blob: d0afc6841f367f5e928aebf65a826c1c86e646ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import time
import xmlrpclib
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.server import autotest, site_host_attributes, test, utils
from autotest_lib.server.cros import servo
class ServoTest(test.test):
"""AutoTest test class that creates and destroys a servo object.
Servo-based server side AutoTests can inherit from this object.
There are 2 remote clients supported:
If use_pyauto flag is True, a remote PyAuto client will be launched;
If use_faft flag is Ture, a remote FAFT client will be launched.
version = 2
# Exposes RPC access to a remote PyAuto client.
pyauto = None
# Exposes RPC access to a remote FAFT client.
faft_client = None
# Autotest references to the client.
_autotest_client = None
# Remote client info list.
_remote_infos = {
'pyauto': {
# Used or not.
'used': False,
# Reference name of RPC object in this class.
'ref_name': 'pyauto',
# Port number of the remote RPC.
'port': 9988,
# Client test for installing dependency.
'client_test': 'desktopui_PyAutoInstall',
# The remote command to be run.
'remote_command': 'python /usr/local/autotest/cros/'
' --no-http-server',
# The short form of remote command, used by pkill.
'remote_command_short': 'remote_pyauto',
# The remote process info.
'remote_process': None,
# The ssh tunnel process info.
'ssh_tunnel': None,
# Polling RPC function name for testing the server availability.
'polling_rpc': 'IsLinux',
# Additional SSH options.
'ssh_config': '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ',
'faft': {
'used': False,
'ref_name': 'faft_client',
'port': 9990,
'client_test': 'firmware_FAFTClient',
'remote_command': 'python /usr/local/autotest/cros/',
'remote_command_short': 'faft_client',
'remote_process': None,
'ssh_tunnel': None,
'polling_rpc': 'is_available',
'ssh_config': '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '
'-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ',
def _init_servo(self, host, cmdline_args):
"""Initialize `self.servo`.
If the host has an attached servo object, use that.
Otherwise assume that there's a locally attached servo
device, and start servod on localhost.
if host.servo:
self.servo = host.servo
self._servo_is_local = False
# Assign default arguments for servo invocation.
args = {
'servo_host': 'localhost', 'servo_port': 9999,
'xml_config': [], 'servo_vid': None, 'servo_pid': None,
'servo_serial': None, 'use_pyauto': False}
# Parse arguments from AFE and override servo defaults above.
client_attributes = site_host_attributes.HostAttributes(host.hostname)
if hasattr(site_host_attributes, 'servo_serial'):
args['servo_serial'] = client_attributes.servo_serial
# Parse arguments from command line and override previous AFE or servo
# defaults
for arg in cmdline_args:
match ="^(\w+)=(.+)", arg)
if match:
key =
val =
# Support multiple xml_config by appending it to a list.
if key == 'xml_config':
args[key] = val
self.servo = servo.Servo(
args['servo_host'], args['servo_port'], args['xml_config'],
args['servo_vid'], args['servo_pid'], args['servo_serial'])
self._servo_is_local = True
def _release_servo(self):
"""Clean up `self.servo` if it is locally attached."""
if self._servo_is_local:
del self.servo
self._servo_is_local = False
def initialize(self, host, cmdline_args, use_pyauto=False, use_faft=False):
"""Create a Servo object and install the dependency.
If use_pyauto/use_faft is True the PyAuto/FAFTClient dependency is
installed on the client and a remote PyAuto/FAFTClient server is
launched and connected.
# Initialize servotest args.
self._client = host;
self._remote_infos['pyauto']['used'] = use_pyauto
self._remote_infos['faft']['used'] = use_faft
self._init_servo(host, cmdline_args)
# Initializes dut, may raise AssertionError if pre-defined gpio
# sequence to set GPIO's fail. Autotest does not handle exception
# throwing in initialize and will cause a test to hang.
except (AssertionError, xmlrpclib.Fault) as e:
raise error.TestFail(e)
# Install PyAuto/FAFTClient dependency.
for info in self._remote_infos.itervalues():
if info['used']:
if not self._autotest_client:
self._autotest_client = autotest.Autotest(self._client)
def _ping_test(self, hostname, timeout=5):
"""Verify whether a host responds to a ping.
hostname: Hostname to ping.
timeout: Time in seconds to wait for a response.
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fnull:
['ping', '-c', '1', '-W', str(timeout), hostname],
stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull) == 0
def launch_client(self, info):
"""Launch a remote process on client and set up an xmlrpc connection.
info: A dict of remote info, see the definition of self._remote_infos.
assert info['used'], \
'Remote %s dependency not installed.' % info['ref_name']
if not info['ssh_tunnel'] or info['ssh_tunnel'].poll() is not None:
assert info['ssh_tunnel'] and info['ssh_tunnel'].poll() is None, \
'The SSH tunnel is not up.'
# Launch RPC server remotely.
self._kill_remote_process(info)'Client command: %s' % info['remote_command'])
info['remote_process'] = subprocess.Popen([
'ssh -n -q %s root@%s \'%s\'' % (info['ssh_config'],
self._client.ip, info['remote_command'])], shell=True)
# Connect to RPC object.'Connecting to client RPC server...')
remote_url = 'http://localhost:%s' % info['port']
setattr(self, info['ref_name'],
xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(remote_url, allow_none=True))'Server proxy: %s' % remote_url)
# Poll for client RPC server to come online.
timeout = 10
succeed = False
while timeout > 0 and not succeed:
remote_object = getattr(self, info['ref_name'])
polling_rpc = getattr(remote_object, info['polling_rpc'])
succeed = True
timeout -= 1
assert succeed, 'Timed out connecting to client RPC server.'
def wait_for_client(self, install_deps=False):
"""Wait for the client to come back online.
New remote processes will be launched if their used flags are enabled.
install_deps: If True, install the Autotest dependency when ready.
timeout = 10
# Ensure old ssh connections are terminated.
# Wait for the client to come up.
while timeout > 0 and not self._ping_test(self._client.ip):
timeout -= 1
assert timeout, 'Timed out waiting for client to reboot.''Server: Client machine is up.')
# Relaunch remote clients.
for name, info in self._remote_infos.iteritems():
if info['used']:
# This 5s delay to ensure sshd launched after network is up.
# TODO(waihong) Investigate pinging port via netcat or nmap
# to interrogate client for when sshd has launched.
if install_deps:
if not self._autotest_client:
self._autotest_client = autotest.Autotest(self._client)
self.launch_client(info)'Server: Relaunched remote %s.' % name)
def wait_for_client_offline(self, timeout=30):
"""Wait for the client to come offline.
timeout: Time in seconds to wait the client to come offline.
# Wait for the client to come offline.
while timeout > 0 and self._ping_test(self._client.ip, timeout=1):
timeout -= 1
assert timeout, 'Timed out waiting for client offline.''Server: Client machine is offline.')
def cleanup(self):
"""Delete the Servo object, call remote cleanup, and kill ssh."""
for info in self._remote_infos.itervalues():
if info['remote_process'] and info['remote_process'].poll() is None:
remote_object = getattr(self, info['ref_name'])
def _launch_ssh_tunnel(self, info):
"""Establish an ssh tunnel for connecting to the remote RPC server.
info: A dict of remote info, see the definition of self._remote_infos.
if not info['ssh_tunnel'] or info['ssh_tunnel'].poll() is not None:
info['ssh_tunnel'] = subprocess.Popen([
'ssh -N -n -q %s -L %s:localhost:%s root@%s' %
(info['ssh_config'], info['port'], info['port'],
self._client.ip)], shell=True)
def _kill_remote_process(self, info):
"""Ensure the remote process and local ssh process are terminated.
info: A dict of remote info, see the definition of self._remote_infos.
kill_cmd = 'pkill -f %s' % info['remote_command_short']['ssh -n -q %s root@%s \'%s\'' %
(info['ssh_config'], self._client.ip, kill_cmd)],
if info['remote_process'] and info['remote_process'].poll() is None:
def _terminate_all_ssh(self):
"""Terminate all ssh connections associated with remote processes."""
for info in self._remote_infos.itervalues():
if info['ssh_tunnel'] and info['ssh_tunnel'].poll() is None: