blob: 3f94509b74a01b9a247674bb7932a2cd77ad0ada [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "firewalld/iptables.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <chromeos/process.h>
namespace {
const char kIptablesPath[] = "/sbin/iptables";
namespace firewalld {
IpTables::IpTables() : IpTables{kIptablesPath} {}
IpTables::IpTables(const std::string& path) : executable_path_{path} {}
bool IpTables::PunchTcpHole(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
uint16_t in_port,
bool* out_success) {
*out_success = PunchHole(in_port, &tcp_holes_, kProtocolTcp);
return true;
bool IpTables::PunchUdpHole(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
uint16_t in_port,
bool* out_success) {
*out_success = PunchHole(in_port, &udp_holes_, kProtocolUdp);
return true;
bool IpTables::PlugTcpHole(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
uint16_t in_port,
bool* out_success) {
*out_success = PlugHole(in_port, &tcp_holes_, kProtocolTcp);
return true;
bool IpTables::PlugUdpHole(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
uint16_t in_port,
bool* out_success) {
*out_success = PlugHole(in_port, &udp_holes_, kProtocolUdp);
return true;
bool IpTables::PunchHole(uint16_t port,
std::unordered_set<uint16_t>* holes,
enum ProtocolEnum protocol) {
if (port == 0) {
// Port 0 is not a valid TCP/UDP port.
return false;
if (holes->find(port) != holes->end()) {
// We have already punched a hole for |port|.
// Be idempotent: do nothing and succeed.
return true;
std::string sprotocol = protocol == kProtocolTcp ? "TCP" : "UDP";
LOG(INFO) << "Punching hole for " << sprotocol << " port " << port;
if (!IpTables::AddAllowRule(executable_path_, protocol, port)) {
// If the 'iptables' command fails, this method fails.
LOG(ERROR) << "Calling 'iptables' failed";
return false;
// Track the hole we just punched.
return true;
bool IpTables::PlugHole(uint16_t port,
std::unordered_set<uint16_t>* holes,
enum ProtocolEnum protocol) {
if (port == 0) {
// Port 0 is not a valid TCP/UDP port.
return false;
if (holes->find(port) == holes->end()) {
// There is no firewall hole for |port|.
// Even though this makes |PlugHole| not idempotent,
// and Punch/Plug not entirely symmetrical, fail. It might help catch bugs.
return false;
std::string sprotocol = protocol == kProtocolTcp ? "TCP" : "UDP";
LOG(INFO) << "Plugging hole for " << sprotocol << " port " << port;
if (!IpTables::DeleteAllowRule(executable_path_, protocol, port)) {
// If the 'iptables' command fails, this method fails.
LOG(ERROR) << "Calling 'iptables' failed";
return false;
// Stop tracking the hole we just plugged.
return true;
// static
bool IpTables::AddAllowRule(const std::string& path,
enum ProtocolEnum protocol,
uint16_t port) {
chromeos::ProcessImpl iptables;
iptables.AddArg("-A"); // append
iptables.AddArg("-p"); // protocol
iptables.AddArg(protocol == kProtocolTcp ? "tcp" : "udp");
iptables.AddArg("--dport"); // destination port
std::string port_number = base::StringPrintf("%d", port);
return iptables.Run() == 0;
// static
bool IpTables::DeleteAllowRule(const std::string& path,
enum ProtocolEnum protocol,
uint16_t port) {
chromeos::ProcessImpl iptables;
iptables.AddArg("-D"); // delete
iptables.AddArg("-p"); // protocol
iptables.AddArg(protocol == kProtocolTcp ? "tcp" : "udp");
iptables.AddArg("--dport"); // destination port
std::string port_number = base::StringPrintf("%d", port);
return iptables.Run() == 0;
} // namespace firewalld