blob: 5e48b78fe8a3abd6b55211bd29ff569cb73011c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This test run is designed to check that we roam successfully when signal
# strength varies.
{ "name":"MultiSwitch",
[ "create", { "type":"hostap" } ],
[ "config", { "channel":"2412", "mode":"11g", "pureg":None } ],
# TODO(pstew): This is a very arbitrary limit based on the testbed
# characteristics (expected signal and noise, as well as the range
# of transmit power from the AP). We set the threshold here so that
# when we vary the transmit power on the AP, we will receive a
# "low signal" alert on the DUT.
[ "bgscan_set", { "signal":"-40" }],
# Connect to the first AP.
[ "connect", { "security":"none" } ],
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10" } ],
# Once the connection is up, restore the profile values to flimflam default
[ "bgscan_set", { "signal":"default" }],
# Create a second AP at the same time on the 5GHz radio, Channel 48
[ "config", { "channel":"5240", "ht40-":None, "puren":None,
"multi_interface":None } ],
# Drop the transmit power of the first AP
[ "set_txpower", { "power":"fixed 0" } ],
# Instead of explicitly connecting, just wait to see if the DUT
# re-connects by itself
[ "wait_service", { "run_timeout":40, # Timeout connection in 20 seconds
"debug":True, # Print out all state transitions
(None, '+ready') # Wait for the "current AP" (as
] } ], # read off the AP)
# service to transition to "ready"
[ "client_ping", { "count":"10" } ],
# Return AP to auto transmit power
[ "set_txpower", { "power":"auto" } ],
[ "destroy" ],