blob: 2a3b0608e0e24844ebe3094443390757e9a47881 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "main.h"
namespace glbench {
class TestBase;
// Runs test->TestFunc() passing it sequential powers of two (8, 16, 32,...)
// recording time it took. The data is then fitted linearly, obtaining slope
// and bias such that:
// time it took to run x iterations = slope * x + bias
// Returns false if one iteration of the test takes longer than
// MAX_ITERATION_LENGTH_MS. The test is then assumed too slow to provide
// meaningful results.
bool Bench(TestBase* test, float *slope, int64_t *bias);
// Runs Bench on an instance of TestBase and prints out results.
// coefficient is multiplied (if inverse is false) or divided (if inverse is
// true) by the slope and the result is printed.
// Examples:
// coefficient = width * height (measured in pixels), inverse = true
// returns the throughput in megapixels per second;
// coefficient = 1, inverse = false
// returns number of operations per second.
void RunTest(TestBase* test, const char *name, float coefficient, bool inverse);
class TestBase {
virtual ~TestBase() {}
// Runs the test case n times.
virtual bool TestFunc(int n) = 0;
// Main entry point into the test.
virtual bool Run() = 0;
virtual const char* Name() const = 0;
// Helper class to time glDrawArrays.
class DrawArraysTestFunc : public TestBase {
virtual ~DrawArraysTestFunc() {}
virtual bool TestFunc(int);
// Runs the test and reports results in mpixels per second, assuming each
// iteration updates the whole window (its size is g_width by g_height).
void FillRateTestNormal(const char* name);
// Runs the test and reports results in mpixels per second, assuming each
// iteration updates a window of width by height pixels.
void FillRateTestNormalSubWindow(const char* name, float width, float height);
// Runs the test three times: with blending on; with depth test enabled and
// depth function of GL_NOTEQUAL; with depth function GL_NEVER. Results are
// reported as in FillRateTestNormal.
void FillRateTestBlendDepth(const char *name);
// Helper class to time glDrawElements.
class DrawElementsTestFunc : public TestBase {
DrawElementsTestFunc() : count_(0) {}
virtual ~DrawElementsTestFunc() {}
virtual bool TestFunc(int);
// Passed to glDrawElements.
GLsizei count_;
} // namespace glbench