blob: 3d32cb2a82d98cf273f54eb90c3ec6237792b387 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copy this file to unittests.cfg and edit it.
# Define the objects we'll be using
vms = vm1
# Choose the main VM
main_vm = vm1
# Some preprocessor/postprocessor params
start_vm = yes
kill_vm = yes
kill_vm_gracefully = no
# Monitor
monitors = humanmonitor1
main_monitor = humanmonitor1
monitor_type = human
# Screendump specific stuff
convert_ppm_files_to_png_on_error = yes
#keep_ppm_files = yes
#keep_ppm_files_on_error = yes
take_regular_screendumps = yes
keep_screendumps_on_error = yes
screendump_delay = 5
screendump_quality = 30
screendump_temp_dir = /dev/shm
# Some default VM params
qemu_binary = qemu
qemu_img_binary = qemu-img
mem = 512
display = vnc
# Default scheduler params
used_cpus = 1
used_mem = 512
# NIC parameters
run_tcpdump = no
# Misc
run_kvm_stat = yes
# Tests
- build:
type = build
vms = ''
start_vm = no
# Load modules built/installed by the build test?
load_modules = no
# Save the results of this build on test.resultsdir?
save_results = no
- git:
mode = git
user_git_repo = git://
user_branch = next
user_lbranch = next
test_git_repo = git://
- unittest:
type = unittest
vms = ''
start_vm = no
unittest_timeout = 600
testdev = yes
extra_params += " -S"
# In case you want to execute only a subset of the tests defined on the
# unittests.cfg file on qemu-kvm, uncomment and edit test_list
#test_list = idt_test hypercall vmexit realmode
only build.git unittest