blob: fd4417dbd960934f9e4b83abb5e215ad4f49e768 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import httplib
import logging
import socket
import time
import xmlrpclib
from contextlib import contextmanager
from PIL import Image
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import edid
class ChameleonConnectionError(error.TestError):
"""Indicates that connecting to Chameleon failed.
It is fatal to the test unless caught.
class ChameleonConnection(object):
"""ChameleonConnection abstracts the network connection to the board.
ChameleonBoard and ChameleonPort use it for accessing Chameleon RPC.
def __init__(self, hostname, port=CHAMELEON_PORT):
"""Constructs a ChameleonConnection.
@param hostname: Hostname the chameleond process is running.
@param port: Port number the chameleond process is listening on.
@raise ChameleonConnectionError if connection failed.
self.chameleond_proxy = ChameleonConnection._create_server_proxy(
hostname, port)
def _create_server_proxy(hostname, port):
"""Creates the chameleond server proxy.
@param hostname: Hostname the chameleond process is running.
@param port: Port number the chameleond process is listening on.
@return ServerProxy object to chameleond.
@raise ChameleonConnectionError if connection failed.
remote = 'http://%s:%s' % (hostname, port)
chameleond_proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(remote, allow_none=True)
# Call a RPC to test.
except (socket.error,
httplib.BadStatusLine) as e:
raise ChameleonConnectionError(e)
return chameleond_proxy
class ChameleonBoard(object):
"""ChameleonBoard is an abstraction of a Chameleon board.
A Chameleond RPC proxy is passed to the construction such that it can
use this proxy to control the Chameleon board.
def __init__(self, chameleon_connection):
"""Construct a ChameleonBoard.
@param chameleon_connection: ChameleonConnection object.
self._chameleond_proxy = chameleon_connection.chameleond_proxy
def reset(self):
"""Resets Chameleon board."""
def get_all_ports(self):
"""Gets all the ports on Chameleon board which are connected.
@return: A list of ChameleonPort objects.
ports = self._chameleond_proxy.ProbePorts()
return [ChameleonPort(self._chameleond_proxy, port) for port in ports]
def get_all_inputs(self):
"""Gets all the input ports on Chameleon board which are connected.
@return: A list of ChameleonPort objects.
ports = self._chameleond_proxy.ProbeInputs()
return [ChameleonPort(self._chameleond_proxy, port) for port in ports]
def get_all_outputs(self):
"""Gets all the output ports on Chameleon board which are connected.
@return: A list of ChameleonPort objects.
ports = self._chameleond_proxy.ProbeOutputs()
return [ChameleonPort(self._chameleond_proxy, port) for port in ports]
def get_label(self):
"""Gets the label which indicates the display connection.
@return: A string of the label, like 'hdmi', 'dp_hdmi', etc.
connectors = []
for port in self._chameleond_proxy.ProbeInputs():
if self._chameleond_proxy.HasVideoSupport(port):
connector = self._chameleond_proxy.GetConnectorType(port).lower()
# Eliminate duplicated ports. It simplifies the labels of dual-port
# devices, i.e. dp_dp categorized into dp.
return '_'.join(sorted(set(connectors)))
class ChameleonPort(object):
"""ChameleonPort is an abstraction of a general port of a Chameleon board.
It only contains some common methods shared with audio and video ports.
A Chameleond RPC proxy and an port_id are passed to the construction.
The port_id is the unique identity to the port.
def __init__(self, chameleond_proxy, port_id):
"""Construct a ChameleonPort.
@param chameleond_proxy: Chameleond RPC proxy object.
@param port_id: The ID of the input port.
self.chameleond_proxy = chameleond_proxy
self.port_id = port_id
def get_connector_id(self):
"""Returns the connector ID.
@return: A number of connector ID.
return self.port_id
def get_connector_type(self):
"""Returns the human readable string for the connector type.
@return: A string, like "VGA", "DVI", "HDMI", or "DP".
return self.chameleond_proxy.GetConnectorType(self.port_id)
def has_audio_support(self):
"""Returns if the input has audio support.
@return: True if the input has audio support; otherwise, False.
return self.chameleond_proxy.HasAudioSupport(self.port_id)
def has_video_support(self):
"""Returns if the input has video support.
@return: True if the input has video support; otherwise, False.
return self.chameleond_proxy.HasVideoSupport(self.port_id)
def plug(self):
"""Asserts HPD line to high, emulating plug."""'Plug Chameleon port %d', self.port_id)
def unplug(self):
"""Deasserts HPD line to low, emulating unplug."""'Unplug Chameleon port %d', self.port_id)
def set_plug(self, plug_status):
"""Sets plug/unplug by plug_status.
@param plug_status: True to plug; False to unplug.
if plug_status:
def plugged(self):
@returns True if this port is plugged to Chameleon, False otherwise.
return self.chameleond_proxy.IsPlugged(self.port_id)
class ChameleonVideoInput(ChameleonPort):
"""ChameleonVideoInput is an abstraction of a video input port.
It contains some special methods to control a video input.
def __init__(self, chameleon_port):
"""Construct a ChameleonVideoInput.
@param chameleon_port: A general ChameleonPort object.
self.chameleond_proxy = chameleon_port.chameleond_proxy
self.port_id = chameleon_port.port_id
def wait_video_input_stable(self, timeout=None):
"""Waits the video input stable or timeout.
@param timeout: The time period to wait for.
@return: True if the video input becomes stable within the timeout
period; otherwise, False.
return self.chameleond_proxy.WaitVideoInputStable(self.port_id,
def read_edid(self):
"""Reads the EDID.
@return: An Edid object.
# Read EDID without verify. It may be made corrupted as intended
# for the test purpose.
return edid.Edid(self.chameleond_proxy.ReadEdid(self.port_id).data,
def apply_edid(self, edid):
"""Applies the given EDID.
@param edid: An Edid object.
edid_id = self.chameleond_proxy.CreateEdid(xmlrpclib.Binary(
self.chameleond_proxy.ApplyEdid(self.port_id, edid_id)
def use_edid(self, edid):
"""Uses the given EDID in a with statement.
It sets the EDID up in the beginning and restores to the original
EDID in the end. This function is expected to be used in a with
statement, like the following:
with chameleon_port.use_edid(edid):
@param edid: An EDID object.
# Set the EDID up in the beginning.
plugged = self.plugged
if plugged:
original_edid = self.read_edid()'Apply EDID on port %d', self.port_id)
if plugged:
# Yeild to execute the with statement.
# Restore the original EDID in the end.
current_edid = self.read_edid()
if !='Restore the original EDID.')
def use_edid_file(self, filename):
"""Uses the given EDID file in a with statement.
It sets the EDID up in the beginning and restores to the original
EDID in the end. This function is expected to be used in a with
statement, like the following:
with chameleon_port.use_edid_file(filename):
@param filename: A path to the EDID file.
return self.use_edid(edid.Edid.from_file(filename))
def fire_hpd_pulse(self, deassert_interval_usec, assert_interval_usec=None,
repeat_count=1, end_level=1):
"""Fires one or more HPD pulse (low -> high -> low -> ...).
@param deassert_interval_usec: The time in microsecond of the
deassert pulse.
@param assert_interval_usec: The time in microsecond of the
assert pulse. If None, then use the same value as
@param repeat_count: The count of HPD pulses to fire.
@param end_level: HPD ends with 0 for LOW (unplugged) or 1 for
HIGH (plugged).
self.port_id, deassert_interval_usec,
assert_interval_usec, repeat_count, int(bool(end_level)))
def fire_mixed_hpd_pulses(self, widths):
"""Fires one or more HPD pulses, starting at low, of mixed widths.
One must specify a list of segment widths in the widths argument where
widths[0] is the width of the first low segment, widths[1] is that of
the first high segment, widths[2] is that of the second low segment...
etc. The HPD line stops at low if even number of segment widths are
specified; otherwise, it stops at high.
@param widths: list of pulse segment widths in usec.
self.chameleond_proxy.FireMixedHpdPulses(self.port_id, widths)
def capture_screen(self):
"""Captures Chameleon framebuffer.
@return An Image object.
return Image.fromstring(
def get_resolution(self):
"""Gets the source resolution.
@return: A (width, height) tuple.
# The return value of RPC is converted to a list. Convert it back to
# a tuple.
return tuple(self.chameleond_proxy.DetectResolution(self.port_id))
class ChameleonAudioInput(ChameleonPort):
"""ChameleonAudioInput is an abstraction of an audio input port.
It contains some special methods to control an audio input.
def __init__(self, chameleon_port):
"""Construct a ChameleonAudioInput.
@param chameleon_port: A general ChameleonPort object.
self.chameleond_proxy = chameleon_port.chameleond_proxy
self.port_id = chameleon_port.port_id
def start_capturing_audio(self):
"""Starts capturing audio."""
return self.chameleond_proxy.StartCapturingAudio(self.port_id)
def stop_capturing_audio(self):
"""Stops capturing audio.
A tuple (data, format).
data: The captured binary data.
format: A dict containing:
file_type: 'raw' or 'wav'.
sample_format: 'S32_LE' for 32-bit signed integer in little-endian.
Refer to aplay manpage for other formats.
channel: channel number.
rate: sampling rate.
rpc_data, data_format = self.chameleond_proxy.StopCapturingAudio(
return, data_format
def make_chameleon_hostname(dut_hostname):
"""Given a DUT's hostname, returns the hostname of its Chameleon.
@param dut_hostname: Hostname of a DUT.
@return Hostname of the DUT's Chameleon.
host_parts = dut_hostname.split('.')
host_parts[0] = host_parts[0] + '-chameleon'
return '.'.join(host_parts)
def create_chameleon_board(dut_hostname, args):
"""Given either DUT's hostname or argments, creates a ChameleonBoard object.
If the DUT's hostname is in the lab zone, it connects to the Chameleon by
append the hostname with '-chameleon' suffix. If not, checks if the args
contains the key-value pair 'chameleon_host=IP'.
@param dut_hostname: Hostname of a DUT.
@param args: A string of arguments passed from the command line.
@return A ChameleonBoard object.
@raise ChameleonConnectionError if unknown hostname.
connection = None
hostname = make_chameleon_hostname(dut_hostname)
if utils.host_is_in_lab_zone(hostname):
connection = ChameleonConnection(hostname)
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(args)
hostname = args_dict.get('chameleon_host', None)
port = args_dict.get('chameleon_port', CHAMELEON_PORT)
if hostname:
connection = ChameleonConnection(hostname, port)
raise ChameleonConnectionError('No chameleon_host is given in args')
return ChameleonBoard(connection)