blob: cd070a6d5e84e055ff351cf7b29a02c0c7e229ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <brillo/dbus/dbus_method_response.h>
#include <cryptohome/proto_bindings/rpc.pb.h>
#include <cryptohome-client/cryptohome/dbus-proxies.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include <u2f/proto_bindings/u2f_interface.pb.h>
#include "u2fd/allowlisting_util.h"
#include "u2fd/tpm_vendor_cmd.h"
#include "u2fd/u2f_mode.h"
#include "u2fd/user_state.h"
#include "u2fd/webauthn_storage.h"
namespace u2f {
using MakeCredentialMethodResponse =
using GetAssertionMethodResponse =
using IsUvpaaMethodResponse =
using ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
struct MakeCredentialSession {
bool empty() { return !response; }
uint64_t session_id;
MakeCredentialRequest request;
std::unique_ptr<MakeCredentialMethodResponse> response;
bool canceled = false;
struct GetAssertionSession {
bool empty() { return !response; }
uint64_t session_id;
GetAssertionRequest request;
// The credential_id to send to the TPM. May be a resident credential.
std::string credential_id;
std::unique_ptr<GetAssertionMethodResponse> response;
bool canceled = false;
struct MatchedCredentials {
std::vector<std::string> platform_credentials;
std::vector<std::string> legacy_credentials_for_rp_id;
std::vector<std::string> legacy_credentials_for_app_id;
bool has_internal_error = false;
enum class PresenceRequirement {
kNone, // Does not require presence. Used only after user-verification in
// MakeCredential.
kPowerButton, // Requires a power button press as indication of presence.
kFingerprint, // Requires the GPIO line from fingerprint MCU to be active.
kAuthorizationSecret, // Requires the correct authorization secret.
// Implementation of the WebAuthn DBus API.
// More detailed documentation is available in u2f_interface.proto
class WebAuthnHandler {
// Initializes WebAuthnHandler.
// |bus| - DBus pointer.
// |tpm_proxy| - proxy to send commands to TPM. Owned by U2fDaemon and should
// outlive WebAuthnHandler.
// |user_state| - pointer to a UserState instance, for requesting user secret.
// Owned by U2fDaemon and should outlive WebAuthnHandler.
// |u2f_mode| - whether u2f or g2f is enabled.
// |request_presence| - callback for performing other platform tasks when
// expecting the user to press the power button.
// |allowlisting_util| - utility to append allowlisting data to g2f certs.
// |metrics| pointer to metrics library object.
void Initialize(dbus::Bus* bus,
TpmVendorCommandProxy* tpm_proxy,
UserState* user_state,
U2fMode u2f_mode,
std::function<void()> request_presence,
std::unique_ptr<AllowlistingUtil> allowlisting_util,
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics);
// Called when session state changed. Loads/clears state for primary user.
void OnSessionStarted(const std::string& account_id);
void OnSessionStopped();
// Generates a new credential.
void MakeCredential(
std::unique_ptr<MakeCredentialMethodResponse> method_response,
const MakeCredentialRequest& request);
// Signs a challenge from the relaying party.
void GetAssertion(std::unique_ptr<GetAssertionMethodResponse> method_response,
const GetAssertionRequest& request);
// Tests validity and/or presence of specified credentials, including u2fhid
// credentials.
HasCredentialsResponse HasCredentials(const HasCredentialsRequest& request);
// Tests whether any credential were registered using the u2fhid (on either
// WebAuthn API or U2F API).
HasCredentialsResponse HasLegacyCredentials(
const HasCredentialsRequest& request);
// Dismisses user verification UI and abort the operation. This is expected to
// be called by the browser only in UV operations, because UP operations
// themselves will timeout after ~5 seconds.
CancelWebAuthnFlowResponse Cancel(const CancelWebAuthnFlowRequest& request);
// Checks whether user-verifying platform authenticator is available.
void IsUvpaa(std::unique_ptr<IsUvpaaMethodResponse> method_response,
const IsUvpaaRequest& request);
// Checks whether u2f is enabled (therefore power button mode is supported).
IsU2fEnabledResponse IsU2fEnabled(const IsU2fEnabledRequest& request);
void SetWebAuthnStorageForTesting(std::unique_ptr<WebAuthnStorage> storage);
void SetCryptohomeInterfaceProxyForTesting(
friend class WebAuthnHandlerTestBase;
friend class WebAuthnHandlerTestAllowUP;
bool Initialized();
// Fetches auth-time WebAuthn secret and keep the hash of it.
void GetWebAuthnSecretAsync(const std::string& account_id);
void OnGetWebAuthnSecretResp(const cryptohome::BaseReply& reply);
void OnGetWebAuthnSecretCallFailed(brillo::Error* error);
// Callbacks invoked when UI completes user verification flow.
void HandleUVFlowResultMakeCredential(dbus::Response* flow_response);
void HandleUVFlowResultGetAssertion(dbus::Response* flow_response);
// Proceeds to cr50 for the current MakeCredential request, and responds to
// the request with authenticator data.
// Called directly if the request is user-presence only.
// Called on user verification success if the request is user-verification.
void DoMakeCredential(struct MakeCredentialSession session,
PresenceRequirement presence_requirement);
// Find all matching credentials and return them in 3 categories (see struct
// MatchedCredentials definition). If a legacy credential matches both rp_id
// and app_id, it will only appear in "legacy_credentials_for_rp_id".
MatchedCredentials FindMatchedCredentials(
const RepeatedPtrField<std::string>& all_credentials,
const std::string& rp_id,
const std::string& app_id);
// Inserts the hash of auth-time secret into a versioned KH to form a
// WebAuthn credential id.
void InsertAuthTimeSecretHashToCredentialId(std::vector<uint8_t>* input);
// Removes the hash of auth-time secret into a credential id so that cr50
// receives the original versioned KH.
void RemoveAuthTimeSecretHashFromCredentialId(std::vector<uint8_t>* input);
// Proceeds to cr50 for the current GetAssertion request, and responds to
// the request with assertions.
// Called directly if the request is user-presence only.
// Called on user verification success if the request is user-verification.
void DoGetAssertion(struct GetAssertionSession session,
PresenceRequirement presence_requirement);
// Runs a U2F_GENERATE command to create a new key handle, and stores the key
// handle in |credential_id| and the public key in |credential_public_key|.
// The flag in the U2F_GENERATE command is set according to
// |presence_requirement|.
// |rp_id_hash| must be exactly 32 bytes.
MakeCredentialResponse::MakeCredentialStatus DoU2fGenerate(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& rp_id_hash,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& credential_secret,
PresenceRequirement presence_requirement,
bool uv_compatible,
std::vector<uint8_t>* credential_id,
std::vector<uint8_t>* credential_public_key);
// Repeatedly sends u2f_generate request to the TPM if there's no presence.
template <typename Response>
MakeCredentialResponse::MakeCredentialStatus SendU2fGenerateWaitForPresence(
struct u2f_generate_req* generate_req,
Response* generate_resp,
std::vector<uint8_t>* credential_id,
std::vector<uint8_t>* credential_public_key);
// Runs a U2F_SIGN command to check that credential_id is valid, and if so,
// sign |hash_to_sign| and store the signature in |signature|.
// The flag in the U2F_SIGN command is set according to
// |presence_requirement|.
// |rp_id_hash| must be exactly 32 bytes.
GetAssertionResponse::GetAssertionStatus DoU2fSign(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& rp_id_hash,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& hash_to_sign,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& credential_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& credential_secret,
PresenceRequirement presence_requirement,
std::vector<uint8_t>* signature);
// Repeatedly sends u2f_sign request to the TPM if there's no presence.
template <typename Request>
GetAssertionResponse::GetAssertionStatus SendU2fSignWaitForPresence(
Request* sign_req,
struct u2f_sign_resp* sign_resp,
std::vector<uint8_t>* signature);
// Runs a U2F_SIGN command with "check only" flag to check whether
// |credential_id| is a key handle owned by this device tied to |rp_id_hash|.
HasCredentialsResponse::HasCredentialsStatus DoU2fSignCheckOnly(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& rp_id_hash,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& credential_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& credential_secret);
// Run a U2F_ATTEST command to sign data using the cr50 individual attestation
// certificate.
MakeCredentialResponse::MakeCredentialStatus DoG2fAttest(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
uint8_t format,
std::vector<uint8_t>* signature_out);
// Prompts the user for presence through |request_presence_| and calls |fn|
// repeatedly until success or timeout.
void CallAndWaitForPresence(std::function<uint32_t()> fn, uint32_t* status);
// Creates and returns authenticator data. |include_attested_credential_data|
// should be set to true for MakeCredential, false for GetAssertion.
std::vector<uint8_t> MakeAuthenticatorData(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& rp_id_hash,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& credential_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& credential_public_key,
bool user_verified,
bool include_attested_credential_data);
// Appends a none attestation to |response|. Only used in MakeCredential.
void AppendNoneAttestation(MakeCredentialResponse* response);
// Creates and returns an U2F attestation statement for |data_to_sign|, or
// nullopt if attestation fails.
base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> MakeFidoU2fAttestationStatement(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data_to_sign,
const MakeCredentialRequest::AttestationConveyancePreference
// Runs U2F_SIGN command with "check only" flag on each excluded credential
// id. Returns true if one of them belongs to this device.
HasCredentialsResponse::HasCredentialsStatus HasExcludedCredentials(
const MakeCredentialRequest& request);
// Checks whether the user with |account_id| has PIN set up.
bool HasPin(const std::string& account_id);
// Checks whether the user with |account_id| has fingerprint set up.
bool HasFingerprint(const std::string& account_id);
// Returns whether presence-only mode (power button mode) is allowed.
bool AllowPresenceMode();
TpmVendorCommandProxy* tpm_proxy_ = nullptr;
UserState* user_state_ = nullptr;
std::function<void()> request_presence_;
dbus::Bus* bus_ = nullptr;
// Proxy to user authentication dialog in Ash. Used only in UV requests.
dbus::ObjectProxy* auth_dialog_dbus_proxy_ = nullptr;
// Presence-only mode (power button mode) should only be allowed if u2f or
// g2f is enabled for the device (it's a per-device policy). The mode also
// determines the attestation to add to MakeCredential.
U2fMode u2f_mode_;
// Util to append allowlisting data to g2f certificates.
std::unique_ptr<AllowlistingUtil> allowlisting_util_;
// The MakeCredential session that's waiting on UI. There can only be one
// such session. UP sessions should not use this since there can be multiple.
base::Optional<MakeCredentialSession> pending_uv_make_credential_session_;
// The GetAssertion session that's waiting on UI. There can only be one
// such session. UP sessions should not use this since there can be multiple.
base::Optional<GetAssertionSession> pending_uv_get_assertion_session_;
// Hash of the per-user auth-time secret for WebAuthn.
std::unique_ptr<brillo::Blob> auth_time_secret_hash_;
// Storage for WebAuthn credential records.
std::unique_ptr<WebAuthnStorage> webauthn_storage_;
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_;
} // namespace u2f