NULL-address hole should be as large as possible.
# Upstream kernel recommends 64k, which should be large enough to
# catch nearly all dereferenced structures.
wanted = '65536'
if self._arch.startswith('arm'):
# ... except on ARM where it shouldn't be larger than 32k due
# to historical ELF load location.
wanted = '32768'
self.has_value('DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR', wanted)
# Security; make sure NX page table bits are usable.
if not self._arch.startswith('arm'):
if self._arch == "i386":
# Security; marks data segments as RO/NX.
if self._arch.startswith('arm'):
# TODO(kees): ARM kernel needs the module RO/NX logic added.
# Raise a failure if anything unexpected was seen.
if len(self._failures):
raise error.TestFail((", ".join(self._failures)))