blob: 3ae665b9c0143c86c64f75fde4fc2cda1c5774f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Compile: use the Makefile in the same folder.
// Commandline Usage: ./hardware_MemoryThroughput [num_iteration test-1 test-2 ...]
// num_iteration : a positive integer number larger than 10,
// otherwise will use the default value 2010.
// test-i : the memory size, for example, if test-i = 12, then the
// memory size is 2^12 = 4k.
// Valid range is [12, 28], i.e., [4k, 256M]. The default
// test set includes all possible memory size, 4k, 8k, 16k,
// 32k, 64k, ..., 128M, 256M.
// Examples of usage:
// 1) ./hardware_MemoryThroughput
// 2) ./hardware_MemoryThroughput 1000
// 3) ./hardware_MemoryThroughput -1 16 17 18
// Output semantics:
// Action = cp : mem copy
// set : mem set
// w : mem write
// r : mem read
// rw : mem read+write
// r7w3 : mem read:write = 0.7:0.3
// Method = seq : sequential
// ran : random
#ifdef __SSE2__
#include <emmintrin.h>
#endif // __SSE2__
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
// The REPEAT_OP_x macros are defined to minimize the looping overhead
// to be less than 5% of the total memory operation time.
// We need to make sure the memory table size is always a multiple of 64.
#define REPEAT_OP_2(mem_op) mem_op; mem_op
#define REPEAT_OP_4(mem_op) REPEAT_OP_2(mem_op); REPEAT_OP_2(mem_op)
#define REPEAT_OP_8(mem_op) REPEAT_OP_4(mem_op); REPEAT_OP_4(mem_op)
#define REPEAT_OP_16(mem_op) REPEAT_OP_8(mem_op); REPEAT_OP_8(mem_op)
#define REPEAT_OP_32(mem_op) REPEAT_OP_16(mem_op); REPEAT_OP_16(mem_op)
#define REPEAT_OP_64(mem_op) REPEAT_OP_32(mem_op); REPEAT_OP_32(mem_op)
bool MemValueCheck(int** table,
int table_size,
const int* value) {
for (int i = 0; i < table_size; ++i) {
if (table[i] != value)
return false;
return true;
void MemWriteSequential(int** table,
int table_size,
const int* value) {
CHECK(table_size % 64 == 0);
int* value_local = const_cast<int*>(value);
int i = 0;
while (i < table_size) {
REPEAT_OP_64(table[i++] = value_local);
void MemReadWriteSequential(int** table_dst,
int** table_src,
int table_size) {
CHECK(table_size % 64 == 0);
int i = 0;
while (i < table_size) {
REPEAT_OP_64(table_dst[i] = table_src[i]; ++i);
// This function builds a table so that 4/7 of the entries are NULL,
// and 3/7 of the entries are non-NULL.
void Read7Write3TableSetup(int** table,
int table_size,
const int* value_non_null) {
int* value_local = const_cast<int*>(value_non_null);
int i = 0;
while (i < table_size) {
if (i % 7 < 4)
table[i] = NULL;
table[i] = value_local;
void MemRead7Write3Sequential(int** table,
int table_size,
const int* value) {
CHECK(table_size % 64 == 0);
int* value_local = const_cast<int*>(value);
int i = 0;
// We read every entry. Among them 3/7 are non-NULL, and we reset their
// value. Therefore, read : write = 1 : 3/7 = 7 : 3.
while (i < table_size) {
REPEAT_OP_64(if (table[i] != NULL) table[i] = value_local; ++i);
void MemCopySequential(int** table_dst,
int** table_src,
int table_size) {
memcpy(table_dst, table_src, table_size);
void MemSetSequential(int** table,
int table_size,
const int value) {
memset(table, value, table_size);
// This function builds a table so that each entry uniquely points to another
// entry. You can visulize the table as a link. The tail of the link points
// to NULL.
// Returns -1 if the algorithm goes wrong (for debugging purpose, shouldn't
// happen); otherwise returns the head entry index.
// Courtesy of kwaters@
int RandomWalkTableSetup(int** table,
int table_size) {
for (int i = 0; i < table_size; ++i) {
table[i] = NULL;
int done = 1;
unsigned int seed = 2010; // Any number works here.
int tail_index = rand_r(&seed) % table_size;
int head_index = tail_index;
while (done < table_size) {
int random_index = rand_r(&seed) % table_size;
while (random_index == tail_index || table[random_index] != NULL) {
// If the random entry is already filled, find the next available entry
// sequentially.
random_index = (random_index + 1) % table_size;
table[random_index] = reinterpret_cast<int*>(table + head_index);
head_index = random_index;
// Double check whether the generated table is a fully covered random walk.
int** holder = table + head_index;
done = 0;
while (holder != NULL) {
holder = reinterpret_cast<int**>(*holder);
if (done != table_size) {
return -1;
return head_index;
// This function should always return true. However, caller of this function
// must check the returned value, otherwise there might be undesired code
// optimization.
bool MemReadRandomWalk(int** table,
int table_size,
int entry_index) {
CHECK(table_size % 64 == 0);
int** holder = table + entry_index;
int i = 0;
while (i < table_size) {
REPEAT_OP_64(holder = reinterpret_cast<int**>(*holder));
i += 64;
// "holder" should always be NULL by the end, but to avoid undesired code
// optimization, we have to check the value.
if (holder == NULL)
return true;
return false;
// This function takes start/end time, and returns the difference between
// them in MicroSecond.
double GetPeriodInUS(const timeval& time_start,
const timeval& time_end) {
double time_passed = time_end.tv_usec - time_start.tv_usec;
time_passed += 1000000.0 * (time_end.tv_sec - time_start.tv_sec);
return time_passed;
// @input total_time total time spent in operation (in MicroSecond);
// @input byte_size memory size (number of bytes);
// @return time of operation (in MicroSecond) per MegaByte per iteration.
double NormalizeTime(double total_time,
int byte_size) {
double time_per = total_time / byte_size;
time_per *= 1000000;
return time_per;
// This function invalidate the memory from the cache.
// Courtesy of fbarchard@
void FlushCache(void* mem,
int byte_size) {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) // CPU type
#ifdef __SSE2__
unsigned char* mem_uc = static_cast<unsigned char*>(mem);
while (byte_size >= 32) {
mem_uc += 32;
byte_size -= 32;
#endif // __SSE2__
#elif defined(__arm__) // CPU type
// TODO(zmo@): figure out how to invalidate cache for ARM machines.
#else // CPU type
#error Unrecognized CPU type!
#endif // CPU type
// This function collects the time needed for
// sequential memory set operation.
// Test rule:
// The test is performed "num_iteration" iterations.
// The first "num_warm_up_iteration" iterations are ignored.
// Returns the minimum one-iteration test time among the rest iterations.
// This rule applies to all the tests.
double TestMemSetSequential(int** table,
int num_table_entry,
const int value,
int num_iteration,
int num_warm_up_iteration) {
double time_passed = 0.0;
struct timeval time_start, time_end;
int byte_size = num_table_entry * sizeof(int*);
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < num_iteration; ++iteration) {
FlushCache(table, byte_size);
gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
MemSetSequential(table, num_table_entry, value);
gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL);
if (iteration < num_warm_up_iteration) {
} else if (iteration == num_warm_up_iteration) {
time_passed = GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end);
} else {
time_passed = std::min(time_passed,
GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end));
return NormalizeTime(time_passed, byte_size);
// This function collects the time needed for
// sequential memory copy operation.
double TestMemCopySequential(int** table_dst,
int** table_src,
int num_table_entry,
int num_iteration,
int num_warm_up_iteration) {
double time_passed = 0.0;
struct timeval time_start, time_end;
int byte_size = num_table_entry * sizeof(int*);
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < num_iteration; ++iteration) {
FlushCache(table_dst, byte_size);
FlushCache(table_src, byte_size);
gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
MemCopySequential(table_dst, table_src, num_table_entry);
gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL);
if (iteration < num_warm_up_iteration) {
} else if (iteration == num_warm_up_iteration) {
time_passed = GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end);
} else {
time_passed = std::min(time_passed,
GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end));
return NormalizeTime(time_passed, byte_size);
// This function collects the time needed for
// sequential memory write operation.
double TestMemWriteSequential(int** table,
int num_table_entry,
const int* value,
int num_iteration,
int num_warm_up_iteration) {
double time_passed = 0.0;
struct timeval time_start, time_end;
int byte_size = num_table_entry * sizeof(int*);
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < num_iteration; ++iteration) {
FlushCache(table, byte_size);
gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
MemWriteSequential(table, num_table_entry, value);
gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL);
if (iteration < num_warm_up_iteration) {
} else if (iteration == num_warm_up_iteration) {
time_passed = GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end);
} else {
time_passed = std::min(time_passed,
GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end));
return NormalizeTime(time_passed, byte_size);
// This function collects the time needed for
// sequential memory read+write operation.
double TestMemReadWriteSequential(int** table_dst,
int** table_src,
int num_table_entry,
int num_iteration,
int num_warm_up_iteration) {
double time_passed = 0.0;
struct timeval time_start, time_end;
int byte_size = num_table_entry * sizeof(int*);
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < num_iteration; ++iteration) {
FlushCache(table_dst, byte_size);
FlushCache(table_src, byte_size);
gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
MemReadWriteSequential(table_dst, table_src, num_table_entry);
gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL);
if (iteration < num_warm_up_iteration) {
} else if (iteration == num_warm_up_iteration) {
time_passed = GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end);
} else {
time_passed = std::min(time_passed,
GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end));
return NormalizeTime(time_passed, byte_size);
// This function collects the time needed for
// sequential memory read/write (70% read and 30% write) operation.
double TestMemRead7Write3Sequential(int** table,
int num_table_entry,
const int* value,
int num_iteration,
int num_warm_up_iteration) {
double time_passed = 0.0;
struct timeval time_start, time_end;
int byte_size = num_table_entry * sizeof(int*);
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < num_iteration; ++iteration) {
FlushCache(table, byte_size);
gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
MemRead7Write3Sequential(table, num_table_entry, value);
gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL);
if (iteration < num_warm_up_iteration) {
} else if (iteration == num_warm_up_iteration) {
time_passed = GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end);
} else {
time_passed = std::min(time_passed,
GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end));
// We further divide the time by 10/7 because we read every entry, and
// write to about 3/7 of them, so total operations are 1 + 3/7 instead
// of 1.
return NormalizeTime(time_passed, byte_size) * 7 / 10;
// This function collects the time needed for
// random memory read operation.
double TestMemReadRandomWalk(int** table,
int num_table_entry,
int entry_index,
int num_iteration,
int num_warm_up_iteration) {
double time_passed = 0.0;
struct timeval time_start, time_end;
int byte_size = num_table_entry * sizeof(int*);
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < num_iteration; ++iteration) {
FlushCache(table, byte_size);
gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
bool return_code = MemReadRandomWalk(table,
gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL);
if (return_code == false) {
// We have to check "return_code" value to avoid undesired code
// optimization. However, "return_code" should always be true.
return -1;
if (iteration < num_warm_up_iteration) {
} else if (iteration == num_warm_up_iteration) {
time_passed = GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end);
} else {
time_passed = std::min(time_passed,
GetPeriodInUS(time_start, time_end));
return NormalizeTime(time_passed, byte_size);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
const int kWordSize = sizeof(int*);
const int kBitCountMin = 12; // memory size = 4k
const int kBitCountMax = 28; // memory size = 256M
const int kNumTestMax = kBitCountMax - kBitCountMin + 1;
// It seems whether ingoring the first a few iterations nor not makes no
// apparent difference. But I put 10 here anyway just to be safe.
const int kNumWarmUpIterations = 10;
// A reasonable iteration number could be anything between 1,000 and 10,000.
// A number toward the end of 10,000 will make test runs very slow.
int num_iteration = 2010;
int test_list[kNumTestMax];
// Initialize default tests.
for (int test_index = 0; test_index < kNumTestMax; ++test_index) {
test_list[test_index] = kBitCountMin + test_index;
// Process input parameters.
if (argc > 1) {
int argv1 = atoi(argv[1]);
if (argv1 > kNumWarmUpIterations) {
num_iteration = argv1;
if (argc > 2) {
int test_index = 0;
for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
int test = atoi(argv[i]);
if (test < kBitCountMin || test > kBitCountMax)
test_list[test_index++] = test;
if (test_index >= kNumTestMax)
for (int i = test_index; i < kNumTestMax; ++i)
test_list[i] = -1;
printf("Memory Throughput Test: UNIT = MicroSecond/MegaBytes\n\n");
for (int test_index = 0; test_index < kNumTestMax; ++test_index) {
int bit_size = test_list[test_index];
if (bit_size <= 0) // All tests have been performed.
int byte_size = 1 << bit_size;
int num_table_entry = byte_size / kWordSize;
int size_letter = ' ';
int mem_size = byte_size;
if (mem_size >= 1024) {
size_letter = 'k';
mem_size >>= 10;
if (mem_size >= 1024) {
size_letter = 'M';
mem_size >>= 10;
if (mem_size >= 1024) {
size_letter = 'G';
mem_size >>= 10;
// Any value is fine for "kValueInt" or "kValuePointer".
const int kValueInt = 2010;
const int* kValuePointer = reinterpret_cast<int*>(kValueInt);
scoped_ptr<int*[]> table(new int*[num_table_entry]);
scoped_ptr<int*[]> table2(new int*[num_table_entry]);
if (table == NULL || table2 == NULL)
double time_passed;
// Test 1.1: mem set sequential.
time_passed = TestMemSetSequential(table.get(),
printf("Action = set, BlockSize = %d%c, Method = seq, Time = %.2f\n",
// Test 1.2: mem copy sequential.
time_passed = TestMemCopySequential(table2.get(),
printf("Action = cp, BlockSize = %d%c, Method = seq, Time = %.2f\n",
// Test 1.3: mem write sequential.
time_passed = TestMemWriteSequential(table.get(),
printf("Action = w, BlockSize = %d%c, Method = seq, Time = %.2f\n",
// Test 1.4: mem read+write sequential.
time_passed = TestMemReadWriteSequential(table2.get(),
printf("Action = rw, BlockSize = %d%c, Method = seq, Time = %.2f\n",
// Test 1.5: mem read/write correctness check.
if (MemValueCheck(table.get(), num_table_entry, kValuePointer) == false ||
MemValueCheck(table2.get(), num_table_entry, kValuePointer) == false) {
// The value used here needs to be consistent with Test 1.3 & 1.4.
printf("ERROR: [rw correctness check]\n");
// Test 2: mem read/write (0.7/0.3) sequential.
time_passed = TestMemRead7Write3Sequential(table.get(),
kValuePointer+1, // Any value.
printf("Action = r0.7w0.3, BlockSize = %d%c, Method = seq, Time = %.2f\n",
// Test 3: mem read randomwalk.
int head_entry_index = RandomWalkTableSetup(table.get(), num_table_entry);
if (head_entry_index < 0) {
printf("ERROR: [randomwalk setup]\n");
} else {
time_passed = TestMemReadRandomWalk(table.get(),
if (time_passed < 0) // This should never happen.
printf("ERROR: [randomwalk]\n");
printf("Action = r, BlockSize = %d%c, Method = ran, Time = %.2f\n",
} // End of for-loop for each test.
return 0;