blob: 1767029cc2ab8332397d32741c1f477da317041f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Implement hibernate resume functionality
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use zeroize::Zeroize;
use crate::cookie::set_hibernate_cookie;
use crate::crypto::{CryptoMode, CryptoReader};
use crate::dbus::{HiberDbusConnection, PendingResumeCall};
use crate::diskfile::{BouncedDiskFile, DiskFile};
use crate::files::{
open_header_file, open_hiberfile, open_kernel_key_file, open_log_file, open_metafile,
use crate::hiberlog::{flush_log, redirect_log, replay_logs, HiberlogFile, HiberlogOut};
use crate::hibermeta::{
use crate::hiberutil::ResumeOptions;
use crate::hiberutil::{
activate_physical_vg, get_page_size, lock_process_memory, log_duration, log_io_duration,
path_to_stateful_block, HibernateError, BUFFER_PAGES,
use crate::imagemover::ImageMover;
use crate::keyman::HibernateKeyManager;
use crate::mmapbuf::MmapBuffer;
use crate::powerd::PowerdPendingResume;
use crate::preloader::ImagePreloader;
use crate::snapdev::{
FrozenUserspaceTicket, SnapshotDevice, SnapshotMode, UswsuspKeyBlob, UswsuspUserKey,
use crate::splitter::ImageJoiner;
/// The ResumeConductor orchestrates the various individual instruments that
/// work in concert to resume the system from hibernation.
pub struct ResumeConductor {
metadata: HibernateMetadata,
key_manager: HibernateKeyManager,
options: ResumeOptions,
impl ResumeConductor {
/// Create a new resume conductor in prepration for an impending resume.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
Ok(ResumeConductor {
metadata: HibernateMetadata::new()?,
key_manager: HibernateKeyManager::new(),
options: Default::default(),
/// Public entry point into the resume process. In the case of a successful
/// resume, this does not return, as the resume image is running instead. In
/// the case of resume failure, an error is returned.
pub fn resume(&mut self, options: ResumeOptions) -> Result<()> {
info!("Beginning resume");
// Ensure the persistent version of the stateful block device is available.
let _rw_volume_group = activate_physical_vg()?;
self.options = options;
// Fire up the dbus server.
let mut dbus_connection = HiberDbusConnection::new()?;
// Start keeping logs in memory, anticipating success.
let result = self.resume_inner(&mut dbus_connection);
// Replay earlier logs first. Don't wipe the logs out if this is just a dry
// run.
replay_logs(true, !self.options.dry_run);
// Then move pending and future logs to syslog.
// Unless the test keys are being used, wait for the key material from
// cryptohome and save the public portion for a later hibernate.
if !self.options.test_keys {
let save_result = self.save_public_key(&mut dbus_connection);
if let Err(e) = &save_result {
warn!("Failed to save public key: {:?}", e);
} else {
/// Helper function to perform the meat of the resume action now that the
/// logging is routed.
fn resume_inner(&mut self, dbus_connection: &mut HiberDbusConnection) -> Result<()> {
// Clear the cookie near the start to avoid situations where we repeatedly
// try to resume but fail.
let block_path = path_to_stateful_block()?;
info!("Clearing hibernate cookie at '{}'", block_path);
set_hibernate_cookie(Some(&block_path), false)?;
info!("Cleared cookie");
let mut meta_file = open_metafile()?;
debug!("Loading metadata");
let mut metadata = HibernateMetadata::load_from_reader(&mut meta_file)?;
if (metadata.flags & META_FLAG_VALID) == 0 {
return Err(HibernateError::MetadataError(
"No valid hibernate image".to_string(),
.context("Failed to resume from hibernate");
// Mark that resume was attempted on this image in case it's the last thing
// we do! This also clears out the private metadata on disk, getting the
// (encrypted) data key off of disk. If this is just a dry run, don't make
// any changes.
if !self.options.dry_run {
metadata.flags &= !META_FLAG_VALID;
metadata.flags |= META_FLAG_RESUME_STARTED;
debug!("Clearing valid flag on metadata: {:x}", metadata.flags);
metadata.write_to_disk(&mut meta_file)?;
debug!("Opening hiberfile");
let hiber_file = open_hiberfile()?;
let _locked_memory = lock_process_memory()?;
let header_file = open_header_file()?;
let kernel_key_file = open_kernel_key_file()?;
self.metadata = metadata;
fn load_kernel_key_blob(
&mut self,
snap_dev: &mut SnapshotDevice,
key_file: &mut BouncedDiskFile,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut blob_buf = [0u8; 4096];
.read_exact(&mut blob_buf)
.context("Could not read kernel key blob")?;
let kernel_key_blob = UswsuspKeyBlob::deserialize(&blob_buf);
.context("Failed to set kernel key blob")?;
/// Inner helper function to read the resume image and launch it.
fn resume_system(
&mut self,
header_file: DiskFile,
hiber_file: DiskFile,
meta_file: BouncedDiskFile,
mut kernel_key_file: BouncedDiskFile,
dbus_connection: &mut HiberDbusConnection,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut log_file = open_log_file(HiberlogFile::Resume)?;
// Don't allow the logfile to log as it creates a deadlock.
// Start logging to the resume logger.
let mut snap_dev = SnapshotDevice::new(SnapshotMode::Write)?;
if (self.metadata.flags & META_FLAG_KERNEL_ENCRYPTED) != 0 {
debug!("Loading kernel key blob");
self.load_kernel_key_blob(&mut snap_dev, &mut kernel_key_file)
.context("Failed to load kernel key blob")?;
// The pending resume call represents the object blocking the
// ResumeFromHibernate dbus call from completing and letting the rest of
// boot continue. This gets dropped at the end of the function, when
// resume has either completed (and not returned) or failed (so this
// boot can continue).
let pending_resume_call =
self.read_image(header_file, hiber_file, &mut snap_dev, dbus_connection)?;
// Explicitly clear out the secret seed before resume is attempted, in
// case resume never returns.
if let Some(mut pending_resume_call) = pending_resume_call {
// Also explicitly clear the private key from the key manager. The
// public key is still needed so it can be saved.
// Let other daemons know it's the end of the world.
let _powerd_resume =
PowerdPendingResume::new().context("Failed to call powerd for imminent resume")?;
info!("Freezing userspace");
let frozen_userspace = snap_dev.freeze_userspace()?;
if self.options.dry_run {
info!("Not launching resume image: in a dry run.");
// Flush the resume file logs.
// Keep logs in memory, like launch_resume_image() does.
} else {
self.launch_resume_image(meta_file, frozen_userspace)
/// Load the resume image from disk into memory.
fn read_image<'a>(
&mut self,
mut header_file: DiskFile,
mut hiber_file: DiskFile,
snap_dev: &mut SnapshotDevice,
dbus_connection: &'a mut HiberDbusConnection,
) -> Result<Option<PendingResumeCall>> {
let page_size = get_page_size();
let mut image_size = self.metadata.image_size;
let total_size = image_size;
debug!("Resume image is {} bytes", image_size);
// Create the image joiner, which combines the header file and the data
// file into one contiguous read stream.
let should_hash_header = (self.metadata.flags & META_FLAG_KERNEL_ENCRYPTED) == 0;
let mut joiner = ImageJoiner::new(
&mut header_file,
&mut hiber_file,
self.load_header(&mut joiner, snap_dev)?;
image_size -= self.metadata.image_meta_size;
let mover_source: &mut dyn Read;
// Fire up the preloader to start loading pages off of disk right away.
// We preload data because disk latency tends to be the long pole in the
// tent, but we don't yet have the decryption keys needed to decrypt the
// data and feed it to the kernel. Preloading is an attempt to frontload
// that disk latency while the user is still authenticating (eg typing
// in their password).
let mut preloader;
let preload_duration;
if self.options.no_preloader {
info!("Not using preloader");
mover_source = &mut joiner;
preload_duration = Duration::ZERO;
} else {
preloader = ImagePreloader::new(
&mut joiner,
.expect("The whole image should fit in memory"),
// By now the kernel has done its own allocation for hibernate image
// space. We can use the remaining memory to preload from disk.
debug!("Preloading hibernate image");
let start = Instant::now();
let preloaded = preloader.load_into_available_memory()?;
preload_duration = start.elapsed();
log_io_duration("Preloaded image", preloaded as i64, preload_duration);
mover_source = &mut preloader;
// Now that as much data as possible has been preloaded from disk, the next
// step is to start decrypting it and push it to the kernel. Block waiting
// on the authentication key material from cryptohome.
let pending_resume_call;
if self.options.test_keys {
pending_resume_call = None;
} else {
// This is what blocks waiting for seed material.
let wait_start = Instant::now();
pending_resume_call = Some(self.populate_seed(dbus_connection, true)?);
let wait_duration = wait_start.elapsed();
log_duration("Got seed", wait_duration);
// With the seed material in hand, decrypt the private data, and fire up
// the big image decryptor.
info!("Loading private metadata");
let metadata = &mut self.metadata;
// Let the kernel fold in the user key now that it's finally available.
if (metadata.flags & META_FLAG_KERNEL_ENCRYPTED) != 0 {
let user_key = UswsuspUserKey::new_from_u8_slice(&metadata.data_key);
.context("Failed to set user key")?;
let mode = if (metadata.flags & META_FLAG_ENCRYPTED) != 0 {
} else {
let mut decryptor = CryptoReader::new(
page_size * BUFFER_PAGES,
if (metadata.flags & META_FLAG_ENCRYPTED) != 0 {
debug!("Image is encrypted");
} else if (metadata.flags & META_FLAG_KERNEL_ENCRYPTED) != 0 {
debug!("Kernel is handling encryption");
} else if !self.options.unencrypted {
error!("Unencrypted images are not permitted without --unencrypted");
return Err(HibernateError::ImageUnencryptedError())
.context("Detected unencrypted image without --unencrypted");
// The first data byte was already sent down. Send down a partial page
// Move from the image, which can read big chunks, to the snapshot dev,
// which only writes pages.
debug!("Sending in partial page");
self.read_first_partial_page(&mut decryptor, page_size, snap_dev)?;
image_size -= page_size as i64;
let main_move_start = Instant::now();
// Fire up the big image pump into the kernel.
let mut mover = ImageMover::new(
&mut decryptor,
&mut snap_dev.file,
image_size as i64,
page_size * BUFFER_PAGES,
.context("Failed to move in hibernate image")?;
let main_move_duration = main_move_start.elapsed();
log_io_duration("Read main image", image_size, main_move_duration);
let total_io_duration = preload_duration + main_move_duration;
log_io_duration("Read all data", total_size, total_io_duration);
// Validate the image data tag.
.context("Failed to verify image authentication tag")?;
if should_hash_header {
// Check the header pages hash. Ideally this would be done just
// after the private data was loaded, but by then we've handed a
// mutable borrow out to the mover source. This is fine too, as the
// kernel will reject writes if the page list size is different. The
// worst an attacker can do is move pages around to other RAM
// locations (the kernel ensures the pages are RAM). The check here
// ensures we'll never jump into anything but the original header.
debug!("Validating header content");
let mut header_hash = [0u8; META_HASH_SIZE];
joiner.get_header_hash(&mut header_hash)?;
let metadata = &mut self.metadata;
if metadata.header_hash != header_hash {
error!("Metadata header hash mismatch");
return Err(HibernateError::HeaderContentHashMismatch())
.context("Failed to load verify resume header pages");
/// Load the page map directly into the kernel.
fn load_header(
&mut self,
joiner: &mut ImageJoiner,
snap_dev: &mut SnapshotDevice,
) -> Result<()> {
// Pump the header pages directly into the kernel. After the header
// pages are fed to the kernel, the kernel will then do a giant
// allocation to make space for the resume image.
let header_size = self.metadata.image_meta_size;
debug!("Loading {} header bytes immediately", header_size);
let start = Instant::now();
let page_size = get_page_size();
&mut snap_dev.file,
page_size * BUFFER_PAGES,
.context("Failed to load in header file")?;
debug!("Done loading header pages");
// Also write the first data byte, which is what actually triggers
// the kernel to do its big allocation.
.context("Failed to write first byte to snapshot")?;
log_io_duration("Loaded page map", header_size, start.elapsed());
/// Block waiting for the hibernate key seed, and then feed it to the key
/// manager.
fn populate_seed(
&mut self,
dbus_connection: &mut HiberDbusConnection,
resume_in_progress: bool,
) -> Result<PendingResumeCall> {
// Block waiting for seed material from cryptohome.
let pending_resume_call = dbus_connection.get_seed_material(resume_in_progress)?;
debug!("Got seed material");
/// To get the kernel to do its big allocation, we sent one byte of data to
/// it after sending the header pages. But now we're out of alignment for the
/// main move. This function sends the rest of the page to get things
/// realigned, and verifies the contents of the first byte. This keeps the
/// ImageMover uncomplicated and none the wiser.
fn read_first_partial_page(
&mut self,
source: &mut dyn Read,
page_size: usize,
snap_dev: &mut SnapshotDevice,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut buffer = MmapBuffer::new(page_size)?;
let buf = buffer.u8_slice_mut();
// Get the whole page from the source, including the first byte.
let bytes_read = source
.context("Failed to read partial first page")?;
if bytes_read != page_size {
return Err(HibernateError::IoSizeError(format!(
"Read only {} of {} byte",
bytes_read, page_size
.context("Failed to read first partial page");
if buf[0] != self.metadata.first_data_byte {
// Print an error, but don't print the right answer.
"First data byte of {:x} was incorrect, expected {:x}",
buf[0], self.metadata.first_data_byte
return Err(HibernateError::FirstDataByteMismatch())
.context("Failed to read first partial page");
// Now write most of the page.
let bytes_written = snap_dev
.context("Failed to write first partial page")?;
if bytes_written != page_size - 1 {
return Err(HibernateError::IoSizeError(format!(
"Wrote only {} of {} byte",
page_size - 1
.context("Failed to write first partial page");
/// Jump into the already-loaded resume image.
fn launch_resume_image(
&mut self,
mut meta_file: BouncedDiskFile,
mut frozen_userspace: FrozenUserspaceTicket,
) -> Result<()> {
// Clear the valid flag and set the resume flag to indicate this image
// was resumed into.
let metadata = &mut self.metadata;
metadata.flags &= !META_FLAG_VALID;
metadata.flags |= META_FLAG_RESUME_LAUNCHED;
metadata.write_to_disk(&mut meta_file)?;
meta_file.sync_all().context("Failed to sync metafile")?;
// Jump into the restore image. This resumes execution in the lower
// portion of suspend_system() on success. Flush and stop the logging
// before control is lost.
info!("Launching resume image");
// Flush out any pending resume logs, closing out the resume log file.
// Keep logs in memory for now.
let snap_dev = frozen_userspace.as_mut();
let result = snap_dev.atomic_restore();
error!("Resume failed");
// If we are still executing then the resume failed. Mark it as such.
metadata.flags |= META_FLAG_RESUME_FAILED;
metadata.write_to_disk(&mut meta_file)?;
/// Save the public key for future hibernate attempts.
fn save_public_key(&mut self, dbus_connection: &mut HiberDbusConnection) -> Result<()> {
info!("Fetching public key for future hibernate");
self.populate_seed(dbus_connection, false)?;