blob: 1203aab53c4bb3abda86f4896773f1e51744dd25 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import logging
import os
import dateutil.parser
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import base_job
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import dev_server
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import tpm_utils
from autotest_lib.server import test
from autotest_lib.server import utils
from import wifi_test_context_manager
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import cros_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import servo_host
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import servo_constants
# A datetime.DateTime representing the Unix epoch in UTC.
_UNIX_EPOCH = dateutil.parser.parse('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
def _encode_utf8_json(j):
"""Takes JSON object parsed by json.load() family, and encode each unicode
strings into utf-8.
if isinstance(j, unicode):
return j.encode('utf-8')
if isinstance(j, list):
return [_encode_utf8_json(x) for x in j]
if isinstance(j, dict):
return dict((_encode_utf8_json(k), _encode_utf8_json(v))
for k, v in j.iteritems())
return j
class tast(test.test):
"""Autotest server test that runs a Tast test suite.
Tast is an integration-testing framework analagous to the test-running
portion of Autotest. See for more
This class runs the "tast" command locally to execute a Tast test suite on a
remote DUT.
version = 1
# Maximum time to wait for various tast commands to complete, in seconds.
# Note that _LIST_TIMEOUT_SEC includes time to download private test bundles
# if run_private_tests=True.
# Additional time to add to the run timeout (e.g. for collecting crashes and
# logs).
# Additional time given to the run command to exit before it's killed.
# Number of times to retry SSH connection attempts to the DUT.
# File written by the tast command containing test results, as
# newline-terminated JSON TestResult objects.
_STREAMED_RESULTS_FILENAME = 'streamed_results.jsonl'
# Text file written by the tast command if a global error caused the test
# run to fail (e.g. SSH connection to DUT was lost).
_RUN_ERROR_FILENAME = 'run_error.txt'
# Maximum number of failing and missing tests to include in error messages.
# Default paths where Tast files are installed by Portage packages.
_PORTAGE_TAST_PATH = '/usr/bin/tast'
# Alternate locations for Tast files when using Server-Side Packaging.
# These files are installed from autotest_server_package.tar.bz2.
_SSP_ROOT = '/usr/local/tast'
_SSP_TAST_PATH = os.path.join(_SSP_ROOT, 'tast')
_SSP_REMOTE_BUNDLE_DIR = os.path.join(_SSP_ROOT, 'bundles/remote')
_SSP_REMOTE_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(_SSP_ROOT, 'data')
_SSP_REMOTE_TEST_RUNNER_PATH = os.path.join(_SSP_ROOT, 'remote_test_runner')
_SSP_DEFAULT_VARS_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(_SSP_ROOT, 'vars/private')
# Prefix added to Tast test names when writing their results to TKO
# status.log files.
# Prefixes of keyval keys recorded for missing tests.
_MISSING_TEST_KEYVAL_PREFIX = 'tast_missing_test.'
# Job start/end TKO event status codes from base_client_job._rungroup in
# client/bin/
# In-job TKO event status codes from base_client_job._run_test_base in
# client/bin/ and client/common_lib/
# Status reason used when an individual Tast test doesn't finish running.
_TEST_DID_NOT_FINISH_MSG = 'Test did not finish'
def initialize(self, host, test_exprs, ignore_test_failures=False,
max_run_sec=3600, command_args=[], install_root='/',
ssp=None, build=None, build_bundle='cros',
run_private_tests=True, varsfiles=None,
@param host: remote.RemoteHost instance representing DUT.
@param test_exprs: Array of strings describing tests to run.
@param ignore_test_failures: If False, this test will fail if individual
Tast tests report failure. If True, this test will only fail in
response to the tast command failing to run successfully. This
should generally be False when the test is running inline and True
when it's running asynchronously.
@param max_run_sec: Integer maximum running time for the "tast run"
command in seconds.
@param command_args: List of arguments passed on the command line via
test_that's --args flag, i.e. |args| in control file.
@param install_root: Root directory under which Tast binaries are
installed. Alternate values may be passed by unit tests.
@param ssp: Whether to use SSP files. Default is to auto-detect.
@param build: Whether to build test runners and test bundles.
Default is to build if and only if SSP is unavailable
(i.e. build = not ssp).
@param build_bundle: Test bundle name to build. Effective only when
@param run_private_tests: Download and run private tests. Effective
only when build=False. When build=True, build_bundle can be
specified to build and run a private bundle.
@param varsfiles: list of names of yaml files containing variables set
in |-varsfile| arguments.
@param clear_tpm: clear the TPM first before running the tast tests.
@raises error.TestFail if the Tast installation couldn't be found.
if ssp is None:
ssp = os.path.exists(self._SSP_TAST_PATH)
if build is None:
build = not ssp
self._host = host
self._test_exprs = test_exprs
self._ignore_test_failures = ignore_test_failures
self._max_run_sec = max_run_sec
self._command_args = command_args
self._install_root = install_root
self._ssp = ssp
self._build = build
self._build_bundle = build_bundle
self._run_private_tests = run_private_tests
self._fake_now = None
self._varsfiles = varsfiles
self._clear_tpm = clear_tpm
# List of JSON objects describing tests that will be run. See Test in
# src/platform/tast/src/chromiumos/tast/testing/test.go for details.
self._tests_to_run = []
# List of JSON objects corresponding to tests from
# src/platform/tast/src/chromiumos/cmd/tast/run/results.go for details.
self._test_results = []
# Error message read from _RUN_ERROR_FILENAME, if any.
self._run_error = None
self._tast_path = self._get_path(
self._SSP_TAST_PATH if ssp else self._PORTAGE_TAST_PATH)
# Register a hook to write the results of individual Tast tests as
# top-level entries in the TKO status.log file.
def run_once(self):
"""Runs a single iteration of the test."""
if self._clear_tpm:
tpm_utils.ClearTPMOwnerRequest(self._host, wait_for_ready=True)
# Shortcut if no test belongs to the specified test_exprs.
if not self._get_tests_to_run():
run_failed = False
run_failed = True
# Parse partial results even if the tast command didn't finish.
def set_fake_now_for_testing(self, now):
"""Sets a fake timestamp to use in place of time.time() for unit tests.
@param now Numeric timestamp as would be returned by time.time().
self._fake_now = now
def _get_path(self, path):
"""Returns the path to an installed Tast-related file or directory.
@param path: Absolute paths in root filesystem, e.g. "/usr/bin/tast".
@returns Absolute path within install root, e.g.
return os.path.join(self._install_root, os.path.relpath(path, '/'))
def _get_servo_args(self):
"""Gets servo-related arguments to pass to "tast run".
@returns List of command-line flag strings that should be inserted in
the command line after "tast run".
# Start with information provided by the Autotest database.
merged_args = {}
host_args = servo_host.get_servo_args_for_host(self._host)
if host_args:
# Incorporate information that was passed manually.
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(self._command_args)
merged_args.update(cros_host.CrosHost.get_servo_arguments(args_dict))'Autotest servo-related args: %s', merged_args)
host_arg = merged_args.get(servo_constants.SERVO_HOST_ATTR)
port_arg = merged_args.get(servo_constants.SERVO_PORT_ATTR)
if not host_arg or not port_arg:
return []
return ['-var=servo=%s:%s' % (host_arg, port_arg)]
def _get_wificell_args(self):
"""Gets wificell-related (router, pcap) arguments to pass to "tast run".
@returns List of command-line flag strings that should be inserted in
the command line after "tast run".
# Incorporate information that was passed manually.
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(self._command_args)
args = []
# Alias of WiFiTestContextManager.
WiFiManager = wifi_test_context_manager.WiFiTestContextManager
# TODO( plumb other WiFi test specific arguments,
# e.g. pcap address. See: WiFiTestContextManager's constants.
forward_args = [
(WiFiManager.CMDLINE_ROUTER_ADDR, 'router=%s'),
(WiFiManager.CMDLINE_PCAP_ADDR, 'pcap=%s'),
for key, var_arg in forward_args:
if key in args_dict:
args += ['-var=' + var_arg % args_dict[key]]'Autotest wificell-related args: %s', args)
return args
def _get_cloud_storage_info(self):
"""Gets the cloud storage bucket URL to pass to tast.
@returns Cloud storage bucket URL that should be inserted in
the command line after "tast run".
gs_bucket = dev_server._get_image_storage_server()
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(self._command_args)
if not gs_bucket or 'build' not in args_dict.keys():
return []
gs_path = gs_bucket + args_dict['build']
if not gs_path.endswith('/'):
gs_path += '/''Cloud storage bucket: %s', gs_path)
return ['-buildartifactsurl=%s' % gs_path]
def _find_devservers(self):
"""Finds available devservers.
The result is saved as self._devserver_args.
devservers, _ = dev_server.ImageServer.get_available_devservers(
self._host.hostname, prefer_local_devserver=True)'Using devservers: %s', ', '.join(devservers))
self._devserver_args = ['-devservers=%s' % ','.join(devservers)]
def _log_version(self):
"""Runs the tast command locally to log its version."""
try:[self._tast_path, '-version'],
except error.CmdError as e:
logging.error('Failed to log tast version: %s', str(e))
def _run_tast(self, subcommand, extra_subcommand_args, timeout_sec,
"""Runs the tast command locally to e.g. list available tests or perform
testing against the DUT.
@param subcommand: Subcommand to pass to the tast executable, e.g. 'run'
or 'list'.
@param extra_subcommand_args: List of additional subcommand arguments.
@param timeout_sec: Integer timeout for the command in seconds.
@param log_stdout: If true, write stdout to log.
@returns client.common_lib.utils.CmdResult object describing the result.
@raises error.TestFail if the tast command fails or times out.
cmd = [
'-sshretries=%d' % self._SSH_CONNECT_RETRIES,
if self._build:
'-buildbundle=%s' % self._build_bundle,
if self._ssp:
remote_test_runner_path = self._get_path(
if not os.path.exists(remote_test_runner_path):
raise error.TestFail(
'%s does not exist (broken SSP?)' %
'-remotebundledir=%s' % self._get_path(
'-remotedatadir=%s' % self._get_path(
'-remoterunner=%s' % remote_test_runner_path,
if subcommand == 'run':
cmd.append('-defaultvarsdir=%s' %
if self._run_private_tests:
cmd.append('%s:%d' % (self._host.hostname, self._host.port))
cmd.extend(self._test_exprs)'Running %s',
' '.join([utils.sh_quote_word(a) for a in cmd]))
stdout_tee=(utils.TEE_TO_LOGS if log_stdout
else None),
except error.CmdError as e:
# The tast command's output generally ends with a line describing
# the error that was encountered; include it in the first line of
# the TestFail exception. Fall back to stderr if stdout is empty (as
# is the case with the "list" subcommand, which uses stdout to print
# test data).
get_last_line = lambda s: s.strip().split('\n')[-1].strip()
last_line = (get_last_line(e.result_obj.stdout) or
msg = (' (last line: %s)' % last_line) if last_line else ''
raise error.TestFail('Failed to run tast%s: %s' % (msg, str(e)))
except error.CmdTimeoutError as e:
raise error.TestFail('Got timeout while running tast: %s' % str(e))
def _get_tests_to_run(self):
"""Runs the tast command to update the list of tests that will be run.
@returns False if no tests matched by test_exprs; True otherwise
@raises error.TestFail if the tast command fails or times out.
"""'Getting list of tests that will be run')
args = ['-json=true']
result = self._run_tast('list', args, self._LIST_TIMEOUT_SEC)
self._tests_to_run = _encode_utf8_json(
except ValueError as e:
raise error.TestFail('Failed to parse tests: %s' % str(e))
if len(self._tests_to_run) == 0:
expr = ' '.join([utils.sh_quote_word(a) for a in self._test_exprs])
logging.warning('No tests matched by %s', expr)
return False'Expect to run %d test(s)', len(self._tests_to_run))
return True
def _run_tests(self):
"""Runs the tast command to perform testing.
@raises error.TestFail if the tast command fails or times out (but not
if individual tests fail).
args = [
'-resultsdir=' + self.resultsdir,
'-timeout=' + str(self._max_run_sec),
] + self._get_servo_args() + self._get_wificell_args() + self._get_cloud_storage_info()
if self._varsfiles:
for varsfile in self._varsfiles:
args.append('-varsfile=%s' % varsfile)'Running tests with timeout of %d sec', self._max_run_sec)
self._run_tast('run', args, self._max_run_sec + tast._RUN_EXIT_SEC,
def _read_run_error(self):
"""Reads a global run error message written by the tast command."""
# The file is only written if a run error occurred.
path = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, self._RUN_ERROR_FILENAME)
if os.path.exists(path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
self._run_error =
def _parse_results(self, ignore_missing_file):
"""Parses results written by the tast command.
@param ignore_missing_file: If True, return without raising an exception
if the Tast results file is missing. This is used to avoid raising a
new error if there was already an earlier error while running the
tast process.
@raises error.TestFail if results file is missing and
ignore_missing_file is False, or one or more tests failed and
_ignore_test_failures is false.
# The file may not exist if "tast run" failed to run. Tests that were
# seen from the earlier "tast list" command will be reported as having
# missing results.
path = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, self._STREAMED_RESULTS_FILENAME)
if not os.path.exists(path):
if ignore_missing_file:
raise error.TestFail('Results file %s not found' % path)
failed = []
seen_test_names = set()
with open(path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
test = _encode_utf8_json(json.loads(line))
except ValueError as e:
raise error.TestFail('Failed to parse %s: %s' % (path, e))
name = test['name']
if test.get('errors'):
for err in test['errors']:
logging.warning('%s: %s', name, err['reason'])
# The test will have a zero (i.e. 0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
# end time (preceding the Unix epoch) if it didn't report
# completion.
if _rfc3339_time_to_timestamp(test['end']) <= 0:
missing = [t['name'] for t in self._tests_to_run
if t['name'] not in seen_test_names]
if missing:
failure_msg = self._get_failure_message(failed, missing)
if failure_msg:
raise error.TestFail(failure_msg)
def _get_failure_message(self, failed, missing):
"""Returns an error message describing failed and/or missing tests.
@param failed: List of string names of Tast tests that failed.
@param missing: List of string names of Tast tests with missing results.
@returns String to be used as error.TestFail message.
def list_tests(names):
"""Returns a string listing tests.
@param names: List of string test names.
@returns String listing tests.
s = ' '.join(sorted(names)[:self._MAX_TEST_NAMES_IN_ERROR])
if len(names) > self._MAX_TEST_NAMES_IN_ERROR:
s += ' ...'
return s
msg = ''
if failed and not self._ignore_test_failures:
msg = '%d failed: %s' % (len(failed), list_tests(failed))
if missing:
if msg:
msg += '; '
msg += '%d missing: %s' % (len(missing), list_tests(missing))
return msg
def _log_all_tests(self):
"""Writes entries to the TKO status.log file describing the results of
all tests.
seen_test_names = set()
for test in self._test_results:
def _log_test(self, test):
"""Writes events to the TKO status.log file describing the results from
a Tast test.
@param test: A JSON object corresponding to a single test from a Tast
results.json file. See TestResult in
src/platform/tast/src/chromiumos/cmd/tast/run/results.go for
name = test['name']
start_time = _rfc3339_time_to_timestamp(test['start'])
end_time = _rfc3339_time_to_timestamp(test['end'])
test_reported_errors = bool(test.get('errors'))
test_skipped = bool(test.get('skipReason'))
# The test will have a zero (i.e. 0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) end time
# (preceding the Unix epoch) if it didn't report completion.
test_finished = end_time > 0
# Avoid reporting tests that were skipped.
if test_skipped and not test_reported_errors:
self._log_test_event(self._JOB_STATUS_START, name, start_time)
if test_finished and not test_reported_errors:
self._log_test_event(self._JOB_STATUS_GOOD, name, end_time)
end_status = self._JOB_STATUS_END_GOOD
# The previous START event automatically increases the log
# indentation level until the following END event.
if test_reported_errors:
for err in test['errors']:
error_time = _rfc3339_time_to_timestamp(err['time'])
self._log_test_event(self._JOB_STATUS_FAIL, name,
error_time, err['reason'])
if not test_finished:
# If a run-level error was encountered (e.g. the SSH connection
# to the DUT was lost), report it here to make it easier to see
# the reason why the test didn't finish.
if self._run_error:
self._log_test_event(self._JOB_STATUS_FAIL, name,
start_time, self._run_error)
self._log_test_event(self._JOB_STATUS_FAIL, name, start_time,
end_time = start_time
end_status = self._JOB_STATUS_END_FAIL
self._log_test_event(end_status, name, end_time)
def _log_test_event(self, status_code, test_name, timestamp, message=''):
"""Logs a single event to the TKO status.log file.
@param status_code: Event status code, e.g. 'END GOOD'. See
client/common_lib/ for accepted values.
@param test_name: Tast test name, e.g. 'ui.ChromeLogin'.
@param timestamp: Event timestamp (as seconds since Unix epoch).
@param message: Optional human-readable message.
full_name = self._TEST_NAME_PREFIX + test_name
# The TKO parser code chokes on floating-point timestamps.
entry = base_job.status_log_entry(status_code, None, full_name, message,
None, timestamp=int(timestamp))
self.job.record_entry(entry, False)
def _record_missing_tests(self, missing):
"""Records tests with missing results in job keyval file.
@param missing: List of string names of Tast tests with missing results.
keyvals = {}
for i, name in enumerate(sorted(missing)):
keyvals['%s%d' % (self._MISSING_TEST_KEYVAL_PREFIX, i)] = name
utils.write_keyval(self.job.resultdir, keyvals)
class _LessBrokenParserInfo(dateutil.parser.parserinfo):
"""dateutil.parser.parserinfo that interprets years before 100 correctly.
Our version of dateutil.parser.parse misinteprets an unambiguous string like
'0001-01-01T00:00:00Z' as having a two-digit year, which it then converts to
2001. This appears to have been fixed by This parserinfo
implementation always honors the provided year to prevent this from
def convertyear(self, year, century_specified=False):
"""Overrides convertyear in dateutil.parser.parserinfo."""
return int(year)
def _rfc3339_time_to_timestamp(time_str):
"""Converts an RFC3339 time into a Unix timestamp.
@param time_str: RFC3339-compatible time, e.g.
@returns Float number of seconds since the Unix epoch. Negative if the time
precedes the epoch.
dt = dateutil.parser.parse(time_str, parserinfo=_LessBrokenParserInfo())
return (dt - _UNIX_EPOCH).total_seconds()