blob: a4f7dac2f02c4a486c24adeae0890a77117ee185 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cryptohome/auth_block.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/gtest_prod_util.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "cryptohome/crypto.h"
#include "cryptohome/tpm.h"
#include "cryptohome/tpm_init.h"
#include "cryptohome/vault_keyset.pb.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class TpmAuthBlock : public AuthBlock {
TpmAuthBlock(Tpm* tpm, TpmInit* tpm_init);
bool Derive(const AuthInput& auth_input,
const AuthBlockState& state,
KeyBlobs* key_blobs,
CryptoError* error) override;
// Checks if the specified |hash| is the same as the hash for the |tpm_| used
// by the class.
bool IsTPMPubkeyHash(const std::string& hash,
CryptoError* error) const;
// Returns the tpm_key data taken from |serialized|, specifically if the
// keyset is PCR_BOUND and |locked_to_single_user| the data is taken from
// extended_tpm_key. Otherwise the data from tpm_key is used.
brillo::SecureBlob GetTpmKeyFromSerialized(
const SerializedVaultKeyset& serialized,
bool locked_to_single_user) const;
// Decrypt the |vault_key| that is not bound to PCR, returning the |vkk_iv|
// and |vkk_key|.
bool DecryptTpmNotBoundToPcr(const SerializedVaultKeyset& serialized,
const brillo::SecureBlob& vault_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& tpm_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& salt,
CryptoError* error,
brillo::SecureBlob* vkk_iv,
brillo::SecureBlob* vkk_key) const;
// Decrypt the |vault_key| that is bound to PCR, returning the |vkk_iv|
// and |vkk_key|.
bool DecryptTpmBoundToPcr(const brillo::SecureBlob& vault_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& tpm_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& salt,
CryptoError* error,
brillo::SecureBlob* vkk_iv,
brillo::SecureBlob* vkk_key) const;
Tpm* tpm_;
TpmInit* tpm_init_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TPMAuthBlockTest, DecryptBoundToPcrTest);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TPMAuthBlockTest, DecryptNotBoundToPcrTest);
} // namespace cryptohome