blob: a8bd8305223488045128e5fdab2bb30d068fa5d8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Server side bluetooth adapter subtests."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import errno
import functools
import six.moves.http_client
import inspect
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import socket
import threading
import time
import common
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.bin.input import input_event_recorder as recorder
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_socket
from autotest_lib.client.cros.chameleon import chameleon
from autotest_lib.server.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_peer_update
from autotest_lib.server.cros.bluetooth import bluetooth_test_utils
from autotest_lib.server import test
from autotest_lib.client.bin.input.linux_input import (
from autotest_lib.server.cros.bluetooth.bluetooth_gatt_client_utils import (
GATT_ClientFacade, GATT_Application, GATT_HIDApplication)
from autotest_lib.server.cros.multimedia import remote_facade_factory
import six
from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip
Event = recorder.Event
CHIPSET_TO_VIDPID = { 'BRCM-4354':[('0x002d','0x4354')],
'QCA-9462': [('0x168c', '0x0034')],
'QCA-6174A-3':[('0x271','0x050a')], # UART
'Intel-AX200':[('0x8086', '0x2723')], # CcP2
'Intel-AX201':[('0x8086','0x02f0')], # HrP2
'Intel-AC9260':[('0x8086','0x2526')], # ThP2
'Intel-AC9560':[('0x8086','0x31dc'), # JfP2
'Intel-AC7260':[('0x8086','0x08b1'), # WP2
'Intel-AC7265':[('0x8086','0x095a'), # StP2
'Realtek-RTL8822C-USB':[('0x10ec','0xc822')] }
# We have a number of chipsets that are no longer supported. Known issues
# related to firmware will be ignored on these devices (b/169328792).
'BRCM-4354', 'MVL-8897', 'MVL-8997', 'Intel-AC7260', 'Intel-AC7265'
# Location of data traces relative to this ( file
BT_ADAPTER_TEST_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
TRACE_LOCATION = os.path.join(BT_ADAPTER_TEST_PATH, 'input_traces/keyboard')
# Delay binding the methods since host is only available at run time.
'MOUSE': lambda btpeer: btpeer.get_bluetooth_hid_mouse,
'KEYBOARD': lambda btpeer: btpeer.get_bluetooth_hid_keyboard,
'BLE_MOUSE': lambda btpeer: btpeer.get_ble_mouse,
'BLE_KEYBOARD': lambda btpeer: btpeer.get_ble_keyboard,
# Tester allows us to test DUT's discoverability, etc. from a peer
'BLUETOOTH_TESTER': lambda btpeer: btpeer.get_bluetooth_tester,
# This is a base object that does not emulate any Bluetooth device.
# This object is preferred when only a pure XMLRPC server is needed
# on the btpeer host, e.g., to perform servod methods.
'BLUETOOTH_BASE': lambda btpeer: btpeer.get_bluetooth_base,
# on the chameleon host, e.g., to perform servod methods.
'BLUETOOTH_BASE': lambda chameleon: chameleon.get_bluetooth_base,
# A phone device that supports Bluetooth
'BLE_PHONE': lambda chameleon: chameleon.get_ble_phone,
# A Bluetooth audio device emulating a headphone
'BLUETOOTH_AUDIO': lambda chameleon: chameleon.get_bluetooth_audio,
'Freeing adapter /org/bluez/hci': 'adapter_freed',
'/var/spool/crash/bluetoothd': 'bluetoothd_crashed',
# TODO(b/150898182) - Don't run some tests on tablet form factors
# This list was generated by looking for tablet models on Goldeneye and removing
# the ones that were not launched
TABLET_MODELS = ['kakadu', 'kodama', 'krane', 'dru', 'druwl', 'dumo']
# TODO(b/161005264) - Some tests rely on software rotation to pass, so we must
# know which models don't use software rotation. Use a static list until we can
# query the bluez API instead. Extended advertising is supported on platforms
# on 4.19 and 5.4, with HrP2, JfP2, CcP2, RTL8822C, or QCN3991 chipsets.
EXT_ADV_MODELS = ['ezkinil', 'trembyle', 'drawcia', 'drawlat', 'drawman',
'maglia', 'magolor', 'sarien', 'arcada', 'akemi',
'drallion', 'drallion360', 'hatch', 'stryke', 'helios',
'dragonair', 'dratini', 'duffy', 'jinlon', 'kaisa',
'kindred', 'kled', 'puff', 'kohaku', 'nightfury', 'morphius',
'lazor', 'trogdor']
# TODO(b/158336394) Realtek: Powers down during suspend due to high power usage
# during S3.
# TODO(b/168152910) Marvell: Powers down during suspend due to flakiness when
# entering suspend. This will also skip the tests
# for Veyron (which don't power down right now) but
# reconnect tests are still enabled for that platform
# to check for suspend stability.
SUSPEND_POWER_DOWN_CHIPSETS = ['Realtek-RTL8822C-USB', 'MVL-8897', 'MVL-8997']
def method_name():
"""Get the method name of a class.
This function is supposed to be invoked inside a class and will
return current method name who invokes this function.
@returns: the string of the method name inside the class.
return inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3]
def _run_method(method, method_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run a target method and capture exceptions if any.
This is just a wrapper of the target method so that we do not need to
write the exception capturing structure repeatedly. The method could
be either a device method or a facade method.
@param method: the method to run
@param method_name: the name of the method
@returns: the return value of target method() if successful.
False otherwise.
result = False
result = method(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', method_name, e)
logging.error('%s: unexpected error', method_name)
return result
def get_bluetooth_emulated_device(btpeer, device_type):
"""Get the bluetooth emulated device object.
@param btpeer: the Bluetooth peer device
@param device_type : the bluetooth device type, e.g., 'MOUSE'
@returns: the bluetooth device object
def _retry_device_method(method_name, legal_falsy_values=[]):
"""retry the emulated device's method.
The method is invoked as device.xxxx() e.g., device.GetAdvertisedName().
Note that the method name string is provided to get the device's actual
method object at run time through getattr(). The rebinding is required
because a new device may have been created previously or during the
execution of fix_serial_device().
Given a device's method, it is not feasible to get the method name
through __name__ attribute. This limitation is due to the fact that
the device is a dotted object of an XML RPC server proxy.
As an example, with the method name 'GetAdvertisedName', we could
derive the correspoinding method device.GetAdvertisedName. On the
contrary, given device.GetAdvertisedName, it is not feasible to get the
method name by device.GetAdvertisedName.__name__
Also note that if the device method fails, we would try remediation
step and retry the device method. The remediation steps are
1) re-creating the serial device.
2) reset (powercycle) the bluetooth dongle.
3) reboot Bluetooth peer.
If the device method still fails after these steps, we fail the test
The default values exist for uses of this function before the options
were added, ideally we should change zero_ok to False.
@param method_name: the string of the method name.
@param legal_falsy_values: Values that are falsy but might be OK.
@returns: the result returned by the device's method if the call was
@raises: TestError if the devices's method fails or if repair of
peripheral kit fails
action_table = [('recreate' , 'Fixing the serial device'),
('reset', 'Power cycle the peer device'),
('reboot', 'Reboot the chamleond host')]
for i, (action, description) in enumerate(action_table):'Attempt %s : %s ', i+1, method_name)
result = _run_method(getattr(device, method_name), method_name)
if _is_successful(result, legal_falsy_values):
return result
logging.error('%s failed the %s time. Attempting to %s',
if not fix_serial_device(btpeer, device, action):'%s failed', description)
else:'%s successful', description)
#try it last time after fix it by last action
result = _run_method(getattr(device, method_name), method_name)
if _is_successful(result, legal_falsy_values):
return result
raise error.TestError('Failed to execute %s. Bluetooth peer device is'
'not working' % method_name)
if device_type not in SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES:
raise error.TestError('The device type is not supported: %s',
# Get the bluetooth device object and query some important properties.
device = SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES[device_type](btpeer)()
# Get some properties of the kit
# NOTE: Strings updated here must be kept in sync with Btpeer.
device._capabilities = _retry_device_method('GetCapabilities')
device._transports = device._capabilities["CAP_TRANSPORTS"]
device._is_le_only = ("TRANSPORT_LE" in device._transports and
len(device._transports) == 1)
device._has_pin = device._capabilities["CAP_HAS_PIN"]
device.can_init_connection = device._capabilities["CAP_INIT_CONNECT"]
_retry_device_method('Init')'device type: %s', device_type) = _retry_device_method('GetAdvertisedName')'device name: %s',
device.address = _retry_device_method('GetLocalBluetoothAddress')'address: %s', device.address)
pin_falsy_values = [] if device._has_pin else [None] = _retry_device_method('GetPinCode', pin_falsy_values)'pin: %s',
class_falsy_values = [None] if device._is_le_only else [0]
# Class of service is None for LE-only devices. Don't fail or parse it.
device.class_of_service = _retry_device_method('GetClassOfService',
if device._is_le_only:
parsed_class_of_service = device.class_of_service
parsed_class_of_service = "0x%04X" % device.class_of_service'class of service: %s', parsed_class_of_service)
device.class_of_device = _retry_device_method('GetClassOfDevice',
# Class of device is None for LE-only devices. Don't fail or parse it.
if device._is_le_only:
parsed_class_of_device = device.class_of_device
parsed_class_of_device = "0x%04X" % device.class_of_device'class of device: %s', parsed_class_of_device)
device.device_type = _retry_device_method('GetDeviceType')'device type: %s', device.device_type)
device.authentication_mode = None
if not device._is_le_only:
device.authentication_mode = _retry_device_method('GetAuthenticationMode')'authentication mode: %s', device.authentication_mode)
device.port = _retry_device_method('GetPort')'serial port: %s\n', device.port)
return device
def recreate_serial_device(device):
"""Create and connect to a new serial device.
@param device: the bluetooth HID device
@returns: True if the serial device is re-created successfully.
"""'Remove the old serial device and create a new one.')
if device is not None:
logging.error('failed to close the serial device.')
return False
return True
logging.error('failed to invoke CreateSerialDevice.')
return False
def _check_device_init(device, operation):
# Check if the serial device could initialize, connect, and
# enter command mode correctly.'Checking device status...')
if not _run_method(device.Init, 'Init'):'device.Init: failed after %s', operation)
return False
if not device.CheckSerialConnection():'device.CheckSerialConnection: failed after %s', operation)
return False
if not _run_method(device.EnterCommandMode, 'EnterCommandMode'):'device.EnterCommandMode: failed after %s', operation)
return False'The device is created successfully after %s.', operation)
return True
def _reboot_btpeer(btpeer, device):
""" Reboot Bluetooth peer device.
Also power cycle the device since reboot may not do that.."""
# Chameleond fizz hosts should have write protect removed and
# set_gbb_flags set to 0 to minimize boot time
# Close the bluetooth peripheral device and reboot the chameleon board.
device.Close()"Powercycling the device")
time.sleep(RESET_SLEEP_SECS)'rebooting Bluetooth peer...')
# Every btpeer reboot would take a bit more than REBOOT_SLEEP_SECS.
# Sleep REBOOT_SLEEP_SECS and then begin probing the btpeer board.
return _check_device_init(device, 'reboot')
def _reset_device_power(device):
"""Power cycle the device."""
if not device.PowerCycle():'device.PowerCycle() failed')
return False
logging.error('exception in device.PowerCycle')
else:'device powercycled')
return _check_device_init(device, 'reset')
def _is_successful(result, legal_falsy_values=[]):
"""Is the method result considered successful?
Some method results, for example that of class_of_service, may be 0 which is
considered a valid result. Occassionally, None is acceptable.
The default values exist for uses of this function before the options were
added, ideally we should change zero_ok to False.
@param result: a method result
@param legal_falsy_values: Values that are falsy but might be OK.
@returns: True if bool(result) is True, or if result is 0 and zero_ok, or if
result is None and none_ok.
truthiness_of_result = bool(result)
return truthiness_of_result or result in legal_falsy_values
def _flag_common_failures(instance):
"""Checks if a common failure has occurred during the test run
Scans system logs for known signs of failure. If a failure is discovered,
it is added to the test results, to make it easier to identify common root
causes from Stainless
for fail_tag, fail_log in COMMON_FAILURES.items():
if instance.bluetooth_facade.messages_find(fail_tag):
logging.error('Detected failure tag: %s', fail_tag)
# We mark this instance's results with the discovered failure
if type(instance.results) is dict:
instance.results[fail_log] = True
def fix_serial_device(btpeer, device, operation='reset'):
"""Fix the serial device.
This function tries to fix the serial device by
(1) re-creating a serial device, or
(2) power cycling the usb port to which device is connected
(3) rebooting the Bluetooth peeer
Argument operation determine which of the steps above are perform
Note that rebooting the btpeer board or resetting the device will remove
the state on the peripheral which might cause test failures. Please use
reset/reboot only before or after a test.
@param btpeer: the Bluetooth peer
@param device: the bluetooth device.
@param operation: Recovery operation to perform 'recreate/reset/reboot'
@returns: True if the serial device is fixed. False otherwise.
if operation == 'recreate':
# Check the serial connection. Fix it if needed.
if device.CheckSerialConnection():
# The USB serial connection still exists.
# Re-connection suffices to solve the problem. The problem
# is usually caused by serial port change. For example,
# the serial port changed from /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/ttyUSB1.'retry: creating a new serial device...')
return recreate_serial_device(device)
# Recreate the bluetooth peer device
return _check_device_init(device, operation)
elif operation == 'reset':
# Powercycle the USB port where the bluetooth peer device is connected.
# RN-42 and RN-52 share the same vid:pid so both will be powercycled.
# This will only work on fizz host with write protection removed.
# Note that the state on the device will be lost.
return _reset_device_power(device)
elif operation == 'reboot':
# Reboot the Bluetooth peer device.
# The device is power cycled before rebooting Bluetooth peer device
return _reboot_btpeer(btpeer, device)
logging.error('fix_serial_device Invalid operation %s', operation)
return False
def retry(test_method, instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""Execute the target facade test_method(). Retry if failing the first time.
A test_method is something like self.test_xxxx() in BluetoothAdapterTests,
e.g., BluetoothAdapterTests.test_bluetoothd_running().
@param test_method: the test method to retry
@returns: True if the return value of test_method() is successful.
False otherwise.
if _is_successful(_run_method(test_method, test_method.__name__,
instance, *args, **kwargs)):
return True
# Try to fix the serial device if applicable.
logging.error('%s failed at the 1st time: (%s)', test_method.__name__,
# If this test does not use any attached serial device, just re-run
# the test.'%s: retry the 2nd time.', test_method.__name__)
if not hasattr(instance, 'use_btpeer'):
return _is_successful(_run_method(test_method, test_method.__name__,
instance, *args, **kwargs))
for device_type in SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES:
for device in getattr(instance, 'devices')[device_type]:
#fix_serial_device in 'recreate' mode doesn't require btpeer
#so just pass None for convenient.
if not fix_serial_device(None, device, "recreate"):
return False'%s: retry the 2nd time.', test_method.__name__)
return _is_successful(_run_method(test_method, test_method.__name__,
instance, *args, **kwargs))
def test_retry_and_log(test_method_or_retry_flag,
"""A decorator that logs test results, collects error messages, and retries
on request.
@param test_method_or_retry_flag: either the test_method or a retry_flag.
There are some possibilities of this argument:
1. the test_method to conduct and retry: should retry the test_method.
This occurs with
2. the retry flag is True. Should retry the test_method.
This occurs with
3. the retry flag is False. Do not retry the test_method.
This occurs with
@param messages_start: Start collecting messages before running the test
@param messages_stop: Stop collecting messages after running the test and
analyze the results.
@returns: a wrapper of the test_method with test log. The retry mechanism
would depend on the retry flag.
def decorator(test_method):
"""A decorator wrapper of the decorated test_method.
@param test_method: the test method being decorated.
@returns the wrapper of the test method.
def wrapper(instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""A wrapper of the decorated method.
@param instance: an BluetoothAdapterTests instance
@returns the result of the test method
instance.results = None
fail_msg = None
test_result = False
should_raise = hasattr(instance, 'fail_fast') and instance.fail_fast
instance.last_test_method = test_method.__name__
syslog_captured = False
if messages_start:
# Grab /var/log/messages output during test run
if callable(test_method_or_retry_flag
) or test_method_or_retry_flag:
test_result = retry(test_method, instance, *args, **kwargs)
test_result = test_method(instance, *args, **kwargs)
if messages_stop:
syslog_captured = instance.bluetooth_facade.messages_stop()
if test_result:'[*** passed: {}]'.format(
if syslog_captured:
fail_msg = '[--- failed: {} ({})]'.format(
test_method.__name__, str(instance.results))
# Log TestError and TestNA and let the quicktest wrapper catch it.
# Those errors should skip out of the testcase entirely.
except error.TestNAError as e:
fail_msg = '[--- TESTNA {} ({})]'.format(
test_method.__name__, str(e))
except error.TestError as e:
fail_msg = '[--- ERROR {} ({})]'.format(
test_method.__name__, str(e))
except error.TestFail as e:
fail_msg = '[--- failed {} ({})]'.format(
test_method.__name__, str(e))
should_raise = True
# Check whether we should fail fast
if fail_msg and should_raise:'Fail fast')
raise error.TestFail(instance.fails)
return test_result
return wrapper
if callable(test_method_or_retry_flag):
# If the decorator function comes with no argument like
# @test_retry_and_log
return decorator(test_method_or_retry_flag)
# If the decorator function comes with an argument like
# @test_retry_and_log(False)
return decorator
def test_case_log(method):
"""A decorator for test case methods.
The main purpose of this decorator is to display the test case name
in the test log which looks like
<... test_case_RA3_CD_SI200_CD_PC_CD_UA3 ...>
@param method: the test case method to decorate.
@returns: a wrapper function of the decorated method.
def wrapper(instance, *args, **kwargs):
"""Log the name of the wrapped method before execution"""'\n<... %s ...>', method.__name__)
method(instance, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class BluetoothAdapterTests(test.test):
"""Server side bluetooth adapter tests.
This test class tries to thoroughly verify most of the important work
states of a bluetooth adapter.
The various test methods are supposed to be invoked by actual autotest
tests such as server/cros/site_tests/bluetooth_Adapter*.
version = 1
# Wait after connect for input device to be ready for use
ADAPTER_DISCOVER_TIMEOUT_SECS = 60 # 30 seconds too short sometimes
# Default suspend time in seconds for suspend resume.
# Minimum RSSI required for peer devices during testing
MIN_RSSI = -70
# hci0 is the default hci device if there is no external bluetooth dongle.
# Constants about advertising.
# Error messages about advertising dbus methods.
'org.bluez.Error.NotPermitted: Maximum advertisements reached')
'org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments: Invalid arguments')
# Supported profiles by chrome os.
'GATT_UUID': '00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
'A2DP_SOURCE_UUID': '0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
'HFP_AG_UUID': '0000111f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
'PNP_UUID': '00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
'GAP_UUID': '00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'}
# Board list for name/ID test check. These devices don't need to be tested
'rambi', 'nyan', 'oak', 'reef', 'yorp', 'bip', 'volteer',
# Path for btmon logs
BTMON_DIR_LOG_PATH = '/var/log/btmon'
# Path for usbmon logs
USBMON_DIR_LOG_PATH = '/var/log/usbmon'
# The agent capability of various device types.
'BLUETOOTH_AUDIO': 'NoInputNoOutput',
def assert_on_fail(self, result, raiseNA=False):
""" If the called function returns a false-like value, raise an error.
Call test methods (i.e. with @test_retry_and_log) wrapped with this
function and failures will raise instead of continuing the test.
For example:
@param result: Result of test method called.
@param raiseNA: Whether to raise TestNAError instead of TestFail
@raises error.TestNAError
@raises error.TestFail
if not result:
failure_msg = 'Assert on fail: {}'.format(self.last_test_method)
if raiseNA:
raise error.TestNAError(failure_msg)
raise error.TestFail(failure_msg)
# TODO(b/131170539) remove when sarien/arcada no longer have _signed
# postfix
def get_base_platform_name(self):
"""Returns the DUT platform name
If the DUT is a DVT device, _signed or _unsigned may be appended
to the device name, which we should ignore in our BT tests
@returns: String name of the DUT's platform with _signed or
_unsigned removed
platform =
return platform.replace('_signed', '').replace('_unsigned', '')
def group_btpeers_type(self):
"""Group all Bluetooth peers by the type of their detected device."""
# Use previously created btpeer_group instead of creating new
if len(self.btpeer_group_copy) > 0:'Using previously created btpeer group')
for device_type in SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES:
self.btpeer_group[device_type] = \
# Create new btpeer_group
for device_type in SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES:
self.btpeer_group[device_type] = list()
# Create copy of btpeer_group
self.btpeer_group_copy[device_type] = list()
for idx, btpeer in enumerate(
for device_type,gen_device_func in SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES.items():
device = gen_device_func(btpeer)()
if device.CheckSerialConnection():
self.btpeer_group[device_type].append(btpeer)'%d-th btpeer find device %s', \
idx, device_type)
# Create copy of btpeer_group
logging.debug('Error with initializing %s on %d-th'
'btpeer', device_type, idx)
if len(self.btpeer_group[device_type]) == 0:
logging.error('No device is detected on %d-th btpeer', idx)
logging.debug("self.bt_group is %s",self.btpeer_group)
def wait_for_device(self, device, timeout=10):
"""Waits for device to become available again
We reset raspberry pi peer between tests. This method helps us wait to
prevent us from trying to use the device before it comes back up again.
@param device: proxy object of peripheral device
def is_device_ready():
"""Tries to use a service of the device
@returns: True if device is available to provide service
False otherwise
# Call a simple (fast) function to determine if device is online
# and reachable. If we can query this property, we know the
# device is available for us to use
getattr(device, 'GetCapabilities')()
except Exception as e:
return False
return True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
raise error.TestError('Peer is not available after waiting')
def clear_raspi_device(self, device):
"""Clears a device on a raspi peer by resetting bluetooth stack
@param device: proxy object of peripheral device
except socket.error as e:
# Ignore conn reset, expected during stack reset
if e.errno != errno.ECONNRESET:
except chameleon.ChameleonConnectionError as e:
# Ignore chameleon conn reset, expected during stack reset
if str(errno.ECONNRESET) not in str(e):
except six.moves.http_client.BadStatusLine as e:
# BadStatusLine occurs occasionally when chameleon
# is restarted. We ignore it here
logging.error('Ignoring badstatusline exception')
# Catch generic Fault exception by rpc server, ignore
# method not available as it indicates platform didn't
# support method and that's ok
except Exception as e:
if not (e.__class__.__name__ == 'Fault' and
'is not supported' in str(e)):
# Ensure device is back online before continuing
self.wait_for_device(device, timeout=30)
def device_set_powered(self, device, powered):
"""Set raspi BT powered state.
@param powered: Powered state to set on Raspi.
if powered:
def get_device_rasp(self, device_num, on_start=True):
"""Get all bluetooth device objects from Bluetooth peer devices
This method should be called only after group_btpeers_type
@param device_num : dict of {device_type:number}, to specify the number
of device needed for each device_type.
@param on_start: boolean describing whether the requested clear is for a
new test, or in the middle of a current one
@returns: True if Success.
""""in get_device_rasp %s onstart %s", device_num, on_start)
total_num_devices = sum(device_num.values())
if total_num_devices > len(
'Total number of devices %s is greater than the'
' number of Bluetooth peers %s', total_num_devices,
return False
for device_type, number in device_num.items():
total_num_devices += number
if len(self.btpeer_group[device_type]) < number:
logging.error('Number of Bluetooth peers with device type'
'%s is %d, which is less then needed %d', device_type,
len(self.btpeer_group[device_type]), number)
return False
for btpeer in self.btpeer_group[device_type][:number]:"getting emulated %s", device_type)
device = self.reset_device(btpeer, device_type, on_start)
# Remove this btpeer from btpeer_group since it is already
# configured as a specific device
for temp_device in SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES:
if btpeer in self.btpeer_group[temp_device]:
return True
def get_device(self, device_type, on_start=True):
"""Get the bluetooth device object.
@param device_type : the bluetooth device type, e.g., 'MOUSE'
@param on_start: boolean describing whether the requested clear is for a
new test, or in the middle of a current one
@returns: the bluetooth device object
self.reset_device(, device_type, on_start))
return self.devices[device_type][-1]
def reset_device(self, peer, device_type, clear_device=True):
"""Reset the peer device in order to be used as a different type.
@param peer: the peer device to reset with new device type
@param device_type : the new bluetooth device type, e.g., 'MOUSE'
@param clear_device: whether to clear the device state
@returns: the bluetooth device object
device = get_bluetooth_emulated_device(peer, device_type)
# Re-fresh device to clean state if test is starting
if clear_device:
# Tell generic chameleon to bind to this device type
# Catch generic Fault exception by rpc server, ignore method not
# available as it indicates platform didn't support method and that's
# ok
except Exception as e:
if not (e.__class__.__name__ == 'Fault' and
'is not supported' in str(e)):
logging.error("got exception %s", str(e))
return device
def is_device_available(self, btpeer, device_type):
"""Determines if the named device is available on the linked peer
@param device_type: the bluetooth HID device type, e.g., 'MOUSE'
@returns: True if it is able to resolve the device, false otherwise
device = SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES[device_type](btpeer)()
# The proxy prevents us from checking if the object is None directly
# so instead we call a fast method that any peripheral must support.
# This will fail if the object over the proxy doesn't exist
getattr(device, 'GetCapabilities')()
except Exception as e:
return False
return True
def list_devices_available(self):
"""Queries which devices are available on btpeer(s)
@returns: dict mapping HID device types to number of supporting peers
available, e.g. {'MOUSE':1, 'KEYBOARD':1}
devices_available = {}
for device_type in SUPPORTED_DEVICE_TYPES:
for btpeer in
if self.is_device_available(btpeer, device_type):
devices_available[device_type] = \
devices_available.get(device_type, 0) + 1
logging.debug("devices available are %s", devices_available)
return devices_available
def suspend_resume(self, suspend_time=SUSPEND_TIME_SECS):
"""Suspend the DUT for a while and then resume.
@param suspend_time: the suspend time in secs
@raises errors.TestFail if the device reboots during suspend
boot_id =
suspend = self.suspend_async(suspend_time=suspend_time)
start_time = self.bluetooth_facade.get_device_time()
# Give the system some time to enter suspend
suspend, sleep_timeout=self.SUSPEND_ENTER_SECS)
# Wait for resume - since we're not testing suspend itself, we are
# lenient with the resume time here
def reboot(self):
"""Reboot the DUT and recreate necessary processes and variables"""
# We need to recreate the bluetooth_facade after a reboot.
# Delete the proxy first so it won't delete the old one, which
# invokes disconnection, after creating the new one.
if hasattr(self, 'factory'):
del self.factory
if hasattr(self, 'bluetooth_facade'):
del self.bluetooth_facade
if hasattr(self, 'input_facade'):
del self.input_facade
self.factory = remote_facade_factory.RemoteFacadeFactory(, disable_arc=True, no_chrome=not self.start_browser)
self.bluetooth_facade = self.factory.create_bluetooth_facade()
self.input_facade = self.factory.create_input_facade()
# Re-enable debugging verbose since Chrome will set it to
# default(disable).
# Re-disable cellular
# Re-disable ui
def _wait_till_condition_holds(self, func, method_name,
""" Wait for the func() to hold true for a period of time
@param func: the function to wait for.
@param method_name: the invoking class method.
@param timeout: number of seconds to wait before giving up.
@param sleep_interval: the interval in seconds to sleep between
invoking func().
@param hold_interval: the interval in seconds for the condition to
remain true
@param start_delay: interval in seconds to wait before starting
@returns: True if the condition is met,
False otherwise
if start_delay > 0:
logging.debug('waiting for %s secs before checking %s',start_delay,
hold_interval = hold_interval,
desc=('Waiting %s' % method_name))
return True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', method_name, e)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', method_name, e)
err = 'bluetoothd possibly crashed. Check out /var/log/messages.'
logging.error('%s: unexpected error', method_name)
return False
def _wait_for_condition(self, func, method_name,
"""Wait for the func() to become True.
@param func: the function to wait for.
@param method_name: the invoking class method.
@param timeout: number of seconds to wait before giving up.
@param sleep_interval: the interval in seconds to sleep between
invoking func().
@param start_delay: interval in seconds to wait before starting
@returns: True if the condition is met,
False otherwise
if start_delay > 0:
logging.debug('waiting for %s secs before checking %s',start_delay,
desc=('Waiting %s' % method_name))
return True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', method_name, e)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', method_name, e)
err = 'bluetoothd possibly crashed. Check out /var/log/messages.'
logging.error('%s: unexpected error', method_name)
return False
def ignore_failure(instance, test_method, *args, **kwargs):
""" Wrapper to prevent a test_method failure from failing the test batch
Sometimes a test method needs to be used as a normal function, for its
result. This wrapper prevent test_method failure being recorded in
instance.fails and causing a failure of the quick test batch.
@param test_method: test_method
@returns: result of the test_method
original_fails = instance.fails[:]
test_result = test_method(*args, **kwargs)
if not test_result:"%s failure is ignored",test_method.__name__)
instance.fails = original_fails
return test_result
def start_agent(self, device):
"""Start the pairing agent of the device if applicable.
@param device: the peer device
dev_type = device.GetDeviceType()
capability = self.AGENT_CAPABILITY.get(dev_type)
if capability:
def stop_agent(self, device):
"""Stop the pairing agent of the device if applicable.
@param device: the peer device
dev_type = device.GetDeviceType()
capability = self.AGENT_CAPABILITY.get(dev_type)
if capability:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adater standalone tests
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def service_exists(self, service_name):
"""Checks if a service exists on the DUT
@param service_name: name of the service
@returns: True if service status can be queried, else False
status_cmd = 'initctl status {}'.format(service_name)
# Querying the status of a non-existent service throws an
# AutoservRunError exception. If no exception is thrown, we know
# the service exists
except error.AutoservRunError:
return False
return True
def service_enabled(self, service_name):
"""Checks if a service is running on the DUT
@param service_name: name of the service
@throws: AutoservRunError is thrown if there is no service with the
provided name installed on the DUT.
@returns: True if service is currently running, else False
status_cmd = 'initctl status {}'.format(service_name)
output =
return 'start/running' in output
def _initctl_services(self, services, command):
"""Use initctl to control service on the DUT
@param services: list of string service names
@param command: initctl command on the services
'start': to start the service
'stop': to stop the service
'restart': to restart the service
@returns: True if services were set successfully, else False
for service in services:
# Some platforms will not support all services. In these cases,
# no need to fail, since they won't interfere with our tests
if not self.service_exists(service):
logging.debug('Service %s does not exist on DUT', service)
# A sample call to enable or disable a service is as follows:
# "initctl stop modemfwd"
if command in ['start', 'stop']:
enable = command == 'start'
if self.service_enabled(service) != enable:'initctl {} {}'.format(command, service))
if self.service_enabled(service) != enable:
logging.error('Failed to set initctl service to state %d',
return False
if enable:'Service {} enabled'.format(service))
else:'Service {} disabled'.format(service))
elif command == 'restart':
if self.service_enabled(service):'initctl {} {}'.format(command, service))
# Just start a stopped job.'initctl {} {}'.format('start', service))'Service {} restarted'.format(service))
logging.error('unknown command {} on services {}'.format(
command, services))
return False
return True
def enable_disable_services(self, services, enable):
"""Enable or disable service on the DUT
@param services: list of string service names
@param enable: True to enable services, False to disable
@returns: True if services were set successfully, else False
command = 'start' if enable else 'stop'
return self._initctl_services(services, command)
def enable_disable_cellular(self, enable):
"""Enable cellular services on the DUT
@param enable: True to enable cellular services
False to disable cellular services
@returns: True if services were set successfully, else False
cellular_services = ['modemmanager', 'modemfwd']
return self.enable_disable_services(cellular_services, enable)
def enable_disable_ui(self, enable):
"""Enable UI service on the DUT
@param enable: True to enable UI services
False to disable UI services
@returns: True if services were set successfully, else False
ui_services = ['ui']
return self.enable_disable_services(ui_services, enable)
def restart_services(self, services):
"""Restart a service on the DUT
@param services: the services, e.g., ['cras',]
@returns: True if services were set successfully, else False
return self._initctl_services(services, 'restart')
def restart_cras(self):
"""Restart the cras service on the DUT
@returns: True if cras was restart successfully, else False
return self.restart_services(['cras', ])
def enable_disable_debug_log(self, enable):
"""Enable or disable debug log in DUT
@param enable: True to enable all of the debug log,
False to disable all of the debug log.
level = int(enable)
self.bluetooth_facade.set_debug_log_levels(level, level, level, level)
def start_new_btmon(self):
""" Start a new btmon process and save the log """
# Kill all btmon process before creating a new one'pkill btmon || true')
# Make sure the directory exists'mkdir -p %s' % self.BTMON_DIR_LOG_PATH)
# Time format. Ex, 2020_02_20_17_52_45
now = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
file_name = 'btsnoop_%s' % now'btmon -SAw %s/%s' % (self.BTMON_DIR_LOG_PATH,
def start_new_usbmon(self):
""" Start a new USBMON process and save the log """
# Kill all usbmon process before creating a new one'pkill tcpdump || true')
# Make sure the directory exists'mkdir -p %s' % self.USBMON_DIR_LOG_PATH)
# Time format. Ex, 2020_02_20_17_52_45
now = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
file_name = 'usbmon_%s' % now'tcpdump -i usbmon0 -w %s/%s' %
(self.USBMON_DIR_LOG_PATH, file_name))
def log_message(self, msg):
""" Write a string to log."""
def is_wrt_supported(self):
""" Check if Bluetooth adapter support WRT logs. """
return self.bluetooth_facade.is_wrt_supported()
def enable_wrt_logs(self):
""" Enable WRT logs from Intel Adapters."""
return self.bluetooth_facade.enable_wrt_logs()
def collect_wrt_logs(self):
""" Collect WRT logs from Intel Adapters."""
return self.bluetooth_facade.collect_wrt_logs()
def get_num_connected_devices(self):
""" Return number of remote devices currently connected to the DUT.
@returns: The number of devices known to bluez with the Connected
property active
num_connected_devices = 0
for dev in self.bluetooth_facade.get_devices():
if dev and dev.get('Connected', 0):
num_connected_devices += 1
return num_connected_devices
def test_bluetoothd_running(self):
"""Test that bluetoothd is running."""
return self.bluetooth_facade.is_bluetoothd_running()
def test_start_bluetoothd(self):
"""Test that bluetoothd could be started successfully."""
return self.bluetooth_facade.start_bluetoothd()
def test_stop_bluetoothd(self):
"""Test that bluetoothd could be stopped successfully."""
return self.bluetooth_facade.stop_bluetoothd()
def test_has_adapter(self):
"""Verify that there is an adapter. This will return True only if both
the kernel and bluetooth daemon see the adapter.
return self.bluetooth_facade.has_adapter()
def test_adapter_work_state(self):
"""Test that the bluetooth adapter is in the correct working state.
This includes that the adapter is detectable, is powered on,
and its hci device is hci0.
has_adapter = self.bluetooth_facade.has_adapter()
is_powered_on = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_powered_on, method_name())
hci = self.bluetooth_facade.get_hci() == self.EXPECTED_HCI
self.results = {
'has_adapter': has_adapter,
'is_powered_on': is_powered_on,
'hci': hci}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_adapter_wake_enabled(self):
"""Test that the bluetooth adapter is wakeup enabled.
wake_enabled = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_wake_enabled, method_name(),
self.results = { 'wake_enabled': wake_enabled }
return any(self.results.values())
def test_device_wake_allowed(self, device_address):
"""Test that given device can wake the system."""
self.results = {
'Wake allowed':
device_address, 'WakeAllowed')
return all(self.results.values())
def test_device_wake_not_allowed(self, device_address):
"""Test that given device cannot wake the system."""
self.results = {
'Wake not allowed':
not self.bluetooth_facade.get_device_property(
device_address, 'WakeAllowed')
return all(self.results.values())
def test_adapter_set_wake_disabled(self):
"""Disable wake and verify it was written. """
success = self.bluetooth_facade.set_wake_enabled(False)
self.results = { 'disable_wake': success }
return all(self.results.values())
def test_power_on_adapter(self):
"""Test that the adapter could be powered on successfully."""
power_on = self.bluetooth_facade.set_powered(True)
is_powered_on = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_powered_on, method_name())
self.results = {'power_on': power_on, 'is_powered_on': is_powered_on}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_power_off_adapter(self):
"""Test that the adapter could be powered off successfully."""
power_off = self.bluetooth_facade.set_powered(False)
is_powered_off = self._wait_for_condition(
lambda: not self.bluetooth_facade.is_powered_on(),
self.results = {
'power_off': power_off,
'is_powered_off': is_powered_off}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_reset_on_adapter(self):
"""Test that the adapter could be reset on successfully.
This includes restarting bluetoothd, and removing the settings
and cached devices.
reset_on = self.bluetooth_facade.reset_on()
is_powered_on = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_powered_on, method_name())
self.results = {'reset_on': reset_on, 'is_powered_on': is_powered_on}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_reset_off_adapter(self):
"""Test that the adapter could be reset off successfully.
This includes restarting bluetoothd, and removing the settings
and cached devices.
reset_off = self.bluetooth_facade.reset_off()
is_powered_off = self._wait_for_condition(
lambda: not self.bluetooth_facade.is_powered_on(),
self.results = {
'reset_off': reset_off,
'is_powered_off': is_powered_off}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_is_powered_off(self):
"""Check if the adapter is powered off."""
is_powered_off = not self.bluetooth_facade.is_powered_on()
self.results = {'is_powered_off': is_powered_off}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_is_facade_valid(self):
"""Checks whether the bluetooth facade is in a good state.
If bluetoothd restarts (i.e. due to a crash), the object proxies will no
longer be valid (because the session will be closed). Check whether the
session failed and wait for a new session if it did.
initially_ok = self.bluetooth_facade.is_bluetoothd_valid()
bluez_started = initially_ok or self.bluetooth_facade.start_bluetoothd()
self.results = {
'initially_ok': initially_ok,
'bluez_started': bluez_started
return all(self.results.values())
def test_is_adapter_valid(self):
"""Verify the bluetooth adapter is retrievable at test start
@raises: error.TestNAError if we fail to retrieve the adapter on
an unsupported chipset
error.TestFail if we fail to retrieve the adapter on any other
@returns: True if the adapter was located properly
if not self.bluetooth_facade.has_adapter():
logging.error('No adapter available, rebooting to recover')
chipset = self.get_chipset_name()
if not chipset:
raise error.TestFail('Unknown adapter is missing')
# A missing adapter is a rare but known issue on several platforms
# that have no vendor support (b/169328792). Since there is no fix
# possible, we forgive these failures by raising a TestNA.
raise error.TestNAError('Unsupported adapter is missing')
raise error.TestFail('Adapter is missing')
return True
def test_UUIDs(self):
"""Test that basic profiles are supported."""
adapter_UUIDs = self.bluetooth_facade.get_UUIDs()
self.results = [uuid for uuid in self.SUPPORTED_UUIDS.values()
if uuid not in adapter_UUIDs]
return not bool(self.results)
def test_start_discovery(self):
"""Test that the adapter could start discovery."""
start_discovery, _ = self.bluetooth_facade.start_discovery()
is_discovering = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_discovering, method_name())
self.results = {
'start_discovery': start_discovery,
'is_discovering': is_discovering}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_is_discovering(self):
"""Test that the adapter is already discovering."""
is_discovering = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_discovering, method_name())
self.results = {'is_discovering': is_discovering}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_stop_discovery(self):
"""Test that the adapter could stop discovery."""
if not self.bluetooth_facade.is_discovering():
return True
stop_discovery, _ = self.bluetooth_facade.stop_discovery()
is_not_discovering = self._wait_for_condition(
lambda: not self.bluetooth_facade.is_discovering(),
self.results = {
'stop_discovery': stop_discovery,
'is_not_discovering': is_not_discovering}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_discoverable(self):
"""Test that the adapter could be set discoverable."""
set_discoverable = self.bluetooth_facade.set_discoverable(True)
is_discoverable = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_discoverable, method_name())
self.results = {
'set_discoverable': set_discoverable,
'is_discoverable': is_discoverable}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_is_discoverable(self):
"""Test that the adapter is discoverable."""
is_discoverable = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_discoverable, method_name())
self.results = {'is_discoverable': is_discoverable}
return all(self.results.values())
def _test_timeout_property(self, set_property, check_property, set_timeout,
get_timeout, property_name,
timeout_values = [0, 60, 180]):
"""Common method to test (Discoverable/Pairable)Timeout .
This is used to test
- DiscoverableTimeout property
- PairableTimeout property
The test performs the following
- Set PropertyTimeout
- Read PropertyTimeout and make sure values match
- Set adapter propety
- In a loop check if property is active
- Test fails property is false before timeout
- Test fails property is True after timeout
Repeat the test for different values for timeout
Note : Value of 0 mean it never timeouts, so the test will
end after 30 seconds.
def check_timeout(timeout):
"""Check for timeout value in loop while recording failures."""
actual_timeout = get_timeout()
if timeout != actual_timeout:
logging.debug('%s timeout value read %s does not '
'match value set %s, yet', property_name,
actual_timeout, timeout)
return False
return True
def _test_timeout_property(timeout):
# minium time after timeout before checking property
# Time between checking property
# Set and read back the timeout value
if not set_timeout(timeout):
logging.error('Setting the %s timeout failed',property_name)
return False
if not self._wait_for_condition(lambda : check_timeout(timeout),
logging.error('checking %s_timeout value timed out',
return False
# Check that the timeout works
# Check property is true until timeout
# and then it is not
property_set = set_property(True)
property_is_true = self._wait_for_condition(check_property,
self.results = { 'set_%s' % property_name : property_set,
'is_%s' % property_name: property_is_true}
if not all(self.results.values()):
logging.error('Setting %s failed',property_name)
return False
start_time = time.time()
while True:
cur_time = time.time()
property_set = check_property()
time_elapsed = cur_time - start_time
# Ignore check_property results made near the timeout
# to avoid spurious failures.
if abs(int(timeout - time_elapsed)) < MIN_DELTA_SECS:
# Timeout of zero seconds mean that the adapter never times out
# Check for 30 seconds and then exit the test.
if timeout == 0:
if not property_set:
logging.error('Adapter is not %s after %.2f '
'secs with a timeout of zero ',
property_name, time_elapsed)
return False
elif time_elapsed > 30:
logging.debug('Adapter %s after %.2f seconds '
'with timeout of zero as expected' ,
property_name, time_elapsed)
return True
# Check if property is true till timeout ends and
# false afterwards
if time_elapsed < timeout:
if not property_set:
logging.error('Adapter is not %s after %.2f '
'secs before timeout of %.2f',
property_name, time_elapsed, timeout)
return False
if property_set:
logging.error('Adapter is still %s after '
' %.2f secs with timeout of %.2f',
property_name, time_elapsed, timeout)
return False
logging.debug('Adapter not %s after %.2f '
'secs with timeout of %.2f as expected ',
property_name, time_elapsed, timeout)
return True
default_value = check_property()
default_timeout = get_timeout()
result = []
for timeout in timeout_values:
logging.debug("Test returning %s", all(result))
return all(result)
logging.error("exception in test_%s_timeout",property_name)
# Set the property back to default value permanently before
# exiting the test
# Set the timeout back to default value before exiting the test
def test_discoverable_timeout(self, timeout_values = [0, 60, 180]):
"""Test adapter dbus property DiscoverableTimeout."""
return self._test_timeout_property(
set_property = self.bluetooth_facade.set_discoverable,
check_property = self.bluetooth_facade.is_discoverable,
set_timeout = self.bluetooth_facade.set_discoverable_timeout,
get_timeout = self.bluetooth_facade.get_discoverable_timeout,
property_name = 'discoverable',
timeout_values = timeout_values)
def test_pairable_timeout(self, timeout_values = [0, 60, 180]):
"""Test adapter dbus property PairableTimeout."""
return self._test_timeout_property(
set_property = self.bluetooth_facade.set_pairable,
check_property = self.bluetooth_facade.is_pairable,
set_timeout = self.bluetooth_facade.set_pairable_timeout,
get_timeout = self.bluetooth_facade.get_pairable_timeout,
property_name = 'pairable',
timeout_values = timeout_values)
def test_nondiscoverable(self):
"""Test that the adapter could be set non-discoverable."""
set_nondiscoverable = self.bluetooth_facade.set_discoverable(False)
is_nondiscoverable = self._wait_for_condition(
lambda: not self.bluetooth_facade.is_discoverable(),
self.results = {
'set_nondiscoverable': set_nondiscoverable,
'is_nondiscoverable': is_nondiscoverable}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_pairable(self):
"""Test that the adapter could be set pairable."""
set_pairable = self.bluetooth_facade.set_pairable(True)
is_pairable = self._wait_for_condition(
self.bluetooth_facade.is_pairable, method_name())
self.results = {
'set_pairable': set_pairable,
'is_pairable': is_pairable}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_nonpairable(self):
"""Test that the adapter could be set non-pairable."""
set_nonpairable = self.bluetooth_facade.set_pairable(False)
is_nonpairable = self._wait_for_condition(
lambda: not self.bluetooth_facade.is_pairable(), method_name())
self.results = {
'set_nonpairable': set_nonpairable,
'is_nonpairable': is_nonpairable}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_check_valid_adapter_id(self):
"""Fail if the Bluetooth ID is not in the correct format.
@returns True if adapter ID follows expected format, False otherwise
device = self.get_base_platform_name()
adapter_info = self.get_adapter_properties()
# Don't complete test if this is a reference board
if device in self.REFERENCE_BOARDS:
return True
modalias = adapter_info['Modalias']
logging.debug('Saw Bluetooth ID of: %s', modalias)
# Valid Device ID is:
# <00E0(Google)>/<C405(Chrome OS)>/<non-zero versionNumber>
bt_format = 'bluetooth:v00E0pC405d(?!0000)'
if not re.match(bt_format, modalias):
return False
return True
def test_check_valid_alias(self):
"""Fail if the Bluetooth alias is not in the correct format.
@returns True if adapter alias follows expected format, False otherwise
device = self.get_base_platform_name()
adapter_info = self.get_adapter_properties()
# Don't complete test if this is a reference board
if device in self.REFERENCE_BOARDS:
return True
alias = adapter_info['Alias']
logging.debug('Saw Bluetooth Alias of: %s', alias)
device_type =
alias_format = '%s_[a-z0-9]{4}' % device_type
self.results = {}
alias_was_correct = True
if not re.match(alias_format, alias.lower()):
alias_was_correct = False'unexpected alias %s found', alias)
self.results['alias_found'] = alias
self.results['alias_was_correct'] = alias_was_correct
return all(self.results.values())
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tests about general discovering, pairing, and connection
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_discover_device(self,
"""Test that the adapter could discover the specified device address.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@param start_discovery: Whether to start discovery. Set to False if you
call start_discovery before calling this.
@param stop_discovery: Whether to stop discovery at the end. If this is
set to False, make sure to call
test_stop_discovery afterwards.
@returns: True if the device is found. False otherwise.
has_device_initially = False
discovery_stopped = False
is_not_discovering = False
device_discovered = False
# If start discovery is not set, discovery must already be started
discovery_started = not start_discovery
has_device = self.bluetooth_facade.has_device
if has_device(device_address):
has_device_initially = True
if start_discovery:
discovery_started = self.bluetooth_facade.start_discovery()
if discovery_started:
condition=(lambda: has_device(device_address)),
desc='Waiting for discovering %s' % device_address)
device_discovered = True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('test_discover_device: %s', e)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('test_discover_device: %s', e)
err = ('bluetoothd probably crashed.'
'Check out /var/log/messages')
logging.error('test_discover_device: unexpected error')
if start_discovery and stop_discovery:
discovery_stopped, _ = self.bluetooth_facade.stop_discovery()
is_not_discovering = self._wait_for_condition(
lambda: not self.bluetooth_facade.is_discovering(),
self.results = {
'has_device_initially': has_device_initially,
'should_start_discovery': start_discovery,
'should_stop_discovery': stop_discovery,
'start_discovery': discovery_started,
'stop_discovery': discovery_stopped,
'is_not_discovering': is_not_discovering,
'device_discovered': device_discovered}
# Make sure a discovered device properly started and stopped discovery
device_found = device_discovered and discovery_started and (
discovery_stopped and is_not_discovering
if stop_discovery else True)
return has_device_initially or device_found
def _test_discover_by_device(self, device):
return device.Discover(self.bluetooth_facade.address)
@test_retry_and_log(False, messages_start=False, messages_stop=False)
def test_discover_by_device(self, device):
"""Test that the device could discover the adapter address.
@param device: Meta device to represent peer device.
@returns: True if the adapter is found by the device.
adapter_discovered = False
discover_by_device = self._test_discover_by_device
discovered_initially = discover_by_device(device)
if not discovered_initially:
condition=(lambda: discover_by_device(device)),
desc='Waiting for adapter to be discovered')
adapter_discovered = True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('test_discover_by_device: %s', e)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('test_discover_by_device: %s', e)
err = ('bluetoothd probably crashed.'
'Check out /var/log/messages')
logging.error('test_discover_by_device: unexpected error')
self.results = {
'adapter_discovered_initially': discovered_initially,
'adapter_discovered': adapter_discovered
return any(self.results.values())
@test_retry_and_log(False, messages_start=False, messages_stop=False)
def test_discover_by_device_fails(self, device):
"""Test that the device could not discover the adapter address.
@param device: Meta device to represent peer device.
@returns False if the adapter is found by the device.
self.results = {
'adapter_discovered': self._test_discover_by_device(device)
return not any(self.results.values())
@test_retry_and_log(False, messages_start=False, messages_stop=False)
def test_device_set_discoverable(self, device, discoverable):
"""Test that we could set the peer device to discoverable. """
return False
return True
def test_pairing(self, device_address, pin, trusted=True):
"""Test that the adapter could pair with the device successfully.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@param pin: pin code to pair with the device.
@param trusted: indicating whether to set the device trusted.
@returns: True if pairing succeeds. False otherwise.
def _pair_device():
"""Pair to the device.
@returns: True if it could pair with the device. False otherwise.
return self.bluetooth_facade.pair_legacy_device(
device_address, pin, trusted,
def _verify_connection_info():
"""Verify that connection info to device is retrievable.
@returns: True if the connection info is retrievable.
False otherwise.
return (self.bluetooth_facade.get_connection_info(device_address)
is not None)
def _verify_connected():
"""Verify the device is connected.
@returns: True if the device is connected, False otherwise.
return self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_connected(device_address)
has_device = False
paired = False
connected = False
connection_info_retrievable = False
connected_devices = self.get_num_connected_devices()
if self.bluetooth_facade.has_device(device_address):
has_device = True
desc='Waiting for pairing %s' % device_address)
paired = True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('test_pairing: %s', e)
logging.error('test_pairing: unexpected error')
connection_info_retrievable = _verify_connection_info()
connected = _verify_connected()
self.results = {
'has_device': has_device,
'paired': paired,
'connected': connected,
'connection_info_retrievable': connection_info_retrievable,
'connection_num': connected_devices + 1
return all(self.results.values())
def test_remove_pairing(self, device_address):
"""Test that the adapter could remove the paired device.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@returns: True if the device is removed successfully. False otherwise.
device_is_paired_initially = self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_paired(
remove_pairing = False
pairing_removed = False
if device_is_paired_initially:
remove_pairing = self.bluetooth_facade.remove_device_object(
pairing_removed = not self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_paired(
self.results = {
'device_is_paired_initially': device_is_paired_initially,
'remove_pairing': remove_pairing,
'pairing_removed': pairing_removed}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_set_trusted(self, device_address, trusted=True):
"""Test whether the device with the specified address is trusted.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@param trusted : True or False indicating if trusted is expected.
@returns: True if the device's "Trusted" property is as specified;
False otherwise.
set_trusted = self.bluetooth_facade.set_trusted(
device_address, trusted)
actual_trusted = self.bluetooth_facade.get_device_property(
device_address, 'Trusted')
self.results = {
'set_trusted': set_trusted,
'actual trusted': actual_trusted,
'expected trusted': trusted}
return actual_trusted == trusted
def test_connection_by_adapter(self, device_address):
"""Test that the adapter of dut could connect to the device successfully
It is the caller's responsibility to pair to the device before
doing connection.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@returns: True if connection is performed. False otherwise.
def _connect_device():
"""Connect to the device.
@returns: True if it could connect to the device. False otherwise.
return self.bluetooth_facade.connect_device(device_address)
has_device = False
connected = False
if self.bluetooth_facade.has_device(device_address):
has_device = True
desc='Waiting for connecting to %s' % device_address)
connected = True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('test_connection_by_adapter: %s', e)
logging.error('test_connection_by_adapter: unexpected error')
self.results = {'has_device': has_device, 'connected': connected}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_disconnection_by_adapter(self, device_address):
"""Test that the adapter of dut could disconnect the device successfully
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@returns: True if disconnection is performed. False otherwise.
return self.bluetooth_facade.disconnect_device(device_address)
def _enter_command_mode(self, device):
"""Let the device enter command mode.
Before using the device, need to call this method to make sure
it is in the command mode.
@param device: the bluetooth HID device
@returns: True if successful. False otherwise.
result = _is_successful(_run_method(device.EnterCommandMode,
if not result:
logging.error('EnterCommandMode failed')
return result
def test_connection_by_device(self, device):
"""Test that the device could connect to the adapter successfully.
This emulates the behavior that a device may initiate a
connection request after waking up from power saving mode.
@param device: the bluetooth HID device
@returns: True if connection is performed correctly by device and
the adapter also enters connection state.
False otherwise.
if not self._enter_command_mode(device):
return False
method_name = 'test_connection_by_device'
connection_by_device = False
adapter_address = self.bluetooth_facade.address
connection_by_device = device.ConnectToRemoteAddress(
except Exception as e:
logging.error('%s (device): %s', method_name, e)
logging.error('%s (device): unexpected error', method_name)
connection_seen_by_adapter = False
device_address = device.address
device_is_connected = self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_connected
condition=lambda: device_is_connected(device_address),
desc=('Waiting for connection from %s' % device_address))
connection_seen_by_adapter = True
# Although the connect may be complete, it can take a few
# seconds for the input device to be ready for use
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('%s (adapter): %s', method_name, e)
logging.error('%s (adapter): unexpected error', method_name)
self.results = {
'connection_by_device': connection_by_device,
'connection_seen_by_adapter': connection_seen_by_adapter}
return all(self.results.values())
@test_retry_and_log(True, messages_start=False, messages_stop=False)
def test_connection_by_device_only(self, device, adapter_address):
"""Test that the device could connect to adapter successfully.
This is a modified version of test_connection_by_device that only
communicates with the peer device and not the host (in case the host is
suspended for example).
@param device: the bluetooth peer device
@param adapter_address: address of the adapter
@returns: True if the connection was established by the device or False.
connected = device.ConnectToRemoteAddress(adapter_address)
if connected:
# Although the connect may be complete, it can take a few
# seconds for the input device to be ready for use
self.results = {
'connection_by_device': connected
return all(self.results.values())
def test_disconnection_by_device(self, device):
"""Test that the device could disconnect the adapter successfully.
This emulates the behavior that a device may initiate a
disconnection request before going into power saving mode.
Note: should not try to enter command mode in this method. When
a device is connected, there is no way to enter command mode.
One could just issue a special disconnect command without
entering command mode.
@param device: the bluetooth HID device
@returns: True if disconnection is performed correctly by device and
the adapter also observes the disconnection.
False otherwise.
method_name = 'test_disconnection_by_device'
disconnection_by_device = False
disconnection_by_device = True
except Exception as e:
logging.error('%s (device): %s', method_name, e)
logging.error('%s (device): unexpected error', method_name)
disconnection_seen_by_adapter = False
device_address = device.address
device_is_connected = self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_connected
condition=lambda: not device_is_connected(device_address),
desc=('Waiting for disconnection from %s' % device_address))
disconnection_seen_by_adapter = True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('%s (adapter): %s', method_name, e)
logging.error('%s (adapter): unexpected error', method_name)
self.results = {
'disconnection_by_device': disconnection_by_device,
'disconnection_seen_by_adapter': disconnection_seen_by_adapter}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_device_is_connected(self, device_address):
"""Test that device address given is currently connected.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@returns: True if the device is connected.
False otherwise.
def _is_connected():
"""Test if device is connected.
@returns: True if device is connected. False otherwise.
return self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_connected(device_address)
method_name = 'test_device_is_connected'
has_device = False
connected = False
if self.bluetooth_facade.has_device(device_address):
has_device = True
desc='Waiting to check connection to %s' %
connected = True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', method_name, e)
logging.error('%s: unexpected error', method_name)
self.results = {'has_device': has_device, 'connected': connected}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_device_is_not_connected(self, device_address):
"""Test that device address given is NOT currently connected.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@returns: True if the device is NOT connected.
False otherwise.
def _is_not_connected():
"""Test if device is not connected.
@returns: True if device is not connected. False otherwise.
return not self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_connected(
method_name = 'test_device_is_not_connected'
not_connected = False
if self.bluetooth_facade.has_device(device_address):
desc='Waiting to check connection to %s' %
not_connected = True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', method_name, e)
logging.error('%s: unexpected error', method_name)
not_connected = True
self.results = {'not_connected': not_connected}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_device_is_paired(self, device_address):
"""Test that the device address given is currently paired.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@returns: True if the device is paired.
False otherwise.
def _is_paired():
"""Test if device is paired.
@returns: True if device is paired. False otherwise.
return self.bluetooth_facade.device_is_paired(device_address)
method_name = 'test_device_is_paired'
has_device = False
paired = False
if self.bluetooth_facade.has_device(device_address):
has_device = True
desc='Waiting for connection to %s' % device_address)
paired = True
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('%s: %s', method_name, e)
logging.error('%s: unexpected error', method_name)
self.results = {'has_device': has_device, 'paired': paired}
return all(self.results.values())
def _get_device_name(self, device_address):
"""Get the device name.
@returns: True if the device name is derived. None otherwise.
self.discovered_device_name = self.bluetooth_facade.get_device_property(
device_address, 'Name')
return bool(self.discovered_device_name)
def test_device_name(self, device_address, expected_device_name):
"""Test that the device name discovered by the adapter is correct.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@param expected_device_name: the bluetooth device name
@returns: True if the discovered_device_name is expected_device_name.
False otherwise.
condition=lambda: self._get_device_name(device_address),
desc='Waiting for device name of %s' % device_address)
except utils.TimeoutError as e:
logging.error('test_device_name: %s', e)
logging.error('test_device_name: unexpected error')
self.results = {
'expected_device_name': expected_device_name,
'discovered_device_name': self.discovered_device_name}
return self.discovered_device_name == expected_device_name
def test_device_class_of_service(self, device_address,
"""Test that the discovered device class of service is as expected.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@param expected_class_of_service: the expected class of service
@returns: True if the discovered class of service matches the
expected class of service. False otherwise.
device_class = self.bluetooth_facade.get_device_property(device_address,
discovered_class_of_service = (device_class & self.CLASS_OF_SERVICE_MASK
if device_class else None)
self.results = {
'device_class': device_class,
'expected_class_of_service': expected_class_of_service,
'discovered_class_of_service': discovered_class_of_service}
return discovered_class_of_service == expected_class_of_service
def test_device_class_of_device(self, device_address,
"""Test that the discovered device class of device is as expected.
@param device_address: Address of the device.
@param expected_class_of_device: the expected class of device
@returns: True if the discovered class of device matches the
expected class of device. False otherwise.
device_class = self.bluetooth_facade.get_device_property(device_address,
discovered_class_of_device = (device_class & self.CLASS_OF_DEVICE_MASK
if device_class else None)
self.results = {
'device_class': device_class,
'expected_class_of_device': expected_class_of_device,
'discovered_class_of_device': discovered_class_of_device}
return discovered_class_of_device == expected_class_of_device
def _get_btmon_log(self, method, logging_timespan=1):
"""Capture the btmon log when executing the specified method.
@param method: the method to capture log.
The method would be executed only when it is not None.
This allows us to simply capture btmon log without
executing any command.
@param logging_timespan: capture btmon log for logging_timespan seconds.
self.advertising_msg = method() if method else ''
def convert_to_adv_jiffies(self, adv_interval_ms):
"""Convert adv interval in ms to jiffies, i.e., multiples of 0.625 ms.
@param adv_interval_ms: an advertising interval
@returns: the equivalent jiffies
return adv_interval_ms / self.ADVERTISING_INTERVAL_UNIT
def compute_duration(self, max_adv_interval_ms):
"""Compute duration from max_adv_interval_ms.
Advertising duration is calculated approximately as
duration = max_adv_interval_ms / 1000.0 * 1.1
@param max_adv_interval_ms: max advertising interval in milliseconds.
@returns: duration in seconds.
return max_adv_interval_ms / 1000.0 * 1.1
def compute_logging_timespan(self, max_adv_interval_ms):
"""Compute the logging timespan from max_adv_interval_ms.
The logging timespan is the time needed to record btmon log.
@param max_adv_interval_ms: max advertising interval in milliseconds.
@returns: logging_timespan in seconds.
duration = self.compute_duration(max_adv_interval_ms)
logging_timespan = max(self.count_advertisements * duration, 1)
return logging_timespan
def test_check_duration_and_intervals(self, min_adv_interval_ms,
"""Verify that every advertisements are scheduled according to the
duration and intervals.
An advertisement would be scheduled at the time span of
duration * number_advertisements
@param min_adv_interval_ms: min advertising interval in milliseconds.
@param max_adv_interval_ms: max advertising interval in milliseconds.
@param number_advertisements: the number of existing advertisements
@returns: True if all advertisements are scheduled based on the
duration and intervals.
def within_tolerance(expected, actual, max_error=0.1):
"""Determine if the percent error is within specified tolerance.
@param expected: The expected value.
@param actual: The actual (measured) value.
@param max_error: The maximum percent error acceptable.
@returns: True if the percent error is less than or equal to
return abs(expected - actual) / abs(expected) <= max_error
start_str = 'Set Advertising Intervals:'
search_strings = ['HCI Command: LE Set Advertising Data', 'Company']
search_str = '|'.join(search_strings)
contents = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_get(search_str=search_str,
# Company string looks like
# Company: not assigned (65283)
company_pattern = re.compile('Company:.*\((\d*)\)')
# The string with timestamp looks like
# < HCI Command: LE Set Advertising Data (0x08|0x0008) [hci0] 3.799236
set_adv_time_str = 'LE Set Advertising Data.*\[hci\d\].*(\d+\.\d+)'
set_adv_time_pattern = re.compile(set_adv_time_str)
adv_timestamps = {}
timestamp = None
manufacturer_id = None
for line in contents:
result =
if result:
timestamp = float(
result =
if result:
manufacturer_id = '0x%04x' % int(
if timestamp and manufacturer_id:
if manufacturer_id not in adv_timestamps:
adv_timestamps[manufacturer_id] = []
timestamp = None
manufacturer_id = None
duration = self.compute_duration(max_adv_interval_ms)
expected_timespan = duration * number_advertisements
check_duration = True
for manufacturer_id, values in six.iteritems(adv_timestamps):
logging.debug('manufacturer_id %s: %s', manufacturer_id, values)
timespans = [values[i] - values[i - 1]
for i in range(1, len(values))]
errors = [timespans[i] for i in range(len(timespans))
if not within_tolerance(expected_timespan, timespans[i])]
logging.debug('timespans: %s', timespans)
logging.debug('errors: %s', errors)
if bool(errors):
check_duration = False
# Verify that the advertising intervals are also correct.
min_adv_interval_ms_found, max_adv_interval_ms_found = (
self.results = {
'check_duration': check_duration,
'max_adv_interval_ms_found': max_adv_interval_ms_found,
'max_adv_interval_ms_found': max_adv_interval_ms_found,
return all(self.results.values())
def _get_min_max_intervals_strings(self, min_adv_interval_ms,
"""Get the min and max advertising intervals strings shown in btmon.
Advertising intervals shown in the btmon log look like
Min advertising interval: 1280.000 msec (0x0800)
Max advertising interval: 1280.000 msec (0x0800)
@param min_adv_interval_ms: min advertising interval in milliseconds.
@param max_adv_interval_ms: max advertising interval in milliseconds.
@returns: the min and max intervals strings.
min_str = ('Min advertising interval: %.3f msec (0x%04x)' %
min_adv_interval_ms / self.ADVERTISING_INTERVAL_UNIT))
logging.debug('min_adv_interval_ms: %s', min_str)
max_str = ('Max advertising interval: %.3f msec (0x%04x)' %
max_adv_interval_ms / self.ADVERTISING_INTERVAL_UNIT))
logging.debug('max_adv_interval_ms: %s', max_str)
return (min_str, max_str)
def _verify_advertising_intervals(self, min_adv_interval_ms,
"""Verify min and max advertising intervals.
Advertising intervals look like
Min advertising interval: 1280.000 msec (0x0800)
Max advertising interval: 1280.000 msec (0x0800)
@param min_adv_interval_ms: min advertising interval in milliseconds.
@param max_adv_interval_ms: max advertising interval in milliseconds.
@returns: a tuple of (True, True) if both min and max advertising
intervals could be found. Otherwise, the corresponding element
in the tuple if False.
min_str, max_str = self._get_min_max_intervals_strings(
min_adv_interval_ms, max_adv_interval_ms)
min_adv_interval_ms_found = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(min_str)
max_adv_interval_ms_found = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(max_str)
return min_adv_interval_ms_found, max_adv_interval_ms_found
def _verify_scan_response_data(self, adv_data):
"""Verify advertisement's scan response data is correct
Unlike the other fixed advertising fields, Scan Response Data is set
in a tag-value data format. This function helps verify the data format
for specific tag values to ensure scan response was propagated correctly
@param adv_data: Dictionary defining advertising fields to be registered
with bluetoothd daemon's RegisterAdvertisement interface
@returns: True if all Registered Scan Response tags were located in
btmon trace, False otherwise
scan_rsp = adv_data.get('ScanResponseData')
if not scan_rsp:
return True
for tag, data in scan_rsp.items():
# Validate 16 bit Service Data tag
if int(tag, 16) == 0x16:
# First two bytes of data are endian-corrected UUID, followed
# by service data
uuid = '%x%x' % (data[1], data[0])
data_str = ''.join(
['%02x' % data[i] for i in range(2, len(data))])
# Service data has the following format in btmon trace:
# Service Data (UUID 0xfef3): 01020304
search_str = 'Service Data (UUID 0x{}): {}'.format(
uuid, data_str)
# Fail if data can't be located in btmon trace
if not self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(search_str):
return False
return True
def test_advertising_flags(self, flag_strs=[]):
"""Verify that advertising flags are set in registered advertisement
Each flag has a specific descriptor that appears in btmon trace. This
simple checker validates that the desired flag descriptors appear in
btmon trace when the advertisement was registered.
@param flag_strs: Flag string descriptors expected in btmon trace
#returns: True if all flag descriptors were located, False otherwise
for flag_str in flag_strs:
if not self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(flag_str):
'Flag descriptor not located: {}'.format(flag_str))
return False
return True
def ext_adv_enabled(self):
""" Check if platform supports extended advertising
@returns True if extended advertising is supported, else False
platform = self.get_base_platform_name()
return platform in EXT_ADV_MODELS
def test_register_advertisement(self, advertisement_data, instance_id,
min_adv_interval_ms, max_adv_interval_ms):
"""Verify that an advertisement is registered correctly.
This test verifies the following data:
- advertisement added
- manufacturer data
- service UUIDs
- service data
- advertising intervals
- advertising enabled
@param advertisement_data: the data of an advertisement to register.
@param instance_id: the instance id which starts at 1.
@param min_adv_interval_ms: min_adv_interval in milliseconds.
@param max_adv_interval_ms: max_adv_interval in milliseconds.
@returns: True if the advertisement is registered correctly.
False otherwise.
# When registering a new advertisement, it is possible that another
# instance is advertising. It may need to wait for all other
# advertisements to complete advertising once.
self.count_advertisements += 1
logging_timespan = self.compute_logging_timespan(max_adv_interval_ms)
lambda: self.bluetooth_le_facade.register_advertisement(
# Verify that a new advertisement is added.
advertisement_added = (
self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find('Advertising Added') and
self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find('Instance: %d' %
# Verify that the manufacturer data could be found.
manufacturer_data = advertisement_data.get('ManufacturerData', '')
manufacturer_data_found = True
for manufacturer_id in manufacturer_data:
# The 'not assigned' text below means the manufacturer id
# is not actually assigned to any real manufacturer.
# For real 16-bit manufacturer UUIDs, refer to
manufacturer_data_found = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(
'Company: not assigned (%d)' % int(manufacturer_id, 16))
# Verify that all service UUIDs could be found.
service_uuids_found = True
for uuid in advertisement_data.get('ServiceUUIDs', []):
# Service UUIDs looks like ['0x180D', '0x180F']
# Heart Rate (0x180D)
# Battery Service (0x180F)
# For actual 16-bit service UUIDs, refer to
if not self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find('0x%s' % uuid):
service_uuids_found = False
# Verify service data.
service_data_found = True
for uuid, data in advertisement_data.get('ServiceData', {}).items():
# A service data looks like
# Service Data (UUID 0x9999): 0001020304
# while uuid is '9999' and data is [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]
data_str = ''.join(['%02x' % n for n in data])
if not self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(
'Service Data (UUID 0x%s): %s' % (uuid, data_str)):
service_data_found = False
# Broadcast advertisements are overwritten in some kernel versions to
# be more aggressive. Verify that the advertising intervals are correct
# if this mode is not used
if advertisement_data.get('Type') != 'broadcast':
min_adv_interval_ms_found, max_adv_interval_ms_found = (
min_adv_interval_ms_found = True
max_adv_interval_ms_found = True
scan_rsp_correct = self._verify_scan_response_data(advertisement_data)
# Verify advertising is enabled.
advertising_enabled = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(
'Advertising: Enabled (0x01)')
self.results = {
'advertisement_added': advertisement_added,
'manufacturer_data_found': manufacturer_data_found,
'service_uuids_found': service_uuids_found,
'service_data_found': service_data_found,
'min_adv_interval_ms_found': min_adv_interval_ms_found,
'max_adv_interval_ms_found': max_adv_interval_ms_found,
'scan_rsp_correct': scan_rsp_correct,
'advertising_enabled': advertising_enabled,
return all(self.results.values())
def test_fail_to_register_advertisement(self, advertisement_data,
"""Verify that failure is incurred when max advertisements are reached.
This test verifies that a registration failure is incurred when
max advertisements are reached. The error message looks like:
org.bluez.Error.Failed: Maximum advertisements reached
@param advertisement_data: the advertisement to register.
@param min_adv_interval_ms: min_adv_interval in milliseconds.
@param max_adv_interval_ms: max_adv_interval in milliseconds.
@returns: True if the error message is received correctly.
False otherwise.
logging_timespan = self.compute_logging_timespan(max_adv_interval_ms)
lambda: self.bluetooth_le_facade.register_advertisement(
# Verify that it failed to register advertisement due to the fact
# that max advertisements are reached.
failed_to_register_error = (self.ERROR_FAILED_TO_REGISTER_ADVERTISEMENT
in self.advertising_msg)
# Verify that no new advertisement is added.
advertisement_not_added = not self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(
'Advertising Added:')
self.results = {
'failed_to_register_error': failed_to_register_error,
'advertisement_not_added': advertisement_not_added,
# If the registration fails and extended advertising is available,
# there will be no events in btmon. Therefore, we only run this part of
# the test if extended advertising is not available, indicating that
# software advertisement rotation is being used.
if not self.ext_adv_enabled():
# Verify that the advertising intervals are correct.
min_adv_interval_ms_found, max_adv_interval_ms_found = (
# Verify advertising remains enabled.
advertising_enabled = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(
'Advertising: Enabled (0x01)')
'min_adv_interval_ms_found': min_adv_interval_ms_found,
'max_adv_interval_ms_found': max_adv_interval_ms_found,
'advertising_enabled': advertising_enabled,
return all(self.results.values())
def test_unregister_advertisement(self, advertisement_data, instance_id,
"""Verify that an advertisement is unregistered correctly.
This test verifies the following data:
- advertisement removed
- advertising status: enabled if there are advertisements left;
disabled otherwise.
@param advertisement_data: the data of an advertisement to unregister.
@param instance_id: the instance id of the advertisement to remove.
@param advertising_disabled: is advertising disabled? This happens
only when all advertisements are removed.
@returns: True if the advertisement is unregistered correctly.
False otherwise.
self.count_advertisements -= 1
lambda: self.bluetooth_le_facade.unregister_advertisement(
# Verify that the advertisement is removed.
advertisement_removed = (
self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find('Advertising Removed') and
self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find('Instance: %d' %
# If advertising_disabled is True, there should be no log like
# 'Advertising: Enabled (0x01)'
# If advertising_disabled is False, there should be log like
# 'Advertising: Enabled (0x01)'
# Only need to check advertising status when the last advertisement
# is removed. For any other advertisements prior to the last one,
# we may or may not observe 'Advertising: Enabled (0x01)' message.
# Hence, the test would become flaky if we insist to see that message.
# A possible workaround is to sleep for a while and then check the
# message. The drawback is that we may need to wait up to 10 seconds
# if the advertising duration and intervals are long.
# In a test case, we always run test_check_duration_and_intervals()
# to check if advertising duration and intervals are correct after
# un-registering one or all advertisements, it is safe to do so.
advertising_enabled_found = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(
'Advertising: Enabled (0x01)')
advertising_disabled_found = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(
'Advertising: Disabled (0x00)')
advertising_status_correct = not advertising_disabled or (
advertising_disabled_found and not advertising_enabled_found)
self.results = {
'advertisement_removed': advertisement_removed,
'advertising_status_correct': advertising_status_correct,
return all(self.results.values())
def test_set_advertising_intervals(self, min_adv_interval_ms,
"""Verify that new advertising intervals are set correctly.
Note that setting advertising intervals does not enable/disable
advertising. Hence, there is no need to check the advertising
@param min_adv_interval_ms: the min advertising interval in ms.
@param max_adv_interval_ms: the max advertising interval in ms.
@returns: True if the new advertising intervals are correct.
False otherwise.
lambda: self.bluetooth_le_facade.set_advertising_intervals(
min_adv_interval_ms, max_adv_interval_ms))
# Verify the new advertising intervals.
# With intervals of 200 ms and 200 ms, the log looks like
# bluetoothd: Set Advertising Intervals: 0x0140, 0x0140
txt = 'bluetoothd: Set Advertising Intervals: 0x%04x, 0x%04x'
adv_intervals_found = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_find(
txt % (self.convert_to_adv_jiffies(min_adv_interval_ms),
self.results = {'adv_intervals_found': adv_intervals_found}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_fail_to_set_advertising_intervals(
self, invalid_min_adv_interval_ms, invalid_max_adv_interval_ms,
orig_min_adv_interval_ms, orig_max_adv_interval_ms):
"""Verify that setting invalid advertising intervals results in error.
If invalid min/max advertising intervals are given, it would incur
the error: 'org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments: Invalid arguments'.
Note that valid advertising intervals fall between 20 ms and 10,240 ms.
@param invalid_min_adv_interval_ms: the invalid min advertising interval
in ms.
@param invalid_max_adv_interval_ms: the invalid max advertising interval
in ms.
@param orig_min_adv_interval_ms: the original min advertising interval
in ms.
@param orig_max_adv_interval_ms: the original max advertising interval
in ms.
@returns: True if it fails to set invalid advertising intervals.
False otherwise.
lambda: self.bluetooth_le_facade.set_advertising_intervals(
# Verify that the invalid error is observed in the dbus error callback
# message.
invalid_intervals_error = (self.ERROR_INVALID_ADVERTISING_INTERVALS in
# Verify that the min/max advertising intervals remain the same
# after setting the invalid advertising intervals.
# In btmon log, we would see the following message first.
# bluetoothd: Set Advertising Intervals: 0x0010, 0x0010
# And then, we should check if "Min advertising interval" and
# "Max advertising interval" remain the same.
start_str = 'bluetoothd: Set Advertising Intervals: 0x%04x, 0x%04x' % (
search_strings = ['Min advertising interval:',
'Max advertising interval:']
search_str = '|'.join(search_strings)
contents = self.bluetooth_le_facade.btmon_get(search_str=search_str,
# The min/max advertising intervals of all advertisements should remain
# the same as the previous valid ones.
min_max_str = '[Min|Max] advertising interval: (\d*\.\d*) msec'
min_max_pattern = re.compile(min_max_str)
correct_orig_min_adv_interval = True
correct_orig_max_adv_interval = True
for line in contents:
result =
if result:
interval = float(
if 'Min' in line and interval != orig_min_adv_interval_ms:
correct_orig_min_adv_interval = False
elif 'Max' in line and interval != orig_max_adv_interval_ms:
correct_orig_max_adv_interval = False
self.results = {
'invalid_intervals_error': invalid_intervals_error,
'correct_orig_min_adv_interval': correct_orig_min_adv_interval,
'correct_orig_max_adv_interval': correct_orig_max_adv_interval}
return all(self.results.values())
def test_check_advertising_intervals(self, min_adv_interval_ms,
"""Verify that the advertising intervals are as expected.
@param min_adv_interval_ms: the min advertising interval in ms.
@param max_adv_interval_ms: the max advertising interval in ms.
@returns: True if the advertising intervals are correct.
False otherwise.
# Verify that the advertising intervals are correct.
min_adv_interval_ms_found, max_adv_interval_ms_found = (
self.results = {
'min_adv_interval_ms_found': min_adv_interval_ms_found,
'max_adv_interval_ms_found': max_adv_interval_ms_found,
return all(self.results.values())
def test_reset_advertising(self, instance_ids=[]):
"""Verify that advertising is reset correctly.
Note that reset advertising would set advertising intervals to
the default values. However, we would not be able to observe
the values change until new advertisements are registered.
Therefore, it is required that a test_register_advertisement()
test is conducted after this test.
If instance_ids is [], all advertisements would still be removed
if there are any. However, no need to check 'Advertising Removed'
in btmon log since we may or may not be able to observe the message.
This feature is needed if this test is invoked as the first one in
a test case to reset advertising. In this situation, this test does
not know how many advertisements exist.