blob: f1e006a6744c3ce373e02967290d1bdc66c39fc5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
from import method_logger
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class Verifier(object):
Verifies that received screenshots are same as expected.
This class relies on a provided image comparer to decide if two images are
one and the same.
Clients who have many images to compare should use this class and pass in
a comparer of their choice.
Comparer are just about comparing two images and this class takes over with
test-related things: logging, deciding pass or fail.
def __init__(self, image_comparer, stop_on_first_failure, threshold=0,
@param image_comparer: object, image comparer to use.
@param stop_on_first_failure: bool, true if the test should be stopped
once a test image doesn't match its ref.
@param threshold: int, a value which the pixel difference between test
image and golden image has to exceed before the
doublecheck comparer is used.
@param box: int tuple, left, upper, right, lower pixel coordinates
defining a box region within which the comparison is made.
self.image_comparer = image_comparer
self.stop_on_first_failure = stop_on_first_failure
self.threshold = threshold = box
def verify(self, golden_image_paths, test_image_paths):
Verifies that two sets of images are the same using provided comparer.
@param golden_image_paths: list of complete paths to golden images.
@param test_image_paths: list of complete paths to test images.
if type(golden_image_paths) is not list:
golden_image_paths = [golden_image_paths]
if type(test_image_paths) is not list:
test_image_paths = [test_image_paths]
failure_count = 0
logging.debug("***BEGIN Image Verification***")
log_msgs = ["Threshold for diff pixel count = %d" % self.threshold]
for g_image, t_image in zip(golden_image_paths, test_image_paths):
with self.image_comparer:
comp_res =,
diff_pixels = comp_res.diff_pixel_count
if diff_pixels > self.threshold:
failure_count += 1
log_msg = ("Image: %s. Pixel diff: %d." %
(os.path.basename(g_image), diff_pixels))
if self.stop_on_first_failure:
raise error.TestError("%s. Bailing out." % log_msg)
if failure_count > 0:
cnt = len(golden_image_paths)
# grab the parent link for comparison urls
comparison_url = os.path.dirname(comp_res.comparison_url)
report_mes = '''
%d / %d test images were not golden
Comparison url: %s
''' % (failure_count, cnt, comparison_url, '\n\t\t'.join(log_msgs))
raise error.TestError(report_mes)
logging.debug("***All Good.***")