blob: d87d8d90e4758bf6016f1f457734b3c01822ac3c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from autotest_lib.server.cros import frontend_wrappers
from autotest_lib.server import frontend
class DedupingSchedulerException(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions from this module."""
class ScheduleException(DedupingSchedulerException):
"""Raised when an error is returned from the AFE during scheduling."""
class DedupException(DedupingSchedulerException):
"""Raised when an error occurs while checking for duplicate jobs."""
class DedupingScheduler(object):
"""A class that will schedule suites to run on a given board, build.
Includes logic to check whether or not a given (suite, board, build)
has already been run. If so, it will skip scheduling that suite.
@var _afe: a frontend.AFE instance used to talk to autotest.
def __init__(self, afe=None):
@param afe: an instance of AFE as defined in server/
Defaults to a frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE instance.
self._afe = afe or frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(timeout_min=30,
def _ShouldScheduleSuite(self, suite, board, build):
"""Return True if |suite| has not yet been run for |build| on |board|.
True if |suite| has not been run for |build| on |board|.
False if it has been.
@param suite: the name of the suite to run, e.g. 'bvt'
@param board: the board to run the suite on, e.g. x86-alex
@param build: the build to install e.g.
@return False if the suite was already scheduled, True if not
@raise DedupException if the AFE raises while searching for jobs.
return not self._afe.get_jobs(name__startswith=build,
except Exception as e:
raise DedupException(e)
def _Schedule(self, suite, board, build, pool):
"""Schedule |suite|, if it hasn't already been run.
@param suite: the name of the suite to run, e.g. 'bvt'
@param board: the board to run the suite on, e.g. x86-alex
@param build: the build to install e.g.
@param pool: the pool of machines to use for scheduling purposes.
Default: None
@return True if the suite got scheduled
@raise ScheduleException if an error occurs while scheduling.
try:'Scheduling %s on %s against %s (pool: %s)',
suite, build, board, pool)
pool=pool) is not None:
return True
raise ScheduleException(
"Can't schedule %s for %s." % (suite, build))
except Exception as e:
raise ScheduleException(e)
def ScheduleSuite(self, suite, board, build, pool, force=False):
"""Schedule |suite|, if it hasn't already been run.
If |suite| has not already been run against |build| on |board|,
schedule it and return True. If it has, return False.
@param suite: the name of the suite to run, e.g. 'bvt'
@param board: the board to run the suite on, e.g. x86-alex
@param build: the build to install e.g.
@param pool: the pool of machines to use for scheduling purposes.
@param force: Always schedule the suite.
@return True if the suite got scheduled, False if not
@raise DedupException if we can't check for dups.
@raise ScheduleException if the suite cannot be scheduled.
if force or self._ShouldScheduleSuite(suite, board, build):
return self._Schedule(suite, board, build, pool)
return False
def GetHosts(*args, **kwargs):
"""Forward a request to get hosts onto the AFE instance's get_hosts."""
self._afe.get_hosts(*args, **kwargs)