blob: 6d4b92df2faac7ccf9075f6badcde62913dd802e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Utility functions used for PKCS#11 library testing.
import logging, os, re, stat, pwd, grp
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants
CRYPTOHOME_CMD = '/usr/sbin/cryptohome'
PKCS11_DIR = '/var/lib/opencryptoki'
PKCS11_TOOL = '/usr/bin/pkcs11-tool --module %s %s'
USER_TOKEN_NAME = 'User-Specific TPM Token'
USER_TOKEN_DIR= '/home/chronos/user/.tpm'
def __run_cmd(cmd, ignore_status=False):
return utils.system_output(cmd + ' 2>&1', retain_output=True,
def __get_pkcs11_file_list():
"""Return string with PKCS#11 file paths and their associated metadata."""
find_args = '-printf "\'%p\', \'%u:%g\', 0%m\n"'
file_list_output = __run_cmd('find %s ' % PKCS11_DIR + find_args)
file_list_output += __run_cmd('find %s ' % USER_TOKEN_DIR + find_args)
return file_list_output
def ensure_initial_state():
"""Make sure we start an initial starting state for each sub-test.
This includes:
- ensuring pkcsslotd is not running, if it is, it is killed.
- ensuring chapsd is not running, if it is, it is killed.
- waiting for and ensuring that the tpm is already owned.
utils.system('pkill -TERM pkcsslotd', ignore_status=True)
utils.system('pkill -KILL pkcsslotd', ignore_status=True)
utils.system('pkill -TERM chapsd', ignore_status=True)
utils.system('pkill -KILL chapsd', ignore_status=True)
if os.path.exists(constants.PKCS11_INIT_MAGIC_FILE):
def init_pkcs11():
"""Request PKCS#11 initialization."""
cmd = (CRYPTOHOME_CMD + ' --action=pkcs11_init')
return __run_cmd(cmd)
def ensure_tpm_owned():
"""Request for and wait for the TPM to get owned."""
take_ownership_cmd = (CRYPTOHOME_CMD + ' --action=tpm_take_ownership')
wait_ownership_cmd = (CRYPTOHOME_CMD + ' --action=tpm_wait_ownership')
# Ignore errors if the TPM is not being in the process of being owned.
__run_cmd(wait_ownership_cmd, ignore_status=True)
def __verify_tokenname():
"""Verify that the TPM token name is correct."""
pkcs11_lib_path = '/usr/lib/'
if not os.path.exists(pkcs11_lib_path):
pkcs11_lib_path = '/usr/lib64/'
pkcs11_label_cmd = PKCS11_TOOL % (pkcs11_lib_path, '-L')
pkcs11_cmd_output = __run_cmd(pkcs11_label_cmd)
m ="token label:\s+(.*)\s*$", pkcs11_cmd_output,
if not m:
logging.error('Could not read PKCS#11 token label!')
return False
logging.error('Wrong or empty label on the PKCS#11 Token (Expected = %s'
', Got = %s', USER_TOKEN_NAME,
return False
return True
def __verify_nosensitive():
"""Verify no sensitive key files exist in the user's token directory."""
sensitive_key_files = ['PUBLIC_ROOT_KEY.PEM', 'PRIVATE_ROOT_KEY.PEM']
for f in sensitive_key_files:
if os.access(os.path.join(USER_TOKEN_DIR, f), os.F_OK):
logging.error('Found sensitive file: %s in %s', f,
return False
return True
def __verify_permissions():
"""Verify that the permissions on the initialized token dir are correct."""
# List of 3-tuples consisting of (path, user:group, octal permissions)
# Can be generated (for example), by:
# find /var/lib/opencryptoki -printf "'%p', '%u:%g', 0%m\n"
# for i in $paths; do echo \(\'$i\', $(stat --format="'%U:%G', 0%a" $i)\),;
# done
expected_permissions = [
('/var/lib/opencryptoki', 'root:pkcs11', 0770),
('/var/lib/opencryptoki/tpm', 'root:pkcs11', 0770),
('/var/lib/opencryptoki/tpm/ipsec', 'root:root', 0777),
('/var/lib/opencryptoki/tpm/chronos', 'root:root', 0777),
('/var/lib/opencryptoki/tpm/root', 'root:root', 0777),
('/var/lib/opencryptoki/pk_config_data', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0664),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0750),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0750),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/20000000', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/30000000', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/00000000', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/70000000', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/OBJ.IDX', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/10000000', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/60000000', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/50000000', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/TOK_OBJ/40000000', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0640),
('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/.isinitialized', 'chronos:pkcs11', 0644)]
# This file does not always have the same permissions. Sometimes it's
# 640, sometimes 660. I suspect there is a race condition as to whether
# the file exists when cryptohome sets recursive permissions.
#('/home/chronos/user/.tpm/NVTOK.DAT', 'root:pkcs11', 0660)
for item in expected_permissions:
path = item[0]
(user, group) = item[1].split(':')
perms = item[2]
stat_buf = os.lstat(path)
if not stat_buf:
logging.error('Could not stat %s while checking for permissions.',
return False
# Check ownership.
path_user = pwd.getpwuid(stat_buf.st_uid).pw_name
path_group = grp.getgrgid(stat_buf.st_gid).gr_name
if path_user != user or path_group != group:
logging.error('Ownership of %s does not match! Got = (%s, %s)'
', Expected = (%s, %s)', path, path_user, path_group,
user, group)
return False
# Check permissions.
path_perms = stat.S_IMODE(stat_buf.st_mode)
if path_perms != perms:
logging.error('Permissions for %s do not match! (Got = %s'
', Expected = %s)', path, oct(path_perms), oct(perms))
return False
return True
def __verify_symlinks():
"""Verify that symlinks are setup correctly from PKCS11_DIR."""
symlinks_src_list = ['tpm/chronos', 'tpm/ipsec', 'tpm/root']
symlink_dest = USER_TOKEN_DIR
for link in symlinks_src_list:
symlink_to_test = os.path.join(PKCS11_DIR, link)
if not stat.S_ISLNK(os.lstat(symlink_to_test).st_mode):
logging.error('%s is not a symbolic link!', symlink_to_test)
return False
if os.readlink(symlink_to_test) != symlink_dest:
logging.error('%s symlink does not point to %s', symlink_to_test,
return False
return True
def verify_pkcs11_initialized():
"""Check if the PKCS#11 token is initialized properly."""
verify_cmd = (CRYPTOHOME_CMD + ' --action=pkcs11_token_status')
verify_result = True
# Do additional sanity tests.
if not __verify_tokenname():
logging.error('Verification of token name failed!')
verify_result = False
if not __verify_nosensitive():
logging.error('PKCS#11 file list:\n%s', __get_pkcs11_file_list())
logging.error('Checking of leftover sensitive key files failed!')
verify_result = False
if not __verify_permissions():
logging.error('PKCS#11 file list:\n%s', __get_pkcs11_file_list())
'Verification of PKCS#11 subsystem and token permissions failed!')
verify_result = False
if not __verify_symlinks():
logging.error('Symlinks required by PKCS#11 were not correctly setup!')
verify_result = False
return verify_result
def is_chaps_enabled():
"""Check if the Chaps PKCS #11 implementation is enabled."""
enabled_magic_file = '/home/chronos/.enable_chaps'
return os.path.exists(enabled_magic_file)