deploy: Check RPM configs of the DUT

Verify that RPM config provided properly.
Vreify that power-info provided properly by inventory and matched to the

TEST=run local deployment

./site_utils/deployment/prepare/ --results-dir /tr --hostname chromeos1-row4-rack4-host3 --host-info-file /tr/host_info_store/ run-pre-deploy-verification

./site_utils/deployment/prepare/ --results-dir /tr --hostname chromeos6-row18-rack14-host13 --host-info-file /tr/host_info_store/ run-pre-deploy-verification

Change-Id: I9da0b6c00c59f804152901836dd3d17eb2ecefd2
Tested-by: Otabek Kasimov <>
Reviewed-by: Garry Wang <>
Commit-Queue: Otabek Kasimov <>
diff --git a/site_utils/admin_audit/ b/site_utils/admin_audit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..782675e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site_utils/admin_audit/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Functional to validate RPM configs in the lab."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import logging
+import six
+import time
+import common
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+from autotest_lib.site_utils.rpm_control_system import rpm_client
+def _is_rpm_config_present(host):
+    """Check if RPM config data present.
+    @param host: any host with has host_info_store field
+    @raises: error.AutoservError if config present partially.
+    """
+    if not hasattr(host, 'host_info_store'):
+'Host:%s does not have host_info_store attribute',
+                     host.hostname)
+        return False
+    host_info = host.host_info_store.get()
+    powerunit_hostname = host_info.attributes.get('powerunit_hostname')
+    powerunit_outlet = host_info.attributes.get('powerunit_outlet')
+    powerunit_hasinfo = (bool(powerunit_hostname), bool(powerunit_outlet))
+    if powerunit_hasinfo == (True, True):
+        return True
+    elif powerunit_hasinfo == (False, False):
+        return False
+    else:
+        msg = "inconsistent power info: %s %s" % (powerunit_hostname,
+                                                  powerunit_outlet)
+        logging.error(msg)
+        raise error.AutoservError(msg)
+def _set_power_off(host, quite=False):
+    try:
+        rpm_client.set_power(host, "OFF")
+    except Exception as e:
+        # We do not want to leave RPM outlets in off state
+        _set_power_on(host, quite=True)
+        if not quite:
+            logging.debug('Fail to set state OFF for RPM; %s', str(e))
+            six.reraise(e.__class__, e)
+def _set_power_on(host, quite=False):
+    try:
+        rpm_client.set_power(host, "ON")
+    except Exception as e:
+        # We do not want to leave RPM outlets in off state
+        if not quite:
+            logging.debug('Fail to set state ON for RPM; %s', str(e))
+            six.reraise(e.__class__, e)
+def _check_rpm_power_delivery_with_battery(host):
+    """Verify RPM for device which has battery.
+    Verification based on check if device can charging.
+    @param host: any host with has host_info_store field
+    """
+    def validate_power_state(is_on, wait_time):
+        deadline = time.time() + wait_time
+        while time.time() < deadline:
+            if not host.is_up():
+                # DUT is not available by ssh will try again.
+                continue
+            power_info = host.get_power_supply_info()
+            try:
+                is_online = power_info['Line Power']['online'] == 'yes'
+                if is_on == is_online:
+                    break
+            except KeyError:
+                logging.debug('(Not critical) Fail check online power')
+            time.sleep(5)
+        else:
+            expected_state = 'ON' if is_on else 'OFF'
+            msg = "%s didn't enter %s state in %s seconds" % (
+                    host.hostname,
+                    expected_state,
+                    wait_time,
+            )
+            raise Exception(msg)
+"Cutting down wall power for %s...", host.hostname)
+    _set_power_off(host)
+    validate_power_state(False, host.WAIT_DOWN_REBOOT_TIMEOUT)
+"Re-enable wall power for %s...", host.hostname)
+    _set_power_on(host)
+    validate_power_state(True, host.BOOT_TIMEOUT)
+"RPM Check Successful")
+def _check_rpm_power_delivery_without_battery(host):
+    """Verify RPM for device which has battery.
+    Verification based on check if device online or offline.
+    @param host: any host with has host_info_store field
+    """
+"Cutting down wall power for %s...", host.hostname)
+    _set_power_off(host)
+    if not host.wait_down(timeout=host.WAIT_DOWN_REBOOT_TIMEOUT):
+        msg = "%s didn't enter OFF state in %s seconds" % (
+                host.hostname,
+                host.WAIT_DOWN_REBOOT_TIMEOUT,
+        )
+        raise Exception(msg)
+"Re-enable wall power for %s...", host.hostname)
+    _set_power_on(host)
+    if not host.wait_up(timeout=host.BOOT_TIMEOUT):
+        msg = "%s didn't enter ON state in %s seconds" % (
+                host.hostname,
+                host.BOOT_TIMEOUT,
+        )
+        raise Exception(msg)
+def verify_unsafe(host):
+    """Verify that we can power cycle a host with its RPM information.
+    Any host without RPM information will be safely skipped.
+    This procedure is intended to catch inaccurate RPM info when the
+    host is deployed.
+    @param host: any host with has host_info_store field
+    @raises: error.AutoservError if config present partially or wrong.
+             error.AutoservError if device does not specify power label.
+             error.AutoservError if device has mismatch between host-info
+                                and device.
+    """
+"Start RPM check for: %s", host.hostname)
+    try:
+        if not _is_rpm_config_present(host):
+  "RPM config is not present. Skipping check.")
+            return
+        # Deploy is working only for device in the lab so we can trust that
+        # host-info will be present.
+        power_info = host.host_info_store.get().get_label_value('power')
+        if not power_info:
+            raise error.AutoservError(
+                    'Could not detect power-info in host-info. The information'
+                    ' has to be provided by manufacture configs. Please file'
+                    ' the bug agains Fleet Inventory')
+        has_battery = power_info == 'battery'
+        # Verify host-info against manufactory configs
+        try:
+            info = host.get_power_supply_info()
+        except:
+            raise error.AutoservError('Could not detect power supply info')
+        if 'Battery' in info:
+            if not has_battery:
+                raise error.AutoservError(
+                        'Unexpected detected battery on the device')
+        elif has_battery:
+            raise error.AutoservError(
+                    'Battery is not detected on the device. But expected')
+        if has_battery:
+            _check_rpm_power_delivery_with_battery(host)
+        else:
+            _check_rpm_power_delivery_without_battery(host)
+    except Exception as e:
+        logging.debug('(Not critical) %s', e)
+        msg = getattr(e, 'message') if hasattr(e, 'message') else str(e)
+'RPM check fails! %s', msg)
+        six.reraise(error.AutoservError, e)
+    else:
+"The host passed RPM config check!")
diff --git a/site_utils/deployment/prepare/ b/site_utils/deployment/prepare/
index 46ff993..cd2676b 100755
--- a/site_utils/deployment/prepare/
+++ b/site_utils/deployment/prepare/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from autotest_lib.server.hosts import file_store
 from autotest_lib.site_utils.deployment.prepare import dut as preparedut
 from autotest_lib.server.hosts import factory
+from autotest_lib.site_utils.admin_audit import rpm_validator
 RETURN_CODES = autotest_enum.AutotestEnum(
@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@
+                    rpm_validator.verify_unsafe(host)
             except Exception as err:
                 logging.error("fail on pre-deploy verification: %s", err)