blob: 5ffa4a5de99191de70b725d6df7d099592a361d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#error "Don't include this file outside libhwsec!"
// Forward declarations
namespace hwsec {
namespace overalls {
class Overalls;
} // namespace overalls
} // namespace hwsec
namespace trunks {
class CommandTransceiver;
class TrunksFactory;
} // namespace trunks
namespace org {
namespace chromium {
class TpmManagerProxyInterface;
class TpmNvramProxyInterface;
} // namespace chromium
} // namespace org
namespace hwsec {
// Proxy is a layer to abstract the communication between backend and the
// underlying services(e.g. tcsd, trunksd, tpm_managerd). And provide the
// ability to replace with mock or simulator proxy.
class Proxy {
static inline constexpr int kDefaultDBusTimeoutMs = 300000;
virtual ~Proxy() = default;
// These functions shouldn't be virtual function.
hwsec::overalls::Overalls& GetOveralls() const;
trunks::CommandTransceiver& GetTrunksCommandTransceiver() const;
trunks::TrunksFactory& GetTrunksFactory() const;
org::chromium::TpmManagerProxyInterface& GetTpmManager() const;
org::chromium::TpmNvramProxyInterface& GetTpmNvram() const;
Proxy() = default;
void SetOveralls(hwsec::overalls::Overalls* overalls);
void SetTrunksCommandTransceiver(
trunks::CommandTransceiver* trunks_command_transceiver);
void SetTrunksFactory(trunks::TrunksFactory* trunks_factory);
void SetTpmManager(org::chromium::TpmManagerProxyInterface* tpm_manager);
void SetTpmNvram(org::chromium::TpmNvramProxyInterface* tpm_nvram);
hwsec::overalls::Overalls* overalls_ptr_;
trunks::CommandTransceiver* trunks_command_transceiver_;
trunks::TrunksFactory* trunks_factory_ptr_;
org::chromium::TpmManagerProxyInterface* tpm_manager_;
org::chromium::TpmNvramProxyInterface* tpm_nvram_;
} // namespace hwsec