blob: e6aada8bb94c5939d4e175a86753ebbff500d484 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <attestation/proto_bindings/attestation_ca.pb.h>
#include <crypto/scoped_openssl_types.h>
namespace hwsec_test_utils {
namespace attestation_crypto {
// A functional interface that derives a input seed to the pair of AES and HMAC
// key.
class KeyDeriverBase {
KeyDeriverBase() = default;
~KeyDeriverBase() = default;
// Not copyable or movable.
KeyDeriverBase(const KeyDeriverBase&) = delete;
KeyDeriverBase(KeyDeriverBase&&) = delete;
KeyDeriverBase& operator=(const KeyDeriverBase&) = delete;
KeyDeriverBase& operator=(KeyDeriverBase&&) = delete;
virtual std::string ToAesKey(const std::string& seed) const = 0;
virtual std::string ToHmacKey(const std::string& seed) const = 0;
// |KeyDeriverDirect| returns the input |seed| as the AES key and HMAC key
// directly.
class KeyDeriverDirect : public KeyDeriverBase {
KeyDeriverDirect() = default;
~KeyDeriverDirect() = default;
// Not copyable or movable.
KeyDeriverDirect(const KeyDeriverDirect&) = delete;
KeyDeriverDirect(KeyDeriverDirect&&) = delete;
KeyDeriverDirect& operator=(const KeyDeriverDirect&) = delete;
KeyDeriverDirect& operator=(KeyDeriverDirect&&) = delete;
// Overrides.
std::string ToAesKey(const std::string& seed) const override;
std::string ToHmacKey(const std::string& seed) const override;
// Derives a seed to AES and HMAC key with Sha256(HEADER||seed), where the
// HEADER is "ENCRYPT"/"HMAC", respectively.
class KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader : public KeyDeriverBase {
KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader() = default;
~KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader() = default;
// Not copyable or movable.
KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader(const KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader&) = delete;
KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader(KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader&&) = delete;
KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader& operator=(const KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader&) =
KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader& operator=(KeyDeriverSha256WithHeader&&) = delete;
// Overrides.
std::string ToAesKey(const std::string& seed) const override;
std::string ToHmacKey(const std::string& seed) const override;
// Indicates the success of an operation or the failure case of an operation.
enum class ReturnStatus {
// Decrypts the seed from |encrypted_data_proto| and derive it to the AES and
// the HMAC key. Then, decrypts the data in |encrypted_data_proto| and set the
// decrypted result to |decrypted|. In case of any error, returns the
// corresponding |ReturnStatus|. Otherwise, returns |kSuccess|. The
// implementation hardcodes the encryption algorithm to AES-256 with CBC cipher
// mode and the digest algorithm for HMAC to sha512, for that is the only case
// used in attestation.
ReturnStatus Decrypt(const attestation::EncryptedData& encrypted_data_proto,
const crypto::ScopedEVP_PKEY& key,
const KeyDeriverBase& key_derivation,
std::string* decrypted);
} // namespace attestation_crypto
} // namespace hwsec_test_utils