blob: 875f37cf72a21910fd4d44a3bbed8d979671254d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuse_lowlevel.h>
#include <memory>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
namespace smbfs {
namespace internal {
// Base class for maintaining state about a fuse request, and ensuring requests
// are responded to correctly.
class BaseRequest {
bool IsInterrupted() const;
void ReplyError(int error);
explicit BaseRequest(fuse_req_t req);
virtual ~BaseRequest();
const fuse_req_t req_;
bool replied_ = false;
} // namespace internal
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with a simple 'success'
// response.
class SimpleRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
explicit SimpleRequest(fuse_req_t req) : internal::BaseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyOk();
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with a statfs response.
class StatFsRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
explicit StatFsRequest(fuse_req_t req) : internal::BaseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyStatFs(const struct statvfs& st);
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with an attributes response.
class AttrRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
explicit AttrRequest(fuse_req_t req) : internal::BaseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyAttr(const struct stat& attr, double attr_timeout);
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with an entry response.
class EntryRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
explicit EntryRequest(fuse_req_t req) : internal::BaseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyEntry(const fuse_entry_param& entry);
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with an open file handle.
class OpenRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
explicit OpenRequest(fuse_req_t req) : internal::BaseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyOpen(uint64_t file_handle);
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with a new entry and open
// file handle.
class CreateRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
explicit CreateRequest(fuse_req_t req) : internal::BaseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyCreate(const fuse_entry_param& entry, uint64_t file_handle);
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with a buffer of data
// (eg. read()).
class BufRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
explicit BufRequest(fuse_req_t req) : internal::BaseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyBuf(const char* buf, size_t size);
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with a number of bytes
// written.
class WriteRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
explicit WriteRequest(fuse_req_t req) : internal::BaseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyWrite(size_t written);
// State of fuse requests that can be responded to with a set of directory
// entries.
class DirentryRequest : public internal::BaseRequest {
DirentryRequest(fuse_req_t req, size_t size);
// Add a directory entry to the response. |name| is the entry name, must not
// be "." or "..", must be terminated with '\0', and must not contain '/'.
// |inode| is the inode number for the entry. |mode| is the file type and must
// be either S_IFREG or S_IFDIR. |next_offset| is the offset for the _next_
// directory entry (not this one).
bool AddEntry(base::StringPiece name,
fuse_ino_t inode,
mode_t mode,
off_t next_offset);
void ReplyDone();
const size_t size_;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf_;
size_t off_ = 0;
} // namespace smbfs
#endif // SMBFS_REQUEST_H_