blob: a901cf6a7b8a4fb8382874eb8c406a655a68278e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include "patchpanel/datapath.h"
#include "patchpanel/ipc.h"
#include "patchpanel/shill_client.h"
#include "patchpanel/subprocess_controller.h"
namespace patchpanel {
class GuestIPv6Service {
enum class ForwardMethod {
GuestIPv6Service(SubprocessController* nd_proxy,
Datapath* datapath,
ShillClient* shill_client);
GuestIPv6Service(const GuestIPv6Service&) = delete;
GuestIPv6Service& operator=(const GuestIPv6Service&) = delete;
virtual ~GuestIPv6Service() = default;
void Start();
void StartForwarding(const std::string& ifname_uplink,
const std::string& ifname_downlink,
bool downlink_is_tethering = false);
void StopForwarding(const std::string& ifname_uplink,
const std::string& ifname_downlink);
void StopUplink(const std::string& ifname_uplink);
void OnUplinkIPv6Changed(const std::string& ifname,
const std::string& ipv6_address);
// For local hotspot there is no uplink. We need to first start the RA
// server on the tethering link with the provided prefix info.
// StartForwarding() is still expected to be called among this link and
// other downlinks later to propagate this private prefix to those
// downlinks and to enable NA/NS forwarding.
void StartLocalHotspot(const std::string& ifname_hotspot_link,
const std::string& prefix,
const std::vector<std::string>& rdnss,
const std::vector<std::string>& dnssl);
void StopLocalHotspot(const std::string& ifname_hotspot_link);
// Allow manually set a uplink to use NDProxy or RA server for test
// purpose. This will be exposed by Manager through dbus for tast.
void SetForwardMethod(const std::string& ifname_uplink, ForwardMethod method);
struct ForwardEntry {
ForwardMethod method;
std::optional<std::string> upstream_ifname;
std::set<std::string> downstream_ifnames;
void SendNDProxyControl(NDProxyControlMessage::NDProxyRequestType type,
int32_t if_id_primary,
int32_t if_id_secondary);
// Callback from NDProxy telling us to add a new IPv6 route to guest or IPv6
// address to guest-facing interface.
void OnNDProxyMessage(const FeedbackMessage& msg);
// Helper functions to find corresponding uplink interface for a downlink and
// all downlink interfaces for an uplink.
std::optional<std::string> DownlinkToUplink(const std::string& downlink);
const std::set<std::string>& UplinkToDownlinks(const std::string& uplink);
// IPv6 neighbor discovery forwarder process handler. Owned by Manager.
SubprocessController* nd_proxy_;
// Routing and iptables controller service. Owned by Manager.
Datapath* datapath_;
// Shill Dbus client. Owned by Manager.
ShillClient* shill_client_;
std::vector<ForwardEntry> forward_record_;
// We cache the if_ids of netdevices when start forwarding to ensure that the
// same ones are used when stop forwarding. Note that it is possible that the
// netdevice is already no longer available when we received the StopUplink()
// call.
std::map<std::string, int32_t> if_cache_;
// Uplink ifname -> the IPv6 address on that uplink, read from shill.
std::map<std::string, std::string> uplink_ips_;
// The IP address of neighbors discovered on each downlink. This information
// is used to add /128 routes to those downlinks.
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> downstream_neighbors_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<GuestIPv6Service> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace patchpanel