blob: 96bfdfbab58d214d1d5f617f3a7564d454389f61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include "buffet/any.h"
#include "buffet/commands/schema_constants.h"
#include "buffet/error.h"
#include "buffet/string_utils.h"
namespace buffet {
// InheritableAttribute class is used for specifying various command parameter
// attributes that can be inherited from a base (parent) schema.
// The |value| still specifies the actual attribute values, whether it
// is inherited or overridden, while |is_inherited| can be used to identify
// if the attribute was inherited (true) or overridden (false).
template<typename T>
class InheritableAttribute {
InheritableAttribute() = default;
explicit InheritableAttribute(T val)
: value(std::move(val)), is_inherited(true) {}
InheritableAttribute(T val, bool inherited)
: value(std::move(val)), is_inherited(inherited) {}
T value{};
bool is_inherited{true};
// A bunch of helper function to create base::Value for specific C++ classes,
// including vectors of types. These are used in template classes below
// to simplify specialization logic.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> TypedValueToJson(bool value);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> TypedValueToJson(int value);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> TypedValueToJson(double value);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> TypedValueToJson(const std::string& value);
template<typename T>
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> TypedValueToJson(const std::vector<T>& values) {
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> list(new base::ListValue);
for (const auto& v : values)
return std::unique_ptr<base::Value>(list.release());
// Similarly to CreateTypedValue() function above, the following overloaded
// helper methods allow to extract specific C++ data types from base::Value.
// Also used in template classes below to simplify specialization logic.
inline bool TypedValueFromJson(const base::Value* value_in, bool* value_out) {
return value_in->GetAsBoolean(value_out);
inline bool TypedValueFromJson(const base::Value* value_in, int* value_out) {
return value_in->GetAsInteger(value_out);
inline bool TypedValueFromJson(const base::Value* value_in, double* value_out) {
return value_in->GetAsDouble(value_out);
inline bool TypedValueFromJson(const base::Value* value_in,
std::string* value_out) {
return value_in->GetAsString(value_out);
enum class ConstraintType {
// Abstract base class for all parameter constraints. Many constraints are
// type-dependent. Thus, a numeric parameter could have "minimum" and/or
// "maximum" constraints specified. Some constraints, such as "OneOf" apply to
// any data type.
class Constraint {
Constraint() = default;
virtual ~Constraint();
// Gets the constraint type.
virtual ConstraintType GetType() const = 0;
// Checks if any of the constraint properties/attributes are overridden
// from their base schema definition. If the constraint is inherited, then
// it will not be written to JSON when saving partial schema.
virtual bool HasOverriddenAttributes() const = 0;
// Validates a parameter against the constraint. Returns true if parameter
// value satisfies the constraint, otherwise fills the optional |error| with
// the details for the failure.
virtual bool Validate(const Any& value, ErrorPtr* error) const = 0;
// Makes a copy of the constraint object, marking all the attributes
// as inherited from the original definition.
virtual std::shared_ptr<Constraint> CloneAsInherited() const = 0;
// Saves the constraint into the specified JSON |dict| object, representing
// the object schema. If |overridden_only| is set to true, then the
// inherited constraints will not be added to the schema object.
virtual bool AddToJsonDict(base::DictionaryValue* dict, bool overridden_only,
ErrorPtr* error) const;
// Saves the value of constraint to JSON value. E.g., if the numeric
// constraint was defined as {"minimum":20} this will create a JSON value
// of 20. The current design implies that each constraint has one value
// only. If this assumption changes, this interface needs to be updated
// accordingly.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ToJson(ErrorPtr* error) const = 0;
// Overloaded by the concrete class implementation, it should return the
// JSON object property name to store the constraint's value as.
// E.g., if the numeric constraint was defined as {"minimum":20} this
// method should return "minimum".
virtual const char* GetDictKey() const = 0;
// Static helper methods to format common constraint validation errors.
// They fill the |error| object with specific error message.
// Since these functions could be used by constraint objects for various
// data types, the values used in validation are expected to be
// send as strings already.
static bool ReportErrorLessThan(ErrorPtr* error, const std::string& val,
const std::string& limit);
static bool ReportErrorGreaterThan(ErrorPtr* error, const std::string& val,
const std::string& limit);
static bool ReportErrorNotOneOf(ErrorPtr* error, const std::string& val,
const std::vector<std::string>& values);
// ConstraintMinMaxBase is a base class for numeric Minimum and Maximum
// constraints.
template<typename T>
class ConstraintMinMaxBase : public Constraint {
explicit ConstraintMinMaxBase(const InheritableAttribute<T>& limit)
: limit_(limit) {}
explicit ConstraintMinMaxBase(const T& limit)
: limit_(limit) {}
// Implementation of Constraint::HasOverriddenAttributes().
virtual bool HasOverriddenAttributes() const override {
return !limit_.is_inherited;
// Implementation of Constraint::ToJson().
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ToJson(ErrorPtr* error) const override {
return TypedValueToJson(limit_.value);
// Stores the upper/lower value limit for maximum/minimum constraint.
// |limit_.is_inherited| indicates whether the constraint is inherited
// from base schema or overridden.
InheritableAttribute<T> limit_;
// Implementation of Minimum value constraint for Integer/Double types.
template<typename T>
class ConstraintMin : public ConstraintMinMaxBase<T> {
explicit ConstraintMin(const InheritableAttribute<T>& limit)
: ConstraintMinMaxBase<T>(limit) {}
explicit ConstraintMin(const T& limit)
: ConstraintMinMaxBase<T>(limit) {}
// Implementation of Constraint::GetType().
virtual ConstraintType GetType() const { return ConstraintType::Min; }
// Implementation of Constraint::Validate().
virtual bool Validate(const Any& value, ErrorPtr* error) const override {
const T& v = value.Get<T>();
if (v < this->limit_.value)
return this->ReportErrorLessThan(
error, string_utils::ToString(v),
return true;
// Implementation of Constraint::CloneAsInherited().
virtual std::shared_ptr<Constraint> CloneAsInherited() const override {
return std::make_shared<ConstraintMin>(this->limit_.value);
// Implementation of Constraint::GetDictKey().
virtual const char* GetDictKey() const override {
return commands::attributes::kNumeric_Min;
// Implementation of Maximum value constraint for Integer/Double types.
template<typename T>
class ConstraintMax : public ConstraintMinMaxBase<T> {
explicit ConstraintMax(const InheritableAttribute<T>& limit)
: ConstraintMinMaxBase<T>(limit) {}
explicit ConstraintMax(const T& limit)
: ConstraintMinMaxBase<T>(limit) {}
// Implementation of Constraint::GetType().
virtual ConstraintType GetType() const { return ConstraintType::Max; }
// Implementation of Constraint::Validate().
virtual bool Validate(const Any& value, ErrorPtr* error) const override {
const T& v = value.Get<T>();
if (v > this->limit_.value)
return this->ReportErrorGreaterThan(
error, string_utils::ToString(v),
return true;
// Implementation of Constraint::CloneAsInherited().
virtual std::shared_ptr<Constraint> CloneAsInherited() const override {
return std::make_shared<ConstraintMax>(this->limit_.value);
// Implementation of Constraint::GetDictKey().
virtual const char* GetDictKey() const override {
return commands::attributes::kNumeric_Max;
// ConstraintStringLength is a base class for Minimum/Maximum string length
// constraints, similar to ConstraintMinMaxBase of numeric types.
class ConstraintStringLength : public Constraint {
explicit ConstraintStringLength(const InheritableAttribute<int>& limit);
explicit ConstraintStringLength(int limit);
// Implementation of Constraint::HasOverriddenAttributes().
virtual bool HasOverriddenAttributes() const override;
// Implementation of Constraint::ToJson().
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ToJson(ErrorPtr* error) const override;
// Stores the upper/lower value limit for string length constraint.
// |limit_.is_inherited| indicates whether the constraint is inherited
// from base schema or overridden.
InheritableAttribute<int> limit_;
// Implementation of Minimum string length constraint.
class ConstraintStringLengthMin : public ConstraintStringLength {
explicit ConstraintStringLengthMin(const InheritableAttribute<int>& limit);
explicit ConstraintStringLengthMin(int limit);
// Implementation of Constraint::GetType().
virtual ConstraintType GetType() const override {
return ConstraintType::StringLengthMin;
// Implementation of Constraint::Validate().
virtual bool Validate(const Any& value, ErrorPtr* error) const override;
// Implementation of Constraint::CloneAsInherited().
virtual std::shared_ptr<Constraint> CloneAsInherited() const override;
// Implementation of Constraint::GetDictKey().
virtual const char* GetDictKey() const override {
return commands::attributes::kString_MinLength;
// Implementation of Maximum string length constraint.
class ConstraintStringLengthMax : public ConstraintStringLength {
explicit ConstraintStringLengthMax(const InheritableAttribute<int>& limit);
explicit ConstraintStringLengthMax(int limit);
// Implementation of Constraint::GetType().
virtual ConstraintType GetType() const override {
return ConstraintType::StringLengthMax;
// Implementation of Constraint::Validate().
virtual bool Validate(const Any& value, ErrorPtr* error) const override;
// Implementation of Constraint::CloneAsInherited().
virtual std::shared_ptr<Constraint> CloneAsInherited() const override;
// Implementation of Constraint::GetDictKey().
virtual const char* GetDictKey() const override {
return commands::attributes::kString_MaxLength;
// CompareValue is a helper functor to help with implementing EqualsTo operator
// for various data types. For most scalar types it is using operator==(),
// however, for floating point values, rounding errors in binary representation
// of IEEE floats/doubles can cause straight == comparison to fail for seemingly
// equivalent values. For these, use approximate comparison with the error
// margin equal to the epsilon value defined for the corresponding data type.
// Compare exact types using ==.
template<typename T, bool exact = true>
struct CompareValue {
inline bool operator()(const T& v1, const T& v2) { return v1 == v2; }
// Compare non-exact types (such as double) using precision margin (epsilon).
template<typename T>
struct CompareValue<T, false> {
inline bool operator()(const T& v1, const T& v2) {
return std::abs(v1 - v2) <= std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
// Implementation of OneOf constraint for different data types.
template<typename T>
class ConstraintOneOf : public Constraint {
explicit ConstraintOneOf(const InheritableAttribute<std::vector<T>>& set)
: set_(set) {}
explicit ConstraintOneOf(const std::vector<T>& set)
: set_(set) {}
// Implementation of Constraint::GetType().
virtual ConstraintType GetType() const override {
return ConstraintType::OneOf;
// Implementation of Constraint::HasOverriddenAttributes().
virtual bool HasOverriddenAttributes() const override {
return !set_.is_inherited;
// Implementation of Constraint::Validate().
virtual bool Validate(const Any& value, ErrorPtr* error) const override {
const T& v = value.Get<T>();
constexpr bool exact_type = std::is_same<T, std::string>::value ||
for (const auto& item : set_.value) {
if (CompareValue<T, exact_type>()(v, item))
return true;
std::vector<std::string> values;
for (const auto& item : set_.value) {
return ReportErrorNotOneOf(error, string_utils::ToString(v), values);
// Implementation of Constraint::CloneAsInherited().
virtual std::shared_ptr<Constraint> CloneAsInherited() const override {
return std::make_shared<ConstraintOneOf>(set_.value);
// Implementation of Constraint::ToJson().
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ToJson(ErrorPtr* error) const override {
return TypedValueToJson(set_.value);
// Implementation of Constraint::GetDictKey().
virtual const char* GetDictKey() const override {
return commands::attributes::kOneOf_Enum;
// Stores the list of acceptable values for the parameter.
// |set_.is_inherited| indicates whether the constraint is inherited
// from base schema or overridden.
InheritableAttribute<std::vector<T>> set_;
} // namespace buffet