blob: 15d6db3f7a7d78580eb42b94174dec8061735568 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "buffet/commands/schema_constants.h"
namespace buffet {
namespace commands {
namespace errors {
const char kDomain[] = "command_schema";
const char kOutOfRange[] = "out_of_range";
const char kTypeMismatch[] = "type_mismatch";
const char kPropTypeChanged[] = "param_type_changed";
const char kUnknownType[] = "unknown_type";
const char kInvalidPropDef[] = "invalid_parameter_definition";
const char kNoTypeInfo[] = "no_type_info";
const char kPropertyMissing[] = "parameter_missing";
} // namespace errors
namespace attributes {
const char kType[] = "type";
const char kDisplayName[] = "displayName";
const char kNumeric_Min[] = "minimum";
const char kNumeric_Max[] = "maximum";
const char kString_MinLength[] = "minLength";
const char kString_MaxLength[] = "maxLength";
const char kOneOf_Enum[] = "enum";
} // namespace attributes
} // namespace commands
} // namespace buffet