blob: b751c2ec5d1dccbcf427e6f65cad2c1f480e63f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utility to access the display-related functionality."""
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import time
import telemetry
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants, sys_power
from import graphics_utils
TimeoutException = telemetry.core.util.TimeoutException
class DisplayUtility(object):
"""Utility to access the display-related functionality."""
def __init__(self, chrome):
self._chrome = chrome
self._browser = chrome.browser
def get_display_info(self):
"""Gets the display info from Chrome.system.display API.
@return array of dict for display info.
extension = self._chrome.get_extension(
if not extension:
raise RuntimeError('Graphics test extension not found')
extension.ExecuteJavaScript('window.__display_info = null;')
"chrome.system.display.getInfo(function(info) {"
"window.__display_info = info;})")
utils.wait_for_value(lambda: (
extension.EvaluateJavaScript("window.__display_info") != None),
return extension.EvaluateJavaScript("window.__display_info")
def _wait_for_display_options_to_appear(self, tab, display_index,
"""Waits for option.DisplayOptions to appear.
The function waits until options.DisplayOptions appears or is timed out
after the specified time.
@param tab: the tab where the display options dialog is shown.
@param display_index: index of the display.
@param timeout: time wait for display options appear.
@raise RuntimeError when display_index is out of range
@raise TimeoutException when the operation is timed out.
"typeof options !== 'undefined' &&"
"typeof options.DisplayOptions !== 'undefined' &&"
"typeof options.DisplayOptions.instance_ !== 'undefined' &&"
"typeof options.DisplayOptions.instance_"
" .displays_ !== 'undefined'", timeout)
if not tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
"options.DisplayOptions.instance_.displays_.length > %d"
% (display_index)):
raise RuntimeError('Display index out of range: '
+ str(tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
"typeof options.DisplayOptions.instance_"
" .displays_[%(index)d] !== 'undefined' &&"
"typeof options.DisplayOptions.instance_"
" .displays_[%(index)d].id !== 'undefined' &&"
"typeof options.DisplayOptions.instance_"
" .displays_[%(index)d].resolutions !== 'undefined'"
% {'index': display_index}, timeout)
def get_display_modes(self, display_index):
"""Gets all the display modes for the specified display.
The modes are obtained from chrome://settings-frame/display via
@param display_index: index of the display to get modes from.
@return: A list of DisplayMode dicts.
@raise TimeoutException when the operation is timed out.
tab = self._browser.tabs.New()
self._wait_for_display_options_to_appear(tab, display_index)
return tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
" .displays_[%(index)d].resolutions"
% {'index': display_index})
def set_resolution(self, display_index, width, height, timeout=3):
"""Sets the resolution of the specified display.
@param display_index: index of the display to set resolution for.
@param width: width of the resolution
@param height: height of the resolution
@param timeout: maximal time in seconds waiting for the new resolution
to settle in.
@raise TimeoutException when the operation is timed out.
tab = self._browser.tabs.New()
self._wait_for_display_options_to_appear(tab, display_index)
# Start from M38 (refer to CR:417113012), a DisplayMode dict
# contains 'originalWidth'/'originalHeight' in addition to
# 'width'/'height'. OriginalWidth/originalHeight is what is
# supported by the display while width/height is what is
# shown to users in the display setting.
var display = options.DisplayOptions.instance_
var modes = display.resolutions;
var is_m38 = modes.length > 0
&& "originalWidth" in modes[0];
if (is_m38) {
for (index in modes) {
var mode = modes[index];
if (mode.originalWidth == %(width)d &&
mode.originalHeight == %(height)d) {
chrome.send('setDisplayMode', [, mode]);
} else {
[, %(width)d, %(height)d]);
% {'index': display_index, 'width': width, 'height': height}
# TODO(tingyuan):
# Support for multiple external monitors (i.e. for chromebox)
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < end_time:
r = self.get_resolution(self.get_external_connector_name())
if (width, height) == (r[0], r[1]):
return True
raise TimeoutException("Failed to change resolution to %r (%r"
" detected)" % ((width, height), r))
def get_resolution(self, output):
"""Gets the resolution of the specified output.
@param output: The output name as a string.
@return The resolution of output as a tuple (width, height,
fb_offset_x, fb_offset_y) of ints.
regexp = re.compile(
match = regexp.findall(utils.call_xrandr())
for m in match:
if m[0] == output:
return (int(m[1]), int(m[2]), int(m[3]), int(m[4]))
return (0, 0, 0, 0)
def take_screenshot_crop(self, path, box):
"""Captures the DUT screenshot, use box for cropping.
@param path: path to image file.
@param box: 4-tuple giving the upper left and lower right coordinates.
graphics_utils.take_screenshot_crop(path, box)
return True
def take_tab_screenshot(self, url_pattern, output_suffix):
"""Takes a screenshot of the tab specified by the given url pattern.
The captured screenshot is saved to:
@param url_pattern: A string of url pattern used to search for tabs.
@param output_suffix: A suffix appended to the file name of captured
PNG image.
if not url_pattern:
# If no URL pattern is provided, defaults to capture all the tabs
# that show PNG images.
url_pattern = '.png'
tabs = self._browser.tabs
screenshots = []
for i in xrange(0, len(tabs)):
if url_pattern in tabs[i].url:
screenshots.append((tabs[i].url, tabs[i].Screenshot(timeout=5)))
output_file = ('/tmp/screenshot_%s_%%s.png' % output_suffix)
for url, screenshot in screenshots:
image_filename = os.path.splitext(url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])[0]
screenshot.WriteFile(output_file % image_filename)
return True
def toggle_mirrored(self):
"""Toggles mirrored.
Emulates L_Ctrl + Maximize in X server to toggle mirrored.
return True
def press_key(self, key_str):
"""Presses the given key(s).
@param key_str: A string of the key(s), like 'ctrl+F4', 'Up'.
return True
def is_mirrored_enabled(self):
"""Checks the mirrored state.
@return True if mirrored mode is enabled.
return bool(self.get_display_info()[0]['mirroringSourceId'])
def set_mirrored(self, is_mirrored):
"""Sets mirrored mode.
@param is_mirrored: True or False to indicate mirrored state.
retries = 3
while self.is_mirrored_enabled() != is_mirrored and retries > 0:
retries -= 1
return self.is_mirrored_enabled() == is_mirrored
def suspend_resume(self, suspend_time=10):
"""Suspends the DUT for a given time in second.
@param suspend_time: Suspend time in second.
return True
def suspend_resume_bg(self, suspend_time=10):
"""Suspends the DUT for a given time in second in the background.
@param suspend_time: Suspend time in second.
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.suspend_resume,
return True
def get_external_connector_name(self):
"""Gets the name of the external output connector.
@return The external output connector name as a string, if any.
Otherwise, return False.
xrandr_output = utils.get_xrandr_output_state()
for output in xrandr_output.iterkeys():
if (output.startswith('HDMI') or
output.startswith('DP') or
return output
return False
def get_internal_connector_name(self):
"""Gets the name of the internal output connector.
@return The internal output connector name as a string, if any.
Otherwise, return False.
xrandr_output = utils.get_xrandr_output_state()
for output in xrandr_output.iterkeys():
# reference: chromium_org/chromeos/display/
if (output.startswith('eDP') or
output.startswith('LVDS') or
return output
return False
def wait_output_connected(self, output):
"""Wait for output to connect.
@param output: The output name as a string.
@return: True if output is connected; False otherwise.
def _is_connected(output):
xrandr_output = utils.get_xrandr_output_state()
if output not in xrandr_output:
return False
return xrandr_output[output]
return utils.wait_for_value(lambda: _is_connected(output),
def load_url(self, url):
"""Loads the given url in a new tab.
@param url: The url to load as a string.
tab = self._browser.tabs.New()
return True
def close_tab(self, index=-1):
"""Closes the tab of the given index.
@param index: The tab index to close. Defaults to the last tab.
return True